Affiliate Income Secrets Review – Affiliate Marketing by Mike Thomas

June 23, 2015 4 Comments


Product name: Affiliate Income Secrets

Product owner: Mike Thomas


Price: $7 + 3 upsells, $47 each

Verdict: Legit


There are many info products and trainings online about affiliate marketing and it’s because affiliate marketing is one of the best and most popular ways of making money online without having your own product.

In fact, you can find any product that has an affiliate program, promote it and earn an affiliate commission.

Info product is a type of product that provides an info in a particular field and most of the time the creator of info product doesn’t provide any support which makes your success much harder to achieve.

Trainings normally come along with support which is way better than just an info product because support is extremely important when it comes building a business online.

Affiliate Income Secrets is a new info product, a video training course that teaches you affiliate marketing the proper way.

Mike Thomas is a successful internet marketer and compared to many other self-proclaimed gurus that lie to you from the very start he is an honest man and created quality training on affiliate marketing. And he provides support too. Let’s take a closer look to see if Mike’s product is really that good.

Mike’s Affiliate Income Secrets is a good product and you definitely can benefit from Mike’s experience and get support from him. But there are WAY better programs out there and I’m actually a member of such a program called Wealthy Affiliate. I highly recommend to try it because it’ FREE to try.



Pros of Affiliate Income Secrets

  • An in-depth training on affiliate marketing
  • Mike shows only real strategies that work
  • Price is affordable
  • 60 days money back guarantee


Cons of Affiliate Income Secrets

  • Training is good both for beginners and experienced marketers
  • Four upsells
  • Support by email only
  • No free trial





What Affiliate Income Secrets is all about?

Affiliate Income Secrets is a video training course (23 videos) which is in fact a valuable guide on affiliate marketing. I bought this course and can tell you that with this kind of  knowledge you can build a real online business and become a full time online marketer IF you are willing to learn and work hard towards your success.

The good part of this course is that Mike shares his real experience which is very valuable. He shows the exact strategies that he used to start making thousands of dollars per month. Mike also shows some testimonials from real people and you can even contact them.

But you should know that Mike’s course is not a step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing. If you are a complete beginner to affiliate marketing this training may be not enough for you in order to achieve success online.

But if you buy other products inside the members area, such as Review Video Secrets, List Building Secrets, Interview Income Secrets and stick with Mike then you can achieve your financial goal.




Mike is the person you can get support from and if you follow his recommendation you can achieve something big online. Remember, that Mike’ course Affiliate Income Secrets is for learners and action takers ONLY.

And you need to understand that it’s simply impossible to get a complete step-by-step guide to online success for $7. It’s simply impossible.

BUT if you follow the steps and stick with Mike who is very knowledgeable and experienced internet marketer then you definitely can achieve success. I personally learned some great stuff from his course.





This course is really different from many other courses because Mike shares both his successes and failures and by doing so he allows you to learn from his mistakes. I think it’s very important because it can save you hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Many people when starting online get confused due to information overload or trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. With this course the whole process will become much easier.


What Mike doesn’t teach you and why

Unfortunately, Mike doesn’t teach you search engine optimization which is a great way to drive free traffic from search engines through writing product reviews. But he teaches you how to create video reviews for YouTube which is also a great way to drive free traffic to your website.

He doesn’t teach you how to do a keyword research or how to build a website. But like I said, you simply can’t get all his secrets for $7. And to be honest, no one is going to sell you a complete step-by-step guide for $7.

But Mike is an honest man and knows what he is talking about. If you apply what he teaches you and stick with him you will be in the right hands.

BTW, if you want to learn how to write product reviews you simply can take a look at my review and do the same. It’s free:) If you have any questions you contact me anytime and I will be happy to help you out.


How to benefit from Affiliate Income Secrets fast

The best way to start making money using the method Mike tries to teach you is through driving traffic to your affiliate products immediately. You simply can choose affiliate products exactly as Mike teaches you and start driving paid traffic and this will allow you to make money very fast.

Buying traffic is not expensive. I personally buy traffic from Yahoo and pay 0.15 cents for each click, sometimes even 0.10 cents. And I’m speaking about highly targeted traffic, PPC traffic.

