Passive Income Geek Review: 27 Questions Answered

September 13, 2021 0 Comments

Passive Income Geek






Overall Quality



  • Quality training
  • Affordable price
  • Money back guarantee
  • No upsells or hidden costs
  • No misleading or exaggerated income claims


  • No free trial
  • Some training modules need to be improved





Passive Income Geek Price: $299

Founder: Morten Storgaard


Type of product: Affiliate Marketing (launched in 2020)

Rating: 7 out of 10


In this Passive Income Geek review I’m going to do my best to answer questions about Passive Income Geek, such as:


  • What is Passive Income Geek?
  • Does Passive Income Geek work?
  • How soon can you start making money with Passive Income Geek?
  • Can I trust Morten from Passive Income Geek?
  • Does Passive Income Geek provide a refund?
  • How much does Passive Income Geek cost?

And more…


What is Passive Income Geek?

Passive Income Geek is a relatively new course created by Morten Storgaard from Denmark.

He helps folks like you and me to build a website from scratch and make it profitable using various methods of monetization, such as affiliate marketing, display ads, youtube channel.

The course is easy to follow and requires a significant effort to get results.

The price is affordable and Morten is a successful affiliate marketer from whom you can learn some real strategies for monetizing your website.




Is Passive Income Geek Different from Other Programs?

Generally speaking, it is not much different. It teaches what other affiliate marketers teach online: how to make money and become financially independent and get rid of 9 to 5 job.

But in certain sense it is a little different from other courses. Morten primarily teaches how to build a website and monetize it through display ad programs like Google Ads, Mediavine, Medianet, Ezoic etc.

I can even tell you which display ad is the best one if you are a complete beginner.



Who is Passive Income Geek for?

Passive Income Geek is for anyone wanting to learn real methods and strategies how to earn money online.

This course like any other legit program is for hard workers and action takers. It is not for those looking for a get rich quick schemes.

You shouldn’t expect overnight success from Morten. You have to be willing to invest at least $299, learn the process and take action and then expect results within 12-24 months. You can’t expect money in 60 days.

Passive Income Geek is not such a program and in fact such programs don’t exist.

Remember that though the name of this program is Passive Income Geek, it doesn’t mean you will be passive and still making money.

The program instead requires from you a lot of efforts and action.



My Top Recommended Programs

    Program # 1 – Wealthy Affiliate

  Program # 2 – Income School




How Much Does Passive Income Geek Cost?

I have good news for you regarding Passive Income Geek. The price for this program is $299 per year when you join and then $99 per after that.

The good news is that you don’t have to pay anything other than this amount compared to many other programs with many upsells of hidden costs.




I respect such an approach by Morten because over the years I’ve seen many programs advertised for one price and then asked for more money for tools or some special secret strategies that can help you become rich quicker than the original training.



Does Passive Income Geek Provide a Refund?

Yes, and it is another surprise from Morten. He offers a 30-day money back guarantee without any conditions.

Many other programs allow a refund only if you can provide your proof that you completed their training,  took the action and failed to get results.


PIG price


When it comes to Passive Income Geek, you are free to ask for refund even if you are not satisfied with the course.

Also, you can ask for refund if you forget to cancel your yearly membership.



Are There Any Other Upsells or Costs Associated with Passive Income Geek?

Fortunately, there are no upsells or hidden costs in Passive Income Geek. You get what you pay for and that’s it.

For example, in the training videos you will be recommended tools like Ahrefs which is expensive but Morten explains that it’s not necessary at all to pay for the tool.

You can do fine without it. In many other programs on affiliate marketing that I’ve seen, you pay for the original product only to find out that you still have to pay for other additional products without which your success won’t happen as quick as you expected. With Passive Income Geek it’s different.



Is Passive Income Geek for Everyone?

Generally speaking, this program is a good choice for anyone looking for quality affiliate marketing course at an affordable price.

But I have to say that Morten mainly focuses on monetization through display ads which may not be suitable for everyone.

This approach takes more time to create quality content and start getting massive traffic from Google.

Some courses put more emphasis on affiliate marketing but this approach requires more money for paid traffic.

If you don’t have free money for paid ads or additional tools and are willing to pay only for the core training, I think Passive Income Geek is a good choice.



How Does Passive Income Geek Work?

Basically, once you paid for the course you will get access and start watching training videos. You will be learning new things, building your website, writing content for your website, signing up for display ad programs or other affiliate programs, launching your youtube channel or other social accounts, building links, researching niche (topic of your website), doing keyword research, completing various tasks given in the lessons and etc.

