How to be Successful Online -18 Simple Steps

October 23, 2014 0 Comments


If you have your own online business or plan to start one, you need to know what to do to be successful online. Success online is not different than offline success.

It doesn’t come or happen as a result of being lucky. It comes if you do things right and doesn’t if you do things wrong.

I’m going to discuss some tips that can help you succeed online but they can’t guarantee your success. And nothing can guarantee your success because success is a complex of factors and things done the right way.

If you follow the tips below you can be successful provided you are willing to work hard and patient until you see the results of your efforts.


1. When you choose a platform for your website your choice should be a WordPress. It is the best and easy to use platform. Your site is going to be optimized and ready for search engines resulting in higher rankings in search engines.


2. Before choosing a webhosting company, do some research to find the best one in terms of both the quality of their services and security of your website. Because of a hacker’s attack you can lose your entire business. Always have a backup of your site. It is easy and can be done in the dashboard of your WordPress site – tools – export function.

If you update your site on a daily basis then don’t forget to backup it as well. In terms of security most online marketers agree that is the best web-hosting company in the industry


3. When choosing a domain name, buy a (com) since it gets better rankings and looks good. Google loves (com) sites and the folks as well provided a site has original and engaging content. Try to avoid using dash or hyphen in your domain name.


4. Build your email list by signing up for Aweber account. You can try it for $1 dollar first and then go for yearly membership. If you are on a low budget when starting business, you can sign up for Aweber at a later stage. Don’t overestimate building an email list because it is going to help you grow your business.

Create 3/5-day email course giving people some real and valuable information and you will be able to get some of them on your list. Once your traffic will start to grow (a few hundred unique visitors a day) go and sign up for Aweber. For more information about building an email list read my article.


5. Use the right keyword, the Jaaxy, that can help you find the best keywords to write a content for your website. Using this great tool will give you an obvious advantage over your competitors. Find low competition keywords and write articles around them. In addition, Jaaxy can give you a lot of ideas to write about which will result in a lot of content for your website. Finding the right keywords is very critical for your success online.


6. In terms of traffic, which is the foundation of your online business, you should never focus on one source only. Your first concern must be: organic search engine traffic, writing fresh content for your website on a weekly basis, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube), PPC (pay per click). If you are great at writing articles you can do it for other websites in your niche and insert your signature at the end of it. It is another source of traffic you shouldn’t underestimate.


7. Don’t try to create 10 websites at the same time. If you do this you will fail unless you are an experienced enough. It is always better to start with one website and work on it until you start making a decent income from it and then start the other one. When starting your first website, try to stay focused on it for a few months at least.


8. Be consistent and write content for your website on a daily/weekly basis. The more you write the more traffic you will get and remember that whatever your niche (product) is, try to create as much product reviews as possible because before buying a product online people read product reviews first.

People who read product reviews are in the state of a buying mind an so by giving them helpful and true information about a product will help them make the right decision about their purchase.

By writing original and engaging content for your site you will be able to bring a targeted traffic to your website from Google and other major search engines. Remember that those who are consistent and update their sites frequently are given the priority by the search engines.


9. Reply to your visitors (customers) emails on a timely manner. Be helpful and try to build trust with them. The more helpful you are the more of your visitors you’ll be able to turn into your customers.


10. Before publishing your content proofread it. Remember that a lot of grammatical errors and typos can undermine your message and destroy your entire business.


11. If you receive some objective critic from your friends or other people try to improve your website because this can affect your entire business.


12. Track your success by installing Google analytics and see what articles drive the most traffic to your website and once you know this write more content around that topic. Once you know the most visited pages of your site you can add some products (related to your content of course) with your affiliate links and increase the sales.


13. If you use banners or ads on your site, see which of them work best and remove those that suck. Sometimes a slight change in a phrase that you add to your mage can make a huge difference in the behaviour of your visitors.


14. Always research your niche to stay up to date thus giving your visitors most reliable and fresh information. You can never know everything but try to be as knowledgeable and helpful in your field as possible because this will attract more visitors to your website and possibly you will be able to turn them into your customers.


15. If you choose a niche and think that it is too competitive you are wrong. No niche is too competitive. Instead, if it is competitive that means there is money in that niche. If you do things right you will be able to succeed even in a competitive niche.


16. Never give up and once you start your online business be consistent in what you do and have a strong will. Only those who are consistent will succeed.


17. Use legit techniques only when driving traffic to your website. Always think long term because if you apply the wrong techniques you will destroy your entire business someday, even if you are successful today.


18. To be successful online you need to learn the basics of internet marketing and the best place I can recommend you is the Wealthy Affiliate. Please read my review of the WA.


P.S. Remember that writing articles and submitting them to article directories for getting backlinks don’t work as good now as it used to be. Google doesn’t consider it as something valuable anymore that can add value to your website.

You still can do it but don’t overdo it. Being consistent in adding fresh content to your website, interacting with you readers, preferably being active on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+), especially on YouTube and reducing the bounce rate of your site should be your main concern if you want to be successful online.



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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