If you want to learn how to drive this type of traffic you can read my review of Bing PPC training. The product is very good. I personally bought it for myself and can honestly recommend it.

And the price is affordable. All other methods that Mike teaches you require some time and effort before you start getting traffic.

With my recommended method you can start to drive targeted traffic immediately. To prove that this method works take a look at the screenshot of my earnings from JVZoo.






Price is affordable

The good thing about Affiliate Income Secrets is that compared to many other courses and info products that can cost you a few hundred dollars, the price of this course is pretty affordable and there are no monthly fees.


Mike’s upsells

Unfortunately, like many other MMO products, Mike throws many upsells on you. One upsell is about building an email list, second upsell is about making video reviews and the third one is about doing interviews with successful internet marketers. To be honest, all these strategies are very valuable for your online success and if you apply them, you will achieve success much faster.

If you are new to internet and affiliate marketing then all these products are very helpful and I would even say they’re highly recommended. But it’s not so critical and if you don’t want to buy them you can forget about these products because each product will cost you around $47.

To be honest, I don’t like upsells because it means that the product is incomplete and after paying for the main product you still need to buy some other “important” products in order to use full potential of the program.

If you think that you will pay $7 to Mike and get all his secrets, it’s probably will not happen. You still need to spend over $100 for other products. I personally don’t like such approach. But I understand Mike because like I said above, you can’t get everything for $7.

There is also another upsell which is a private coaching that may cost you over $1000. If you have money to spend, Mike is the guy who can help you.


Mike is the real guy

It’s good that on his website Mike shows in real time his JVZoo, Warrior Plus accounts to prove that he is making real money.





This is what many other successful internet marketers never do. But it can be a bit misleading and that’s why I would like to explain how the whole process is going to look like. I told in many of my other reviews and articles that if someone makes money it doesn’t mean that you will be making money too.

I respect Mike for not showing you unrealistic earnings snapshots and for not making you tons of false promises that you can make thousands of dollars in x amount of days. This makes him really different from many other self-proclaimed gurus that lie to you from the very start.

All strategies that Mike shows you are absolutely legit and actionable, but you must understand that even if you start applying them it doesn’t mean that you will start making thousands of dollars immediately.

Most probably it will take months, up to 1 year or more to start making the amount of money Mike promises you in his promo. That’s the truth of internet marketing.






Money is in the list

It’s true that if you have a list of subscribers and know how to build relationships with your audience you can make more money, but the problem is that to have a list you need first to build that list which takes months, up to 1 year or even more.

The same applies to video reviews or any other free traffic method. It all takes time and effort before you start to see huge profits.

That’s why don’t even think that you can buy Mike’s course today and start making money tomorrow. If you are not willing to work hard then don’t even think of buying Mike’s course Affiliate Income Secrets. But you can start making money with his course really fast if you buy another traffic course that I recommend.

I agree that building a list is important for your online business but it’s not critical either. Many successful internet marketers that I know are making money and don’t have a list. That’s why if you feel you are not ready for that you can skip it.

The best time to start building a list is when you start getting massive traffic to your site, 200 visits a day at least because in this case you can build a list really fast. You just need to use some tools, such as opt-in form, pop up window.


Training modules

All Mike’s videos are short and easy to follow and grasp. Mike has done a great job by making the whole process easier keeping in mind that his course is focused both on beginners and experienced affiliate marketers. Videos are very detailed and Mike puts an effort to explain all the stuff very well.






Unfortunately, there is no active community to ask a question with this product. The only way to contact Mike is via email.

In my opinion, support is very important because most people staring online get stuck at some point and they need someone to help them. Mike is a good mentor and cares about his customers and subscribers.


