How to Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate

June 19, 2015 12 Comments



There are many reviews of Wealthy Affiliate on the internet and each review is unique in itself.

All these reviews describe Wealthy Affiliate as an online business community that unites thousands of like-minded people helping each other achieve their online goals.

Every day thousands of people join this awesome community to start their online business and thanks to a great support, tools and a top-notch training many of them achieve success.

To be honest, not all that join the community can achieve success because they still believe in the idea of easy money or cash machines that can make them money on autopilot.

After having being scammed and burnt many times they still don’t fully realize the power and the potential of Wealthy Affiliate and that’s why they don’t understand how to make money with Wealthy Affiliate. They continue jumping from program to program with no success.

They jump from program to program, watch a few training modules, skipping the rest of them, then do some little work in the first 2,3 months and then leave the program because of being unable to make any money.

Whatever they do they don’t do it consistently and that’s the main reason of their failure. They are not goal oriented people and they rarely can achieve success in their lives, online or offline.

The truth is that Wealthy Affiliate is not the only program out there that can help you build a successful online business.

There are other legit and reputable programs similar to Wealthy Affiliate, such as Site Build it, Chris Farrell Membership, Bring the Fresh, Affilorama and these communities have helped thousands of people build a successful online business and quit their jobs.

Wealthy Affiliate is one of the oldest and the best program among them. If you are serious about making money online you can choose any of these programs and it can be a good fit for you. Just you need to have the right mindset, follow the training and apply what they teach you and you will be successful.

The question is: How to make money with Wealthy Affiliate or Can you really make money with Wealthy Affiliate? Yes, certainly you can and many people are making real money and I’m making too.

In fact, Wealthy Affiliate provides a top-notch training on affiliate marketing, all necessary tools such as a website builder, keyword research tool, live chat, 24/7 support and more.

The power of their training has been proven through years and if you have the right mindset and are willing to work hard to start making a few thousands of $ per month this program can help you in that.




You have two main options to make money with Wealthy Affiliate:


Affiliate marketing through a niche business

Affiliate marketing is the most popular method and at Wealthy Affiliate you can learn how to pick a niche based on your interest, find a product through affiliate program related to your niche and make money from your site. You can build a business in any niche, it can be perfumes, electronics, apparel etc.

Many people prefer building a business based on their interest because it’s much easier to do the work that you love to do and it’s easier to stay self-motivated until you start making the amount of money you expect from your business.

There are many members inside Wealthy Affiliate that are making money on Amazon because it’s much easier to sell Amazon products than selling a product of a company that no one knows about.




Affiliate marketing through affiliate bootcamp

Some people may have not specific interest and just want to make money with anything and for this type of people Wealthy Affiliate has a training called affiliate bootcamp where you can learn all ins and outs of internet marketing, advanced level and start promoting Wealthy Affiliate to other people.

You job will be writing reviews about numerous MMO (make money opportunity) products comparing them with Wealthy Affiliate and suggesting people to try WA for free and then if they upgrade their account to a paid membership you will earn a commission.

You don’t have to worry about writing reviews because some people think that in order to write a review they must have certain skills. You don’t have to. I’m not a professional writer and English is my second language and still I’m writing all my articles myself.

There are some training modules within the main training course inside WA that will teach you how to write reviews. When writing reviews you must show all the good and bad of a particular program as it is. You don’t need to call every program a scam in order to show Wealthy Affiliate in a favourable light. Just be honest and that’s it.


Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program payout scheme

Wealthy Affiliate has an excellent payout scheme and as an affiliate of this program you will be more than happy to make enough money to quit your job if only you are willing to work hard. WA pays 50% of the profit to the affiliates.

If someone joins Wealthy Affiliate through your affiliate link you will earn $8 and then $22,5 for each month. If your referral decides to pay yearly (one time payment) you will earn $175. Besides that for each referral that fills out a profile and adds a picture you will earn $1 credit.

