Replace Your Job Review – Replace Your Job doesn’t Always Mean it will Replace Your Income

September 9, 2015 4 Comments




Product name: Replace Your Job

Product owner: Kelly Scott


Price: $97+ two upsells $67 and $37

Verdict: Not recommended


Replace Your Job by Kelly Scott as promised by Kelly can help you replace your regular job and start making lots of money. In fact, Replace Your Job is simply a name and behind this program there is a program called Online Software Solutions.

To be honest, Online Software Solutions is not a complete waste of time because it offers some good training materials. But the problem is that it’s offered in such a disorganized way that a beginner can easily get confused and don’t take action at all.

Another fact worth mentioning is that the way Replace You Job is presented is very similar to how two other programs are promoted and both programs are actually scams. One program is called 37 clicks and the other one is Home Internet Careers.

I’m still planning to review these two but for now you can take a look at other similar scams and there are 14 of them I’ve already reviewed. Ok, let’s take a look at Replace Your Job to see if it really can help you replace your regular job and income.


How Can Replace Your Job Help You?

If you visit Replace Your Job website and read their page to see what they promise you and then visit any program listed in this review you will notice that it’s almost the same program that repeats itself over and over again under different names.

According to Kelly’s explanation, you will be placing ads and links and get paid generously for your online efforts. All you have to do is just place them and then relax. And after you place your ads and links you need to login to your control panel and check how much money has been earned. That’s it.





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Kelly claims that she’s been placing links and ads for different companies for several years now and now she wants to share this amazing experience with everyone to help folks live the lifestyle they want and deserve.

The truth though is that Kelly’s promise is just a dream and if you read further I will explain in details what Replace Your Job is all about.


Pros of Replace Your Job

  • Training material is not bad


Cons of Replace Your Job

  • Too many false promises
  • Tricky methods
  • No real support
  • Upsells
  • Kelly is associated with other poor products


Inside the program

Upsell 1

Do you really need to submit your site to search engines?

Once you have purchased the main product and get access to the members area, the first upsell called Search Engine Submission software will be thrown on you for $67.

The software is absolutely useless and it’s not even surprising that this kind of useless stuff is sold to people who have no idea about it.






The truth is you don’t need to submit your website to search engines to get your site ranked in search engines. It’s an outdated and spammy technique used many years ago.

Today search engines are smart and once you publish your new content, they crawl and rank it automatically. Offering such a piece of useless software for $67 is so ridiculous and even insulting that I don’t even want to talk about it.




Upsell 2

Does really make money training cost thousands of dollars?

There is another upsell that will cost you another $37. This is actually a training that will teach you how to build and run an online business. One thing I really don’t understand is that the price of Kelly’s main product is $97 which means once you’ve paid this amount of money you must get access to a complete training.

Unfortunately, as I can see, Replace You Job is designed in a different way which is make more money out of you instead of helping you. Kelly claims that good training may cost you a few thousands of dollars and she gives it to you for $37. Of course, this is not true.


I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate (online business community) and pay $29 per month for a top-notch training, tools, web-hosting, excellent 24/7 support, weekly live webinars and many more.

I think Kelly’s training is nothing more than a bunch of videos without any support which makes such training useless. When it comes to online, support is critical. I would never pay for a product that fails to provide quality support.


The main training

Should you submit your phone number?

As I mentioned above, Replace Your Job is actually a program called Online Software Solutions. The training is not bad and inside the members area you can find a lot of information, especially for beginners. You will watch a video in which you will be recommended to call their consultant.


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You will be recommended to do so many times throughout their site. To be honest, I’m very skeptical in regards to such things because solving problems by phone is not always the best option.

From my experience I know that poor programs like this one want to get your phone number in order to call you later and promote some other useless stuff.


How does this system work?

You then explained that making money online is simple and painless. Look at the image. This is how they explain the whole process. Promote offers, i.e. (products, services), drive traffic and finally make money. In reality it’s not simple at all.






Adding offers to your site and organizing them takes time and effort.