All this will lead either to your success or failure depending on how you do it. Because all members do the same thing but get different results.

Sometimes it’s even not a matter of doing things wrong rather than being lucky. You will be doing these tasks for months and expecting results after that.

It can be 12 or even 24 months before you start making money.

When it comes to online business, so called affiliate marketing or drop shipping or any other business model, you have to be a hard-working and patient man. Results are never guaranteed.



Passive Income Geek Training

As I said above, Morten mainly teaches you affiliate marketing with more focus on display ad networks.

This means your main concern will be creating content for your website, ranking your content on Google, driving a massive traffic and finally monetizing it through display ad networks, such as Ezoic, Medianet, Mediavine, Monumetric, Google adsense.

This will take some time, probably 12 to 24 months. Now let’s see what you will get as a member of Passive Income Geek. The training was launched in 2020.

It first started as a youtube channel and then Morten decided to launch a website with a step-by-step training.




Morten himself was inspired by programs like Income School, Pat Flynn from and then created his own course after achieving success in his own online business.

He even shared his success with his members and shows his websites such as:







These sites of his are monetized using two methods, such as display ads and affiliate programs.

For example, Morten sold one of his websites for $30.000 which is great.

Normally, sites that are sold for $30.000 generate approx. $1000 per month which is not bad. BTW, Morten Storgaard is from Denmark.



Passive Income Geek teaches you how to find a niche with the least competition possible because in that case you can win Google rankings and get traffic to your website.

I would say finding a niche is really very difficult task. If you choose a niche that has a lot of competition, you will be struggling to win rankings which means you won’t get enough traffic.

Without traffic you can’t monetize your website which means all your efforts are meaningless. That’s why in that sense I believe this part of Passive Income Geek training is very important and useful.


Also, as I said, Morten puts much emphasis on display ad networks and monetization through this method. But this method has its downsides.

For example, you need to get a massive traffic to be able to monetize your website.


Also, Morten teaches how to choose a good domain name for your website. I don’t think it’s super critical for your business but it’s useful.

Because I’ve seen sites with ugly names and yet making a lot of money.


During Passive Income Geek training you can also watch over-the-shoulder experience by Morten and learn from him.


What I like the most in Passive Income Geek is that Morten doesn’t try to sell you anything while you follow his training. In other courses, you will see a ton of promotions aimed to make more money off you. In this training you won’t see any ads or attempts to sell you some other “great products”.




Passive Income Geek training was created specifically for beginners which is great. It’s because Morten himself was inspired by other programs and achieved success as a result of hard work and patience. He knows how it feels when you start building your very first business online.


When it comes to training modules explaining wordpress and building websites, it’s not as thorough as many may be expecting.

For beginners it may not be the best experience. But you can always find free wordpress tutorials on YouTube and learn wordpress basics.

Once you start using wordpress, your knowledge and experience will improve over time.

Also, Passive Income Geek has “Build with Us” challenge where you will learn from Morten how to set up your first wordpress website.


Morten’s training includes both videos and text materials. It includes around 70 videos.


As a Passive Income Geek member, you will be following training videos on the following topics:




  • Niche research and selection
  • Finding a good domain name
  • Building a wordpress website
  • Writing content for your website
  • SEO – ranking your content
  • Monetization strategies
  • Growing your business via social media
  • Outsourcing content creation


Some training modules are just for watching while others require tacking action and completing certain tasks before you move on to the next module.

If you want to know, Morten also teaches how to build a good link profile to improve your website rankings and drive more traffic.

The method is absolutely legit and puts much emphasis on social outreach.

This will take some time and sometimes can be effective. Why I say sometimes because many websites are doing very well without any links.

Researching and writing content module is also not as thorough as it needs to be but still useful. Adding videos to this module would great.

Instead of talking more about affiliate marketing as a monetization method, Morten puts more emphasis on monetization method, such as display ads.

I can’t say this method is bad or wrong. It’s one of the ways to monetize your website.

Some affiliate marketers do well without display ads while others prefer to monetize through displaying ads.


Morten also teaches how to promote your website via social media platforms to get more views and drive visitors to your website in order to monetize it successfully.

Also, teaches you how to successfully rank your site on Google and drive traffic to your website. This is not easy to be honest.

Content is not always the only reason to get traffic. I know sites with a great content that get very small traffic and there is no explanation why they don’t get.

At the same time, I know sites that have very mediocre content and they get a ton of traffic. You will never get any explanation either from google or any SEO expert.


