Site Build It Review – a Company with a Proven Track Record

October 23, 2014 23 Comments

Site Build it!








Overall Quality



  • Good Training
  • Good Support
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Many Success Stories
  • All Tools Included


  • Forum Support

SiteSell Affiliate



Program name: Sitesell, Site Build it, Solo Build it

Owner: Ken Evoy

Price: $29/month, $299/year

Verdict: Legit



The first time I came across Site Build it website was over 10 years ago.

Looking back now to that distant time, to be honest, I remember I was very skeptical as to whether or not it was the right place for me to learn internet marketing.

I tried many programs on the internet but my success with my own online business was decent.

Today I can say with confidence that I’m experienced enough and know how to choose the right program out of many scams out there.

All the right things that I’ve learned, I owe to Wealthy Affiliate and I can honestly say that it is one of the best program to learn internet marketing if you want to be successful online.

But WA is not the only program that I know. There is also another even more powerful program and that program is SBI ( Site Build it! or Solo Build it!). This program is awesome.

They have many success stories and this company has been in the business since 2000.

They have documented proof of their successful customers. If you want to start your online business SBI is the right choice. I can definitely recommend it.

I’ve never thought that I would be able to reach such a level of knowledge, that I could give my opinion about Site Build it. There are many reviews on the internet about this company, some of them honest and some not.

In my review, I’m going to be very honest and I will show you all positive and negative points of this program so that you know if it is worth your time and money.

First of all, I would like to say that all reviews that call the program a scam are not honest. Site Build It is definitely not a scam. All their trainings are informative, easy to understand and follow. They teach you how to:


sbi method


  • Find the right keywords for your website content
  • Create unique content for your site
  • Attract targeted traffic to your site
  • Presell your visitors
  • Monetize pre sold traffic


Finding the right keywords is really very crucial for your success. You need to find the best ones that have lowest competition and highest traffic possible.

If you choose wrong keywords, i.e. highly competitive ones, you can hardly outrank old websites, and that will be a waste of your time.

SBI’s keyword research tool is very powerful and can help you find the right keywords and find your niche too which is really important.

SBI shows you the right path and by following their ACTION guide and tips&techniques you can achieve success much faster.

The next thing Site Build It teaches you is creating unique content for your site, and that is exactly what you need to do, if you want to succeed online.

You need to create unique content that is different from other websites.

You need to give your visitors a reason to come to your site and stay on it. So, this part of the Site Build It teaching is exactly what you need to know to build a successful online business.

Bringing targeted traffic to your website is as important as creating content because what is the use of a great content if no one can find your site. They teach you the right traffic techniques to apply to your site. SBI has an ACTION guide that you must follow:



  • Intro: The 10-DAY BIG Picture
  • DAY 1: Master the ALL-Important Basics
  • DAY 2: Develop Your Best Site Concept
  • DAY 3: Brainstorm More Profitable Page Topics
  • DAY 4: Investigate and Plan Monetization Options
  • DAY 5: Refine Your Site Concept and Register Your Domain Name
  • DAY 6: Build a Site That Gets the Click!
  • DAY 7: Build Free Traffic From a Variety of Sources
  • DAY 8: Develop Relationships
  • DAY 9: Know Your Visitors
  • DAY 10: Monetize — It’s Time!


Preselling your visitors is very important to your site success. They will teach you how to write content in the right way to be able to turn your visitors into customers.

Your content must be well structured, you need to show all the benefits of your product or service and negative points as well if they are and avoid lying to your visitors.

Monetizing visitors is the final and ultimate goal of any business owner.




SBI provides you with all the tools that you may need for your business:


  • BlockBuilder 2
  • Site Designer
  • CONTENT 2.0
  • Email marketing integration with SBI!


SBI tips & techniques that will help you take your online business to the next level:


  • Quality content guidelines
  • Is your content original
  • 5 Headline writing tips to make your headlines more effective
  • Understanding what a keyword is
  • Keyword analysis
  • Keywords and buying intentions
  • How to deliver exactly what your visitors want
  • Get found for your product search term
  • Best practices for building a site that humans and search engines love
  • Common mistakes to avoid as you build your business
  • Business Facebook Fundamentals
  • 7 Quick ways to make Facebook useful for your business
  • Using your Facebook page to build traffic
  • Creating your site structure
  • Why guest blogging matters
  • Deep linking to improve SEO rankings
  • Reaching out to bloggers with the perfect blog
  • 3 Tips to add power to every word you write online

and MORE…


What I like in SBI

So, Site Build It training is the strong point of the program. Their videos are of high quality and easy to understand.

Among positive points of the program is their 90-day money back guarantee which is very rare to come across nowadays. That means they are confident in the quality of their program, and the service they provide. You have 90 days to try their program to make a decision.

They don’t make any false promises that you will be making millions of dollars once you join their program and instead they teach you to work hard, i.e. create unique content for your site and work on it consistently.

Another thing that I like in SBI is that sending your e-zine is included in your SBI subscription.


Sitesell package includes:

  • Hosting
  • Website builder
  • Email newsletter manager
  • Autoresponder (like aweber, mailchimp)
  • Keyword tool
  • Traffic statistics
  • Training
  • Support and forum


What I don’t like in SBI

There are few points that I don’t like in SBI and would like to share that info with you so you can make an informed purchase if you plan to join SBI.

So, no need to worry. SBI is legit and they WILL refund if you ask. You actually don’t lose anything.

What I don’t like most in Site Build It: their website builder is a little outdated compared to a WordPress site

The builder is easy to understand, but any website built on that platform looks like an amateur website.

