How to Become a Successful Blogger – 23 Simple Steps

October 23, 2014 0 Comments


If you are a blogger (have your own website) you probably know that to become a successful blogger requires time and efforts. There are some reasons that make one blogger successful and the other one unsuccessful.

If you blog for your readers, then you should write what you think might be interesting to them and offer a solution to their problems. If you write on a particular topic, you should write about it from different perspectives and help your readers understand the problem.

If you good at it then it won’t take much time to become a successful blogger and if you fail to manage it then it is a direct and fastest way to your failure.

Another reason for bloggers’ failure is that they write their blogs for search engines only, i.e. they write content around particular keyword/s with only one goal – to get higher rankings for their pages instead of focusing on their readers and that becomes a recipe for their failure.

I’m going to cover what should be your main concern if you want to become a successful blogger.


1. When you write an article, try to understand your readers, their problems, read their comments that they leave on your blog and improve your own blog. Try to see the problems they face through their eyes.


2. When you write about any topic, try to cover it from different sides but keep in your mind that to able to do it properly you need to spend 4,5 and maybe more hours to create something really valuable and helpful for your readers. You simply can’t create a great content within 15 minutes or so.


3. Write consistently for your blog (website) and update your blog 2/3 times per week at least. You can’t get good rankings in search engines and keep them for years doing nothing. It is a dream.


4. You need to create a content that your readers will love to read. They don’t need fluff, rubbish information. They need quality, valuable information they can benefit from.


5. Your blog should be interesting and not boring. Add some images. Add some real stories if you can, to encourage your readers. Show them some real examples.


6. Proofread your material before you post it. If your blog contains tons of grammatical errors or typos you can easily lose certain part of your readers.


7. Give your posts compelling headlines to engage your readers but don’t try to catch their attention by giving your headlines great titles with no real information afterwards.


8. Don’t publish your content if you feel that your readers can’t benefit from it. If you don’t have any valuable information for your readers it would be better to not publish it at all.


9. Don’t try to promote too many products on each and every page of your blog because this way you can’t build trust with your readers. Try to help them first by giving real advices and recommendations that work. Give them some valuable information for free.


10. Add social media plugins to every page of your blog to let your readers share it via social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest.


11. Build relationships with other bloggers within your industry. This will not only help you increase your credibility and trust but send visitors to your website from other blogs. For example, if you have good writing skills you can write articles for other bloggers and insert a link going back to your site.


12. When you write, make your paragraphs short. Don’t write long sentences that can easily cover half of your page because no one likes it. Even if your content is engaging you should split it into paragraphs to make it more readable.


13. Make your fonts an average size, not too big and not too small. Always choose black fonts and keep the background colour of your pages white since it fits most people.


successful blogger


14. Add links to related posts at the end or within your posts on your website. By doing this you will make navigation much easier for your readers and put all the content you have in front of them. In addition, you can increase the time readers spend on your website (reduce the bounce rate as known in SEO) which will result in higher rankings for your blog in search engines.


15. Don’t put too many banners on your website and keep your design clear. Too many banners or ads distract your readers and you can even lose them without giving them a chance to read your content.


16. If your post is too long, split it into short paragraphs and try to add subheads to every paragraph. By doing this you will make your content more engaging and readable. Some visitors before reading a fool post look through it to see what it is all about.


17. Finally, before writing a post (article) you need to find the best keyword in terms of high traffic and low competition and add that keyword in the title of your post and possibly mention it naturally 2,3 times within it.


18. Your blog’s success largely depends on whether or not you can build trust with your readers. One of the proven ways to do this is to create “about me” page. Add your photo, name, possibly signature and contact form. Think of helping your visitors first and then monetizing and not vice versa.


19. Your readers should be able to easily contact you at anytime and you have to reply within 24 hours. If they can’t reach you, then you can hardly build trust with them.


20. Allow comments at the end of your posts. By doing this you can engage your readers and at the same time increase your content. This will pay off in higher rankings because Google loves sites that are visited often and engaged on.


21. Never give your visitors promises you fail to deliver and never lie to them.


22. Create a lot of content on different topics within your niche because if your visitors can find answers to the most of their questions they will trust you and if not they will find a better alternative to your website. You simply can’t look serious if you have 5/10 pages of content.


23. Make your blog known to other bloggers in your niche. You can write a post about other bloggers from your niche, i.e. mention them in your article. But it shouldn’t be a general reference. It would be perfect to mention them in your post related to the same topic that they have on their website but covering some details that you don’t have.

By doing this you can increase credibility with your visitors, give them more resources, show them that you connect to other bloggers in your niche. Some of those blogger will return back the favour and mention you in their blogs. This will bring you more visitors. But don’t overdo it.


To become a successful blogger you need to continuously work on your blog and build good reputation. Even if you follow and implement the steps outlined in this post it doesn’t mean that you can expect instant success.

You need to give it a time to track everything on your site (Google analytics) to understand your visitors’ behaviour, to know what they like and what they don’t. Once you get all that information and improve your website over time you’ll feel the difference.

If you want to learn how to blog and make money from it then I can recommend you the best program that I know. I can recommend you to create free starter account at WA and go through 10 lessons to understand the basics of internet marketing.

Actually it is the best place on the entire web to get trained in internet marketing and start building a real business online. I can honestly recommend this place to save you from wasting your precious time and money on numerous scams. If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you out.



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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