Click Clone Cash: Can You Really Clone Businesses?

August 20, 2020 4 Comments

Click Clone Cash


Service Quality


Quality Support





  • No pros


  • Video is highly misleading
  • False profit claims
  • Paid scam actors
  • No supportive community
  • Website is down



Product name: Click Clone Cash


Founders: Josh Owens (Tim Atkinson)

Price: $90/6 months, $152/12 months

Overall rank: 1 out of 10


You probably want to know about Click Clone Cash system and Josh Owens, the founder of this system who claims can teach you to earn $100.000 per month guaranteed.

Believe it or not but this is how Click Clone Cash is advertised on the internet. This time Josh claims he can teach and do for you what others can’t.

He can give you access to a system that will do everything for you. You just sit back and relax and earn money on auto-pilot.

Let’s find out if Click Clone Cash is a scam or really can clone businesses for you.



Short Review of Click Clone Cash

Josh says Click Clone Cash will clone businesses for you so you can make money without doing any hard work.

A few minutes of some set up and you are done. This is how Click Clone Cash is explained by Josh Owens.



Pros of Click Clone Cash

  • No pros



Cons of Click Clone Cash

  • Video is highly misleading
  • False profit claims
  • Paid scam actors
  • No supportive community
  • Bad reputation online
  • Website is down
  • Hidden costs (upsells)



My Top Recommended Programs

    Program # 1 – Wealthy Affiliate

  Program # 2 – Income School




Who is Click Clone Cash For?

Theoretically speaking Click Clone Cash is designed for affiliate marketers, those wishing to build an online business and work from the comfort of their home.

Practically speaking, this program is designed to scam people and waste their money because it teaches people unethical practices and doesn’t deliver any real value.



Click Clone Cash Review

First of all, Click Clone Cash is very suspicious because of using shady methods to promote its business.

The video starts showing you ridiculous things like giving you a business ready to take off like F16 plane or by asking you a question like: do you want a house in the country? Or how about vacating around the world?




The most ridiculous argument in the video is asking if you want to have a business able to print money right in to your account.

Have you ever heard such crazy statements?

The program is promoted through sites, such as


Currently both websites are down and it’s really great news that these sites are down.

People are now saved from falling to this scam. Unfortunately, there are still many other programs scamming people.


paid actor


Things to Know Before Investing $47 in Click Clone Cash

First of all, if you want to know if I tried this program or not, my answer is NO.

I don’t want to waste my money for two reasons:

  • I’m not sure I can get my money back
  • My 6 year experience tells me to avoid this program


But I tried many other programs, such as



As you can see, when I know the program delivers quality and helps people earn money online I invest my hard earned money to see how the product performs and write my genuine review.

If I see a product is a waste of time based on my experience I don’t invest my money because I don’t want to waste my money.

I do my in-depth research based one my knowledge in affiliate marketing and my experience.

When it comes to Click Clone Cash, believe me, it’s a waste of time.

My explanation why I think Click Clone Cash is a scam:

  • Because websites are down
  • Because there are too many fantastic income promises
  • Because the video is misleading
  • Because the idea of cloning business is a total BS





Any Income Proof from Josh Owens

Unfortunately, Click Clone Cash by Josh Owens follows the same path followed by other scams.

In the video it’s not clear what you are going to get into.

Only fantastic income promises and complete automation of the business process which sounds fantastic and ridiculous.

So called Josh who is I’m sure a fake personality, doesn’t show any income proof.

All you can see are paid actors from freelance websites and even they can’t show any income proof.



How Does Click Clone Cash Work?

As I said above, Click Clone Cash is very different from other programs.

Josh says his system will find successful income generating businesses for you online and clone them for you as if you own them.

Once you install the web-based software on your PC the program will start searching for online affiliate businesses and copying them for you.

I’ve never heard such fantastic statements. Or statements that you will make money instantly are really unbelievable.

What Josh promises is absolutely impossible and unachievable. You can’t copy other people’s businesses and pocket the money.

It’s not only unethical but technically impossible.

Only those who are new to making money online and have zero experience can believe in such fantastic opportunity.




As I said, first of all it’s impossible and secondly even it can be done, I really wonder how this system will attract traffic to your business?

All this whole thing sounds insane and and absolutely moronic.

Let’s assume for a minute that it’s possible. What does copying or cloning mean? You will stealing structure, content and business models from other websites?

Google will immediately ban your site for stealing content and you will get zero traffic.

