Is Home Jobs Now a Scam? – You Better Stay Away From it!

April 20, 2017 8 Comments

Is Home Jobs Now a Scam


Product name: Home Jobs Now

Product owner: Kelly Simmons


Price: $97

Verdict: Not recommended


I haven’t reviewed link posting scams for some time and now I’m back to my reviews and today again I came across yet another link posting opportunity called Home Jobs Now.

I have reviewed many of them and you can get all the facts in my article here. I believe after learning all these facts you won’t want to be a part of link posting community even if it existed at all.

The idea is absolutely misleading though making money through posting links is absolutely possible.

It all depends on how you understand the concept, how you apply it and what are your expectations as to the amount of income you can make through posting links. Let’s take a look at Home Jobs Now and see how it can help you in achieving your online goals and dreams.


The main idea behind Home Jobs Now

The idea of Home Jobs Now is pretty the same what has been taught and advertised by other link posting sites, such as Webfortune Vault, Excel Cash Flow, Replace Your Job, Home Profit System, Stay at Home Revenue and many others. All of them mislead people by promising them huge income with little effort.


Pros of Home Jobs Now

  • Maybe you can make a few bucks


Cons of Home Jobs Now

  • Duplicate site of other link posting sites
  • Site is not working at the moment
  • Site is now advertised under a new name “37 Clicks”
  • False claims about making $379 per day
  • Association with other link posting sites with a bad reputation
  • Many complaints about link posting sites



Home Jobs Now reviewed

Let’s break down our review and look into every detail of Home Jobs Now so you can have a clear idea of this program and know exactly if it can help you or not.

First off, I want you to know that my reviews are very realistic though sometimes I may be wrong. Everyone may be wrong. When I review a program I first explain a few simple things:

I show what the program promises you. In this case I will show you what Home Jobs Now promises you.

Then I explain the reality because I know how to make money online firsthand and I have several years of experience under my belt. But I’m not the best online marketer.

From my perspective, when I look at the program I already know if it’s real or not. So, I will show you exactly what you can expect from Home Jobs Now vs reality.


Home Jobs Now explained

First of all, Home Jobs Now is not the first company of its kind that promotes the same crazy idea of copying and pasting links like many other link posting time wasters do.

They try to convince people that they can easily make hundreds of dollars per day with little effort.

An interesting fact is that almost all link posting sites advertise the same magic number $379 per day. This is really amazing and funny. Why they advertise this magic number?



I’m sure if you ask them they won’t be able to give a reasonable answer.

Almost all link posting sites have the same website design. They use same phrases, same registration forms, same logos, same income calculators, the same fake news video etc.

There are too many of these duplicate components to mention them here. If you take a look at the images below you will understand what I mean. I’m sure after looking at these images you won’t want to join Home Jobs Now.



Copying and pasting links. How it works?

In fact, the idea that has been promoted for some time now regarding posting links is not going to work the way these link posting sites want you to think.

The way it works is known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is legit method of making money online.

It starts with a website. You need to have a website first. Then you choose a product you want to promote. Let’s say you have an interest in computer games.

You start writing game reviews, reviews about game consoles, game accessories etc. Then you add your affiliate links to your articles. When people find your site through Google they read your content and click your links.

When they click your links and make a purchase you earn a commission. This is legit way of making money known as affiliate marketing. I’m making money through affiliate marketing too.

When it comes to Home Jobs Now and other link posting sites they picture this opportunity in a completely misleading way.

As if you can just copy and paste links and make a ton of money immediately. This doesn’t work that way!

As you can see, what Home Jobs Now promises you is NOT realistic. You won’t make as much money as they promise and it’s not going to be as easy as they explain it to you.

The reality is absolutely different. I hope you now see the whole picture and understand what you can expect from Home Jobs Now.


60 minutes a day = $379 per day. Is that really possible?

Look at the screenshot from Home Jobs Now website and YOU be the judge. They say that you can spend 60 minutes a day and make $379 which means you can make $11.370 per month by simply copying and pasting links! You make your decision.