Driving traffic to your site takes time and effort.

Converting your visitors into buyers requires some knowledge and experience to refine your sales funnel. It’s not as simple as Kelly wants you to believe.

In fact, all link posting scams that I mentioned in my article above promote the same idea of easy money. Some of them are complete scams while a few of them promote the idea of affiliate marketing using the same tricky methods used by Kelly Scott.

They describe affiliate marketing as link and ad posting job for which you get paid immediately as soon as you posted them while it’s not true at all.


Private coaching

There is also a training centre inside the members area where they want you to call their consultant for advanced consultations. This is of course designed to push some other expensive stuff such as private coaching. This kind of stuff is very popular and many people fall for it.


Normally private coaching from programs like Replace Your Job will cost a few thousands of dollars and I recommend you to be very careful.

In most cases they promise that they will teach you some secret stuff that no one else knows about and it will allow you to make thousands of $. Just don’t fall for this kind of stuff.




The training also includes:

  • Social branding – YOBSN (Your Own Branded Social Network) designed to get you to complete different tasks and get paid for it.
  • Recorded webinars – about internet marketing, some of which are pretty helpful.
  • Advanced training – This is in general a private coaching pitch designed to make more money out of you.
  • Print money pro – just another program that shows an alternative way to make money through a pop up.
  • Traffic – Some good stuff about getting traffic to your website.
  • At the top of their site you will see a social media plugin which proves that their program is not popular at all as they want you to believe.


Support is the killer of this product

The FAQ’s section of Replace Your Job clearly says that you won’t be able to contact the owner of this program which is not so appealing. To get support you need to pay for the advanced training which is another investment. I don’t think it’s a good option.

Compared to this program I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 2 years now and I always have access to a supreme support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a fact that most people fail online due to a poor support.


Final word on Replace Your Job

  1. The price of this program is not so high but there are two upsells which is not good because it requires more investment in order to move on with the program
  2. Private coaching is expensive
  3. Quality support is not included in an initial price
  4. Unrealistic promises
  5. Some tricky methods designed to make you believe that making money online is easy
  6. Training is not bad, you can learn some good stuff, but it’s not well organized and can be confusing for newbies
  7. Kelly is associated with other bad programs
  8. There are much better alternatives out there where you pay one fixed price that includes EVERYTHING.



Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Jagi says:

    Enjoyed reading reading your review. I am very much against such places where money is asked for beforehand. As you have said, as soon as content is published, google ranks it.

    I wish people would realize places such as this are outdated, have nothing new to offer. Still function on the mentality of a new internet rather than how society has evolved now.

    Great review,

    • Rufat says:

      I can only agree and say that free trial is the major positive aspect of any online program. Replace Your Job doesn’t provide a free trial. In any case, this one is by far not the best and there are much better and genuine programs out there.

  2. Lynne says:

    Great review on Replace Your Job, thanks Rufat.
    Just reading this review it makes it sound like so many of the many online products I have come across making it sound so easy to start an online business. It just can’t be true. Also from what I understand the techniques used must be up to date and continuous training and support is needed. Working online is an ever-changing environment so support is needed all the time. Anything that doesn’t offer adequate support is in my eyes completely useless.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Lynne, Most programs promise quick money and Replace Your Job is one of them. Many people don’t even realize how hard it’s to make money on the internet. They trust programs such as this one and think they can make tons of money right after joining the program only to realize that it can’t be achieved that fast. I agree that strategies you apply to your business must be up to date because it’s very critical for your business to avoid penalyzing by Google. Of course, Google is not the only source of traffic but anyway it’s always better to build your business using the right strategies in order to not lose any portion of traffic. Unfortunately, most of the programs teach folks outdated techniques and strategies which results in destroying their entire businesses. Support is always a major problem with most of the programs. Replace Your Job’s training is not bad and you can learn some useful stuff but some parts of it is outdated and useless such as using a software for submission your site to search engines which can destroy your entire business. And I agree with you Lynne that if a program doesn’t offer quality support it’s useless.

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