Compared to that, WordPress is really advanced platform used by most internet marketers and websites built on a WordPress look very professional.

SBI offers you a limited number of templates for your website. Anyway, SBI website builder works very well and it’s very easy to set up your website.

No more plugins headache setup with SBI! This is a huge advantage over wordpress sites that you need to customize which becomes a headache for many people.


Note: SBI now allows you to build a website using wordpress platform too. So, it’s no more an issue here. If you already have a website and want to take your business to the next level then you need to start with SBI for WP!



The advantage of a website built on a wordpress platform is that you can easily move your site anywhere and whenever you want. For example, my site is hosted at WA and if I want I can easily move it to any hosting company within seconds.

There is a forum at Site Build It where members can ask questions and get answers and that is very important for any program. At times members have to ask the same question many times before they get response but anyway, their members are active and can help you.

So, availability of the forum is an important part of that program.





SBI Success Stories

SBI is not a fly-by-night company. It has been in online business since 2000 and has many documented success stories. On the website in the main menu you can see “Proof” option where you can read real success stories and get a better idea of what SBI is all about.

I personally spent about 2 hours reading their success stories and I really enjoyed it. Very informative, convincing, interesting and instructive. SBI success stories are really inspiring.

You will learn how exactly SBI members achieved their success online thanks to SBI. You will learn all the facts firsthand.

Not every company that teaches people how to make money online can show so many success stories. It proves that SBI is a reputable and legit company it’s worth every dollar you’ll spend in SBI.








My final word on SBI

There are good and bad reviews about SBI on the internet and if you want to know which one to trust it can be a little difficult and the reason is because the program has both good and weak points.

Anyway, SBI is absolutely legit company with a proven track record!

If you do your search for Wealthy Affiliate you can hardly find any negative reviews because the program is really awesome. And I’m a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate and honestly recommend it.



My final word about SBI is that it is a great, legit program and you can join it if you want to succeed online. If you already have a website and want to take your business to the next level then join SBI for WP.


Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (23)

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  1. Jeff says:

    I remember when SBI! had this same kafuffle with WordPress a few years back pleading to their fading user base that they were way better than WordPress. Well guess what? Now they are using WordPress as part of their website platform. WordPress now has the largest market share of all websites online.

    I personally use weebly for most of my sites right now, but I did use SBI in the past prior to them not having WordPress. I wouldn’t use their service again. Things haven’t changed I see and their founders have moved onto trying to slam another competitor.

    • Rufat says:

      I understand you Jeff. But shouldn’t look into the past. Now SBI has changed and it’s legit and successful company. It helped many people in the past and it’s still helping.

  2. Minhaj says:

    Hi Rufat

    Thanks for this review, I think this is a good programme and they seem to have a lot of success.
    The reason why I prefer Wealthy Affiliate is numerous, but one of them is WordPress, there is a reason why Googles former head of spam praised it, it’s good for SEO.
    Also, I really don’t like Mr Evoys attitude, he made some misleading statements in the comments, I as a Wealthy Affiliate have never been told to write false reviews and also I was never given a list of 175 companies to review against Wealthy Affiliate. I don’t know where he got that number from.
    Also it really is a personal choice, both wealthy affiliate and solo build it seems similar and it will boil down to which platform you prefer working and I do prefer WordPress.
    The sad thing is, he has accused Wealthy Affiliates of writing negative reviews and I have onlly seen positive reviews, but the really negative review comes from a former member who sits at the top of Google search rankings.
    Personally I think this case study is a marketing ploy, there is a famous saying ‘there are lies, damned lies and statistics’ you really can make stats misleading.
    Well balanced review, but its not for me.

    • Rufat says:

      I agree with Minhaj and I think I gave Ken very good answers to all his questions and statements. WA never teaches people to write negative reviews. His case study contains some interesting data but most of it is NOT any sort of scientific data that can serve as a proof that WA is unsuccessful company. On the contrary, WA is growing and many members are successful. At the end of the day, Ken’s opinion is just an opinion and we need to take it with a grain of salt.

  3. Hi Rufat,

    Thanks very much for your reply….

    Regarding a couple of your comments…

    Regarding my results, believe me they are not so great. I know MANY members at Wealthy Affiliate whose sites get WAY more traffic than mine.

    You must know them all then. 🙂 Here is why…

    WA has only an average of 38 out of 17,000 Wealthy Affiliate sites in the “Excellent-Outstanding” category (average of the 3 high-traffic measures).

    SBI! has 675 out of 10,000 sites (i.e., 7,000 fewer sites than WA).

    Direct link for that result, with breakdowns, is at…

    (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

    Regarding your comment that “WA is an honest approach”…

    Fake reviews are NOT an honest approach. It is not just a few people doing this.

    The process is basically baked into the training materials. WA’s reputation for fake reviews is bad.

    They even give a list of 175 companies to write reviews about.

    Even without our study, your affiliate reviews fit the definition of fake reviews. WITH the study, the affiliate recommendation borders on fraud. The VICTIMS of fake reviews are starting to sue for more than the cost of the product, but also lost time, even pain and suffering.

    Our study is clear, Rufat….

    The study uses 3 different tools to measure EVERY active SBI! and WA study. Using 3 tools guarantees accurate results. There is no room for error, especially not with results that are this big. The highlight results show SBI! is VASTLY superior…

    1) SBI! sites are 33 times (33X) more likely to achieve “Outstanding – Excellent” levels of traffic than Wealthy Affiliate.

