Legit Ways to Make Money Online at Home

June 16, 2015 6 Comments



If you are reading this post you probably too want to make money online and I guess you have fallen for multiple scams which is very normal when it comes to MMO products (make money opportunities) online.

It’s really sad that 90% of MMO products are either complete scams or very poor products designed to make more money off people like you that are new to make money thing.

And it’s really sad that most people though educated and smart enough easily fall for these scams wasting their time, energy and money.

There are two main reasons why people fall for these scams. The first reason is because they want a quick buck and this desire forces them to try every MMO product until they realize that they have been ripped off.

And the second reason is because they believe that making money online is different from making it offline, i.e. in real world while it’s not. If making money online was easy then everyone would quit their job to start making money from the comfort of their homes. But it’s a dream and self-deception.


A warning from a trusted site

One thing you must understand that there is no easy way to make money both online or offline. If you want to quit your 9–5 job, become your own boss and make serious money you need to change your mind and start working towards your success.

You need to be a goal oriented person if you want to achieve success. If you are not a goal oriented person then I have to disappoint you because internet marketing is not for you.

To prove you that what I’m saying is true I recommend you to read this info from a trusted and reputable website BBB.org that says that if someone promises you quick money it’s most likely a scam. I think it’s the best proof that comes from a reliable source and it proves that I’m honest with you.



It’s up to you

There are different ways to make money online. You can either find a regular job online and do all the work from your home for a fixed amount of money or you can build your own business and make unlimited amount of money.

When I say unlimited I don’t mean millions because it may be a bit misleading. I mean you can make between $5,000-$10,000 per month and even more. It all depends on you and the amount of time and work you are willing to put in your online project.

If you more tend to work for a fixed amount of money I recommend you to read my article for more info. If you tend to work for yourself like me then I recommend you to read further since I’m going to show you only legit and proven ways.



Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best, legit and proven ways to make money online because it allows you to build relationships with your audience.

Normally most people don’t buy at their first visit because they don’t trust your website and if you give them a chance to subscribe to your list you can get a good chance to strengthen your relationships and build more trust with your visitors over time.

This will allow you to send them good offers and possibly make money. You need to send your list only good offers and offer them only quality products that you use or used yourself and if they buy from you once and are happy with their purchase they will buy more products from you in the future.

Sometimes you can make a few thousands of dollars with one click of your mouse if your list is big enough. Building a list takes time but it’s really effective way to increase conversions of your site. Some people create a landing page with an offer and send people to that offer using solo ad method.

Solo ad is when you pay someone who has a list and they send your offer to that list. To be honest, I have never used this method and I’m a bit skeptical about it. I don’t think it’s effective method because it’s not your list and you don’t know how responsive it’s.

It can be cheap but you shouldn’t expect any good results either. I know exactly that if you want to send your offer to a quality list it won’t be cheap. That’s why the best way is start building your own list which takes time but it’s very rewarding.






CPA (Cost Per Action) is very popular and legit method of making money online. With this method you don’t actually need to write articles, i.e. create content but it still doesn’t mean that you can make easy money with no effort on your part. It’s just a dream.

You need to go through a quality training course to understand how the whole CPA thing works. The general idea of CPA is that you don’t need to sell any products to make money because you get paid for leads.




You register with different CPA networks that are looking for leads, then you create your opt-in page to get those leads, then you submit that info and get paid. CPA networks are different, some pay a few cents per lead, some pay $1 and some even more.

The good thing is that getting leads is easier than selling a product and that’s why it’s very popular. But it’s not easy and requires time, hard work and some spending. The problem is that to get those leads you need to drive traffic to your opt in page, free or paid.

The best way is to drive free traffic which is not easy because we all are struggling online for traffic. There are some paid methods to drive traffic and you must know what to do or otherwise you can waste all your budget in no time.

The bottom line is that though CPA looks easy it actually is not and you must be willing to put in the time and work.



Google Adsense

Google Adsense is another proven and legit way to make money online. You just put Google ad on your site and get paid if someone (visitor of your website) clicks on that ad. In fact you don’t do anything and can get paid for showing this ad.

Some people are making a few hundred, some a few thousands of dollars. The amount of money you can make with Google adsense directly depends on the amount of traffic you can drive to your site. The more traffic the more money.

