How to be Successful on Social Media?

October 23, 2014 0 Comments

social media

Social media should be part of your strategy if you are struggling and want to be successful online. There are different types of social media but our main concern that I am going to cover in this article is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google plus.

Since I am going to touch upon this topic in terms of online business strategy our concern should be the traffic that we can get from social media.

No doubt that 70/80% of all traffic still comes from major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo BUT social media if used correctly can send a good traffic to your website.

That is why our main concern today is to figure out how we can be successful with social media. You can read my post about the power of Facebook at WA.


1. First of all, when you create your profile at social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google plus) put your photo and a good image related to your website. You should let people know exactly what your page is about. Remember that adding your own photo to your profile is very important because in this case they will take you seriously.


2. You should post on your Facebook page as often as possible provided your posts contain an engaging and helpful information to your readers. It is not necessary to post every day if you feel you don’t have any valuable information you want to share with them. Posting for the sake of posting is a waste of time.


3. You should be active and interact with others in your niche on a daily basis or every other day. But the most important thing you should keep in mind is that if you have your website you should work on your website content first and use social media as an additional method to drive traffic.

Your main concern should always be around SEO (search engine optimization). If you hang on social media all days long then you will not be able to use it to your benefit. Remember that you should spend on each social media, i.e. Facebook or Twitter and etc. not more than 15 minutes in the morning and at night or just once a day.


4. Don’t try to use social media solely to promote your product. That way you will not be able to take full advantage of social media. If you don’t have any valuable information to share with other people in your niche then it would be better to focus on your website.

Remember that social media is not the place to sell your products. Social media is the place to communicate with like-minded people, help them, learn something from them and share what you learn with others.

If you use it solely to promote your product then you will be considered as a spammer and no one will follow you or if you have a few followers you will lose them. Just post useful information or insert a link to your new post published on your website and you will probably see some visitors from social media.

If you have an interesting content on your website and can offer a good product then some visitors that come from social media will end up as buyers.


5. Some experts are of the opinion that if you try to build your presence on all social media sites, you will fail. I would say Yes and No. On the one hand, it is a good idea to be on one social media only. For example, if you use Facebook the right way you can drive serious traffic to your website.

But if you can schedule your time wisely to be present on all social media sites then you will have no any problem. If you decide to focus on one site only (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google Plus) it is still ok because if you do it seriously you can benefit a lot from social media.


6. Don’t post today and then forget it for the next week. If you do it then you can hardly benefit from social media. You should participate in social media on a regular basis. Try to be on social media every day and think on building relationships with your followers.

Remember that your goal is to become an authority in your niche and prove that you are an expert in what you are doing and teaching. But it doesn’t mean that you must be an expert in everything. Just try to be helpful as much as possible and remember that for most folks who are just starting an online business you are a real expert.

social media network

7. Install social media plugins on your website and let other people that come from search engines or social media to share, like, tweet your content. I personally use “Tweet, like, Google+1 and share” and “Pinterest pin it” plugins.

By doing this you will allow other people to share your content on all social media and benefit from all of them wisely. All this will result in the traffic to your website.


8. You can participate in Facebook ad campaign (If you don’t know, it is similar to Google AdWords) and drive targeted traffic to your website. Even if you have some experience with Google AdWords, you need to try and test your Facebook ad campaign to see which campaign produces the best conversion rate.

In addition, Facebook allows you to target any audience based on age, gender, language, education, interests. Before buying ad campaign think well on which audience should be your target. Before you find an audience that converts best for your website, you need to try, test and fail 🙂


9. When you post on Facebook, remember to add a good image that can catch people’s attention. Remember that visual effects still have a great impact on human behaviour since it is human eyes that drive people to take action.


10. When you post on Facebook or any other social media make your post title compelling such as “Learn how to drive tons of free traffic to your website”. But never give your post a compelling title if you fail to provide real information afterwards. This way you will loose trust with your audience.


11. Install Google analytics and track everything on your website to know which ad does produce the best conversion rate, which pages receive most clicks or visits from search engines and social media sites.


12. Never buy fake likes or tweets since it can ruin not only your social media presence but can destroy your entire business.


13. You need to change your privacy settings in social media profiles so that anyone can read your posts even those who are not on your list. This will increase exposure to your website or blog.


14. In regards to social media sites, always follow people who have the same interests as yours, who can be interested in your site’s topic. This way you can drive more traffic to your site and if you don’t follow this rule then you will be wasting your time on social media sites.


15. Remember that if your post can get a large number of comments in a small period of time it will make your post appear on Facebook home page and this will increase exposure to your posts and your site as well. When you reply to your post comments instead of saying just thank you try to keep the ball rolling. This can increase the number of comments and exposure as well.


Finally, if you are serious about building your business and making money online then I highly recommend you to join WA for free and go through certification courses. You will find more in-depth lessons there about using social media the right way.

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Here is the link to a great post by one of our WA members.

And here is another post I highly recommend you to read to fully understand the importance of social media. Also I recommend you to read the comments in the thread where I’ve added my comments. The bottom line is that social media is important but not critical to your business. To use it or not is a mater of personal preference.

I know many successful internet marketers who aren’t using social media and still they’re very successful. But using it the right way won’t harm your business in any way, rather it will bring you more traffic and add more engagement to your site.



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About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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