    2) SBI! sites are 10 times (10X) more likely to achieve “Medium” levels of traffic than Wealthy Affiliate.

    3) The only category where Wealthy Affiliate “beats” SBI! is in the worst level of failure, “Invisible” (i.e., they get no detectable traffic). 87% of Wealthy Affiliate sites are “Invisible.”

    For complete, detailed results, please see Part 3 of The Study…
    (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

    ***That’s simple and clear Rufat. Study measures all sites, using 3 tools that are respected. All 3 tools agree. Difference is huge.***

    Wealthy Affiliate affiliates mislead people who were searching for reviews about Solo Build It!. The results trick those people into believing that they are reviews, then recommend a product which is 33X better.

    NO possible argument – WA is clearly inferior.

    The widespread use of fake reviews is not an honest approach. There are other points in the product and affiliate program that do not seem honest, too.

    And when you say “I can’t say that it proves that WA is failing.”

    WA the company is growing, that’s true. But MOST of its customers are failing.

    The Study proves that (87% “Invisible”). And SBI! is 33X better at getting high traffic.

    Rufat, it’s fair to say something like, “I can’t say that there is a Santa Claus.” But if you feel the study is wrong, please give good reasons why.

    And regarding this…

    most people are failing because they simply don’t do the job. They are lazy.

    Are you saying that WA users are 30x lazier than SBI! owners? Sorry, this does not explain why SBI! performs 33X better at high-level traffic 10X better at Medium level.

    Perhaps you are saying that Solo Build It! motivates people better than WA?

    We have an identical target market. I do see our clients growing to become smarter and more successful. But they don’t start like that.

    And regarding this…

    Many others are in the working process that will ultimately lead them to success.

    We have been in business since 2002 and WA since 2005. So we all have businesses in varying stages of development.

    The study measures ALL sites…

    So this explanation would not explain a 33X difference, either.

    Thanks very much for the kind words, Rufat. If you ever do decide to give SBI! a real try, you would probably do very well with it.

    I’m not just saying that. Like I said before…

    You are 1 of very few WA users in the Top 1M at Alexa (only 52 others). You are at 2.3M at SimilarWeb, and around 2,000 at SEMrush. That ranks you in high-medium for the last two and “excellent-outstanding” at Alexa.

    You may know lots of people at WA doing as well as you do, but like I said, that would mean that you know them all. There just aren’t many doing that well.


    A final question…

    Being serious about this, have you read the study carefully? If so, there is really no other conclusion. If you doubt me, get a programmer to do the study for $100 or so.

    If you seriously read this study, there is no other conclusion. SBI! does WAY BETTER than WA. That means, when people search for a review of our product, and you end up leading them to Wealthy Affiliate instead, you hurt them.

    You actually hurt their chances to succeed…

    Does that bother you? You can’t just say that you don’t believe the study. Show where there is a serious mistake that explains 33X.

    I really do admire how you are one of only a small number (out of 17,000 sites (out of 800,000 members according to their site). You would most likely do much better with SBI!.

    If you ever want to try it, please contact our Support team…

    And let them know that I would love to speak with you personally.

    I believe that you have been misled into believing that WA is successful. They say so many, MANY times in the Bootcamp that they are #1, but repeating it 1,000,000 times would not make it true.

    And they say that since they are the best, you do your visitors a good service by recommending them.

    The study says that you don’t. If you doubt the study, repeat it for yourself. It could not be simpler.

    You seem like a really nice and honest guy. But there is no way around the fact that your recommendation hurts the chances of people.

    All the best,

    P.S. A few errors – the $19.95 for phone is gone. It’s now free chat.

    Comparing free trials is not fair. People can get a full refund in the first 90 days, pro-rata after that.

    WA’s freemium approach is crippled with upsell. The 2 free sites are useless subdomains, which you know. And if you do buy, there is NO refund.

    There are others but the biggest one is the recommendation. Thank you, at least, for printing my reply.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Ken,

      Thanks very much for your reply.

      Regarding your reply:

      WA has only an average of 38 out of 17,000 Wealthy Affiliate sites in the “Excellent-Outstanding” category (average of the 3 high-traffic measures).

      SBI! has 675 out of 10,000 sites (i.e., 7,000 fewer sites than WA).

      Maybe. I can’t argue. But even if this information is correct for WA and SBI it still means that most SBI members are failing like at WA. Though I think this is normal I don’t believe this is the reality.

      There is no an exact scientific method that could guarantee SEO rankings. It’s simply impossible for any company like SBI or WA to teach people methods that would always place their sites in top search results above all other sites.

      Second, we have to keep in mind that a good number of WA members have many sites. They host some of them at WA while others are hosted in some other places.

      Third, WA has a powerful PPC training module and many members that have sites also have landing pages that make them a good monthly income. I personally have several landing pages for Bing ads and Goole adwords and I’m profitable. I know members who are making WAY more money through PPC. That’s why having not much success with SEO traffic doesn’t mean WA members are unprofitable.

      That’s why I strongly believe that your conclusion “WA has only an average of 38 out of 17,000” is NOT correct. Many WA members are successful. Most WA members are in the working process that will lead them to success. A good number of WA members, WAY more than 38 out 17.000 are making WAY more money than their WA membership fee. I believe the same is true for SBI.

      All this means that relying on your research and coming to a conclusion that WA community is not succeeding is not correct. I believe each program has its advantages. SBI and WA are both legit programs. You can see I even changed the title of my SBI review.