Training videos

Here is a list of videos you will get access to inside Affiliate Income Secrets as promised on the sales page:

  • Video 1: Creating Your Empire – Your very first steps
  • Video 2: My Personal $277/day Blueprint – How Mike went from zero to hero
  • Video 3: Income Cash Calculation System – Tracking expenses
  • Video 4: Audience Conversion Cash Cow – Audience is the key
  • Video 5: The Authority Rub-off System – How to become an authority
  • Video 6: The VALUE Enhancer – Give your audience something valuable
  • Video 7: Networking For PROFIT – How to successfully network with other people
  • Video 8: Your Daily ATM – Email list is the key
  • Video 9: 24-Hour Product Creation – How to create your own product
  • Video 10: The No-Product-Needed System – Understanding Affiliate Income Secrets system
  • Video 11: Scaling Secrets – Learn how to work smart to make huge profits


Here is a complete list of training modules inside the members area:

Video 1 – Your Home Base
Video 2 – Start Now!!!
Video 3 – Know Your Numbers
Video 4 – Audience Relationships 101
Video 5 – Authority by Association
Video 6 – Value, Value, Value
Video 7 – Networking
Video 8 – Build your list
Video 9 – Create Products
Video 10 – Where the heck is the money?
Video 11 – The Secret to Scaling
Video 12 – How the heck do I get started?


Step Two:

1. Find a high converting product on Muncheye
2. Contact the product creator and get the Sales Page and product access
3. Go through the product and make a quick presell video telling when the product goes live
4. Make a 5-10 minute review video showing the sales page and product
5. Show the review to the product creator and ask if you can put a bonus in their download area (free traffic)
6. Send the presell video to your list the night before
7. Send your review video to your list when the product launches
8. Repeat
9. Taking it to the next level


Four upsells:

Review Video Secrets – $47
List Building Secrets – $47
Interview Income Secrets – $47
Private coaching with Mike – price is unknown


After watching all these training modules I can say that quality of these videos is good and info is really valuable. In fact, Mike teaches you only actionable steps that you can apply and start making money. But this will take some time and Mike honestly tells you that it’s not a get rich quick scheme. He shares his real experience and you can benefit from him.

He tells you about different methods, such as interviewing other internet marketers, creating videos on Youtube, building your email list, building relations with other bloggers, guest posting, building trust, providing value, creating your own product, using solo ad method.

He also explains exactly how to choose the right products on JVZoo, Warrior plus, Muncheye and other networks. This is really important in order to be successful. He also explains how to contact the product creator the right way to get approved.  In short, all these strategies are real and actionable.



Final word on Affiliate Income Secrets

Affiliate Income Secrets is a good program and I can recommend it to anyone starting online especially because the price is affordable. But there are 3 optional upsells that I would recommend to buy if you are serious about making money through affiliate marketing.

I can also recommend you another program I’ve been a member of since 2013. It’s a much better alternative to Mike’s course with a much better training and 24/7 support.

The program has been proven through years. You can read my review here and I forgot to mention that it’s free to try (first 7–10 days). Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to assist.


Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Gina Gonzalez says:

    Hi Rufat, Affiliate Income Secrets looks like a good training course for someone who already has a website and some of the fundamentals and wants to learn more about affiliate marketing. It does seem reasonably priced overall, but I have to agree with you about the way it is sold. I do not like tripwires with upsells. My experience with these products is that the upsells never really end and the sellers become email stalkers that bombard the customer constantly to buy more and more and from their friends, etc.. Investing in a solid training program with support is a better choice. Information products are often intentionally left incomplete to keep the customer needing more information and waste time and money. I will check out your review of Bing PPC training. Thanks. ~Gina

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, I agree that Affiliate Income Secrets is a good product, but unfortunately it doesn’t teach you SEO and plus there are many upsells. Like you I prefer a more solid program with quality support and zero upsells. I believe it’s a much better option than buying Mike’s product.

  2. Alfonso says:

    hey rufat, great review. I too was going to give affiliate income secrets a try but didn’t feel comfortable with their program. I especially didn’t like the fact that they did not offer support which is huge for me starting out. Luckily I came across Wealthy affiliate. I also checked out the rest of your site, great job man i will definitely be back

    • Rufat says:

      To be honest, Affiliate Income Secrets is a really good product and it’s great that there are still some gurus who are honest and release quality and ethical products. Although Mike’s product is good compared to many other unethical products many people still don’t feel comfortable enough and you are a good example. I agree that there is no way to go without support. I personally would never buy a product that comes without support. Like you I came across WA two years ago and I’m still a member of this awesome program. Of course it’s simply impossible to compare these two programs. WA is an excellent option that provides everything in one place: training, websites, support, tools while Mike’s program can’t provide even a fraction of it.

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