When the number of such referrals reaches 20 you can cash out $20. It’s very similar to CPA marketing when you are paid for a lead, not actual sale. That means the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson are very progressive entrepreneurs and do their best to support their affiliates.

I’ve been a premium member of WA for almost 2 years now and can say that they are continuously working on improving their program. Plus, if you make 300 sales a year you will be invited to Las Vegas to a private business training conference. It’s all expense paid trip.

I know many WA members that are making money by promoting Wealthy Affiliate program and they are making a good living with it. I’m making money with this program too.





More ways to make money with Wealthy Affiliate training

They also have an excellent training on PPC (pay per click) where you can learn how to drive paid traffic from Google and Yahoo and make money using this method. The advantage of this method is that you don’t need to wait for Google rankings and you in fact can drive traffic to your site anytime you want.

In this training you will learn how to make your PPC campaign profitable. But you need to be very careful about this method because you can easily waste all your budget if you do it wrong.

When you complete Wealthy Affiliate training, learn how to drive free massive traffic to your site and start making money you can move on to CPA marketing which is highly profitable method of making money online because with CPA you are paid for a lead, not for actual sale.

But before that you need to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing because most of large CPA networks accept only experienced people that have enough experience in affiliate marketing, have their websites and can drive traffic to their websites.

There are plenty of legit opportunities on the internet in order to make money online but there are plenty of scams as well. So, you need to be very careful when choosing a program to join.

I think Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best programs available on the web and if you are really serious about making money online then I can certainly say that you can make money with Wealthy Affiliate.



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (12)

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  1. You Know says:

    Wealthy Affiliate is full of nothing but lies!
    You are getting ripped off, don’t you realize that…Damn I feel sorry for you.
    Man… I truly hope you get wise to their BS! They also have you pay for a year’s membership after you are paying monthly, by sending you email after email, and than after 3 months, they revoke your privileges, so you pay for a year to get only 3 months, unless you are making BIG money for the company, they might let you stay on! That’s why they have the NO refund policy! They promote bullying by allowing it to happen, they don’t respond back, even when you ask them nicely to put a stop to the person cyber bullying! They use a little spam button the bully or anyone can use to click on 10 times on comments or posts if they don’t like you or a post or comment, even if it’s NOT spam! A button does the work for them! All you need is 10 spam clicks, according to Carson one of the owners, and your privileges are revoked! Than they don’t email you back so you can find out why! They are under investigation at the moment, so just a friendly warning! My friend overdosed once over this, and now she just did it again with more pills! All because of the cyberbuyyling of the two nicknames @Rich and MozMary!

    • Rufat says:

      You already left one comment on my site and this one is the second one. But you didn’t reply to your first comment. Tell me why you feel sorry for me? Maybe because you can’t make a buck online? Or maybe there is another reason? You know better. First of all, your information is incorrect. You don’t have to pay after monthly payments. Your monthly payments is one thing and your yearly payment is another thing. I’ve never had any issues you are talking about here. Regarding refund, when it comes to yearly payments they have refund policy. Even for monthly payments you can get a refund. Not always but you can. But keep in mind it’s unfair to ask for refund after using WA services for a month. It’s unfair to come to the restaurant have a meal and then ask for refund. When it comes to support, they always respond. Sometimes it can take hours or days but they respond. They are busy but they respond. What button are you talking about? Some member abuse the system. That’s true. And they are removed from the system. I don’t know why you leave such negative comments here. You know the reason. But anyone can go to Wealthy Affiliate site, create a free account and see for themselves how it works. I can tell you honestly, Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect. Nothing is perfect. But it’s legit program with a good track record. Most members are very happy to be part of this online business community. Some do not and that’s why they leave. This is very normal. If you don’t want to be part of WA I respect your choice. But there is nothing serious to feel sorry for me or any other member of Wealthy Affiliate. I wish you all the best in your life and your business if you have one. If you have any questions or thoughts leave them here and I will respond.

