What is the Cost of Starting an Online Business?

July 11, 2020 12 Comments

What is the Cost of Starting an Online Business


What is the Cost of Starting an Online Business? Many people ask this question when searching for online opportunities that can help them achieve their online goals and dreams.

And today in my article I’m going to answer this question. I’m also going to show you how much it can cost you in different places and how much it will cost you IF you get your start in my recommended program.

The difference is really huge and you will get a chance to see that difference and realize it in the next few minutes.


Building a Business in the Real World

The cost of starting an online business is not high to be honest compared to what you have to spend when planning to start a business in the real world.

Building a business in the real world requires from you to have some free money in order to pay for the office space, pay wages, taxes, equipment, goods etc.

Not everyone can afford it. Even if they can afford they spend it in the first 2,3 months and then most of them quit if they don’t see any income.

And this is what exactly happens to many people starting their online business in the real world.


Building a Business in Online Space

Starting a business in online space is WAY easier because you don’t have to spend that much money.

You don’t need office space, you don’t need to pay anyone. You are your own boss.

Your home can be your office. And of course, you need a laptop and an internet connection. That’s all you need to get started online.


What Type of Online Business to Choose?

Once you have all this you can start building a real business from your home and there are several ways you can do that. Most reliable ways to start a business online is through affiliate or CPA marketing. CPA marketing has some pros and cons.

The good part is that you can start making money in the first 2,3 months. But it requires an effort and some free money in order to pay for advertising.

It can be $500, it can be $1000, it can be even $2000 until you start seeing an income.

But you can start making money faster than with affiliate marketing. But I personally prefer affiliate marketing because it doesn’t require spending on advertising though it can take up to 6 months or even one year to start seeing your first income.

Affiliate marketing works for me way better than CPA marketing and that’s why I always recommend to start with affiliate marketing first.

I don’t want to talk about businesses, such as MLM ( multi-level marketing, binary options trading, low quality advertising and revenue sharing programs) because most of them involve high risks of losing money and there are many complaints about them on the internet.



The Cost of Starting an Online Business in Online Space

When you start online you need to take a few steps that will ensure your success. The first thing you need is to get trained in affiliate marketing, i.e. to take an online course that will explain to you the basics of online business.

You definitely don’t need a program for $5 that will most likely take you in the wrong direction. You need a reliable program that will show you the right steps and provide you with the right tools.

Any online business starts with a website. This is your main tool without which you can’t achieve your online dream.

You need to buy a domain name for your website ( name for your website). You can buy one for $10.99 per year from Name.com. But it comes without:

  • SSL certificate
  • Privacy protection
  • Email accounts

With all these services it will cost you $84 per year from Name.com, the cheapest place that I know.


domain name


You need to pay for web-hosting for your website. The cheapest place that I know such as Pressable will cost you $90 per month. And this price comes without:

  • Free websites
  • SiteBuilder
  • Email accounts
  • Sitecomments
  • Website Feedback
  • 1on1 online business support
  • Online business training

Just for your information, 1 email address from Namecheap will cost you $10 per year. Website builder alone + hosting from Wix will cost you $14 per month.

And this price comes without email accounts. One email account will cost you $5 per month.

For example, if you choose WPEngine to host just ONE site it will cost you $29 per month.

Another example is website security that will cost you approx. $200 per year with most programs available in online space.


Keyword Tool

The last tool that you need for your online business is a Keyword research tool that will help you get top rankings for some of your content.

This will allow you to get free traffic, i.e. visitors from search engines, such as Google and Yahoo and monetize that traffic.

There are many keyword tools among which I can mention Longtail Pro, SEMRush, Moz and many others.

  • Longtail will cost you $25 per month
  • SEMRush – $99 per month
  • Moz – $99 per month

My recommended tool will cost you $20 per month!


My Recommended Place to Start Your Online Business – $24 per Month! The Best Place I’ve Seen So far! The best Price and the Best Value for Your Buck Spent Online!

Like I said above, there are many programs online that can help you get started online. Most of them provide some tools, but not all the tools that you need for your online business.

My recommended place provides you with almost all the tools and the price for their service is more than affordable for most people.

The yearly price is $559 (first month $20 and then $49 per month). If you choose one time payment plan (Black Friday deal) then it will cost you $299 per year.

