Web Fortune Master – It’s not Your Fortune

September 11, 2015 2 Comments




Product name: Web Fortune Master

Product owner: Sally Brown

Websites: webfortunemaster.com


Price: $97, $47, $10

Verdict: Not recommended


Web Fortune Master by Sally Brown is one of those programs that promises you quick money by claiming that the only thing you need to succeed online is an internet connection.

Sally claims to show you the biggest money making secret and even promises that you will receive your first payment in 15 days.

This is of course not true and if making money online was so easy and fast then this program would be the most popular program on the internet.

There are many reviews of Web Fortune Master, some of which are true and some are misleading. Some are nothing more than a fluff and don’t provide any real information. I’ve done a research and will explain below what the program is all about.


The main idea behind Web Fortune Master

This program and the like are very often promoted through multiple domain names which doesn’t look trustworthy at all. If you take a look at some of these programs you will realize that it’s very common to them.

Home Job Institute

Online Home Careers University

Work at Home EDU

This one is also promoted through webfortunemaster.com/wah97 which is a link posting scam that promises you to make money by placing links and ads. They promise that you will become an internet wealth expert through a “wealth certification program” which is a total nonsense.

And the other copycat program promoted through webfortunemaster.com by Jessica Bradley promotes affiliate marketing which is not bad. Though affiliate marketing course is pretty solid I nevertheless don’t recommend it keeping in mind their tricky methods.


Pros of Web Fortune Master

  • Training material is pretty solid


Cons of Web Fortune Master

  • Unrealistic promises
  • No real support
  • Deceptive methods
  • Association with other bad programs
  • Some outdated strategies


Inside the program

1. This program is also promoted through other programs all of which is almost the same product. Here is a list of a few of them: Profit Masters Academy, Profit Web System, Home Profit Masters, My Online Ebiz, Home Income Kit etc.

In my opinion, this fact alone is serious enough to not recommend Web Fortune Master though their training material contains some solid information. In fact, there are legit and reputable programs that offer the same sort of training which leaves no place for Web Fortune at all.


2. Web Fortune Master is also advertised through a fake finance report website which is not accessible if you visit its main domain www.consumersfinanceguide.com


but accessible if you visit their secret url such as www.consumersfinanceguide.com/F0002/finance. And they also use fake video news which is used in over 14 link posting scams that you can find in this article.


fake-news1 famous-channels1


3. They claim that you will be a link posting agent and companies such as Google, Bing and Yahoo are their link and search partners. The idea is absolutely bogus because companies of this size, especially such as Google don’t need and will never partner with such fly-by-night companies as Web Fortune Master.



None of these search engines has partnership with Web Fortune Vault 


4. The biggest problem with Web Fortune Master is that there is no real support which makes this product close to being not recommended at all. Support is very critical aspect of any online make money product or program.

This is a fact that many people fail online and the most obvious reason is the lack of support. When it comes to Web Fortune Master, there is no live chat or active community where you can ask a question and get help within minutes.


Training material

Affiliate marketing

The Web Fortune Master training is pretty affordable and the cost is $9.95. The information contained in the training is solid and can help you understand how to make money online. You will learn how to build a website, how to write content for your website which is actually a foundation of your business.

You will also learn how to make money on eBay. Actually, there are two options there. You can either sell your own products or promote someone else’s stuff through affiliate links and earn revenue.

Making money through eBay is a real deal and if you are willing to put in the work you can build a successful business over time.




CPA training

You can also learn how to make money through CPA. CPA means you can join CPA networks, choose CPA offers (paid and free), promote them and get paid whenever your visitors take action instead of buying products. Taking action may be trying software or playing games or submitting email address. That’s why making money through CPA (cost per action) is a bit easier than selling products, i.e. affiliate marketing.


Traffic strategies

You will also learn how to generate traffic, how to use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Youtube etc. Social media is very effective way of driving traffic to your website and if you use it properly on a regular basis you can be very successful with it. I once had created a post and got 90 visitors from Facebook alone in just one day.

They also have VIP lessons that are not so helpful and they are a bit outdated, especially the part that deals with SEO. This is very bad because it can destroy your entire online business.


Final word on Web Fortune Master

1. To be honest, the price of the main training is $9.95 which is affordable for most people and it’s very worth its price. If you are serious about making money online you can try it and learn some good tips. But I still tend to not recommend it for a number of reasons:

2. The program makes some unrealistic claims such as receiving your first payments in 2 weeks.

3. It’s associated with other poor programs with a bad reputation

4. They use some deceptive methods

5. There is no real support which is very critical when it comes to a make money training

6. Some parts of the training are outdated and may destroy your online business

7. Finally, if you are looking for a legit program that offers a COMPLETE TRAINING on how to make money online, all necessary tools, two websites, live chat, 24/7 support, EVERYTHING you may need to build a successful online business I can recommend you a program I have been a member of since 2013. The program is absolutely legit and has been around for over 10 years now. And here are the testimonials about my recommended program from my happy customers.

Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help you out.



Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (2)

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  1. Nicole JBN says:

    Rufat, I’m always amazed about the way how you review products. I’ve been working in the internet marketing world since 6 years now and have seen quite a bit. It’s always good to see that I’m not the only one that thinks most of the make money online programs are just garbage.

    I turned down the opportunity (invitation from a friend) to join Web Fortune Master. Why? Because they give false promises. There’s no way that money can be made quickly.

    The support is questionable. I can deal with a waiting period if I need help, but I can’t wait for days or weeks. If you create an online business, you need a place or person to go to whenever you’re struggling with moving forward.

    Then with the media. Sorry, but this made me laugh. I’m watching NBC News and CNN on a regular basis and that for the last 10 years. Never have I seen anything about Web Fortune Master. And Google? As you put it so nicely, doesn’t need to partner with anyone or any program. 🙂

    Thanks for the heads up. Couldn’t have said it any better.


    • Rufat says:

      You’re right Nicole, Most programs are just garbage. There is always some problem. Either training is incomplete or support is terrible and false promises about making money on autopilot are always in place. That’s why I don’t recommend most of the programs I review though I don’t call them scams. As for the Web Fortune Master, compared to other programs that are total craps, this one is not that bad, but still it has some major problems that I’ve mentioned in my review. As for NBC news it’s really ridiculous that over 10 fake programs use the same fake news to make an impression of their program being reputable. Programs like this one never think long term and that’s they appear fast and disappear fast. When there is no plan there is no success. Plain and simple.

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