Affiliate Cash Club Review

January 9, 2020 0 Comments

Affiliate Cash Club


Quality of the Program









  • 60 days money back guarantee
  • Quality training
  • Affiliate marketing is 100% legit


  • Video is totally misleading
  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Fake testimonials from Fiverr
  • No supportive community
  • ACC removed from Clickbank



Product name: Affiliate Cash Club


Owner: Jordan Mathews

Price: $37 plus upsells up to $540

Overall rank: 3 out of 10


A few days ago I came across a program that immediately caught my attention. It was Affiliate Cash Club. It caught my attention for two reasons:

First, it looked legit because of being a Clickbank product.

Very often people think if it’s a Clickbank product it must be legit. Second reason was because of bold claims in the promo video of the program.

So, I decided to check if this program was really as helpful and revolutionary as Jordan Mathews, the CEO of the company claimed it to be.

If you want to know the results of my research read the rest of my review.


Short review of Affiliate Cash Club

Affiliate Cash Club is a program that contains a lot of training modules on affiliate marketing teaching you both free and paid methods.

Jordan Mathews claims his program will start making you money the same day you join Affiliate Cash club. Is that true or just another bold claim with no proof?

I will explain how the program works and what to expect from Jordan.




  • 60 days money back guarantee
  • Quality training
  • Affiliate marketing is 100% legit




  • Video is totally misleading
  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Fake story
  • Teaching unethical methods
  • Fake testimonials from Fiverr
  • No supportive community
  • ACC removed from Clickbank



Looking for legit affiliate marketing training?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2



Affiliate Cash Club upsells:

  • Initial price: $37
  • Upsell 1: Affiliate Cash Club Secret Method – $197
  • Downsell – $147
  • Upsell 2: Affiliate Cash Club Profit Machine System – $196
  • Total budget required for Affiliate Cash Club: $577



Before you invest $37 in Affiliate Cash Club

First of all I would like to briefly explain things you must know before investing $37 in Affiliate Cash Club.

When you start watching promo video on Affiliate Cash club you will hear a fake story of Jordan who was poor and could hardly support his family needs.



He wife was sick and was going to die and then Jordan came across Affiliate Cash Club and all his problem were solved in a month or so.

He claims he made $2 million dollars over the past 2 years using exact same method he is going to teach you through Affiliate Cash Club.

Like many other similar programs Jordan promises to give you access to incredible done-for-you money system that will turn you into a millionaire.

He shows Clibank his Clickbank earnings trying to convince you that you can achieve the same.

He claims existing members of Affiliate Cash Club are making $35.000 every single month which of course means you can do it too.




In fact, Affiliate Cash Club is like a dead course where you go through the training and then left alone in a dark world of affiliate marketing.

No advice, no support, no live chat. The content looks like was taken from Udemy and I’m not sure if they legally promote it as their own course.





Jordan Mathews claims he:


  • Tried Amazon and failed
  • Tried Shopify and failed
  • Tried and failed with many other sites
  • Tried and failed at content creation
  • Tried and failed at paid advertising
  • Tried and failed at e-commerce business (hard work required)


He asked one of email senders to reveal the secrets to making money online and then discovered Affiliate Cash Club.

That person was a member of Affiliate Cash Club for many years and other members were making crazy money working just 10 minutes per day. This is insane!

Any honest affiliate marketer will tell you that this is impossible. Affiliate marketing is totally different from what Jordan tells you.

Jordan claims he didn’t have to build a site or find products to sell. He claims to make his first $10.000 in the very first week after starting as an affiliate marketer.

He claims all he needed to do was spending 10 minutes on his laptop and start raking in profits. He claims to make $1.500 per day.




All that was achieved by Jordan without having a website or selling his own products.

And like many other affiliate programs and affiliate marketers that I’ve seen over the past 5 years, Jordan wants to help people like you who are desperate to making money online.

And like many others, Jordan claims all you need to get started is just a laptop and an internet connection.

He claims you can start making money the same day you join Affiliate Cash Club.

And of course, like all other so called affiliate gurus Jordan plays on feelings that everyone is tired of living paycheck to paycheck and Affiliate cash Club can help you live a millionaire lifestyle.

Once you paid for Affiliate Cash Club you will watch a welcoming video.

Then you will go the page that says you have to get ready for a 5 star lifestyle change in your life.



Affiliate Cash Club training

  • Click Funnels: Online sales using email sales funnels with ClickFunnels
  • Ultimate email marketing and autoresponders guide
  • Clickbank: Beginner affiliate marketing: Home business success 2019
  • 1000% landing page optimization & sales funnels conversion
  • How to get customers to spend more with your business
  • Link building 2019: Google SEO # 1 ranking tactic (backlinks)
  • SEO: Advanced SEO: Rank in all 10 Google search results (SERPS)


ACC training


For example, Click Funnels training alone will take a LOT of your time to complete the course.

