30 Minute Money Methods Review

February 20, 2020 0 Comments

30 Minute Money Methods


Quality of the Program









  • Money back guarantee
  • Decent quality training


  • Deceptive tactics
  • No real support
  • Hidden upsells
  • Fake income proofs



Product name: 30 Minute Money Methods

Website: 30minutemoneymethods.com/index1.html

Owner: Shelly West

Price: $37 plus upsells up to $139

Overall rank: 2 out of 10

Recommended: No


The main issue with online make money programs is that they all promise a quick buck and most people fall to this kind of promises.

Because everyone wants to make money immediately. If you tell them they need to work hard they turn right away and go for offers like “Make $500 in the next 30 minutes” or “Make $10.000 in the next 30 days”.

You know the outcome.

They miserably fail and lose all their money. Let’s see if 30 Minute Money Methods can help you make a lot of money in 30 minutes.



Short Review of 30 Minute Money Methods

The creator of 30 Minute Money Methods describes their programs as a bunch of super secret websites that can show and teach you how to make lots of money online.

Some ads tell about $500 a day while others $2.000 a day or $60.000 per year or $500 every 30 minutes. So, there are different versions of it and none of it is realistic.



Pros of 30 Minute Money Methods

  • Money back guarantee
  • Decent quality training


Cons of 30 Minute Money Methods

  • Deceptive tactics
  • No real support
  • Fake testimonials
  • Hidden upsells
  • Bold income claims
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Weird website URL
  • Fake income proofs




Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2




30 Minute Money Methods Upsells

First of all, I hate upsells because I know how it feels firsthand. This works as follows: You see the advertised price and pay for it hoping it’s all you need to achieve your business goals.

Once you paid you realize that you need to pay more and more in order to unlock full potential of the program. In my opinion, this is simply dishonest.

This is exactly the case with 30 Minute Money Methods. In the promo video they tell that there are no upsells whatsoever which is not true at all.

During payment process you will be offered to pay extra $99 or $139 in upsells. If you accept it, you will be charged $99.

If you decline you will be given a discount and they will charge $49 instead of $99. This is clearly a dishonest approach.

Because if you accept the offer right away you will be charged $99. Do you like this type of approach? I don’t think anyone will like it.

This fact alone is enough to form an opinion about 30 Minute Money Methods. I believe you will do much better if you avoid this program and all their offers all-together.

Also, as you can see the screenshot below, Shelly suggests that You promote 30 Minute Money Methods and earn $139 an affiliate commission.




This means those who buy the program are going to spend way more than initial price $39.

Otherwise how can Shelly pay $139 in affiliate commission? This is another reason to avoid 30 Minute Money Methods.



Before You Invest $37 in 30 Minute Money Methods

First thing I want you to know about 30 Minute Money Methods is that it is one of many programs that promise you wealthy lifestyle with little effort and quick.

As I mentioned above, there are different versions of 30 Minute Money Methods promise, such as making $500 a day, $500 every 30 minutes, $2.000 a day, $60.000 per year, $50.000 per month, $600.000 per year.




This is just one fact that already points to the program being suspicious. It reminds me of many other get rich quick schemes I’ve reviewed for the past 5 years.

They are literally copying each other by just adding some new features or deceptive tactics. In general, they are not much different from each other.

Below you can see the screenshot of income supposedly made by the creator of 30 Minute Money Methods. This is around $50.000 per month.




From my over 5 years experience in affiliate marketing I can tell you this is simply not true.

The person that makes such an income becomes very popular in internet space and everyone is talking about them.

In this specific case no one even known knows about Shelly West. This is first indication to Shelly being most likely a fake personality.

In the promo video Shelly talks about secret websites and secret methods no one knows about and for $37 you will know all those secrets.

There is no secret websites in internet space. All is clear.

There are different ways to make money, such as affiliate marketing, drop shipping, freelance activity, bitcoin, MLM business method and binary options trading.

The website URL is http://www.30minutemoneymethods.com/index1.html which is very weird. All solid and legit websites have URL like http://MyHomeOffice.com.

This one is very weird in my opinion and suspicious. When you land on 30 Minute Money Methods website you will see a Clickbank logo at the bottom indicating that it is a Clickbank product.

I didn’t find this program on Clickbank marketplace. You can do the same and if you find it there please let me know.


30 minute money methods removed from CB


Also, note that this website is NOT secure for payment transactions. Google considers such sites suspicious and never ranks them high.


not secure


This is just another indication that 30 Minute Money Methods is a suspicious program.

You can’t even leave a comment on 30 Minute Money Methods website. When you try to leave a comment it takes you to a checkout page.



Why? I just want to ask a question. Why you try to charge me for the program? Isn’t that unethical?