Passive Income Geek Training Modules:







Niche research

  • Introduction
  • Niches to stay away from (6 lessons)
  • Brainstorming niches (5 lessons)
  • Checking the earning potential (3 lessons)
  • Checking the competition
  • Do the math


Topic research

  • Before We Dive In (4 lessons)
  • Checking the Competition (4 lessons)
  • Topic Research Techniques (6 lessons)
  • Additional Tips (4 lessons)
  • Before You Move On


Finding a domain name

  • What is a Good Domain Name? (4 lessons)
  • Great Online Tools (4 lessons)
  • Before You Register Your Domain (4 lessons)


Setting Up Your Website

  • Platform and Hosting
  • Setting Up the Site
  • Google Search Console Settings
  • More WordPress Settings
  • Double Lesson


Writing Awesome Content

  • Understanding Search Intent
  • What Should I Put in The Article?
  • Writing Great Headlines (4 lessons)
  • Content Designed to Attract Links (6 lessons)
  • Content designed To Be Monetized with Ads (3 lessons)
  • Content Designed to Be Monetized with Affiliate (2 lessons)


SEO Tips

  • Optimizing Articles for Google
  • Technical Stuff
  • How My Sites Get Links (4 lessons)
  • Featured Snippets (7 lessons)
  • Why I Don’t Use SEO Plugins
  • Let Google Know When You Hit Publish



  • Premium Ads (6 lessons)
  • Affiliate Marketing (5 lessons)
  • Other Ways to Monetize (3 lessons)


Social Media

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • The Rest


Outsourcing Content

  • Two Types of Writers
  • How to Hire Writers
  • How to Hire on [Specific Platform]
  • How to Hire Editors
  • Working with Writers & Editors
  • Plagiarism Checkers



What Kind of Support Can You Expect from Passive Income Geek?

Support is one of the most important aspects of any affiliate marketing course or program online because without quality support you will most likely get stuck somewhere.

In fact, support must be supportive especially for beginners. I know it firsthand.




I’ve been a member of many programs, such as Income School, Wealthy Affiliate, Affiloblueprint, Evergreen Wealth Formula, SiteBuild it and I can honestly say that Wealthy Affiliate’s support is simply unbeatable in the industry.

That’s why I love Wealthy Affiliate from the first day and think it’s better than even Income School. Why? Because of the support! Support is No.1 aspect when it comes to choosing a program to join.

When it comes to Passive Income Geek, Morten’s support is good but definitely not as good as that at Wealthy Affiliate.




Simply because the program is new and the community is very young. And Morten himself is a new affiliate marketer.

When you join Passive Income Geek, you have to introduce himself to the community and become a member of PIG (Passive Income Geek) forum.

As I said, community is new but still you can get help from other members and even from Morten himself.

But it’s not easy to get support from Morten simply because he is alone and he can’t help all his members.

It’s good that you can get support within PIG’s private forum without becoming a member of some kind of Facebook group.



Can I Trust Morten from Passive Income Geek?

Yes, definitely you can trust this man. I didn’t find any complaints about him or exaggerated income claims from him. He is very honest and transparent person.

There is nothing questionable in his teachings.


He sold one of his websites for $30.000 which clearly proves that knows how to not only make money online by building your own website but also knows how to sell your website once it’s successful.

$23.000 per month

He also shows how he made $23.000 from ads in one single month of November 2020 from his website.

This is another proof that he knows what he is talking about. In another words, there is no reason to not trust Morten from Passive Income Geek.



Are There Any Complaints About Passive Income Geek?

In that respect, Passive Income Geek is a very positive program. I didn’t find any complaints about Morten.

It’s one of very few programs that have so many positive reviews online.

I believe you can safely join it and start building your affiliate marketing business especially if you are on a low budget.

But before you decide to join or not, let me recommend my favorite program such as Wealthy Affiliate. You can join it free and try it before you pay.

Very few programs give you such an opportunity to try the program before you give them your credit card.

If you like it, you will pay only $20 for the first month and then $49 per month. I think it’s still better than paying $299 upfront.



Any Income Proof from Passive Income Geek?

Yes, as I said, his website is a successful website. He has a successful youtube channel. He sold one of his websites for $30.000.

He is making around $20.000 from ads on one of his websites. He also has a website earning him $3.000 per month from ads.

But I don’t know if Passive Income Geek members are making money or not. Because the program is comparatively new and probably some members are already making some money.

I believe if teachings are legit which is the case here with Morten, making money and getting results becomes a matter of time.

If you work hard and stay patient and do things consistently, I believe success will come within 12-24 months.



Is Passive Income Geek up to date?

Yes, the course is absolutely legit. There is nothing wrong in the course. Morten teaches only real and approved strategies. As a member you get access to all future updates.





