Amazon Cash Websites Review – Amazon Business Opportunity?

August 16, 2019 0 Comments

Amazon Cash Websites








Overall Quality



  • Amazon business is legit


  • Paid testimonials
  • Outrageous income claims
  • Risky investment



Name: Amazon Cash Websites

Website: multiple names

Founders: unknown

Price: $47 plus upsells

Overall score: 1 out of 5


I’m going to write a review about Amazon Cash Websites. This review will be short because I already did my research of other programs standing behind this program.

It uses new names to promote the same old program that has been already promoted for a couple of years online.

There is nothing new in Amazon Cash Websites. I do this review only because there are still a lot of people searching for this program and as a result they fall for this scam.



Short review of Amazon Cash Websites

Amazon Cash Websites is a program that explains how to make money using Amazon program.

This is totally legit. No problems with that.

But this opportunity is explained as an easy way to make a lot of money with little effort. This part is not true.



Pros of Amazon Cash Websites

  • Amazon business is legit



Cons of Amazon Cash Websites

  • Paid testimonials
  • Outrageous income claims
  • Risky investment




Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2



Create Your Free Starter Account



Amazon Cash Websites review

I’ve already done a research and wrote about this business opportunity many times. I found 8 programs that are promoting this opportunity and all of them are doing the same thing.

They use same strategies, such as making outrageous income claims, showing picture of Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos, announcing about their business opportunity on fake news sites.




I did some research again and found a negative info which means those who stand behind all these programs didn’t change their approach.

Amazon Cash websites is following link posting trend and like other low quality programs explains Amazon business in the form of copying and pasting links.

By doing so they promise you to make a lot of money which is far from reality.

When it comes to sites promoting this fake Amazon business opportunity here is the incomplete list of some of these websites.



There are way too many of them but so far I know only about these 8 websites. Probably there are many other sites continuing their scamming activity.

Once I know them I will add them to this list.

Unfortunately, instead of explaining to people what exactly they can expect from Amazon Cash Websites, creators of this program promise huge profits like $14k per month on a complete autopilot.

In fact, king this kind of money online using Amazon affiliate program is absolutely though very few people can achieve that level.

These people from Amazon Cash websites try to show that it’s super easy.




To convince people they show fake photos of so called “happy” entrepreneurs that did it thanks to joining Amazon Cash websites.

I warn you against this and other similar programs. Be careful. They are lying to you.



Is Amazon Cash websites a real opportunity or just a waste of time?

When it comes to the idea of building a business using Amazon affiliate program it’s legit and can be very profitable.

Profitability and success depend on how you approach your business. If you approach it seriously and apply the right and legit strategies you can be very successful.

If you do it wrong you will be in failure. The way Amazon Cash Websites shows you is wrong.

Though you can learn a thing or two from the program I strongly doubt you can achieve any level of success with it.

The program creators only promise you a few hundred bucks a day which can take years to achieve. But they claim it is very easy and quick.

In fact, what Amazon Cash Websites is trying to teach you called Affiliate marketing.

If you are looking for such a program, you can choose one of these two programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2

The other side of affiliate marketing Amazon Cash websites is trying to teach you called FBA ( Fulfillment by Amazon).

For this you can choose Amazing Selling Machine or Shopify.

These are two very solid programs and there is no need to go to Amazon Cash Websites, a fly-by-night website.



What I don’t like about Amazon Cash Websites

There are a few things to not like about Amazon Cash websites and I want to briefly mention all of them. First thing is about promising quick money.

This strategy is very widespread on the internet and very annoying.

It’s hard to imagine that to this day many people still believe that making money online is easy and as a result fall victims to such misleading offers.




Creators of Amazon Cash Websites again use prerecorded video testimonials prepared by actors from freelance sites, such as Fiverr or Upwork.

Example of such fake testimonials you can see below on the screenshots.

Amazon Cash Websites is promoted through different websites, such as:

  • htttp://



Almost all of these sites are not working which proves that they are all fly-by-night companies.

BTW, on the screenshot below you can see what you get when you try visit any of these sites.



What I like about Amazon Cash Websites

There is only one positive aspect in this program. You can get a mediocre training and learn some useful stuff.

But this will not be enough for building a successful business online.



Final word on Amazon Cash Websites

In my opinion, Amazon Cash Websites has too many cons to recommend it to anyone.

I believe you will have way more chances for success if you choose one of those programs I recommended in this review.

When it comes to Amazon Cash Websites, there is a very high risk of losing your hard earned money if you decide to invest in this program.



Final glance at Amazon Cash Websites

  • Amazon business is legit
  • Paid testimonials
  • Outrageous income claims
  • Risky investment
  • Overall score: 1 out of 5



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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