30 Minute Money Methods Training

Let’s now see how 30 Minute Money Methods works, how you are going to make money and also find out if this program really shows or teaches realistic method or is it just another time waster.

Since the program was removed from Clickbank, I was unable to test the program.

I did my in-depth research to find out the truth to save you from wasting your time and money.

My research reveals that 30 Minute Money Methods doesn’t offer any kind of video training. The training consists of 4 PDF files such as:


  • Method 1: Online voice over
  • Method 2: Stock photography
  • Method 3: Playing online games
  • Method 4: Freelance activity




In itself each of this field can be very profitable and a lucrative way to earn enough money to quit your daily job though there is some exaggeration here.

For example, making a lot of money by just playing games online is a total BS. I don’t know anyone in internet space who could be making this kind of income.

Such people become very popular online and everyone is talking about them. Trust me, if this was real and possible I would be the first one to make money by just playing games online. Unfortunately, it is very far from reality.

First method which is voice over one is a great way to make money through freelance sites, such as Fiverr or Upwork.

You just create your account and start collecting orders. For each order of 5,10 minutes of voice over you can easily charge $20-$50.

If you have take 5 orders per day and charge only $20 per order you already can make $100 a day which means $3.000 per month.

Second method is about playing games online which is not real at all.

You can make some money but not as much as it’s advertised in 30 Minute Money Methods by Shelly West. You can do it through sites, such as:


  • Swagbucks
  • InboxDollars
  • PointClub
  • Pogo
  • Gamesville


Third method is about stock photography which is a vast area. Yes, you can make a significant amount of money by selling your photos through stock photo websites.

But in order to be able to achieve it you need to invest some money in equipment, put in the hard work. This requires probably months and years. It is not going to happen overnight.

The last method is about freelance activity which is a combination of method 1 and method 4 or method 2 and method 4.

Voice over, stock photography, editing, writing, proofreading, designer, video recording, all of this can become the area of your expertise and become your freelance activity.

The only question here: Can you make this area of expertise your main source of income?

Do you have enough level expertise to be able to earn a significant amount of income by choosing any of these mentioned professions? Only YOU can answer this question.



Is 30 Minute Money Methods Really Helpful?

In certain sense 30 Minute Money Methods can be helpful. The methods it teaches you can work if you do it the right way and professionally.

But making $600.000 per year is absolutely exaggerated and far from real life. This kind of income can be made only by very few people in internet space.




I believe you can make some pocket money with 30 Minute Money Methods.

When it comes to achieving some sort of significant results I don’t think it is real with this kind of program providing only 3 PDF files without any real and effective support.



Why I Gave Only 2 out of 10 Score to 30 Minute Money Methods?

This part of my review is the most important one. I gave a very low score to 30 Minute Money Methods for a number of reasons:


  • Decent training
  • Deceptive tactics
  • No real support
  • Fake testimonials
  • Hidden upsells
  • Bold income claims
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Fake income proofs


Let me briefly explain it. The training doesn’t content any video material which is an obvious con nowadays.

Shelly uses deceptive tactics, such as promising quick money which is a pure indication that 30 Minute Money Methods is most likely not a good program.

You can’t expect any real support if you get stuck which makes this program totally useless.

Fake testimonials made by Fiverr paid actors is another pure indication that 30 Minute Money Methods has no real proof that this program works or effective.

Theoretically speaking yes, but practically speaking Shelly doesn’t show real successful members. An example of paid actors is shown below.




The guy who claims to make $500 every 30 minutes is from Fiverr who records promotional videos for $5-$10.

If she pays someone from freelance site instead of showing real successful members it means her training is not as effective as it is advertised.

Plus why on earth you pay to paid actors to show your program in a positive light? This is deceptive and wrong.

In the video Shelly also tells that there are no upsells which is not true. Bold income claims is another obvious con and finally it was removed from Clickbank marketplace.

Why it was removed? Because of many complaints. I see no other reasons for removing it from there.



Is 30 Minute Money Methods Legit?

From a standpoint of theoretical info what is advertised in 30 Minute Money Methods is totally legit though there is some exaggeration.

From a standpoint of practical approach, the program is advertised in a deceptive way and is totally misleading. So, from a practical standpoint it is not legit.

Too many bold income claims and fake testimonials indicate to 30 Minute Money Methods being a low quality program. I would recommend to stay away from it.



Final Review of 30 Minute Money Methods

  • Money back guarantee
  • Decent quality training
  • Deceptive tactics
  • No real support
  • Fake testimonials
  • Hidden upsells
  • Bold income claims
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Fake income proofs
  • Overall score: 2 out of 10
  • Final verdict: Not Recommended




Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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