Direct Mail Pro Review: 27 Questions Answered

April 6, 2021 0 Comments




Direct Mail Pro Price: $250-$5.000

Founder: Peter Wolfing

Type of product: Affiliate Marketing

Rating: 3 out of 10


What is Direct Mail Pro?

Direct Mail Pro created by Peter Wolfing is the type of product created and marketed by Peter with one idea in mind: to make more money off people like you. There are 3 types of opinions online about this product:

  1. It’s a scam
  2. It’s a good product because of the personality of Wolfing being a successful entrepreneur
  3. It’s a questionable product and opportunity

Let’s do some research and see which opinion is closer to a true nature of this product.



Who is Peter Wolfing?

Peter Wolfing is the CEO of Direct Mail Pro as well as CEO of other programs like

  • Infinity Downline
  • U-Economy
  • National Wealth Center
  • Easy 1UP
  • Turbo Cycler
  • Ultimate Cycler
  • Business Toolbox
  • Infinity 100
  • Pay me Forward


Peter Wolfing


The program was launched in 2019 which means it’s pretty new and there are no even proven facts that Direct Mail Pro really helps people to earn money online.

I don’t know anything about other programs and level of their success.

Records show that Wolfing has started his online career since 1990 and has been successful in the business.

But being successful doesn’t mean you can develop a good product that can help others.

Unfortunately, over the years I’ve seen many successful affiliate marketers who created very mediocre products like Digital Altitude, Empower Network, Direct Mail Pro and the like.



Is Direct Mail Pro Really Unique?

There is no real product here. You market the opportunity itself hoping to close a sale and earn a commission. It’s called as a business in a box type of product.

There is nothing new here. You just pay for the product and then market it to other people. If they buy, you will earn a commission.

You are not going to learn any new skills in the program. It’s just a buy and resell opportunity.

I’ve seen many similar projects in the last 5 years and most of them don’t work in the way they have been advertised and promoted.

In that sense, Direct Mail Pro is NOT unique at all. It’s a very mediocre product.



Who is Direct Mail Pro for?

Direct Mail Pro was designed both for seasoned affiliate marketers and those who want to start making money online quickly. But this is a pure theory.

In fact, this product is for those who have a lot of free money to invest because Direct Mail Pro is mainly focused on paid advertising.

So, if you don’t have money to invest and buy one of Direct Mail Pro packages and then invest money in paid advertising, this product is not for you.



How Much Does Direct Mail Pro Cost?

The price of Direct Mail Pro is very different. Below you can see different prices:

  • Kickstarter Level – $250
  • Amateur Level – $500
  • Elite Level – $1,000
  • Pro Level – $2,500
  • VIP Level – $5,000


compensation plans


You are free to choose any package you want, but as you can see, it’s not cheap at all.

Plus, in order to earn higher commissions, you need to buy more expensive package or higher membership. And it’s not the end of the story.

Because you need way more budget for paid advertising in order to promote your product and earn money.

In that sense, I don’t think Direct Mail Pro is a good opportunity.



Does Direct Mail Pro Provide a Refund?

No, Direct Mail Pro doesn’t provide any refund and it’s not because I think so. It’s based on real facts.

If you visit the website, you won’t find any information regarding refunds.

If you read FAQ section on the website, you will find info about legal status of the program. It says Direct Mail Pro is legal.

But how can it be legal if there is no any information about privacy policy or refund?

Based on this info I can assume that Direct Mail Pro is at least questionable product.



Are There Any Other Upsells or Costs Associated with Direct Mail Pro?

There are no upsells here. But as I said, there are different packages (membership levels) and paid advertising required.

If you don’t have money to invest in paid advertising to drive traffic and promote your product, there is no sense to buy Direct Mail Pro at all.



Is Direct Mail Pro for Everyone?

No, Direct Mail Pro is not for everyone. This type of programs are only for those who have enough budget to invest.

Otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense at all to join programs like Direct Mail Pro.

Especially, if you have no enough experience in affiliate marketing and especially in paid advertising, joining programs like Direct Mail Pro is a waste of time.






How Does Direct Mail Pro Work?

