Self Made Millionaire System – This Offer is Valid for Today Only

October 25, 2015 6 Comments





Product name: Self Made Millionaire System

Product owner: uknown


Price: Free to join, but requires investment

Verdict: Not recommended


Self Made Millionaire System is a new program also known as SMMS claims it can make you a millionaire with little work from your side.

It starts with a classic “Congratulations” greeting so you can feel that this is something new and unique and is different from all other programs you have come across so far.

The ad on their website says that their special offer is valid for today only, but in fact whenever you visit their website you will see the same limited offer for today.

The idea of easy money or making it on autopilot is not new and it looks like Self Made Millionaire System wants us to believe that it’s still possible with their system. Let’s take a look at this amazing program and see what we can expect from it.







The main idea behind Self Made Millionaire System

The idea of this software is to help you become a self made millionaire through trading binary options. They provide you with a software that will do all the hard work for you.

Before investing money they allow you to try their system with virtual money and see how it works.

Many binary trading programs don’t allow it and since SMMS gives us such opportunity it’s really great. Your job will be investing your own money and trading currency pairs trying to predict the currency market.


Pros of Self Made Millionaire System

  • You can try SMMS for free


Cons of Self Made Millionaire System

  • You need to invest money in order to trade
  • SMMS is not different from other binary programs that don’t live up to their promises
  • There are many complaints about internet based binary programs
  • Trading binary options involves a high level of risk
  • No money back guarantee
  • Using fake testimonials
  • Unrealistic claims and false promises


Inside the program

First of all I want to point out that trading binary options opportunity is not a scam in itself and there are some people that are making money with it.


Question #1

The question is: why some people are making money while others are losers? Those that are making money have experience in this business, they treat it as their job, they learned how to do it properly. The bottom line is this: They invested time and effort in order to learn how binary trading works.


Question #2

But the other question is: Does it mean they are making millions? Of course, it’s not about millions and whoever gives you such a promise they are most likely lying to you.

They are making some money, but most binary traders can’t even make $2000/$3000 in order to replace their regular income.

It’s like in any other business: very few people can achieve success and in most cases it happens thanks to their persistence and patience.


Question #3

The other question is: Are those that are making money through binary trading protected from losing their money? Of course, they are not protected.

In fact, a lot of people are losing thousands of dollars in binary business and I’m talking not only about people with zero experience. Even those that have experience lose lots of money. And this leads us to another question.


Question #4

Why do they lose money? Because all binary programs explain that trading binary options involves a high level of risk and you should never invest money that you can’t afford to lose.

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This warning comes from another binary program called Smart Profits which is by the way much better than Self Made Millionaire System. At least, Smart Profits provides support through a live chat and warns you which makes it different from many other binary craps out there.

So, they lose money because in order to make more money you need to invest more money. There are two trading options when it comes binary programs. They have two types of trades: long term and short term trade. In short term you can’t make a lot of money.

In long term you need to invest a significant amount of money in order to make serious money. The more you invest the better for you. But the most money is lost in long term trades and that’s why many people involved in this business are losers.

I know people that have been involved in this business for several years now and still they are losers. The bottom line is this: This business involves a high level of risk. If you want to try it, go and try. It’s up to you. It’s not my cup of tea.


Warnings from reliable sources

Most internet based binary platforms have been rated as low trust programs and SEC doesn’t recommend to get involved in such programs for a number of good reasons. Take a look at the excerpt from SEC’s website and you be the judge.


A similar warning comes from another reliable source that clearly says that trading binary options is similar to gambling.



Free trial

The good part of Self Made Millionaire System is that you can try the system with virtual money, $500. My advice, don’t get fooled with this offer. Of course you can try it for yourself, but keep in mind that success with virtual account can be very misleading and this “success” in no way guarantees your success with real money.





No refund

Also, keep in mind that once you have invested your money which is $250 in most cases, no one is going to refund your money if you lose them within the system.


Fake testimonials

SMMS uses fake testimonials on their site which is very bad and ruins their authority. Take a look at the faces of these millionaires. The question is: Are they real millionaires? I don’t think so. The same faces you can see on another binary trading website called Sure Cash App.




No hard work

As I told above, SMMS claims that their software will do all the hard work for you and you don’t need to worry about predicting market because SMMS software will do it with 100% accuracy. Of course this is not true. There is no way to predict it other than based on experience and knowledge and even then you are not protected from mistakes or losses.




A sign up problem

I tried to create my account several times and here is what I’ve got. Does it look like Self Made Millionaire System is a reliable company? I don’t think so.

SMMS-sign -uperror




Fake live results

They show live results on their website that are most likely fake. I have seen the same trick applied at some other scam programs and that’s why I don’t trust this type of data.





No investment required?

And they claim that you don’t need to invest money in order to trade which is not true. Minimum investment is $250 through Regal Options.


Other binary opportunities

I reviewed many other similar binary programs and most of them are either scams or not recommended.

Millionaire Society

Andrew Taylor Enigma Code

Larry’s Cash Machine

One Click Signals

Guaranteed Outcome

Millionaire Money Machine

Many binary trading programs try to connect you to unlicensed brokers which is very bad for YOU because it’s you who is going to risk the money.


Final word on Self Made Millionaire System

1. Is Self Made Millionaire System a scam? I don’t think so.

2. Do I recommend it? No, I don’t recommend it.

3. Is this opportunity for everyone? No, it’s not for everyone. This opportunity is a good fit only for those that have free money they can afford to lose.

4. There is a warning from reliable sources

5. There is no money back guarantee

6. The opportunity involves a high level of risk

7. Though all binary trading programs try to make an impression of trusted sites there many complaints about most of them.



Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Cyril says:

    This is definitely a scam for me. If the Self Made Millionaire System is another option or binary system, I definitely won’t try this! This is because these system is just providing you a platform to trade but they are just receiving commissions from us and I don’t think it has any different from any other binary option machine. They don’t have any practical education and skills for you. I hope people can avoid this.

    • Rufat says:

      Not all binary options programs are scams. But this one is definitely not the right choice. There are too many cons here one of which is using fake testimonials. If someone wants to trade binary potions they need quality educations first to avoid losing their money.

  2. Neil says:

    There’s nothing I hate more than binary options because the whole concept just stinks, and I know people get scammed by multiple “so called” binary training programs.

    From your review, I can see how people will get scammed by the Self Made Millionaire System. And I don’t see how this program gets away with false claims, testimonials and everything else that makes the program what it is…. a SCAM!

    Thank You for helping me make up my mind on this program, and you will help others too!


    • Rufat says:

      I agree that most binary programs are scams and mislead people. But there are still some sites that teach you how to trade with minimum loss if only it’s possible to say here. Because binary options business is always risky you never know when you lose or win. This one is definitely a scam.

  3. Sammi says:

    This is a really useful review of the binary option programmes around at the moment. Unfortunately, when you genuinely google to try to earn yourself a few pounds all these type of programmes come up which just make matters worse! I looked in to binary options but it just seemed too much of a risk and too complicated for me! I’m glad you’ve written such an honest review – it’s nice to see a review that helps you save money!

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Sammi. I’m glad you like my review and appreciate my being honest. I always follow my principles and try to be maximum open and honest with my readers. I don’t like that many bloggers that review make money program and especially binary options ten to see scam alerts in everything they see around. I think it’s a wrong approach and most people do so for the sake of making more money. I always expose scams if they are really such or if the program is not a scam like Self-Made Millionaire System, I describe it and show all real positive and negative sides. In this specific case I not only try to explain that binary options is not the best option out there available on the net but I also explain why it’s not the best option out there. And I believe my readers appreciate my being honest.

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