What is Daily Income Method? Scam or Legit? Check out My Review

May 11, 2018 12 Comments

Daily Income Method


Quality of the Program









  • Theoretically you can make money
  • Tools and support


  • Some unrealistic claims and promises
  • Some complaints
  • Reputation is not so good

Daily Income Method


Name: Daily Income Method

Website: www.DailyIncomeMethod.com

Founders: Mack “Millions” Zidan

Price: $39 per month

Overall score: 40 out of 100


Recently I’ve come across Daily Income Method and after some research I now want to share my opinion and help some of you decide to join it or completely forget about it.

From my research I can tell you that though Daily Income Method is not a scam I’m not impressed by this program at all.

Nothing special to be honest. Some programs go straight to my scam list, some go to my legit list and some go to my “I’m on the fence about it” list.

This means I don’t feel comfortable enough to recommend it. So, what is Daily Income Method?

In my review I will do my best to describe it from different perspectives so you can decide for yourself whether it’s for you or not.


Short review of Daily Income Method

Daily Income Method is a membership site where you pay monthly fee and get the right to advertise, promote the same program to other people like you.

If you can do it successfully you will be able to make money.

Unfortunately, Daily Income Method comes with some flaws like many other programs that I’ve come across over the past 4 years.

Keep reading and I will describe everything in details.


Daily Income Method is not something I feel comfortable to recommend. Let me recommend you a program I’ve been a member of since 2013. You can try it free.





Pros of Daily Income Method

  • Theoretically you can make money
  • Tools and support


Cons of Daily Income Method

  • Some unrealistic claims and promises
  • Some complaints
  • Reputation is not so good


Daily Income Method review

Daily Income Method was created by Mack Zidan and Alfredo Delgado. Mack Zidan is also a founder of some other programs.

In fact, if you decide to join Daily Income Method you will be promoting MCA (Motor Club of America).

Motor Club of America is basically an emergency roadside assistance service in the United States and Canada.

As I already said in my MCA review, MCA is NOT a make money program.

You can promote it to other people and earn a commission if someone will sign up for their service and pay money.

When you join Daily Income Method you are going to promote MCA.

The program consists of two steps:

  • Joining MCA
  • Getting Mack Zidan’s system


Daily Income Method packages


By joining second step of Daily Income Method you are going to learn how to promote MCA using Zidan’s methods.

Like in any other case with other make money online programs, Mack’s methods are no different. Methods involve free and paid advertising.

Free methods can make you a lot of money through free traffic but the main problem with free methods is that getting traffic is extremely difficult.

Free methods require time and effort and a ton of patience. You really need to get a lot of traffic, i.e. visitors in order to make a lot of sales.

I’m sure Mack knows about it and it really surprises me that he makes such promises like making $500/ a day easily with his system.

Though he knows that most people won’t be able to get such results. Buying traffic, i.e. paid advertising will cost you from a few hundred up to several thousand dollars per month. It can be ppc (Bing ads or Google adwords) or Facebook ads.

You may be spending a lot of money monthly and getting very limited or no results at all. And this is what happening with most advertisers.

When it comes to Daily Income Method you mainly will be buying traffic From solo ad providers such as Udimi, Igor Kheifets solo ad or Facebook ads (PPC).


traffic tools


If you decide to join Daily Income Method you will have to pay $39.90 upfront and then $ 19.95 monthly. Besides that you need to pay for advertising which can cost you a few hundred bucks per month.

There is an advertising method called solo ad. It’s very expensive and results are not guaranteed. In my opinion, solo ad is for experienced marketers only.

Mack was also a founder of another program called Aspire that he was advertising using the same strategies that he is using now promoting Daily Income Method.

Some internet marketers pay bloggers to write positive reviews for them. I’m just sharing this info with you so you can look at this with a wider perspective.

But I can’t prove that Mack is paying to someone for writing positive reviews about his program. I just want you to know that this is also possible.

After signing up to Mack’s Daily Income Method you will get lead pages that you will be using in your promotions.


Daily Income Method landing page


All those pages promise you easy money. You will be sending traffic to those pages. Of course, those pages promise people easy money made through automated system.

In my opinion, they are misleading. I personally never do such things because I believe it’s unethical to mislead folks by making them unrealistic promises.

Your job will be then sending emails to your prospects. Emails will be provided by Mack Zidan. In short, your job will look like this.

You get free traffic or buy it and send it to your lead pages. Folks come to your pages and leave their email address and name.

Then you start sending them emails provided by Mack. You need to get a lot of traffic in order to get at least a few people to sign up to your offer.

The worst thing about programs like Daily Income Method is that they give you prewritten email templates that are misleading.

They promise you a ton of money, they promise you easy money and they promise you automated system that will be making you money on autopilot.

I’ve never used such email templates because I don’t want to lie to my visitors. I prefer making less money but making it honestly without scamming anyone. And that’s why though Daily Income Method is not a scam I don’t want to recommend it.

I don’t doubt that Mack Zidan is making money using his advertising methods. If you use the same strategy then maybe you will make money.