      Regarding your reply: The process is basically baked into the training materials. WA’s reputation for fake reviews is bad. They even give a list of 175 companies to write reviews about.

      Kyle never teaches WA members to write reviews and bash other programs. I think it’s people that misuse this strategy in order to promote WA. From my experience I can tell there is no necessity to bash other programs in order to promote your desired program. I’m personally going to send Kyle a private message and report about this situation and I will ask him to explain to WA members how to write reviews in more ethical way. I will do my best to change the situation.

      You also said: WA’s freemium approach is crippled with upsell. The 2 free sites are useless subdomains, which you know. And if you do buy, there is NO refund.

      There are no upsells at WA! Everything is included in one price. And there is a refund. Some of my referrals got a refund for 3 and even 5 months. So, your info is not correct.

      Finally, I strongly believe WA and SBI are both good programs for people to succeed online. I already created my free account for SBI WP and I believe I can learn some good stuff from you.

      Best regards

    • Rufat, I’m finally disappointed in your answers of June 6. These are desperate answers. I’ll try one last time.

      I have this old-fashioned belief that when someone searches for a review about SBI!, it should be an honest, objective, thorough review that provides true value for the search intent. You are not just trying to justify a review that was ALWAYS intended to pitch WA as better.

      You’re smart and sharp. You know, by know, or you should, that you would serve your visitor better by recommending SBI!. You cannot possibly believe that WA is the better choice.

      Unfortunately, WA pays way more.

      So I’ll try one last time to answer you, and then I leave you with your conscience and your God for what you do to the dreams of others.

      You say you can’t argue that SBIers do 33X better, but then you conclude that “it still means that most SBI members are failing like at WA.”

      That makes no sense. You ignore the “Medium” results, where we do 10X better. And you ignore that 87% of WA sites have traffic that is undetectable by Alexa/SW/SEMrush.

      Numbers don’t lie. And there is no tricky analysis. The Study shows reality.

      Also, after you say that you can’t argue, you do! You say that “YOU don’t believe this is the reality.” My reply is simple – do the study yourself. We show you exactly HOW. If you can’t program, this is so simple that a programmer can do it for you for $100.

      But saying “you don’t believe it” is below you. You are falling to the level of most WA users who really mean that THEY do not WANT to believe it.

      YOU, Rufat, are doing well and congratulations! But you are one of the very few. Just do The Study and see for yourself. The whole point of The Study is to show EVERYONE’s results.

      You said (correctly) that “There is no exact scientific method that could guarantee SEO rankings.”

      We have NEVER taught SEO. We teach an entire process that not only works, it works better than it ever has. And as the Net becomes more complex, our advantage will grow if WA fails to stay up in important areas.

      The TRUTH of that is in the NUMBERS. Those result are impossible to be a fluke. Again, repeat the study and see for yourself. SBI! success is not an accident.

      Next, you said that “a good number of WA members have many sites. They host some of them at WA while others are hosted in some other places.”

      Many SBIers take what they learn and start other sites elsewhere, too. However, one of our important teachings is to focus on ONE business. It’s about FOCUS. So… Maximizing traffic of ONE site, and maximizing $-per-visitor from that traffic is a big key to success.

      But let’s face it – the vast majority are hosted by both of us since it makes little sense to pay for the product and not use the full, integrated version. Nor is there any reason to expect “off-host” customers to do better or worse.

      If WA users have more sites that all fail, that is NOT a good answer.

      And, in any event, you know that this won’t come close to explaining a 33X difference. Perhaps WA needs a better, more up-to-date approach that goes deeply into what matters the most, that encourages focus instead of busy-work, and on and on.

      Then you mention that many WA users use and succeed with PPC directly. If it amounted to much traffic to the websites, why are the SimilarWeb and Alexa numbers so low?

      Sorry, this is just a red herring. Heck…

      Should we repeat the study with SEMrush to show that WA’s PPC numbers are near-zero, too? Your own PPC traffic is NOT impressive, as you can see from SEMrush here…

      It is zero and “no data.”

      We have seen that PPC module – it’s not what we would consider “powerful.” Those affiliate modules that try to get WA users to spend money to earn commissions? If there are more than a handful who can make money that way, I’d be amazed. Most lose money and stop.


      This is NOT a factor. Please run a study for yourself and see instead of just saying stuff.

      The rest is just argumentative rhetoric. If you believe that more than 38 (which is an average of Alexa, SimilarWeb and SEMrush) fall into “OUTSTANDING-EXCELLENT,” do The Study yourself and show me. Here are our results…

      (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

      You can repeat The Study if you like.

      And you believe that tons of low-traffic sites are magically making huge money, SHOW me. See our Study for why Traffic is an excellent proxy for success.

      Rufat, I don’t make the 38 out of 17000 up. Those ARE the numbers, INCLUDING PPC. You can “strongly believe” whatever you like.

      That’s not science. The Study is.

      But instead of trying to argue over and over, and then me showing you to be wrong, why don’t you try to ACT RIGHT instead of futilely trying to “BE RIGHT.”

      You will never be right when you recommend WA over SBI!, not for solopreneurs who want to build a successful business online. Even restricting people to affiliate income is a HUGE error. We started that way and grew way past that….

      And THAT enables SBIers to not only have more traffic, but to make more money per 1000 visitors.

      So I fully expect that the actual income numbers would be even more impressive than traffic. But again, The Study explains why traffic is the best way to do The Study.

      Look in the mirror, Rufat.

      YOU are making money by pushing WA.

      But you now KNOW that you are hurting people. Everything else you say is just trying to make yourself feel better about yourself.