I believe you understand this claim is far from being realistic.


link companies


They explain this as if companies are ready to pay you for posting links and ads. The truth is that they don’t pay you for posting links and ads. They pay you IF YOU CAN MAKE A SALE from your ad!

To make a sale requires time and effort to learn the right strategies and methods.


Link posting sites advertise this opportunity as follows:

  • You post your link
  • You check how much money you’ve made

It’s that simple! This is how they explain the whole process. You now understand that the process works in a different way!



The price of Home Jobs Now training is $97. It’s not cheap. I can show you a program where you can start for free. It’s the same program I got my start several years ago.

My recommended program is reliable and legit. It provides a ton of support and training.

It gives you websites, keyword tool, web-hosting, website feedback, website analysis and more. It gives you a complete package: everything in one place.


More scam signals

Another scam signal that I found in this program is regarding Kelly Simmons, the CEO of Home Jobs Now. She uses a pen name instead of real name which is wrong and looks suspicious in my opinion.

Why hide your real name? What is the reason? I’ve never seen a reliable company that has a CEO behind it who hides their real name. It is wrong!



When you visit a website and see the real owner of that website you start to trust it. If the owner is anonymous it immediately looks untrustworthy and suspicious.

Also, I’ve seen this name in another company called Replace Your Job, another link posting site, another duplicate site that has same components and attributes. I believe all these broken pieces make a picture that gives rise to bad feelings.

If you read Home Jobs Now’s disclaimer you will notice another contradiction.



In the disclaimer they tell that: ”anyone who buys a program about making money online will not necessarily make money simply by purchasing the program.” Yes, that’s true.

But in the screenshots above they promise that you will be making $379 per day if you can spare 60 minutes a day. I think there is some inconsistency here.


Refund policy

I can’t say much about their refund policy but I will explain to you how I look at this matter. Home Jobs Now offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

But Kelly says that all she asks is that you examine everything and make an honest effort in the first 30 days and she promises that you WILL make money.


home jobs now refund policy


This means that you if you don’t make an honest effort you won’t be able to get your money back. This is how I understand their refund policy.

Also, Kelly guarantees that you will make money in the first 30 days which comes into contradiction with their earnings disclaimer policy.

When it comes to me personally I also explain to my visitors that if they register with my recommended program and make an honest effort they will make money.

But I never give any time frame because this is dishonest. Some people start making money in the first 2,3 months, while others may need 6 months or even one full year.

Anyone who promotes any make money opportunity should be very careful when giving their recommendations.


Other duplicate link posting sites that I’ve reviewed

Excel Cash Flow

Online Profit Stream

Online Home Careers University

Amanda Jones Online Income

A complete list of link posting sites here


Link posting duplicate sites I’m planning to review:

  • 37 Clicks
  • Extreme Home Profits
  • Home Job Placement
  • Home Job Source

There are too many similarities between Work at Home Institute, Home Job Institute, Excel Cash Flow and other link posting scams. Look at the images below and compare it to the image at the top of my review (Home Jobs Now).


The bad side of Home Jobs Now

The bad side about Home Jobs Now is that their website makes a lot of false claims which leads people to an assumption that:

  • They can make money very quickly and even immediately after joining Home Jobs Now and paying for the course
  • The number of spots is limited so you need to take action asap


home jobs now signup


This strategy is wrong and misleading and I can’t agree with such an approach. And the video that they show is misleading too because Home Jobs Now has never been featured in any official news. Never!


Final word on Home Jobs Now

A quick look at this link posting site leaves no doubts that you should stay away from it. I really wonder how these sites still exist and continue their misleading activity.

In my opinion, Home Jobs Now has every sign of being a scam because of many scam signals mentioned above but I still don’t want to say that it’s a scam.

At least it’s not reliable site and I personally would never pay them a penny. They offer a money back guarantee but believe me I’ve seen many other programs with same claims and yet people were unable to get their money back.

I don’t want to say that Home Jobs Now won’t give you money back but their site doesn’t look trustworthy at all and that’s why I don’t recommend to pay for their services.