That’s a HUGE discount you can ever get anywhere in online space. Can you imagine that? This yearly price $299 includes:


wa education


  • High quality online business training
  • Advanced training: SEO, social media, video marketing, email marketing, PPC, site optimization, content optimization, social outreach, getting conversions and MORE
  • High quality 24/7 support
  • Private access to me
  • Live chat (ask questions/get answers within minutes)
  • Access to the CEO’s of the program
  • Weekly live video lessons
  • A ton of other trainings on any topic related to online business
  • Free websites
  • Website hosting
  • Website builder
  • Website analysis
  • Website security
  • Website Comment feature
  • Website feedback
  • Website Backup
  • Website SSL Certificate
  • Domain privacy
  • Domain service
  • Keyword research tool


wa community

wa support


As you can see, my recommended program provides a ton of tools, support and trainings. With all this and some dedication and effort you can achieve your online goals.

Imagine, all other places will cost you WAY more while providing only some tools.

My recommended program provides WAY more than any other program that I’ve seen so far and I’ve been a member of it since 2013.

In fact, the cost of starting an online business at this place is very low while opportunities are countless.

And the good news is that you can start with my recommended program for FREE! No pressure, no hurry, no obligations, no credit card required to get started.



The Key Factor When Starting a Business Online

The key factor is that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars when you get started. You don’t need to hurry. You don’t have to start big.

Just start and then work slowly towards your goal. You won’t achieve your goal within 30 days. It’s simply impossible.

You need to realize that you are going to build a business that will be making you money for years to come! Not days or weeks or months.

That’s why if you start fundamentally you can expect fundamental results too. But it will take some time. Maybe one year. Maybe two or three years from now.

But it will definitely happen IF you work and stay patient. The cost of starting an online business is NOT high at all compared to what you spend in real life.

Over time your business can make you WAY money than you spent initially when you got your first start.


Outsourcing the Stuff When You Can Afford

Over time you can outsource some of the work, such as creating content for your site or any other technical stuff and it won’t cost a lot. When you start outsourcing some of the work you will have more time to spend with your family. That’s your ultimate goal.


Alternative Way to Get Started Online

When you get started with my recommended program you will need to learn some stuff and then start applying it. That’s the cheapest way to get started for most people.

But some people have little patience and want to start with little effort. Is that possible? Yes, that’s possible.

My friend Dom Wells from HPD ( Human Proof Designs) provides advanced website service and has a lot of experience in that field.

If you have some free money and are ready to spend between $479 – $799 you can start your business with little effort.



By this I mean that you don’t need to:

  • Research your niche
  • Research keywords
  • Set up your website
  • Customize your website
  • SEO optimize your content
  • Write initial content

My friend’s team (Dom Wells from HPD) can do it for you IF you are ready to spend the amount of money I mentioned above. This is an easy start but it will cost you some money.

If you can afford it I highly recommend it. If you can’t then go with my recommended program and start slowly. It’s up to you how you want to start.


The Real Cost of Starting an Online Business

The real cost of starting an online business depends on:

  • What you want
  • What you can afford

If you’re on a tight budget then start slowly. You will start by creating your free trial account and then you will pay $20 for the first month.

Then you will be paying $49 per month. If you choose one time yearly payment then you will pay only $359 or $299 ( Black Friday deal).

If you want to start easy then get ready to spend the amount I mentioned above. It’s up to you. I recommend to start with my recommended program first.

If you still have questions don’t hesitate to contact me and I will respond shortly.




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (12)

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  1. Hi there,

    The online business demand graph goes up straightway in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

    I have a small travel agency but now it’s closed for 2 months and maybe up to December 2020, only God knows.

    in this situation, we are planning to start an organic food online outlet and door to door delivery.

    we have good sources of organic foods.

    what will be the Organic SEO ( online + offline ) ranking cost within 6 months?
    at 1st we’ll start by FB page marketing in our locality then will go for website SEO.

    • Adam says:

      Hello Dear Masum Billah!

      I totally understand your concern. We are all in the same boat. When it comes to organic food business, it’s a good idea. This demand is only going to grow over time. Yes, you can create a website and sell your products both online and offline. As I understand, you need to focus more on local business and sell your products in your area, city.

      When it comes to SEO ranking cost, it will be very expensive. You can hire an expert who will do the work for you. But no expert in the world can give you any guarantees when it comes to results. For example, you can hire me to do the work for you, but I will not agree because I can’t give you guarantees.

      I suggest that you will do it yourself. This will be much cheaper then. There are basically two my best recommended programs.