      All the best,

      P.S. Oh, about this…

      “Kyle never teaches WA members to write reviews and bash other programs.”

      I think you are just being coy here. We have reviewed the entire materials for Bootcamp and Certification. How do you explain material such as this…

      “We have created a powerful platform here at WA that you can use to compare WA against any product in the industry. It is very easy to let folks know about WA in this format and easy to represent WA as a clear “winner” when compared to several other products in the industry.”

      Stuff like that is in the materials over and over and over again. In our opinion, there is only one takeaway…

      “Review other products and call ours the best.”

      THAT, Rufat, is a fake review. Do your research on fake reviews and see for yourself.

      Furthermore, any good affiliate program monitors and disciplines abuse. YOU see it – why don’t you ALSO ask Kyle why he permits it?

      It’s not just about teaching affiliates to market ETHICALLY, it’s about stopping the ones who create fake reviews.

      And regarding your claim that there IS a refund, sorry. We have had many complaints about the “no refund” policy. We have also heard from one or two that they had to scream and threaten before they got their money back.

      Mostly, though, check the terms of service. Here is the WA policy…

      “Subscription to Wealthy Affiliate Premium and Paid Services are billed in advance on a monthly or yearly basis (as per the option you have chosen when you purchased Services) and are NON-REFUNDABLE for the subscription period they are purchased for.”

      NOTE: I made the “non-refundable” in upper-case to make sure you see it. It goes on to say…

      “You may elect to cancel your Wealthy Affiliate Premium account at any time by following the steps outlined within your Account Settings. If you subscribed to a yearly plan, any cancellation will only be effective at the end of the then-current annual billing period and no credits or refunds will be issued to you for prepaid fees.”

      So, Rufat – you should add the following…

      “If you scream and threaten, MAYBE you can get a refund.” 😉

      Final comment, Rufat. Your eyes are open but you do not WANT to see. I already know that this will be a waste of time for you Rufat…

      “Finally, I strongly believe WA and SBI are both good programs for people to succeed online. I already created my free account for SBI WP and I believe I can learn some good stuff from you.”

      You have pre-determined that SBI! will be worse, and you’ll find lots of reasons, I’m sure. I’m ending it, willing to give you the last word because the point of the The Study is…


      There are only people who can see the numbers and realize that SBI! is THE product that is more likely to enable solopreneurs to succeed.

      The rest are either affiliates who would rather make money or the customers who do not quit within a few months (the majority of those who buy) and somehow end up enjoying the social chit-chat, seemingly forgetting about their lack of success.

      Over and out. ?⤵️

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Ken,

      First of all, I explained that you measure success rate only by SEO. I measure it by SEO and paid traffic. I told you there is a good number of WA members who are successful through paid traffic strategy. You don’t count this? I gave you my full answer but you took only my first sentence and left the test.

      Regarding PPC I didn’t tell WA members are driving paid traffic to their main sites. Did I? I personally buy traffic and send it to my landing pages, not my main sites. And I’m not the only person who does so. I know members who are making several thousand dollars through PPC marketing. It’s just an addition to their SEO efforts to their main site. I do the same. Sometimes I earn $100 – $300 day. This is the result of WA training. You can’t see it through Alexa or SemRush. Can you?

      I buy traffic from Yahoo and Google. You know better that you don’t need to buy a lot of traffic in order to be profitable. Yes, I buy traffic to my main site. You are right. And I’m profitable. I also buy traffic to my other landing pages and I’m profitable. For one of my landing pages I spend approx. $30 per month and earn WAY more. You can’t know all my landing pages that I have. There is no way to see all of them. The same applies to other WA members.

      After reviewing SBI I came to the conclusion that SBI is a good and powerful program and I’m going to make some major changes to my SBI review soon and remove WA promotion from my SBI review. I will be promoting SBI. But what you say about WA is not fair or honest. WA is as good and powerful as SBI is. SBI is not inferior to WA. You are not WA member. I’ve been a member since 2013. We have many success stories. Every year we have such stories. You are trying to convince me that WA is a bad program, it’s a scam, it’s a complete waste of time, it’s unethical program. Ok, if you think so, that’s your choice. I don’t think so about WA or SBI.

      BTW, when I review other products I always suggest people that they try them if they want. I leave it to them. I also recommend WA as an option. They can create free account and try it. Nobody forces them to upgrade to a premium account. It’s their choice. Most WA members are happy to be part of WA. It’s not fake. Come to WA and ask them and see what their answers will be.

      Read my WA review. It’s very honest. There is a FAQ section within my review in which I explain that WA is NOT a get rich quick scheme and it requires time and effort to make your first buck. I don’t push WA! Show me on my website where I push WA or promise people overnight success. Show me please where I give people false promises on my website. I explain in my WA review that your results depend on YOUR efforts. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t give any guarantees as to how much money you can earn. If you consider any recommendation as pushing something to others then all programs are scams including SBI. Because you mislead people by showing them only success stories. You don’t show them unsuccessful SBI members. WA doesn’t show success stories because it can be misleading. You think WA doesn’t have success stories, We have many of them.

      You mean SBI doesn’t have unsuccessful members? Or there are very few of them? That’s not true. We have members who left SBI and came to WA!

      Like I said above, you measure success by SEO only. I measure it by SEO and non SEO. This is the difference.

      Even if SBI has more success stories than WA, you still have a LOT of unsuccessful members. What will do with that?

      This means there are no perfect programs. WA is not perfect. SBI is not perfect. But they are legit and those who don’t quit achieve success sooner or later.