Why I wouldn’t pay to Home Jobs Now?

Because Home Jobs Now:

  • Is a duplicate site of other link posting sites
  • It is not working at the moment
  • Is now advertised under a new name “37 Clicks” while before it was advertised under a different name “Home Job Placement”
  • It makes false claims about making tons of money by posting links
  • It has association with other link posting sites
  • I’ve seen many complaints about link posting sites



Is Home Jobs Now a Scam?

It looks like a scam and there are many scam signals. But I can’t prove that it’s a scam. So, I recommend to stay away from it!


Tired of programs like Home Jobs Now? Here is my top recommended program I’ve been a member of since 2013. Create your FREE trial account now!


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (8)

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  1. Jeannie Brickley says:

    Hi Rufat. Home Jobs Now sounds like a scam. I think I have seen some emails in my inbox. I just delete them or send to junk.

    I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate. There is so much good training and such a wonderful caring and helpful community. And you can’t go wrong with the start up price of $0. 🙂

    Thanks for a good review and warning about Home Jobs Now.


    • Rufat says:

      Many low quality programs online send emails trying to get more orders and fortunately they can’t do it for a log time. Any program that uses spam strategies or some other wrong strategies loses trust very fast. I believe this site will be shut down very soon because many others like this one were shut down too. I’m glad you came across WA which is a good place to start online. It’s safe and helpful for all newbies and even for experienced online marketers.

  2. Leroy says:

    Thank you for the very detailed review of Home Jobs Now. This is the first time I have read an article about this program, but I am glad I did not try it out. As you pointed out, the unrealistic earning potential was the first red flag for me. Any program or site that claims to be able to make you a sustainable amount of income in a short period is usually on the road to being a scam. Almost everything you do requires hard work and time. Otherwise, we would all be rich. As your article proves, if you want to a lot make money fast, then your not willing to work for what you earn. If you’re not ready to work for what you earn, then you probably won’t find a lot of success no matter what you do.

    • Rufat says:

      It looks like you already have experience online and understand that earning an income online is not different from the offline world. But many people who are new to online make money opportunities don’t realize this simple fact. They fall for traps put by companies like Home Jobs Now. Especially since link posting idea is very popular online many folks fall for various link posting scams. This link posting site is not the worst one but still you can’t rely on them.

  3. Janelle says:

    If it looks like a scam, acts like a scam, smells like a scam…well, you know the story.
    Its a shame that Google doesn’t slap a ban on these kind of shonky dealers.
    They’ve been around for ages and still reeling in the gullible and desperate.
    Shame, shame, shame! on them.
    Profits at the expense of others, it just aint fair.

    • Rufat says:

      I agree with you Janelle. I really wonder why Google doesn’t penalize these sites. And even worse, some of these sites outrank other authority sites. How this happens I really don’t understand. They have little content, other sites write negative reviews about them which means Google should be taking this fact into account when rankings sites. But this doesn’t happen. We see them on the top outranking us and it really sometimes annoys me and other website owners that I know. Maybe someday Google will make some huge update to its search ranking algorithm and finally all these useless sites will lose their rankings. Who knows? Maybe.

  4. fernglow says:

    I have seen this home jobs now before and I wasn’t attracted to it before as I know it is not possible to earn money that easily in the digital space. Now that I have seen and read your review, I feel more informed about it and tell my friends and family to stay away from those sites.

    Anyways, Really enjoyed your style of writing as it is informative yet simple to understand.

    I got a question though. Is there sites that actually work using this method of copying and pasting links or is it 100% impossible?

    • Rufat says:

      No, it’s possible only through affiliate marketing method that I’ve explained within my review. This is the only legit way that you use link posting idea and turn it into a profitable online business. You can’t just randomly paste links and ads and make money. This is not going to work. And if you are looking for a legit way you need to lay the foundation of your online business. Anything that you want to do outside of your site is not going to liv stay long. Only you have your own website and know how to organize your work the right way you will be able to take advantage of link posting idea and benefit from it.

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