Is 37 Clicks a Scam? – Another Duplicate Link Posting Site!

April 24, 2017 2 Comments

Is 37 Clicks a Scam


Product name: 37 Clicks

Product owner: Kelly Scott

Website: or

Price: $97, after discount $77 or $37

Verdict: Not recommended


I’ve recently reviewed a program known as Home Jobs Now, link posting site and today I came across another site known as 37 Clicks and decided to review this program.

I decided to review it because I found many similarities between these programs, 37 Clicks and Home Jobs Now.

This program was also known under a different name, Online Profit Stream. And it’s also important to note that the same person, Kelly Scott was the CEO of two other link posting sites, such as Home Internet Careers and Internet Careers Online.

I think right from the start you already see that all these programs look very suspicious and it really smells very fishy.

If you keep reading my review I will reveal many interesting facts about 37 Clicks and I believe after getting familiar with all the facts you will run away from Kelly Scott and her program known as 37 Clicks whatever it is.


The main idea behind 37 Clicks

The idea of 37 Clicks is not new. It’s a fake idea that has been promoted by fly-by-night companies that claim to teach people an easy way to making money online through placing ads and posting links on different sites on the internet.

After placing these ads and pasting links you can check your account and see how much money you’ve made. Is this real? Is this idea legit?

Yes, it’s real and legit IF it’s done the right way, not the way these link posting sites promise you. The way they explain it to people is absolutely wrong and won’t make you even $5.


Pros of 37 Clicks

  • You can learn a thing or two


Cons of 37 Clicks

  • It’s just another version of other link posting sites
  • Site is also know under other different names
  • Kelly Scott is a fake person
  • Many complaints about link posting sites
  • Upsells
  • False promise about making $15 per link
  • Fake News reports and logos
  • Fake testimonials



37 Clicks reviewed

First, any company that tries to promote a fake idea in online space can’t do it for a long time because everything becomes evident after some time.

There are many review sites that write reviews on programs and explain everything to people who are new to make money idea on the internet.

You simply can’t hide the facts and the truth from people. Some review sites write realistic reviews while others call all programs scams which is wrong in my opinion. You have to be realistic when writing your review. Otherwise you will lose trust.

Most of the time I avoid scam verdicts. I just write my review and explain the details and either recommend a program or choose to not recommend. I believe this is the best approach.


37 Clicks and other duplicate sites


As I said above, 37 Clicks is a duplicate site of other link posting sites, many of which are no longer existing. Some sites still exist but changed their names and websites.

If you work in the same niche like me you can easily recognize any of these sites even if they change their names or websites. It’s very easy to recognize them because they copy each other in the strategies they apply.


What can you learn from 37 Clicks?

You are going to learn from 37 Clicks the same stuff that you could learn from Home Jobs Now, Ultimate Home Profit, Home Internet Careers, Internet Careers Online or Home Jobs Now. Nothing is new.

They promote the same link posting courses and that you can go through and learn how to “successfully” paste ads and links in online space and earn a solid daily income.


60 minutes a day ad


home jobs now


They promise as much as $15 – $20 per link or $379 per day. All you need to do is just go through link posting certification courses and that’s it. You will be on your way to a massive online success.

If you want to know the truth keep reading. Link posting idea doesn’t mean you can become a link posting agent for big companies as Kelly Scott tries to convince you. Link posting agent profession doesn’t even exist.

Though programs like Home Jobs Now, 37 Clicks, Home Profit System describe this job as if you can become a link posting agent for companies like Yahoo or Google, in fact Google doesn’t need any certified link agents.

The only way you can earn an income by placing ads and links is through official activity known in online space as affiliate marketing.


How affiliate marketing works and how 37 Clicks explains it

37 Clicks claims that you can place ads and links and make as much money as you want. The more links you paste the more money you can earn. This is what anyone can understand from their ads.

This way they can easily get people to buy their courses.

After buying their courses they start to teach in the courses that you need to work hard before you can earn any money at all.

But in their disclaimer they tell that they don’t guarantee any income to anyone. I believe this type of approach is dishonest.



They must explain to people what link posting really means. It’s not just about pasting links and then calculating your income. Unfortunately, they hide the truth and reveal it only after payment has been made.

Then people start to struggle trying to get their money back. Some people can get it back while others can’t which leads to many complaints about link posting sites.

When it comes to affiliate marketing it works through building a website, writing material for your site and adding images and links to your website.

You get your affiliate links from other companies, such as Amazon, eBay whose products you want to promote.

