Clout Pay Review – Another Obvious Scam Exposed!

March 1, 2020 0 Comments

Clout Pay


Quality of the Program









  • You can make some cash


  • Fake testimonials
  • The site is down
  • No support
  • Low rating on Trustpilot
  • Many complaints



Clout Pay Review

Product Name: Clout Pay

Founder: Unknown

Price: Free to join

Rating: 1 out of 10

Final verdict: Not recommended


It’s one of many sites that I’ve seen for the last 5 years that promise a lot of cash for completing simple tasks.

In fact, it is very different from how it is described and promoted online.

The program I’m going to review today is Clout Pay.

I’m glad you are doing your research before joining the program.

It’s always better and much easier to know scams and avoid them than spending money and then trying to get refund.

This is the right way to avoid scams or low quality programs and find legit method to make money online through affiliate marketing.

Before reading the rest of my review I want you to know that I’m not affiliate with Clout Pay in any way.

In this review I will expose and describe in details what Clout Pay is about. I will explain why joining Clout Pay is not a good idea.


Short description: Clout Pay is a Get Paid to Rewards program in the field of social media that promise fat checks for completing simple tasks.

Getting paid from such programs is not a problem. The problem starts when they start to promise lots of money which is not realistic at all.

There are many complaints from people for not being paid.



What is Clout Pay?

First of all, Clout Pay changed its name and the new one is Paid 4 Clout.

On this platform you can either complete tasks, such as creating account, sharing and earning rewards.

BTW, you are promised to get your first reward in the amount of $25 once you’ve created your account.

I’m not sure you will get that sign up reward or lots of money but I’m sure they will use your personal information once you’ve submitted it to them.




Clout Pay

Clout Pay is not much different from programs like

  • Viral Dollars
  • Inbox Dollars
  • Viral Pay
  • NCP Online
  • Google Opinion Rewards
  • Swagbucks

But these programs are not same. While programs like Swagbucks or Google Opinion Rewards are legit others like Clout Pay or Viral Pay have a lot of complaints online.

Many of those programs make an impression of copycat websites. They have similar website layout, make similar promises like “Make your First $500 Today.”



Clout Pay Surprise

As promised you are going to get $25 if you create your account with Clout Pay. I think it’s just a trick to get you to sign up for the program.

I’ve seen similar programs that promised up to $500 just for watching a video. Do you think it is real?

If that was real everyone would be creating an account to get their $25.

If so and 100 people would create a free account in one single day then Clout Pay should pay $2.500 to those 100 people.

If it looks realistic to you? I think you know the answer. It means the company would be spending money without even making it.



How Does Clout Pay Work?

Let’s now see how Clout Pay works so we get a better idea of what we can expect from this website.

By completing tasks you get paid for you are supposed to do things like making money via YouTube, getting clicks on your affiliate link, inviting people to sign up for Clout Pay through your affiliate link, participating in online surveys.




Payments or rewards are different. For YouTube video you earn around $50. For clicks on your link is around $2 per click.

If you send someone to Clout Pay website and they create an account you will earn $10. For surveys or testing apps you can earn $30 or more.

For example, when it comes to Youtube videos, Clout Pays invites young people, mostly teens to record a promotional video for Clout Pay and submit it to Youtube.

This is going to be useless and misleading because whoever decides to do it will inevitably get people to join useless program.

Do you want to be involved in this type of activity? I think most of your will not want.

The tasks you complete at Clout Pay is like completing CPA offers.

It means other programs will put their ads on Clout Pay website to advertise their offers and Clout Pay will pay you if you get someone to click on one of those ads and take action.

You will earn your commission as a result.

For most offers you will earn $1 or $2. Those that pay more are paid offers for which you need to spend money with no guarantee that you will earn anything at all.

Believe me, I have enough experience in CPA marketing and it’s not that easy at all. Most people never make a single dollar promoting CPA offers.

I made some money with CPA BTW.

