How to write content that ranks on Google

November 28, 2023 1 Comment
How to write content that ranks on Google

    In today’s digital landscape, creating content that not only captivates your audience but also ranks high on Google is essential for online success. With millions of websites vying for attention, understanding the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. It’s not merely about producing informative or engaging content; it’s about crafting content […]

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How Much Traffic Do You Need to Make Money with a Blog

November 17, 2022 4 Comments
How Much Traffic Do You Need to Make Money with a Blog

    We have to admit that this question: “How Much Traffic Do You Need to Make Money with a Blog” is quite common on the Internet. Many people are interested and want to have an idea about blogging on the Internet and how much traffic you need to have in order to make good […]

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Why is My Website Traffic So Low?

August 11, 2022 0 Comments
Why is My Website Traffic So Low?

    Many affiliate marketers who have been involved in affiliate marketing for some time know that traffic is the hardest part of an online business. We all work very hard on our websites trying to get a lot of traffic because the success or failure of our business depends on it. It’s no secret […]

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Is it Worth Buying Cheap Traffic for your Website?

July 29, 2022 0 Comments
Is it Worth Buying Cheap Traffic for your Website?

    This time I want to touch on such an important issue as buying traffic. Because this question is important for any affiliate marketer who has a website. If you have a website, then you definitely need to solve the problem with traffic, because without traffic you will not be able to earn anything […]

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What Keeps Your Website from Ranking: a Short Guide to SEO in 2022

February 17, 2022 0 Comments
What Keeps Your Website from Ranking: a Short Guide to SEO in 2022

    First of all we must keep in mind two important things:   Google is constantly improving, changing its ranking algorithm  Google will never tell you the exact steps you must follow in order to get on top of Google   When it comes to ranking factors, in fact, there are hundreds of them […]

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How to Use Affiliate Links on Your Website

January 18, 2022 0 Comments
How to Use Affiliate Links on Your Website

    Affiliate links are an inevitable part of your online business and if you plan to start your online business and make money from your website, you have to plan using affiliate links and do it wisely. Without affiliate links your website will be just a great source of information which is already good […]

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Why is My Website Losing Traffic and How to Restore it

August 31, 2020 0 Comments
Why is My Website Losing Traffic and How to Restore it

    Any blogger who has a website and losing traffic know what I’m talking about. It’s really very disappointing and frustrating to see your website losing traffic and can’t do anything. You create quality content, put effort and time into it and see no rankings, no traffic, no engagement. You create content day after […]

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