Then you start to promote your website through search engines, social sites, youtube and etc. Once you start getting traffic, i.e. visitors to your site you start getting orders from some of your visitors and possibly make money.

They click your ads and links and the main company (link provider) pays you for actual orders made through your site.

This clearly proves that posting ads and links doesn’t work the primitive way they explain to you. It works when certain rules have been followed.


37 Clicks scam signals

1. The first scam signal is that there are many versions of the same site promoted through different names that I mentioned above. This is definitely wrong. Reputable program can’t have different sites and names. BTW, site names are different but they all have identical design. Anyone with a sound thinking can easily recognize it.


2.Kelly Scott has already become a mythic persona because you can come across this fake persona in many link posting sites. Sometimes they use Kelly Simmons, sometimes Kelly Scott. All these Kellies are advertised as single moms who try to pay their bills.


3.When I reviewed Home Jobs Now and noticed that their site was no longer existing. But if you take a look at Home Jobs Now disclaimer you will see that they already changed their company name to 37 Clicks. This happened because of many negative reviews about Home Jobs Now and that’s why they changed it to 37 Clicks. In fact, Home Jobs Now and 37 Clicks is the same company now. Is it good? You know the answer.


home jobs now and 37 clicks


4.They promise that you can earn $15 per link which is not true. I mean it’s true if someone clicks on your link and make a purchase. Otherwise you can’t expect to earn $15 or even $5 for simply pasting a link somewhere in online space.


5.Their website look is not different from other similar sites that I’ve seen and reviewed over the past 12 months. Same look, same claims and same disclaimers. It’s a huge red flag common to all link posting sites.


6.If you look at the screenshot from 37 Clicks website you can see how they explain the whole process. They say that pasting a link takes 3,4 minutes. If you can post a link every 4 minutes it means you can post 15 links per hour. This in turn means that you can earn $225 per hour and $4500 per month.



If you can post more links you can earn even more. This is how they explain the process. All I can say they are lying to you! Your income doesn’t depend on the number of links you post. It all depends on how many people click on your link and take action, i.e. make a purchase. If they don’t make a purchase you don’t get paid. Some programs pay you $1 per link or even less while there are programs that pay $50 per link. It depends on many factors. It’s not as easy as Kelly wants you to believe.


7.Another scam signal like I said above is having an identical look of a website. These two screenshots below prove that two different programs have identical websites which smells fishy.




8.Another interesting fact is that you can come across Kelly Scott in many other link posting sites, such as Home Internet Careers, Replace Your Job, Careers for You, Internet Careers Online. In my opinion, it looks very suspicious and untrustworthy.


9.Using a pen name is another huge read flag here. You will never come across a reliable program that has people behind it who hide their real names. This is definitely a serious warning signal.



Other duplicate link posting sites you can come across online

  • Internet Cash Income
  • Work at Home Institute
  • Online Home Careers University
  • Home Internet Cash
  • Amanda Jones Online Income
  • Stay at Home Revenue

You can find a complete list of link posting sites here

The sites I’ve mentioned above are all duplicate sites. A quick look will reveal an obvious fact that you should stay away from all of them.


Final word on 37 Clicks

I always avoid giving scam verdicts on my site though sometimes I do so when I see that a program is a total scam. I just write my reviews and leave the rest to my readers.

It’s up to them to make their decision and decide whether to join the program or not.

In my humble opinion, 37 Clicks is untrustworthy site and you should be very careful if you decide to pay for the program.

Especially because there is no guarantee that you will get your money back in case you decide to cancel your order.

I’m not saying you won’t get it but after seeing all these scam signals I think 37 Clicks is not a safe place to spend your money.

So, if you ask me if 37 Clicks is a scam or not? My answer would be: I don’t know. All I can say I don’t recommend it.


Tired of programs like 37 Clicks? Here is my # 1 recommended program.


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (2)

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  1. Riaz Shah says:

    Hey Rufat!
    Glad you busted this scam! I can’t believe they still do link posting, it’s on the borderline between blackhat and whitehat and it’s pretty risky too.

    Always glad to have honest watchmen like you taking care of us little guys. Keep up the good work and best wishes on your site growth!

    • Rufat says:

      Unfortunately, this is our reality. It’s hard to believe but they still alive and continue their useless activity. They have some sort of a training but I would never recommend anyone to join 37 Clicks. Simply because if you take a look at their income calculator you will be amazed how they fool naive people. When looking at this screenshot you can think that you can make as much money as you want but in reality it’s very far from the reality. I still don’t want to say that it’s a scam but I believe after exposing all these scam signals people will stay away from 37 Clicks.

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