What I like in Passive Income Geek

  • Quality training
  • Affordable price
  • Money back guarantee
  • No misleading or exaggerated income claims
  • No upsells or hidden costs





What I don’t like in Passive Income Geek

  • No free trial
  • Some training modules need to be improved



Does Passive Income Geek Guarantee Any Results?

No, Morten doesn’t give any guarantees and he is very transparent in his activity.

Compared to other affiliate marketing courses making false claims and giving false promises, Morten is free from such actions.


no-guarantee of income


Quality education and support is guaranteed while results are not. This is very normal when it comes to legit programs.



How Soon Can You Start Making Money with Passive Income Geek?

It’s really difficult to make any predictions as to when can you start making your first dollar using Passive Income Geek system.

First of all, Morten himself doesn’t tell anything in that regard. From my experience I can tell that it depends on the amount of time you are willing to invest in your online education and then take action.

I made my first $ online after 6 months of launching my website. In 12 months, I started making money consistently.

My second website was not successful as the first one. I made my first $ only after 18 months of launching it and still can’t make money consistently.




So, it really depends on many things, such as your willingness to work hard, your chosen niche, doing things the right way, working smart, not just hard, and finally some luck.

I believe you should be prepared for the next 24 months of hard and smart work before you start making money consistently.

But still there is no guarantee that you will make money.  See the screenshot from Morten’s program that clearly says that there is no guarantee of income.



Issues with Passive Income Geek

Generally speaking, there are no major issues with Passive Income Geek. But there are some minor things I would like to mention.

It would be great to add more videos about researching and writing great content for your website. Or videos about choosing great titles, headlines for your content.

Adding more videos would be great. As of writing, I see that Morten started covering these topics through his “Build with Us” challenge model.

Morten puts much emphasis on monetization through display ads instead of affiliate marketing.

Some people don’t like such an approach, especially seasoned affiliate marketers. I think it would be great if Morten put equal effort both in display ad and affiliate marketing modules.

Adding more videos about building and customizing wordpress website would great too.




But again, you can get more info on that through “Build with Us” challenge module.

Some links within Passive Income Geek training don’t work. I think Morten will improve it soon. It’s not so critical.

Sometimes it’s not clear what to do next when you follow PIG training.



Is Passive Income Geek training step-by-step?

Yes, it’s step-by-step and I believe if you follow it without skipping any modules, stay active inside the community and ask for support when you need it, I think you can achieve success in your affiliate business.



Can I try Passive Income Geek for free?

No, you can’t try Passive Income Geek if you don’t pay. The price for the course is $299 for the first year.

My recommended program which is WA gives you an opportunity to try their program for free. I highly recommend to give it a try.



How Much Can You Make with Passive Income Geek?

There are no any limits as to how much money you can online. In both methods, affiliate marketing or display ads you can earn from $1 and up to thousands of dollars per month.

It depends on your skills, how smart you work, how consistent you are in what you do.

For example, I have been in affiliate marketing since 2014 and never made more than $2.000 per month.

Some friends of mine are making $5.000 per month, someone is making over $20.00 per month.


no-guarantee of income


I can’t say how much can you make online or when you earn your first dollar or maybe you won’t make a single dollar.

BTW, here is the screenshot from the members area and Morten’s words about what you can expect in terms of income from following his program.



Does Passive Income Geek Work?

Yes, definitely Passive Income Geek training works and you can get results if you follow it.

Some people don’t follow the course, don’t take action consistently or take action only 2,3 months and the quit it.

Then they start to complain that training doesn’t work and ask for refund.

If you are this type of person then I have to tell you that Passive Income Geek can’t help you, nor any other course can help.



Is Passive Income Geek Worth Your Money and Time?

I think yes, it’s worth it if you are serious and willing to follow Morten’s training, learn new things, gain new skills, and take action on it with patience.

Ask for support when you need it.



Is Passive Income Geek a Scam?

No, Passive Income Geek is not a scam. Far from it. It’s absolutely legit program and teaches you only legit strategies.



Any legit alternatives to Passive Income Geek?

YES, I recommend two my favorite programs below:



Final Rating of Passive Income Geek

Rating 7 out of 10



My final opinion:

If you plan to buy Passive Income Geek you are free to do so. If you are looking for something better than PIG,

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate or Income School, two programs that I’ve personally tried. Both programs are legit and their approach is practical both for beginners and advanced wanting to earn their first dollar or more money online.


My Top Recommended Programs

    Program # 1 – Wealthy Affiliate

  Program # 2 – Income School




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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