You are going to learn how to find a product, create well-converting landing page, promote your page through Facebook ads, solo ads, social media and more.

So, really to complete the training you are going to learn so many new skills and then make some investment in solo ads, Facebook ads or other paid advertising methods.




Clickbank training also is very thorough and going to take a LOT of your time.

To learn things like choosing affiliate products to promote, writing product reviews, recording YouTube reviews, creating content for promoting affiliate offers, running CPA offers, learning how to drive traffic to offers and monetizing them, Amazon affiliate program’s pros and cons, learning SEO secrets, Facebook retargeting, social media automation tools, strategies, learning Google Adwords secrets and strategies, finding and joining CPA and affiliate networks,




1000% landing page optimization & sales funnels conversion training also as thorough as all previous trainings.

You will learn all secrets of getting highly converting landing page, writing a review, adding testimonials, awards, videos for boosting conversions, offering discounts for higher conversions and sales and more.




Link building 2019: Google SEO # 1 ranking tactic (backlinks): In this training you will learn latest SEO ranking factors including link building which is still a huge ranking factor in SEO world.

You will learn things like relevance, authority, follow, no-follow links, how to get quality links, internal linking, external linking.




In short, Affiliate Cash club includes trainings created by Alex Genadinik who has a ton of internet marketing courses on website.

Each of his courses costs around $11. With Affiliate Cash Club you pay only fraction of it which is $37. I don’t know if Jordan has a permission from Alex or not.

But you must remember that you still need to pay for the upsells which is around $577 in total.



Is Affiliate Cash Club training really helpful?

The question is: Is Affiliate Cash Club training really helpful? As you can see from the screenshots above, Affiliate Cash Club contains a lot of training modules on different topics of affiliate marketing.

From my experience I can tell the quality of the training is not that bad. Especially because most of this content comes from Udemy.




But the main problem with ACC (Affiliate Cash Club) is that what is sold for $37 is not enough for achieving your online business goals.

You still need to pay for upsells. Plus ACC doesn’t offer any kind of support or active and helpful community.

This means even with this kind of material your chances for success are very slim. I would stay away from ACC.



Affiliate Cash Club and reality

Affiliate Cash Club though offers some helpful content and can actually teach you some useful things, generally speaking it’s far from reality.

It contains some bold claims and promises quick and easy success in affiliate marketing. Is it real or achievable? Not at all!

In the best scenario you need at least 6 months to start seeing some decent income. In the worst scenario you need at least 12 to 24 months.

Jordan says working 10 minutes per day is enough and you can start making $10.000 in the very first month after joining Affiliate Cash Club.




I would say, it ‘s a complete BS.

Things like:


  • Finding an affiliate product
  • Creating text or video content
  • SEO
  • Promoting your content
  • Getting backlinks
  • Paid advertising
  • Technical aspects of your website
  • Social marketing
  • Competition research
  • Email marketing
  • Landing page (setting up, promoting)


All of this takes weeks and months if not years to get it done the right way so you can start seeing monetization of your efforts.

That’s why I recommend to stay away from Affiliate cash Club. Because what is promised in the promo video is totally far from reality!!!



Why I gave such a low score to Affiliate Cash Club?

You may be wondering why I gave such a low score to Affiliate Cash Club or maybe even Jordan Mathews who can come across my site and ask the same question.

My answer would be as follows. When it comes to the training itself, it’s not bad, but ACC has too many cons in my opinion.

They all easily outweigh a few pros the program has. Bold claims is something I can’t agree with at all.

Fake testimonials prove that the program is still new and Jordan can’t even show real successful members. Otherwise why pay actors from Fiverr?






No real support in the program or active community. Too many hidden and expensive upsells.

I believe all this and many other reasons explain very well why I gave such as low score to Affiliate Cash Club.

Reasons for giving a low score to ACC:

  • It has 40% refund rate
  • A lot of unrealistic income claims
  • Fake testimonials from fiverr
  • No support
  • Too many hidden upsells
  • The product was removed from Clickbank



Is Affiliate Cash Club Legit?

ACC was removed from Clickbank and is now available on ClickBetter. There is a question: Why it was removed?

Because of many refunds that you can see in the screenshot. I’ve seen many other programs like ACC that were removed for a high rate of refund.

This proves again that ACC is not a complete scam but it’s really hard to say it’s legit due to many cons in the program.



Final review of Affiliate Cash Club

  • 60 days money back guarantee (good)
  • Quality training (good)
  • Affiliate marketing is 100% legit (good)
  • Video is totally misleading (bad)
  • Unrealistic income claims (bad)
  • Fake story (bad)
  • Teaching unethical methods (bad)
  • Fake testimonials from Fiverr (bad)
  • No supportive community (bad)
  • ACC removed from Clickbank (bad)
  • Many hidden upsells (bad)
  • Overall score: 3 out of 10



Looking for legit affiliate marketing training?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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