  2. Hagop Margossian says:

    Great content! Really gives me a vivid image on the ideas of wealthy affiliate and the message it is supposed to lay out. You know exactly what you are talking about and if online marketing ever comes up, wealthy affiliate is by far the best! You made me believe that :p

    • Rufat says:

      Wealthy Affiliate does really provide an excellent opportunity to start a business even if you have zero experience in internet marketing. Their training covers literally all issues that might interest you and even if you have some specific questions, there is a big community of like-minded people that can always help you in finding the answers. There are many different ways to make money online and if you follow WA training and apply the knowledge they teach you can achieve a lot. I know many WA members who have achieved success online. Among them are members that have a business in different niches and some are promoting WA training. The main idea is that Wealthy Affiliate training works fine for those willing to learn and work.

  3. edy says:

    Hello Rufat,
    I like your own unique opinion toward Wealthy Affiliate review.
    To me, WA is an excellent platform that teaches people how to make money from any angle of online marketing. The lessons outline is step-by-step and easy to understand.

    If to compare with other trainings out there, WA biggest advantage is the helpful community. I can’t stress enough how supportive the members inside. I am glad to be part of it!

    • Rufat says:

      Hello Eddy and thank you for your comment. I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent and unique platform designed to help anyone looking for a legit, step-by-step and easy to grasp training. If you follow it you can build your online business over time based on your interest. And I agree that active and helpful community is what makes WA different from many other programs out there. It’s really important because lack of support is the most obvious reason why most people fail to achieve success online. It’s really a good feeling to be part of such awesome community and I’m happy to be part of it too.

  4. Keye says:

    What trainings from Wealthy Affiliate can you suggest on how to make money online?

    • Rufat says:

      As you can see from my article Wealthy Affiliate offers two types of trainings. One for beginners – certification course – for affiliate marketers and one for advanced level – affiliate bootcamp for those who want to promote WA training to others. Since I went through both trainings I can say that affiliate bootcamp in fact is not only for WA promoters. IMO it’s just an advanced level of the main certification course and both training are important if you want to be successful online. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will be happy to assist.

  5. Steen Rasmussen says:

    Hello Rufat! We have been a member of WAU in roughly the same amount of time and I will clearly point out that it is an education and not a get rich scheme, like most other things you have described. I have also learned it takes some skill to get traffic to my website and that it does not pay to post link anywhere unless internal link. But all this you also know about me.
    The return I do not know much about the here CPA network that you have described how they work and what does it take to approve a website to be a part of their network?

    • Rufat says:

      Hello Steen and thank you for your interest in my post in particular and my site in general. You are right Steen. Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme and if someone is looking for a quality training they can learn a lot from this place. I also just like you learned how to drive traffic to my site and make money from my site. I can really admit that Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome program and if you want to learn legit ways how to build a site and make money from it you can do it. But you need to be willing to do the work and if you follow WA training you will be able to achieve success. As for CPA networks, there are many of them such as or and many other networks. In order to approved you need to have a site and daily traffic and some experience in affiliate marketing.

  6. Hi Rufat,
    Very thorough and in depth review of Wealthy Affiliate. I think that you have definitely covered all the basics that most people would want to know regarding this business opportunity. I also like the fact that you point out how WA can help experienced network marketers as well as beginners. Thank you for spreading the good word about Wealthy Affiliate.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Deidre for your comment. This post is not actually a review of Wealthy Affiliate. I decided to write this post because many people that join Wealthy Affiliate want to know how WA can help them make money and even when they join the community they still ask questions. That’s why I want to show them full potential of Wealthy Affiliate and explain that there are plenty of ways to make money with Wealthy Affiliate only if you know how to benefit from the training. Wealthy Affiliate training is catered to all levels, beginners and experienced. Just you need to be goal oriented and have a desire to work hard.

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