Affiliate Marketing is a Waste of Time if You Don’t Know This Little Secret

December 25, 2019 0 Comments



Affiliate marketing is a great opportunity that allows anyone to show what they are capable of, learn new skills, deliver value, help people and at the same time monetize their ideas and skills.

Affiliate marketing is often described as a lucrative way opportunity or passive income method. But very few people talk about pitfalls of affiliate marketing.

In fact, affiliate marketing can be either profitable or complete waste of time if you don’t understand the process.



What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing has two ways of monetization. One is through selling your own product or service and second way is through selling products or services you don’t own.

It can be a physical product, digital product, consultation, eBook, video course, audio course, any kind of service like text editing, writing content, design service and more.

The list is endless. Both ways can be very profitable. It depends on how you apply what you learn.

Because learning and practicing process is not the same for everyone. And like anything in life, affiliate marketing has its pros and cons.






What needs to be done for you as an affiliate marketer?

As an affiliate marketer you need to do a lot of things in order to become successful in affiliate marketing.

Many people still think it is all about setting up a website, writing 5,6 articles, adding some affiliate links and you start making money.

Some people even associate it with posting links online where the idea is all about posting links on the internet and raking in profits. The reality is quite different.

So, before telling you a secret of affiliate marketing so it can be profitable and not wasting your time I would like to explain briefly what needs to be done so you understand the whole process.




As an affiliate marketer you need to:

  • Choose affiliate marketing training (Program #1, Program #2)
  • Choose a niche based on your interest
  • Do an in-depth research both of your niche and the competition
  • Build a website
  • Buy a domain name and web-hosting
  • Connect your website to your hosting
  • Choose topics of your future topics
  • Do keyword research and keyword competition
  • Start writing content for your website
  • Launch a YouTube channel
  • Sign up for affiliate program/s
  • Create your own product (optional)
  • Promote your content (optional)
  • Sign up for ad networks (optional)
  • Sign up for CPA networks (optional)
  • Start email marketing (optional)
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Paid advertising (optional)
  • Social outreach (optional)

As you can see, affiliate marketing involves many different steps and taking action on each step requires a lot of your time.

Though some steps may require way more time like writing content than other steps like building a website. Some steps are completely optional.

But all these steps are important and may change from niche to niche.

I believe this gives you a better idea what affiliate marketing is about and you understand that affiliate marketing is not that simple.

Depending on how you apply what you’ve learned, your results may differ a lot.

Now let’s see find out what is the little secret that makes affiliate marketing profitable and not waste of time because if you don’t understand the process it may seem that you are doing things that are wasting your time.




What is the little secret of affiliate marketing?

When you start taking action on the steps explained above you need to understand that you are going to take these steps continuously.

As I said, each will take a lot of effort and time. Some optional steps may require monetary investment.

For example, steps, such as going through affiliate marketing training will take some time as well as niche, competition and keyword research.

These steps are extremely critical. Because it is like preparing for a fight. If you feel you can’t beat your opponent you better avoid the fight.

Otherwise you will be wasting your time without realizing that your niche is too competitive to be able to win first spots in Google search.

Then you will be creating content for your website and probably for Youtube channel.


Because all successful blogs need a YouTube channel for four main reasons:


  • Ranking YouTube videos is much easier that blog posts
  • Ranking Youtube videos is a very fast process
  • Getting traffic from Youtube is much easier than from Google
  • You can get a massive traffic from YouTube


Once you start creating content (blog posts) and YouTube videos you will be doing it continuously, for months and probably for years to come.

On this step you need to focus on creating super helpful and valuable content in order to win first spots in Google search.

Game rules have changed and now quality rules on quantity.

But when you start creating videos or writing content for your blog you will realize that not all of your content will get ranked on Google or Youtube.

Probably only some of your content will get ranked and send you the traffic.

But does it mean you will be wasting your time by creating content that never ranks or sends you the traffic? Yes and No. I will explain it further.

Your main goal as an affiliate marketer is to continue create useful and helpful content and keep your rankings in search engines so you can continue getting traffic to your blog and channel.

But as I said, some of your content will inevitably send you organic traffic that you will be able to monetize.

This means even if only some of your content gets ranked you will be profitable. But how much you will earn is another question.

If you have massive rankings you will be raking in profits. If you have decent rankings you still will be profitable. In fact, you will not be wasting your time.

Unfortunately, I’ve never had massive rankings on Google but still I’m profitable. Over the past 4 years I made over $45.000 online through affiliate marketing.

In general, did I waste my time by creating content both on Google and YouTube that have never sent me organic traffic? Definitely Yes!

Did I waste my time? Definitely not! I made a good amount of money and I’m satisfied with these decent results.

So, this is the secret of affiliate marketing. If you dedicate time and effort, you will make money.

Some of your efforts and time will be wasted but it will be paid off.


Looking for affiliate marketing and SEO Training?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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