      BTW, as I promised I sent a private message to Kyle and he told they would soon release Bootcamp 2.0 in which there will be an update on how to construct reviews and give people principles to follow.

      I guess you said it about SBI: ( The rest are either affiliates who would rather make money or the customers who do not quit within a few months (the majority of those who buy) and somehow end up enjoying the social chit-chat, seemingly forgetting about their lack of success.)

      The same is true for WA.

      BTW, I already enjoyed SBI free training. It’s great and powerful. I’m going to promote SBI through both SEO and PPC.

      Best regards

  4. Margit says:

    Hi Rufat,

    Thanks for stating that SBI! is a great and legitimate product. However, you also claim in your review that WA is better than SBI!.

    Allow me to explain, with data, how that is incorrect.

    We have noticed a flood of reviews like yours by affiliates of Wealthy Affiliate, recommending WA over Solo Build It!.

    So we performed a study that compares the two, head-to-head. The study is objective, rigorous, statistically significant and reproducible (i.e., anyone can do the exact same study so there is no way this can be “made up”).

    Are you aware of this study? If not, here are the links to it. It’s a 3-part series:

    (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

    Part 2: Methodology
    (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

    Part 3: Summary results, detailed results and discussion (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)

    The results of this study show that SBI! outperforms WA significantly (for example, with SBI! solopreneurs are 33X more likely to achieve “Outstanding-Excellent” results in terms of attracting traffic to their sites and 10X more likely for medium-level).

    I repeat – we could not fake these results if we tried. Part 2 explains that in detail, but basically – anyone can repeat this study. They’ll get the same results.

    Please reconsider your WA recommendation – you do harm to honest, good people who are ready to work at building an online business to achieve goals that matter to them.

    Read the study. Check us out at Much has changed since you first heard about us back in 2004.

    We’d love to have you on our side, making a recommendation that will improve someone’s life, rather than having a result that will almost surely lead to disappointment and despair (87% of WA sites get zero / near-zero traffic).

    Once you see how badly SBI! beats WA, all the marketing-speak disappears. It answers the ONLY QUESTION that the solopreneur wants to know…

    “Where am I most likely to succeed?”

    Hoping you’ll reconsider,

    Margit for

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Margit,

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post. I’ve read those articles that you left in your comment. They are very informative which is great. A lot of info! But I don’t think this can be considered as a 100% scientific data that can prove that WA community is bad or that there are no success stories at WA.

      Believe me, it’s not the case here. According to your research some websites that are not getting traffic today or this month can become successful the next month and start getting a ton of traffic. There is NO way! to exactly know which WA member is successful and which is not. Some members make money simply through PPC marketing. I’m personally successful with PPC marketing which is a part of WA training. I’m successful with SEO traffic too. It’s not great but it’s not bad.

      I’ve been a member of WA since 2013 and I’ve seen many success stories! within the community. All those success stories were posted by real people like you and me. Some people show their domain names while others prefer to hide it for personal reasons.

      Simply because they don’t want others to copy their websites, ideas. This is very normal. I’m sure the same can be applied to SBI! Kyle and Carson never show successful members simply because it’s not always a good method to advertise their program.

      It can be very misleading. They leave it to WA members. I think it’s the best path. For your info here is the link to just some success stories from 2017. And here is the link where you can see how Kyle asked from WA members to share their thoughts about WA.

      Very honest approach. BTW, WA is constantly improving its platform. Every year it becomes better and comes out with advanced new features. Though WA is not perfect and I can hardly imagine there is any other perfect program out there.

      From the first day that I joined WA I’ve never seen any false claims from Kyle or Carson. They never promise anyone X amount of money in X amount of days. And that’s why people love WA. I’ve seen many times Kyle to come out with a new post explaining to members that it takes time and effort to start making money online.

      I’ve never seen any ad inside WA that would push me towards promoting WA to other people. It’s a matter of choice. You can choose to build a niche site OR choose to promote WA. It’s up to you! No pressure.

      Within Bootcamp training (promoting WA) Kyle teaches how to write product reviews. But he never teaches people to bash other programs. If other people choose another path (to bash other programs) that’s their problem. For example, my opinion is different from Kyle’s opinion sometimes. He calls some programs scams while I’m of a different opinion.

      When writing reviews I do my best to be honest and realistic. I improve my approach every year. My 2017 reviews are different from 2016 reviews or 2015.

      When it comes to SBI or WA, there are successful members on both sides and there are unsuccessful members too. For example, I’ve seen ex SBI members that left SBI and they are now WA members. And they admit that WA platform is WAY better than SBI.

      I think the same applies to WA. There are some people who left WA and went to SBI. This is very normal. BTW, each month I bring on average 15 premium members and half of them leave WA next month. This is very normal for any program. Most people don’t want to work hard to get results!

      For example, from my point of view there are some features such as an excellent, easy to navigate forum at WA that’s way better than what you have at SBI. We have access to Kyle and Carson. We have live chat feature. SSL for our websites. We can create lessons within WA platform and earn a commission from it. All of this makes WA different from SBI.

      I also think that if I say that program A is a good program but I recommend program B it’s very normal provided that program B is a good and legit program which is the case with WA. You also see that I put my affilaite link to my SBI review which means I’m positive about SBI.

      But like I said, I always improve my approach and I already made some changes to my SBI review.

      Also think if SBI is loosing customers it’s not because of reviews written by WA affiliates. For example, there are other programs such Chris Farrell, Affilorama, Bring the Fresh, Experts Academy, 100k Factory etc.