The only option you have is paid traffic which needs a lot of investment in Bing Ads, Google Adwords, Solo Ad, Facebook ads and many other paid traffic methods.

You will need a ton of money, approx. $1.000 per month or even way more to attract traffic.

But the main issue with paid traffic is that paid traffic doesn’t guarantee results, i.e. making sales and profiting from your paid campaigns.

This means Josh is lying to you when he says you will make $100.000 every 3 months.

You will not make even $1.000 per month with such useless program like Click Clone Cash.



Why I Gave Such a Low Score to Click Clone Cash?

I gave such a low score because of so many lies invented by the group of people that stand behind Click Clone Cash.

Paid actors that participate in the video lying straight into your face. You can hire such actors for $10 – $20 on freelance websites.

The guarantee to make $100.000 every month or every 3 months from Josh Owens sounds and looks absolutely insane.

Such a guarantee can come only from someone who is either mad or a complete lier.

I really wonder how Josh can give such a promise if all other people online are struggling to make at least $1.000 per month not to mention $100.000.




Click Clone Cash includes hosting package for which you need to pay from $90 and up to $332. I can’t imagine why this hosting plan is so expensive.

$90 is still understandable. Anything more than that is highly questionable. Plus, online business is not limited to hosting plan alone.

There are some other expenses, such as advertising, email marketing, social marketing and more.

There are also some hidden costs associated with this business which is very normal for programs like Click Clone Cash.

There is no supportive community where you can get timely and quality support if you get stuck at some point when building your online business.



Can You Become Successful with Click Clone Cash?

According to some fake reviews online, you can spend 30-45 minutes daily in order to earn a solid income with Click Clone Cash.

Josh is talking about $100.000 per month or every 3 months. These fake review sites rate Click Clone Cash as 9 out of 10 which is a big lie.

I’m sure you won’t get any value from this program. scam exposed

Especially is the worst site you can come across online.

This woman is always lying and writing fake reviews as if she is making lots of money with every program like Click Clone Cash and the like.

Avoid this site at all costs. This site also has a video on YouTube. Be careful. It’s totally misleading.

I believe the only person who will definitely benefit from this system is Josh Owens himself.

He will earn commission from every person who will sign up for CCC Web Cloud Pro hosting plan.

If you join Click Clone Cash I guarantee Josh will be successful.

I’m not sure about you. BTW, this hosting company has no any rating online, no positive reviews, nothing. I doubt about the quality of this service.

Programs like Click Clone Cash always promote other products (upsells) for the sake of making more money off you.

So, you should expect many other costs associated with this business.



Is Click Clone Cash a Scam?

I don’t like giving scam verdicts, but when it comes to Click Clone Cash, I strongly believe it’s a scam.

In fact, this so called program teaches you to steal businesses from other people which is unethical and dangerous for you as a business owner.

What can you expect from someone who teaches you stealing from others, giving insane income promises and delivering zero value?

The service itself is very expensive and designed to waste your money and leave alone completely frustrated.

The main issue with Click Clone Cash is that Josh tries to sell you a shortcut to online success instead of giving real value.

Always be careful about programs like this.



Final Review of Click Clone Cash

  • Video is highly misleading
  • False profit claims
  • Paid scam actors
  • No supportive community
  • Bad reputation online
  • Website is down
  • Hidden costs (upsells)
  • Overall score: 1 out of 10



Any Legit Programs Better than Click Clone Cash?

Legit programs I recommend:

Program #1 – One week free trial account/Premium Yearly – $495

Program #2 – $450 Premium Yearly then $200 each year after that



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. BJaYbOLt says:

    I think it’ll be a total waste of time for me to sit down and read through this whole article, thank you for this funny and interesting article, this is a really good opener to so many people that the name or the claims of a business does not determine how good it is. I won’t recommend Click Clone Cash.

    • Adam says:

      I agree. To make an opinion about Click Clone Cash it will be enough to read a few points and realize that this program is a waste of time.

  2. Md. Asraful Islam says:

    Thank you so much for sharing us an interesting and informative article about Click Clone Cash. It is really laudable that you have illustrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Any Legit Programs Better than Click Clone Cash? I would say that in addition to this platform there must be legitimate from which you can earn online is the Wealthy Affiliate Platform.
    Finally, I enjoyed reading your post and so I’d like to share your article in my Facebook group if you allow me.

    • Adam says:

      I think WA is not the only program online. There are many other programs out there where you can learn how build an affiliate business. Click Clone Cash is out of the game.

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