The idea of Direct Mail Pro is super simple. You choose one the packages, $250-$5.000 and then resell it to other people.

This is the whole idea of this program. You don’t learn any marketing skills. You get some basic info and then need to buy paid traffic and drive people to your Direct Mail Pro offer.

If someone buys one of the packages, you will earn a commission 20%-40%.

Your task will be sending people to Direct Mail Pro website and convince them to buy one of their membership packages.



Direct Mail Pro Training

Opinions about Direct Mail Pro are absolutely different. Some experts call it a scam, others call it legit program and some call it an MLM scheme.

I can’t say it’s a scam because I have no such facts to make such a statement.

But it’s clear that Direct Mail Pro works exactly as MLM because your income directly depends on your membership level and you earn income from multiple levels.


introductory video by Peter


So, Direct Mail Pro includes the following material:

  • A USB Flash Drive with Training (video and pdf educational content)
  • A Ticket for a Live Event in New York
  • Physical Marketing Material
  • Onboarding Material
  • Books (The Warrior Within, The Will to Win) and Magazines (Social Media Domination)

You will also get:

  • Sales closers
  • Human trainers
  • Traffic guides and resources




Note, you will get an actual physical box that will be mailed to your address. The higher your membership level the more advanced material you will get.

As Peter explains himself, they teach you the old school method which includes ads, postcards, direct mail, basics of copywriting, social media, other digital methods of marketing.

VIP Box includes not only materials but also a laptop in a separate package to help you grow your business.

The higher your membership level, the more material, content and tools you will get.



What Kind of Support Can You Expect from Direct Mail Pro?

I’m not 100% in my opinion about their support but I can say a few words based on my 6-year experience in affiliate marketing.

I don’t think you can expect quality support from Direct Mail Pro for two simple reasons.

First, Direct Mail Pro is not super popular program and secondly there is no large community of members from which you can expect support.

Direct Mail Pro team can’t provide support to all members because it’s simply impossible.

Over the years I’ve seen very few programs that can provide timely support.

Only super popular programs with a big number of members can provide timely and quality support.

I think Direct Mail Pro doesn’t fit that criteria especially because it was launched in 2019.



Can I Trust Direct Mail Pro?

Considering that Peter Wolfing is an established affiliate marketer, you probably can trust him.

But considering that Direct Mail Pro is very new and I don’t know anyone who actually achieved success with it, I’m not sure I can recommend it.

Plus, the scheme of this type of business which is a classic MLM, I can’t rely on this type of business.

Because I know a good number of people who tries similar programs and they all miserably failed.



Are There Any Complaints About Direct Mail Pro?

As I said above, Direct Mail Pro is comparatively new program with a very limited number of members if at all.

I don’t know if there are any complaints against this program but based on my experience of what I know about MLM programs like Direct Mail Pro that put much emphasis on highly expensive packages, I can predict that in my opinion the future of Direct Mail Pro doesn’t seem to be bright.

I’m sure it will either disappear from the market or will be shut down due to a high number of complaints. The future will show.






Any Income Proof from Direct Mail Pro?

I don’t know of anyone making money with Direct Mail Pro and this is not surprising.

Because it’s a new program and I don’t think anyone will want to invest their money in expensive packages without income proof.

On Direct Mail Pro you can see two testimonials from DMP members.

Unfortunately, I can’t say they are true or fake which is why I can’t give any recommendations.

Probably before joining Direct Mail Pro you can ask Peter to give you email addresses of some real members so you can contact them ask questions.

But I’m sure he will not give you because he will most likely tell you that he can’t give their contact details.

I think you can do some research and try to find income proof online. If you can’t then I don’t recommend to waste your time with Direct Mail Pro.



Is Direct Mail Pro up to date?

Again, I can’t give you any info on that respect. But I think since the program has been launched in 2019, I believe it’s comparatively up to date.

I think it’s not so important in this specific case because the method itself is questionable.

You have to spend a lot of money to buy expensive membership packages, invest money in paid advertising and hope to make sales.

I know people who already tried similar programs and wasted every bit of their money.



What I like in Direct Mail Pro

  • Decent training





What I don’t like in Direct Mail Pro

  • No money back guarantee
  • Expensive membership plans



Does Direct Mail Pro Guarantee Any Results?

