How to Rank # 1 in Google Search

November 10, 2019 0 Comments



Every blogger that has a blog wants to rank # 1 in Google search because if they rank # 1 it will drive a flood of traffic to their business.

All bloggers are struggling for top spots in Google search but unfortunately not everyone can achieve it. Honestly speaking, very few sites can do it.

Because it’s easy to learn how to rank # 1 but it’s extremely hard to apply it.

Anyone who has a blog knows what I’m talking about and in this post I will show some ranking factors that play a huge role in your site rankings.

There are too many factors, about 200 of them you need to take into consideration. In this post I will talk only about 5 major ranking factors.

This info works 100% in terms of SEO but it doesn’t work for all sites equally.

I can’t give you guarantees whatsoever because I don’t know how you are going to apply those methods. I don’t know what kind of results you will get.

So, as I said, there are several major factors I’m going to show that can help you improve your site rankings.



Helpful content

The first most important factor that is # 1 factor is the content. But it’s not just about any content. You need to create the most interesting, engaging and helpful content.

Google’s job is helping people find the best and the most relevant content that they are looking for.

Your job is to provide the type of content people need and want to find when doing search on Google.

By creating helpful content I mean you can do product comparison and create a comparison table so readers can see the info in a helpful format.

Also, you can write a bulleted list and show advantages and disadvantages of the product.

You can compare only certain features of two products and show why one product is outperforms another product.

The idea is to create content in the best and the most helpful format possible that will please both Google and readers/searchers.

It’s difficult to explain how exactly you should format your content because it differs a lot from niche to niche, from product to product and from service to service.

But I believe, the idea is clear now and you have a better understanding on how to write the type of content that can win top spots in Google search.



Relevant content

Relevant content is another most crucial part of content creation that results in high rankings.

When you choose a topic and write content about that topic you need to stay laser focused on it.

Most of the time bloggers try to write longer posts and add more paragraphs just to fill up the space and make their posts as long as possible.

This leads to creating content that is not so relevant and after reading half of the post or even less readers leave the site.

This sends Google a signal that your post is not so relevant and as a result your post doesn’t get ranked high in Google search.

You can cover different topics but always stay within your main topic.

So, relevancy is the key factor when it comes to ranking high in Google search, especially ranking in top 5 spots.



Simple language

When you create content for your blog use simple language instead of using terminology that most people don’t understand.

You need to talk language that your readers can understand easily.

Because if they don’t understand what you try to explain they will bounce (leave) your website and go to another site.

Even if you teach some specific stuff try to do it in the most easiest and simple way possible.

Sometimes you may need to explain things and can’t avoid some specific terminology. But whenever you use such terminology don’t forget to explain what it means.

Explaining things in a simple and understandable way is a key factor if you try to rank your content # 1 in Google search.

Also, remember to do some research and learn the exact terminology used when writing about your desired niche topic.

This is important to comply both with terminology used in your niche and Google ranking algorithm.

Google uses it to recognize your content and rank it in the search that is relevant to your niche topic and your industry terminology.



Quality over quantity approach

When you write content for your blog make sure you spend enough time to produce something really unique and helpful.

Google doesn’t want you to publish content just for the sake of publishing. Some blogs try to publish content every single day to prove Google that their blogs get updated daily.

They believe this approach will help them gain more authority and get more traffic. In fact, this approach works for very few niches and very few sites.

Most of the time this approach doesn’t work at all. Creating long, unique and helpful content 2,3 times a month is more than enough to get ranked # 1 in Google search.

For example, has about 40 posts and is getting thousands of visitors daily.

I know many other sites that have over 600 posts on their site and they get only 100 visits a day or even less than that.



Final Word on How to Rank # 1 in Google Search

There are way more things to take into account, such as technical issues, site audit, broken links, on page SEO, OFF page SEO, site speed, internal linking, proper keyword research, fast hosting.

But I discussed only those related to content because content is the most crucial part of any blog wanting to rank # 1 in Google search.

If you have quality and properly optimized content and some minor technical issues on your website it will not hold your site from ranking in top search results.

Put your main focus into creating top quality content and you will be able to achieve your SEO goals.



Looking for traffic or SEO Training?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2


Filed in: Popular, SEO

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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