But believe me you won’t make as much as he promises. But you can make some money.

The more easy money you promise the more money you will make. If you like making money this way then you are free to follow Mack Zidan.

I don’t think misleading people is a good strategy.


Daily Income Method compensation plans


By promoting Daily Income Method you will be earning $80 for each referral which is pretty good.

You can also earn $6 from each of your referrals if they can bring someone who will join Daily Income Method and pay for the membership.

Your membership fee also includes a copy of dailyincomemethod.com website so you can use it in your promotions.

Automated system by Mack Zidan will cost you $ per month in addition to $19.99 monthly payment for MCA membership.


Daily Income Method training


The dashboard of Daily Income Method has 3 steps: Adding your JVZoo ID, Back office overview and Starting promoting. You will also get access to videos for your promotions. The dashboard has several modules:

  • Links ( lead and vsl pages)
  • Buy traffic (solo ad)
  • Marketing training (Free and paid Facebook strategies)
  • Leads
  • Resources
  • FAQ


What I don’t like about Daily Income Method

In fact, you will be promoting the same system and website that many others will be promoting.

I mean you will be advertising same landing pages that will be given to other members of Daily Income Method.

You will need a solid budget to buy traffic for your website.

You won’t be able to get free traffic because you won’t have original content that Google loves and ranks well in search results.

Mack Zidan makes unrealistic claims and promises, such as making easy money – $500 a day.

There are some serious complaints about Zidan (Mack “Millions” Zidan) and his programs.

This system ( MCA) is available only in the USA and Canada.

Mack Zidan has been involved in other low quality programs, such as Empower Network that has a very bad reputation on the internet.


What I like about Daily Income Method

You will get a lot of tools, such as prewritten emails, banners, videos, lead capture and VSL pages and more.

Hard work can pay off over time.

Same strategies can be used in other programs,


Complaints about Daily Income Method

I did some research and found a lot of controversial facts about Mack Zidan.

I checked the discussion thread at ripoffreport.com website and found different facts and opinions about this man.

Some people love him and call him genius because he taught them how to make a lot of money online.

Others hate him and call him a scammer. I put some screenshots here so you can read the facts and see for yourself that facts are very controversial.


complaints about What Daily Income Method second complaint positive review daily income method complaint


It’s really hard to come to a firm decision. I would personally stay away from him because there are many other legit programs and internet marketers with a more solid reputation.

Maybe you will be successful with Mack, maybe not. I don’t know.

But based on many facts that I’ve come across online I tend to not recommend Daily Income Method.


Can you become successful with Daily Income Method?

Since Daily Income Method is not a scam there is a chance to become successful with it. There is some chance because Mack Zidan provides some training, tools and support. He doesn’t leave you alone in the dark. He tries to help you.

But as I said above, there are some flaws in the program and I want to inform you about all of them. First of all, Mack makes some unrealistic claims and I definitely can’t agree with him.

He promises you to make $500 a day with his system. Is this true? Is this really possible, achievable? That’s a big question!


daily income method promise


Theoretically you can make even $1000 a day. But when it comes to reality very few people can achieve it.

I’ve been making money online since 2014 and still I can’t achieve that level. And believe me, I tried many legit programs, way better than Daily Income Method.

In order to achieve that level you need to bring a ton of people to your advertised offer. Is it possible? Of course, it’s possible. But how?

If you rely on free methods only it will take months or maybe even one full year or even more to get some good results.

If you rely on paid methods you need to have a solid budget for advertising. Do you have such a budget? I’m talking about thousands of advertising dollars.

But Mack doesn’t explain it to you. He only talks about making $500 a day and how easy it is and shows you his luxury cars.

I’m not really sure if he owns those cars or just rented them. I don’t know. God knows.

There are also some complaints about Mack Zidan and his Daily Income Method and his other programs.

He also made some unrealistic claims and promises and for this reason I tend to not recommend his program.


Final word on Daily Income Method

What I don’t like the most about make money programs is that most of them make big promises but can’t deliver even a small part of what they promise to people.

For example, when it comes to Mack and his program Daily Income Method we see that in his advertising, promotional video he talks about helping and teaching you to make $500 a day.

Instead of talking about $500 a month or $1000 a month as a starting point he talks about big numbers and I know why.

Because talking about $1000 or $2000 per month doesn’t sound too appealing to most people.

But I believe it’s much better, more realistic and honest to start with these real numbers instead of lying to people.

And I can tell you why people like Mack and many others are lying to people. Because they want to make money off people like you.

They simply don’t care about you. They want more and more money.

Believe me, if I followed their path I would be making WAY more money than I’m making now.

But I’m still doing alright and so far I’m happy with what I’ve achieved.

The most important thing is that my online business is growing and I’m not scamming anyone.

I’m making between $1000-$1500 monthly and spend 30 hours per week for my online business.

It’s about full 5 working days per month. I think it’s not bad at all. At least I don’t give false promises to anyone.

My final opinion on Daily Income Method is that it’s not a scam but it’s not what I would want to recommend.

