How to Rank in Google Fast

June 18, 2015 6 Comments


Traffic is the key

Anyone who has a website and tries to make money from it knows that a key to success online lies in web traffic.

I don’t know if you have some experience in internet marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) that’s why let me explain it to you in a few words.

Web traffic means visitors to your site and the more visitors you can get from search engines the more chances that you can make more sales if you promote products or provide some sort of services. Traffic is the key.


Why we need traffic

Most people are still very skeptical when it comes to internet and they simply don’t trust sites. Anyone who has some experience selling items on the internet know that it’s extremely difficult to sell an item through a website.

That’s why you need to bring a lot of traffic to your site to be able to make enough sales and make your site, i.e. business profitable.

The question is: How can we drive traffic from search engines? There are two methods of getting traffic from search engines, free and paid. Today we’ll be discussing a free method.


Free method

In order to drive traffic from search engines you need to get your site ranked in top 10 or 20 of search engine search results because most of the traffic comes from the first two pages of Google, Bing or Yahoo. Everyone wants to get tons of traffic and they want it fast.

The question is: Is it really possible to rank in Google fast? Keep reading because I’m going to discuss a few important things about rankings and I’m going to share my experience and I’m sure if you follow my recommendations you will be able to significantly improve rankings of your website and get more traffic accordingly.


What Google wants from us

If we want to learn how to rank in Google fast we must learn first what Google wants from us. Anyone who has some experience in SEO and some little knowledge know that Google wants content, fresh and engaging content from our sites because people use Google search to find specific info and Google wants to provide them with the best search results possible.

So, we understand now that Google is always looking for fresh and engaging content which means if you can create this type of content you can probably get it ranked in Google.

I say “probably” because their is no guarantee that Google will rank every piece of content you are going to produce. But the more content you create the more chances that some of your content will certainly get ranked.



Steps to follow to rank in Google fast


Write consistently

If you want to rank in Google fast you have to think of writing content on a daily basis because Google gives priority to those sites that are updated daily and this is a fact. It may have a serious impact on overall rank of your site.

If you write one article today and forget about your site for the next 5,6 days then this way you won’t be able to achieve high rankings for your site. If you treat your site seriously and work on it consistently then Google will notice it and reward you in a way you didn’t even expect.



Comments are now playing a big role in website rankings. If Google finds a lot of comments on your site, i.e. a lot of engagement it means you’ll get better rankings. I have a post about blog commenting and its power for SEO and I highly recommend you to read it if you want to learn a little secret about getting high rankings and driving more traffic to your site without writing content every day.


Just do it

When you start writing content often and possibly get more comments on your blog posts Google will start giving your site better rankings and if you do so there is nothing to worry about. You will notice that your rankings improve automatically and Google will send you more and more visitors.

Writing often impacts positively all your site, not just a few pages. Just keep doing what you do and you will see higher rankings and more traffic because your website authority will increase over time as your site gets older.


The law of numbers

When you write often, on a daily basis, i.e. write one post a day it means you get more chances that certain part of your content will get ranked in Google. It’s the low of numbers, the more content you write the more of it gets ranked and can bring you more traffic.

That’s why if you want to rank in Google fast you need to focus on creating more content. More pages means more rankings and more visitors.


Google analytics should be your favourite tool

You need to install Google analytics to track your visitors and see how much traffic you get from search engines, where it comes from. Google analytics allows you to see your most visited pages, i.e. pages that are top ranked in Google.

Once you know your most visited pages you can make a list of your pages using Excel and add a few columns for each of your pages, i.e. page url, page rank, number of comments. Once you have done it you will notice that some of your most visited pages are listed at the bottom of the first page of Google or even on the second page or third page.


That’s not so good because the higher your position is, close to the first 5 spots the more traffic you can get. Now you need to give some boost to your pages because some of them probably have no enough comments and the best way to give them a boost is to get more comments on those pages which means more engagement and as a result you can get a good chance to get better rankings for your specific pages.

If you do so, I’m sure you will be able to give some boost to your most visited pages and move them to the higher spots in Google. You can get more comments on social network sites, forums.


A program that can teach you how to rank in Google fast

There is a program that can teach you how to rank in Google fast and this program has actually helped many folks achieve it including me. Thanks to this program I could finally get many of my pages ranked in top 10/20 of Google search results.

They have all you need to build a successful business if only you are willing to learn and apply what they teach. They have video lessons and text tutorials that cover all SEO issues, plus all necessary tools, such as keyword research tool, support and active community.

They can even help you with comments because they have a great, warm and active community of like-minded people. They teach only legit methods that allow you to get top rankings in search engines and keep them for years which means building a business on a strong foundation without a fear of losing rankings some day.



Filed in: SEO

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Warren says:

    I absolutely love this post. You spell it out so simply on what it takes. Just from your article I know that I am not writing enough. Keeping your site clean and refreshing seems to be the name of the game, along with engagement. I am really curious about how you go about knocking out one post per day. Perhaps you can publish a future post on how to do this with out seeming to have a post just for the sake of having a post. Google will smell that out. Take care and thanks for the info.

    • Rufat says:

      In fact, I’m not writing enough too. You are not alone who is struggling with content and Google rankings. You really need to post a lot if you want to get a lot of traffic. Writing 3,4 times a week is highly recommended. And the quality of your post is of course extremely important. You need to create at least 300 – 400 posts to get the traffic you want.

  2. Angela says:

    Hey Rufat, you have an interesting article here, and I think you explained everything simply and it is understandable. My problem is my busy life with a full time job, family going in all different directions and a home to take care of, I can spend about an hour each day on building my site and making an attempt for Google to rank me. It literally takes me about a week to finish one article. Doing keyword search, doing research on the topic and then actually writing, rewriting.
    Any advise on how to cut down on my research and gear up my writing techniques?

    • Rufat says:

      I completely understand you and I’m working a full time job too. All what I’ve done on my website or achieved so far was done after working hours at my job. It was very difficult and I spent a lot of hours for creating my content. And even today after gaining some experience in creating content, I still spend 6,7 hours to write an article, proofread it and then publish on my website. In this sense, sorry but I can’t give any advise because creating content in itself is very time consuming and can’t be accomplished in an hour or two. But if you can write one article a week, it’s still not bad. But you have to do it consistently. If you follow this schedule I believe you will start getting high rankings within 5,6 months.

  3. Funkydunc says:

    That’s a very interesting introduction to Google ranking. I agree that writing content is the most productive way. Using tools like Yoast SEO one can write content that is engaging, has rich content, is keyword savvy and has outbound links that can drive traffic.
    It is an interesting endeavour, this online marketing, and it can, with the right training, be a success.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, creating content is in fact the most important factor of getting high rankings in search engines. If you create it consistently you can drive a massive traffic to your site. Though it’s always recommended to use multiple ways for promoting your business online, using only SEO method can be enough for your business. One of the most popular experts in internet marketing and SEO whose name is Neil Patel once was asked a question: what is the main factor of your successful online blogging? He answer was: I blog every day. This means he creates new, fresh content every day and that’s why Google loves his websites and ranks them high which brings him flood of traffic and sales. I understand what you mean by Yoast plugin, but to be honest, in my opinion, it’s not really important if you use that plugin or not. If you create content consistently, Google will rank your site high even if you don’t use any plugins such as All in One SEO or Yoast SEO or whatever else. It’s not really important. And I agree that with the right training on SEO you can achieve a significant success in your online business and keep your site rankings for years.

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