      Program # 1 – https://yourincomeadvisor.com/1-recommendation-from-your-income-advisor/
      Program # 2 – https://yourincomeadvisor.com/project-24/

      First program will cost you around $300 for 6 months.
      Second program will cost $450 for 1 year

      In the first program you can learn everything like SEO, Facebook marketing, Youtube marketing and more.
      You can first learn how to advertise on Facebook and then start spending money. Without learning advertising tactics you will waste your money.

      I recommend to start doing SEO and learning Facebook marketing first. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

  2. yoguRJ says:

    Hi, Rufat.
    Really, the investment is not that much big I assumed. I saved some money to buy some skaters. But now thing about my career. I am reconsidering myself to invest that on Wealthy Affiliate. It contains extraordinary features.

    As a student, I won’t get much time to work. Can I do it as a part time, working 2 to 4 hours a day?

    Is there any age restriction for entering this program?

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, of course you can and I think this will be your best investment in your future. If you work 2,3 hours a day you can achieve great results within a year or so. The more time you dedicate to your business them greater will be your results. As for restrictions, there are no restrictions. But some countries can’t create free account due to fraud.

  3. Maria Gil says:

    WA in terms of price-quality seems to me, in fact, the most convenient way to do business online. Still, for those who do not have much knowledge of building a website, it seems a bit scary. And then, throughout the construction of the website, appear several doubts, for example, which programs of affiliation will be more profitable or how we will choose them so that the website does not look like a page of pop-ups … Also Is there any advice or training on this? thanks
    Maria Gil

    • Rufat says:

      I can’t agree with you more Maria. WA is definitely the best place where you can spend your buck for what you get in return. Almost everything you need is there at your hand. Only one component is missing and it’s your desire to learn and work hard. Regarding website construction it’s not a problem at all in my opinion. You can build a website in seconds. As for customization It requires 2,3 hours at best or 2,3 at worst to complete website customization. Finally, you can always get someone from Fiverr.com for $10 to get your website customized as you want. I believe website is not a problem at all.

  4. Paul says:

    Hi Rufat,
    Your article is very interesting and enticing. I’ve had a few small businesses with limited success and they have all led me to somewhere else.I get bored with them quickly. I’ve taken the time to write down my goal and when I finished, the thing they all had in common was freedom. An online business can offer that I would assume, needing only a laptop and wifi. I’m truly interested and WA looks like the way to go. My only hesitation is I’m not computer literate at all.

    • Rufat says:

      Having a goal is very important when it comes to starting a business especially online. Many people think that online business is an easy thing and you don’t need to be consistent. The truth is that when it comes to online business you must be even more goal oriented and consistent in you what you do. This is really important. Consistency and motivation is the key. And I agree that online business gives a freedom which is very important for me. I definitely recommend WA to everyone who wants to start a business online. It’s the best place I’ve seen so far and in fact I owe to them for making a consistent income now.

  5. A Habil says:

    Hi there, thank you for highlighting these fundamental overhead cost that one must consider before starting an online bsiness. You have proposed a very cheap option to host domain for website, I am surprised actually, never know such bargain do exist!

    However, I think one should also consider the hidden cost behind it, especially time that one should spend to make it works, plus, further down the road, there will be cost to maybe promote our website maybe by using FB and other social platform.

    Thanks a lot

    • Rufat says:

      I’m really glad Habil you find my article helpful. I did my best to let my visitors know what it means to start an online business and how much it will cost for them. Because some people think that they can start for $5 and start making serious money online. This is simply not realistic approach to a business that you want to make you money for years to come. You have to make a small investment into your future, i.e. education – a good starting point that will lead to your success in online space. If you join my recommended program you will be able to start for free which is great i think. Fortunately, at WA there are no hidden costs. Regarding promotion using social media it’s a bit different strategy. You first need to start with simple steps that I outlined in my article.

  6. Jonathan says:

    Rufat, I couldn’t agree with your more, it is WAY more cost effective to start an online business rather than an offline business. You know, I’ve been trying to start a business for a couple of years. I’ve thought of several small business ideas, but they all take a significant amount of money to start up. There is no excuse for anyone now, you can start an online business for $0.

    Thanks for the information.

    • Rufat says:

      Sure, starting a business online is the best thing you can do especially now. As you can see from my post, start up cost is minimal vs. what you can earn online. Offline business comes hard to me and many people that I know. Most of the time you need to have a significant amount of money like you say. Not everyone can afford it. Online space allows us to start a business and if you treat it seriously you will be able to scale your business over time and start making a consistent income. I’m now have several models and each of them makes me some money and I plan to launch some new projects too. The potential online is really huge and if you can dedicate some time to it you can build a very serious business online.

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