If you’re looking for a genuine program that can help you make money online without false promises check out my recommended program below. You can try it for free.


Final glance at Daily Income Method

  • Theoretically you can make money
  • Tools&Support
  • Some unrealistic claims and promises
  • Some complaints
  • Reputation is not so good
  • Overall score: 40 out of 100


Try My Recommended program. It’s FREE to start!



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (12)

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  1. Stella says:


    Yes, Daily Income is not a good idea. It sounds very much like Clickfunnels except with them you definitely earn money.

    I almost subscribed but changed my mind as it was too expensive for me.

    Daily Income would be better if people who join up are taught how to write effective emails, put an email marketing strategy together and learn how to use PPC.

    Thank you for this article, I found it very interesting to read.

    • Rufat says:

      It really depends and everyone gets different results. The problem with most programs is that they try to sell people a business in a box but in fact it doesn’t work as promised. You are right. Email marketing is a powerful method. It needs to be learned. It may take months, up to 1 year or even 2 before you can properly learn all effective methods when it comes to email marketing. It really surprises me that people are promised easy and quick money in Daily Income Method. I think it’s because easy money idea is very popular and it’s much easier to convince people that way. But it’s wrong in my opinion.

  2. pmbaluka2016 says:

    I’m always very skeptical when it comes to terms like “Come and make $500 per day just like that!” To me, that is obviously a lie because the person is not telling you the path towards the success he is talking about.

    I have encountered countless of these stories online and since I lost my money, I wouldn’t want to hear anything close to it any more. I love the hard work and commitment one has to dedicate in Wealthy Affiliate and eventually success comes!

    It’s all about one’s effort and not about false and empty promises! That is what I like.

    • Rufat says:

      I totally agree with on this. I hate such promises too. Over the past few years I’ve seen many programs like this one that promised a certain amount of profit per day or per week but no program could ever deliver on those promises. That’s why I’m very skeptical when I see such programs. You are right. Hard work and persistence are the only two main components that guarantee your success both online or in the real world. I’m really glad to hear you are a member of WA like me. It always over delivers and outperforms many programs including Daily Income Method.

  3. curtis henderson says:

    Thank you for this great and detailed review. It is very informative so that we can make an informed decision. I am always leary of anything that promises what you can make, but they can’t really prove it.
    I also don’t like the online businesses where you have to keep paying for adds and other cost prohibitive ways to get traffic.
    I will pass on this one. But, MCA looks interesting.

    • Rufat says:

      You’re right Curtis. Most make money programs online make unrealistic claims when it comes to promising to make a lot of money. Most of them can’t prove it. They show some testimonials that don’t even look real. Like you I don’t like advertising for which I have to pay. Though I use some paid advertising in my online business. Paid advertising can waste all your money if you don’t know what to do and unfortunately, most people lose their money. MCA looks interesting but the program is very specific and not for everyone.

  4. Karen says:

    Hi there, thanks for your review about the Daily Income method. There’s so many of these so called make money online products out there now, it’s hard to believe that any of them are any good. This one sniffs of a MLM Multi Level Marketing scheme – is it? I think you were being way too generous giving it a 40/100 – I guess you’re just a nice guy! Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Karen

    • Rufat says:

      I agree. It’s really hard to know which one is good and which one is useless. If you do some research you can find it out. You just need to be careful to avoid falling for scams. I think Daily Income Method is an mlm because in fact you are going to promote MCA which is a classic mlm program. I gave it some score because it’s not useless. For some people it can be a good program. I believe my recommended program is way better.

  5. dreamgirl93 says:

    It’s the first time that I come across Daily Income Method and I was researching it when I found your site.

    The fact that Daily Income Method is not a scam is important but still who would want to buy an ordinary product which doesn’t over deliver?

    If I can find all of its features to other products then I need to reconsider the decision to buy it. I came to your site to learn about this specific product but I found that you have reviews other products which you consider better. Thank you for this, you have really helped me with my decision

    • Rufat says:

      I also think that with so many programs out there why would someone choose Daily Income Method? There are much better alternatives that I can recommend and of such programs is mentioned within my current review. My recommended program different methods like Daily Income does. But the difference is that my recommended program provides much better support and plus it doesn’t give false promises like Daily Income does. I hope you will make the right decision.

  6. Dave says:

    Hey there Rufat,

    I also find this program quite unrealistic with their claims. Getting $500 per day doing the kind of work they say you will be doing doesn’t really add up.

    Email marketing needs time and patience if you are to succeed with it and these guys are trying to get you to think they have cracked a shortcut to that, while it is false.

    No wonder people are making complaints about it.

    • Rufat says:

      I hate programs like Daily Income and the like. Instead of talking about $1000 per month which is more realistic they give such unrealistic numbers that it really annoys. I think you are right, no wonder that there are some serious complaints about Zidan and his programs. I’ve seen many programs like Daily Income Method that provide lead pages, email templates, tools and yet people fail to achieve even decent results, not to mention $500 a day.

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