Niches to Avoid: Niches That Will Fail in 2020 and Beyond

February 7, 2020 0 Comments



A lot of people blogging online do it the wrong way and a lot of people that are thinking to start blogging want to learn how to do it the right way.

The most important step when you plan blogging is to choose the right niche. Because if you make a big mistake on this step all your future efforts will be useless.

Some niches are recommended while other niches must be avoided completely.

There are certain things to take into account when choosing a new niche. If you don’t understand the whole thing you will most likely fail with your online business.

I decided to share my experience so you can see some real proof and make sure you are on the right foot. There is no complex formula to understand.

Once you understand a couple of simple things and the whole process, you will be able to choose a new niche over and over again and turn it into a successful online project.



Some Basic Recommendations

When you already know which niche to choose you need to take the fight as it was your most important fight in your life.

Once you know your niche you must do the work and work until the very end of your success.

It can take one full year or maybe even 2 years to start earning a consistent income. But it’s worth the time and effort.

Imagine you put in the work in the first 2 years and then your site makes you money for the rest of your life. Isn’t worth your time and effort? Sure, it is.

When choosing a new niche you must keep one thing in your mind that every niche has a competition and every niche has a potential to earn money from it.

But some niches have too much competition as well as some niches may be more profitable than others.

For example, niches like personal finance, MMO (make money online), fitness, photography, recipes. These niches are highly competitive and very hard to break into.

A few years ago you could do it but today it’s very hard.

Also, keep in mind that the best social activity that can really help you grow your niche site is Youtube. Other methods are not as effective as YouTube.

You better spend your effort on this platform and it will pay off. You can get a ton of traffic to your blog. I have one video on Youtube that brings me 2.000 views a day.

Imagine that I have a 500 page blog that brings me only 50 visits a day and one YouTube video that brings me 2.000 visits a day.

Social networks like Facebook or Twitter are going to waste your time and you will not get any reasonably significant traffic from them.

Also, remember to not add too many affiliate links to your blog because it will look spammy to both your visitors and Google.

At the end of the day you will lose credibility in the eyes of your audience and Google. As a result you will not get any traffic.





Niches to Avoid in 2020

After giving some basic recommendations regarding choosing the right niche as well as how to approach your niche properly so you can stay on the right path, I want to elaborate more on which niches to choose and which niches to avoid.

If you don’t follow my recommendations you will be wasting your time and effort by doing things that will not produce the results you could be expecting from your online niche site.

Below I give a basic list of some recommended niches and ones to avoid.


Niches to Avoid

  • Finance
  • Health
  • Animal Care
  • Animal Health
  • Baby Safety
  • Fitness
  • Recipes
  • Human Rights
  • Internet Marketing
  • Laws



Friendly Niches

  • eBooks
  • Telscopes
  • Binoculars
  • Computer Basics
  • Fishing
  • Football
  • Hair Loss
  • Judo
  • Karate
  • Kids Games
  • Martial Arts
  • Painting
  • Video Editing
  • Drones


This is not a full list of course. This is just a short list of niches so you can get a better idea of what can be profitable and what is very hard to monetize.

Of course, you can choose even niches that are hard to monetize. Is there any risk to pick such a niche?

Sure, there is a high risk that you will get to nowhere if you choose a highly competitive niche.

For example, my first website is in highly competitive niche and has been making me a consistent income since 2015. Both traffic and income are not stable.

Many sites in my niche don’t make any money at all because they can’t get even a decent amount of traffic. If you choose highly competitive niche you are going to face some serious risks, such as:

  • Unstable traffic
  • No traffic at all
  • Very limited traffic
  • Hard work + wasted time

If you choose a highly competitive niche you still can make your niche site successful and earn money from it.

But it will be much harder for you to win the competition, get traffic and monetize your site. Because you will be competing with many other established sites in your niche.

You can work hard within one year or even two and get to nowhere because of the competition.

Plus Google is very sensitive when it comes to rankings sites in competitive niches. At the end of the day it is you whose efforts and time will be wasted.

There is always a chance that you can achieve your goals but chances are very slim to be honest.

You better choose the right niche and spend your efforts in a way that you know it will pay off much faster and easier.



Real Examples of Two Niche Websites

Now I want to share my experience and show you two of my niche websites so you see the difference between two niches.

One of my websites is related to MMO (make money online) niche which is highly competitive.

As I said above, Google is very sensitive to sites related to finance, law and health industry.

This site has been making me money since 2005, approx. $1,000 per month and sometimes even up to $2,000. But traffic has been always unstable.




It started first with 50 visits a day, then increased to 150 visits, then to 250 visits, then dropped to 150, 100 and finally 50 visits a day.

Now I’m getting around 50 visits a day though I have 510 pages on the site.

Such a site should be getting at least 700-800 visits a day and earning me at least $3.000-$4.000 per month, but unfortunately this is the reality.

I know many other sites that are no better than mine and yet they get a ton of traffic from Google.

Their content is no better than mine, they have few backlinks while my site has a good amount of quality backlinks and yet they outrank me.

So, the main lesson we should learn here is to avoid niches that are highly competitive.

My other niche site has been up and running since February 2019 and has only 50 pages.




My average traffic is around 50 visits a day which is very good compared to my first site that has 510 pages and 50 visits a day.

The difference in terms of traffic is huge. But my second site doesn’t earn me money yet.

I’m now focused more on traffic rather than monetization. Once I reach 150-200 visits a day I will start monetization.

With this my niche site I see a lot of potential in terms of traffic and income. As you can see, same efforts spent in two niches will give you totally different results.

This proves that choosing the right is the very foundation of your online business and if you do it right your success will come much faster and easier.


If you plan to build a new niche website check out my too highly recommended programs.

I’m an actual member of these two programs.

Program # 1

Program # 2


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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