      I’ve never seen any of them to complain that they are losing customers because of WA affiliates. I think people try programs and see some advantages that they can’t find in other programs and that’s why they change their decisions.

      Anyway, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment here. Some day I will try SBI to see how it can help me grow my business.

    • Ken Evoy says:

      Hello Rufat (replying to your reply to Margit),

      I must say that I’m impressed that you left the links in Margit’s post up to the site. At the rate that threads about the study have been deleted, there will be none soon over there.

      It’s dangerous to them because it lets the secret out – WA sites get very little traffic. Part 1 covers an overall summary, with a peek at results (link removed by the request of the CEO of WA because they consider this data wrong and slanderous. For more info go to Sitesell site)
      . And visitors can get to the other two Parts from there.

      Leaving Margit’s post and links up shows confidence. But Rufat, your replies to Margit about our study are incorrect.

      So I do suspect you truly believe that you are correct about WA and traffic. But it you wipe the slate clean until the end of a conversation with me, perhaps you’ll start thinking that maybe just maybe, you were wrong about WA and its track record (and other things).

      You said…

      “But I don’t think this can be considered as a 100% scientific data that can prove that WA community is bad or that there are no success stories at WA.”

      Nothing wrong with the community, but the study is rock-solid. WA users believe – facts don’t change their minds, they just work around them. No one asked about a single actual result.

      And generally, there’s just a lot of happy chatter, largely social, even though most (87%+) are failing. And much of the chatter there is time that would be better put into prioritizing into action that builds a business.

      But let’s get into meat of the reply…

      You are 1 of very few WA users in the Top 1M at Alexa (only 52 others). You are at 2.3M at SimilarWeb, and around 2,000 at SEMrush. That ranks you in high-medium for the last two and “excellent-outstanding” at Alexa.

      That’s extremely good for WA. And it’s solid for SBI!.

      So I suspect that you know your stuff. I doubt it’s because of WA. Regardless, you have a belief system in promoting WA that makes you blind to certain facts.

      Of course there are loads of affiliates who’ll promote a product that hurts solopreneurs (by more than 90% in the case of SBI!). Those folks, though, just delete the post. A couple put them up without the links.

      You are unique.

      So my gut says that you may be misdirected, but you are not KNOWINGLY hurting people. You don’t need to be to qualify as a fake review. Look up the definition and you’ll know I’m right…

      “A positive, neutral or negative review that is not an actual consumer’s honest and impartial opinion or that does not reflect a consumer’s genuine experience of a product, service or business.”
      – European Parliamentary Research Service

      Would you be open to debate on Google Hangout or by phone recording…

      1) all the points in your reply?

      2) any other concerns you have about our study?

      3) any other SBI! myths that have arisen over the years?

      4) hearing more about our findings of WA?

      There’s no need to discuss the mistakes of the “review” itself because if they were true and important, there’s no way the Study would deliver the high results. So really, the important point is The Study.

      That said, I’d be glad to go through your review and even the comments, point by point.

      I’m totally open to that since it would be faster than writing it down. And we’d agree beforehand that you would link to the recording from this page to at least present a balanced picture and at best to convince you that SBI! is far better at delivering success (i.e., if you change your belief). And on that note…

      You actually are wrong and I’d like to explain why. You’ll see it if your mind is open. The numbers don’t lie and your attempts at explanation are faulty.

      Of course, you may convince me that I’m wrong. I’ve said before if we were ever 2nd best, if there was a better company, 2nd best is a disservice. We’d discuss it with SBI! owners and then, if they agree, arrange to migrate them as easily as possible.

      That’s unlikely in the WA case…

      Any serious person who reads that study will know this. As a former physician trained in making and analyzing studies, I can tell you that these results are unimpeachable.

      But as things stand, most people will probably believe your argument because they won’t wade through the Study to realize how powerful it is, and how wrong you are.

      And sadly it’s their future at stake. Other WA users see you and believe that they’ll do the same. They don’t realize that there are only 52 others like you, per Alexa, even fewer if you consider the other 2 traffic-measuring systems).

      That’s the strength in using THREE sampling techniques. They average out to reduce selection bias to a very low number.

      Anyway, please let me know if you’re willing to converse on this, even if it’s just privately

      Warm regards and nice job on the rankings (I don’t have to like them to appreciate

      Please let me know how we can discuss this further.

      I look forward to hearing back from you.

      All the best,

      P.S. If you are worried about a public discussion, would you publish my written replies? They’re rather long, so I’d like to know ahead of tie. They are also convincing, so results are not going to go the way you think they will…

      That’s why I’d like to know that you’ll publish them.

      I don’t mind giving you last word to rebut, as long as we stick to the issues and you don’t bring up new but different points.

      Or, if you prefer, and if you are genuinely interested but afraid of public exposure in any form, let’s talk privately, in the interest of serving solopreneurs with the best possible product. That’s our #1 interest in this.