But before making money with Google adsense you need to build your site, write enough content for it to be able to drive traffic using different methods such as email marketing, SEO, social media, PPC. It takes time but it’s very rewarding and proven method.



Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best, proven and legit ways to make money online and most people choose it as their main method to build an online business. I chose this method too and was able to build my online business.

The idea of affiliate marketing is very popular because in fact you can make money without having your own product. You just choose your niche based on your interest, find a product, sign up for affiliate program and start promoting your product.

If someone buys from your site you will earn affiliate commission. There are thousands of products online and thousands of affiliate programs you can join.

I’m making money through affiliate marketing too and I love affiliate marketing because this way you can build a serious and real business based on your interest and that’s why most people start with affiliate marketing.

I recommend you to start with affiliate marketing too and one of the best programs that can teach you all you need in affiliate marketing is Wealthy Affiliate. They have a top- notch training, tools, active community and supreme support.

I’ve been a member of this community for almost 2 years now and don’t plan to ever leave it because I’m already making money. At Wealthy Affiliate you can learn all ins and outs of internet and affiliate marketing and especially if you are new to make money thing it’s the best newbie-friendly place on the web.

Once you learn all this stuff you can expand your internet presence and increase your online income through CPA, Google adsense, email marketing etc.

You can try this program for free within a week and ask any questions you want from other members of the community and even from the founders of the program Kyle and Carson and you don’t even need a credit card to create your free starter account.

Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to assist.



Filed in: Making Money

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Liz says:

    Good to know, I have been pondering the question, for a long time.

    • Rufat says:

      Glad you like my article. That was my intention to help people like you and save from online scams. I recommend you to start with affiliate marketing since it’s a proven and legit way to make money and you can apply the same experience to CPA business.

  2. terry says:

    Hi Rufat;

    I think your “for beginners” area is fantastic. I love it!
    You say you have been doing this since 2000. Since you have “been there; done that”, I have some questions for you.
    1) Where do you recommend I start?
    2) How much time will it take to start making money?

    You tell it like it is. You said it won’t just happen. I need to work at it. But, I have limited time to work on this. That’s one of the main reasons I am looking into an online business. If I can make a little money there, I’m hoping that will free up some time from my regular job.
    I haven’t finished reading all of the information you are passing on so I’ll be back to read some more.
    Thank you for sharing your experience on this and passing it on to me as knowledge.


    • Rufat says:

      Hi Terry, I really appreciate that you read the content I create and believe me I put a lot of effort in creating this content. And I’m really happy that people like you benefit from it. This is my main goal to help folks avoid useless and crappy products that never deliver on their promises. I want to provide my readers with the most reliable information they read and apply in practice. I recommend to start with Wealthy Affiliate, the program I recommend at the end of my article. This is the best place in my opinion and even experienced internet marketers join this program to improve their online business and take to another level. As for how much time you need to start seeing income really depends on many factors. You need to work on your site for a year at least to start getting around 300 visitors a day, This is the time when you start to make some money. Following this schedule will require creating at least 2,3 articles every week and adding comments through Wealthy Affiliate comment platform. If you want to see a serious income, between $1000/$2000 or even more per month you probably need to work 2 years at least. Some members of Wealthy Affiliate hit $10.000 mark by the end of 2 years period. The more effort you will put in your online project the more results you will see and the faster it will happen. It all depends on you.

  3. Cheryl says:

    I had looked into CPA a few years ago but to be honest I couldn’t find any companies that were in keeping with my lifestyle and beliefs ie cruelty free and vegan companies. mind you, like I said it was a few years ago so hopefully things have changed now. I think it is important to follow training on this so I’ve signed up to be informed about when CPA Evolution is available again. It will depend on cost but there’s no harm in looking into it..

    Many thanks for your information 🙂

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Cheryl, CPA is a good option to start making money online. In fact, it works the same way as an affiliate marketing. I mean, you need to have a website, add CPA offers, write some material and promote your offers to the audience. The only difference from affiliate marketing is that if you promote free CPA offers you don’t need to make a sale which makes the process a bit easier. To be honest, I can’t say that it’s much easier because I find it difficult to promote even a free offer. But in general it’s a bit easier to make money from CPA offers than making money through affiliate marketing. Like you I’m planning to start my second business and so I’m waiting to CPA evolution next launch. The cost is approx. $300. It’s a one time payment.

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