My opinion is that most of this is fake. Because I know many other legit sites like Swagbucks and no one pays the amount you are promised to get from Clout Pay.

There is a big exaggeration here in terms of income potential.




Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2




Clout Pay is a time waster

The biggest problem I see in Clout Pay is that it is going to waste your time. Because Clout Pay doesn’t give you realistic expectations in terms of income.

You will be doing things in the hope to earn let’s say $2 per click or $10 per referral but in reality you will not get it.

Even if you get, it will be much less than what you are promised by Clout Pay.



Red Flags

By the way, Clout Pay claims to be #1 influencer on the internet but in fact, their domain is now for sale. Can you imagine that?




The company that claims to be number 1 on the internet has sold its domain name. They now have a new domain name which is which is down now.

It was registered in July 2019 and is already down. How such a company can be #1 on the internet? The company that changes its domain name every 5,6 months.

When you create your account you are not even requested to confirm your email address which is very uncommon to such sites.



Will you get paid? (Complaints)

When you plan to join a program you must know exactly – Will you get paid for your efforts? I believe this is # 1 question.

My research revealed many complaints from members of Clout Pay and to be honest, it is not surprising at all considering extremely high payouts Clout pay does promise.

Just take a look at some complaints that I came across while doing my research on the internet. I can’t say Clout Pay doesn’t pay at all.

I just try to do my research and show the facts so you know the real situation before you make your final decision.






Please read complaints below. Members tell that Clout Pay doesn’t pay to its members, changes its name more often than we change socks, sometimes they delay payments or don’t pay at all.

I have experience in programs like Clout Pay. I lost over $350 in Traffic Monsoon BTW in 2016. You can read here.

They claimed to pay way more like Clout Pay but in reality they paid much less and finally I lost access to my account.



Official Info About Clout Pay

On their website you will not find any info you normally have access to when visiting legit sites.

On Clout Pay site you can’t find any information about their employees, Director or Managers.

There is no real support or any other source of information you can use in case you need support or get stuck.

Clout Pay can’t even provide real honest testimonials from real members of Clout Pay.

If Clout Pay claims to be # 1 on the internet they must provide enough testimonials tp prove the quality of their service.

If they can’t do it, it means the program is not legit. I believe it’s a scam or a borderline scam even in the best scenario.

There is no even phone number of address on the site which is a pure indication to the site’s being shady and unreliable.



Is Clout Pay a Scam?

Yes, I believe it’s a scam or at least a borderline scam and there are many reasons for that. If you read complaints above everything will become completely clear to you.

In fact, the website is down at the moment of writing and I’m not sure it will recover.

I guess it was shut down due to many complaints because people behind it realize that no one will join Clout Pay after doing simple research online that will take maximum 5 minutes to understand that the program is a waste of time.



Crazy, Bold Claims by Clout Pay

Clout Pay claims it paid out 44 million dollars in commissions and has 300.000 members which I believe is a huge exaggeration.

It’s impossible to get so many members considering Clout Pay changes its names so often and the site has many complaints online.

I don’t believe it paid 44.000 million for such a short period of time. It’s simply impossible.




Look at the screenshot below when Jason claims to earn around $200.000 in a year or so. This is totally ridiculous and fake.

I’ve never seen anyone who could earn such a considerable amount of money through GPT site.




There are some restrictions within the program. For example, you can’t get your earnings if you don’t invite new members to Clout Pay.

This is wrong in my opinion. Will I recruit or not is completely my decision and my commission can’t depend on it.





Final Review and Rating for Clout Pay

  • Fake testimonials
  • Site is down
  • Many complaints
  • Very low rating on Trustpilot
  • No support
  • They change the site name very often
  • My rating of Clout Pay: 1 out of 10



Legit Alternatives to Clout Pay

Since Clout Pay is not recommended and is a scam in my opinion I want to recommend some other legit programs, such as

If you are looking for legit programs in terms of a full time income then you need to focus on affiliate marketing.

There are actually many programs to recommend but I will recommend two of them that I’m myself a member of.




Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2





About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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