      I’d love to talk with you privately. Please let me know.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Ken,

      Thank you again for your comment. Yes, I never delete any comments. I try to be honest and I don’t care what others may think. Regarding my results, believe me they are not so great. I know MANY members at Wealthy Affiliate whose sites get WAY more traffic than mine. And they don’t use any secret strategies other than what they learn at WA. I also don’t use any secret strategies other than what I learned at WA. Of course, I know that WA is not perfect and I don’t know of any other program that would be perfect. But what keeps me at WA is an honest approach that I’ve seen from Kyle and Carson from the first day. They never promise you overnight success. They never guarantee success or any results. That’s what I know firsthand. There is a ton of help and support inside WA. There is a ton of training inside WA. Regarding your study, I believe your study has a great info. But I can’t say that it proves that WA is failing. Believe me, I’ve been there for over 3 years now and I know many sites that are doing great. But I agree that like in any other community most people are failing because they simply don’t do the job. They are lazy. Many others are in the working process that will ultimately lead them to success. That ‘s how I see the situation. Anyway, I really appreciate your comments and input. Believe me there are many other people at WA that would never delete any comments like me. Those who delete I don’t respect such people. I’m very busy with my business and can’t spend so much time to write my replies here. But I can tell you honestly that I plan to try SBI myself to see how it can help me grow my business. Your price is pretty affordable. Just I can’t afford it right now because I have too many things to do and I have some other expenses. But I will definitely give it a try. I’ve known your company since 2000 and I know it’s very solid.

  5. hi there .. i’m considering WA , does WA include hosting and as a secondary option if i go it alone .. what hosting provider would you recommend (?)

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, WA includes hosting too and all necessary tools, such as website builder, keyword tool and more. I recommend WA hosting because SSL is included too in the price.

  6. Tina says:

    I’ve been looking at getting into Affiliate Marketing. Just wondering if WA is ok to use to help advertise other companies even if you don’t have your own website?

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Tina,

      Absolutely it’s possible. You can do it for your own website or for other websites ( your clients). You will learn different strategies how to advertise websites and charge your clients for your services.

  7. Frankie says:

    As a SOON to be ex SBI user I’ve had enough with Sitesell and Ken Envoy’s bs marketing. I thought SBI would be the answer to my relationship advice website Ario1.Com but it turned out to be a mirage. After 3 years of pushing and advertising (Facebook ads, Outbrain, crowd etc) and OVER $10,000 later (I know I was a fool), all I have to show for it is an average of 300 daily visitors and 1200 views. It seems the ongoing assessment about google hating SBI is 100% true.

    Right, now I am transferring Ario1.Com to a new hosting site where not only will it look better (per Ken Envoy the look of the site doesn’t matter) but I will have a much easier chance of flowing REAL HIGH traffic daily. SBI’s templates and everything else they do is COMPLETELY out dated and it’s not like I didn’t give them a chance. I mean after almost 3 years and 100’s of pages with new content built (1/3 by them) you would think my site would be on top. Unfortunately even though Ario1.Com skyrocketed at first on Alexis, ranking me in the top 90,000 sites in the US and top 600k in the world, it all slowly began to crash as it went down to the millions in rankings.

    Also, Google NEVER ranked Ario1 even though I had plenty of pages indexed with them. A few of my pages are even on the first page of Google but thats as far as I got. The domain itself was NEVER ranked with Google and no matter what I did (advertising etc) nothing seemed to get it noticed by the biggest search engine in the world.

    It is TIME SBI accepts the reality like I have, that eventually this company will fold and Ken Envoy will walk away with millions he stole from innocent website owners. Shame on him. Goodbye SBI!

    • Rufat says:

      It’s really bad that your experience with SBI is so bad. This company has been around for many years and I first heard of them back in 2001. I heard many times that their website tool is outdated and websites look very bad. From my experience I can tell that how your website looks is very important for your business. If first impression is bad I believe most of your visitors will leave your site without taking any action. If you spent so much money with zero results with SBI that’s really bad. In order to get high rankings in search engines your site should be up-to-date with the most modern technologies and should be mobile responsive because it’s now part of your website optimization. That’s why I told in my review that SBI is legit but it’s by far not the best program out there. I believe you can spend your time, effort and time with much better programs such as Wealthy Affiliate, Bring the Fresh, Chris Farrell and the like.

    • Ken Evoy says:

      Frankie, I have no idea why we would be collecting $10,000 from you. SBI! is $297 per year.

      Rufat regarding designs, that’s old and out-of-date information. Please see…

      All the best,
      Ken Evoy, Founder and CEO

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Ken,

      Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you personally visited my site and left a comment. I really appreciate it. Regarding web-design at SBI, yes I know and I mentioned within my review that SBI now allows to build a site on a wordpress. Thank you.

  8. Looking at beginning a second site. Have been with SBI for four years and only really worked my site for two. It is It is not in good shape right now and was never really monetized. I feel like this would be a good time to start a new, fresh project with an entirely different focus.

    Interested in WA or if perchance I would be better off to stay with SBI. Thoughts?

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Barbara,

      As I know SBI is a good program, but not as good as Wealthy Affiliate or Chris Farrell. There are some complaints about SBI too. I first came across SBI back in 2001 but never joined it or tried. I believe Wealthy Affiliate is better than SBI and if you wish to work on something new I recommend to try WA. I believe you will learn a lot of news things and the community inside WA is great. Very helpful and responsive.

    • Frankie says:

      Barbara your site has sooooooo much potential but the look of the SBI template is just plain horrible. You need to go to a new hosting site with better technology and tools. As a soon to be ex SBI member I have finally decided to throw in the towel for my http://www.Ario1.Com site and move it somewhere else. The NEW look for my site is fantastic and for the first time in almost 3 years with being at SBI, I am excited again and can’t wait until it debuts. The transferring of domain names takes about 7 days from SBI to the new host but in the mean time I am rebuilding my pages (over 120 of them). SBI bled me over $10K and little to show for it.

      AGAIN let me state that your site has A LOT of potential but you need to start looking at a better company to get you going again.

      Hope this helps,

      Owner of Ario1.Com

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