Like many other programs, Direct Mail Pro doesn’t guarantee any results and this is very normal.

Especially, since MLM method used here is questionable, chances to making money with the program become very slim in my opinion.



How Soon Can You Start Making Money with Direct Mail Pro?

I don’t think you can start making money with Direct Mail Pro soon. First, because the program is new and there is no good track record.

Second, because membership plans are very expensive. Third, in order to earn your first dollar, you need to start paid advertising.

You can easily waste thousands of dollars without getting any results. The same happened to a friend of mine who was a member of another similar program called Six Figure Mentors.

He spent $7.000 on paid advertising and wasted all his money.

That’s why I think realistically speaking, I’m not even sure you can earn money not to mention earning money soon.





Issues with Direct Mail Pro

Issues that I see in Direct Mail Pro are the following. First, there is no free trial. Second, membership plans are expensive.

Third, there is no money back guarantee. Forth, the program is new, launched in 2019 and there is no good and solid track record.

Fifth, you need to invest a lot of money in paid advertising. For these reasons, though Direct Mail Pro is not a scam, I don’t feel confident to recommend it.



Is Direct Mail Pro training step-by-step?

I can’t say anything bad about Direct Mail Pro training. But no matter how good it is, the main issue is that membership plans are expensive and you need a solid amount of money for paid advertising to make this program work for you.



Can I try Direct Mail Pro for free?

No, you can’t try Direct Mail Pro for free. The minimum membership plan starts from $250 and up to $5.000.



How Much Can You Make with Direct Mail Pro?

Considering that Direct Mail Pro is a classic MLM program, you can make a lot of money, from a few hundred up to thousands of dollars per month.

But this is only theoretical speculations. When it comes to real life experience, it becomes absolutely different.

In order to earn more you have to buy expensive membership levels, from $1.000 and up to $5.000. Plus, spend money and buy traffic. After all this you still need to earn money.

Probably, if you are very smart you can earn a lot of money. But as I can see on the example of many other people trying to make money online, very few people can actually earn money.

Most of the time a few hundred bucks per month. Majority end up wasting all their money without making even a single dollar.

It’s not to disappoint you. I’m just trying to give you a real picture of you can expect.

Direct Mail Pro has 3 types or levels of commissions: 1-st level, 2-nd level and Roll-up level. On the first level you will earn commissions from your personally recruited members.

  • Kickstarter Level – $250 – Commission 40%
  • Amateur Level – $500 – Commission 40%
  • Elite Level – $1,000 – Commission 40%
  • Pro Level – $2,500 – Commission 40%
  • VIP Level – $5,000 – Commission 40%

Commission percentage is the same but when it come to the amount of money, it is very different because the higher your membership level the more money you will earn.

For example, 40% on the first level means $100 commission while on the VIP level 40% means $2.000.

For second level membership you will earn 20% commissions.

Unfortunately, I can’t explain all the details of Direct Mail Pro commission structure because MLM commission structure is always complicated.




Does Direct Mail Pro Work?

It’s a difficult question. For some people it may work and for the rest majority it doesn’t.

It depends on your skills, knowledge, experience, willingness to work hard, amount of money you can invest, patience.



Is Direct Mail Pro Worth My Money and Time?

I think it’s not worth your time and money. Because as I said, it requires a lot of investment in paid advertising and membership packages are expensive.

Chances that you will earn money are very slim. There are way better legit programs available to join like Income School or Wealthy Affiliate and the like.



Is Direct Mail Pro a Scam?

I don’t think it’s a scam. I just don’t think it’s a good opportunity. Based on what I know in my 6-year experience, I would recommend to look for some other opportunities.



Any legit alternatives to Direct Mail Pro?

Yes, see two my favorite programs below


Final Rating of CB Cash Code

Rating 3.5 out of 10



My final opinion:

If you plan to join Direct Mail pro, you are free to do so. If you are looking for legit alternatives to this program

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate or Income School, programs that I’ve personally tried. Both programs are legit and their approach is suitable for most beginners wanting to earn their first dollar online.




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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