Top 3 Make Money Affiliate Programs to Promote in 2021

October 18, 2020 0 Comments


make money affiliate programs


It is not a secret that affiliate marketing can make you a full-time income if you are consistent in what you do and love it. Passion is important in this field.

You can build any business from scratch online without a previous experience and knowledge. Any interest can be turned into a business and monetized.

But it is generally accepted that the easiest and the quickest way to making money online is through promoting digital products, such as an e-book, video course.

Especially if you promote make money programs, such as an affiliate marketing training that actually teaches people how to earn money online, such products are in high demand.

Because before making money online people want to learn how to do it. Here affiliate marketing programs come into play.

There are too many such programs online and most of them actually are scamming people.

You need to be very careful and do a lot of research before you find a legit program.





Which Programs are Best to Promote?

As I said, digital products are the easiest products to promote, especially affiliate marketing or make money programs because a lot of people online search for such programs every single day.

If you can help them with it you can make a good amount of money.

If your website is in the “make money” niche you can review such programs by testing them out.

This of course, requires some money investment. It’s not important to buy every program you want to review.

If you paid at least for some programs and have an experience in making money online, you already know what to do.

Once you reached that level you can review other make money programs, share your experience and help others.

But paying for programs to review them is of course the best way to review a program and give opinion to the best of your knowledge and experience.

Alternatively, you can create your own program, training and help people.

Make money programs are different.  Some programs are affordable while other programs are very expensive.

Some programs are easy to sell while others are not. Price is not a decisive factor.

The decisive factor is in the quality of the training provided by the program you want to promote and in the quality of the support provided.

These two factors are the most important when deciding and choosing “make money” programs to promote.

Even the best training in the world is useless if it doesn’t provide timely and effective support.

The price factor comes after these two factors. Price factor is important because most people can afford pay let’s say $500 per year.

But some programs cost up to $2.000 and even more expensive. This price point becomes a big problem for most people.

Especially because most people that want to start making money online and search for “make money” programs online don’t realize that it’s a long process that takes time and effort.

That’s why many people quit very soon when they don’t get results as quickly as they expected.

That’s why it’s always better to start with programs that are affordable and priced reasonably.

Also, note that if you pay let’s say $500 per for the program and don’t get expected results it’s way better than spending $2.000 and getting no results.

Plus, promoting expensive make money programs is extremely difficult because it is not easy to convince people to pay a significant amount of money upfront.

Most people are skeptical and avoid such programs. A friend of mine, an affiliate marketer spent $7.000 on one program called Six Figure Mentors and lost all his money.

That’s why I believe promoting make money programs that are reasonably price is better and safe for those who plan to start their business.

It’s safe both for those who plan to buy it and for those who promote it.

Promoting a “make money” program for $500 and earning $50 or $100 commission is much easier than promoting a program for $2.000 and hoping to earn $500 per sale.

Some so called affiliate marketers try to convince people that promoting expensive programs as easy as promoting cheap programs. This is not true.

Promoting such programs does make a sense only if you get 2.000 highly targeted visits a day to your website.

And even in this scenario it will be very difficult to get sales consistently.

If you promote an expensive program for $2.000 you need to bring thousands of visitors to your offer to get at least one or two sales.

This is the reality of affiliate marketing in the make money niche.

That’s why if you plan to promote “make money” affiliate programs, such as affiliate marketing trainings teaching how to earn money online, you should focus on high quality trainings that pay at least $25-$50 per sale and provide high quality customer support.

Only by promoting such programs you can earn a good amount of money consistently.




How to Promote Make Money Programs?

Now, let’s talk about ways to promote make money affiliate programs.

Because finding good programs is only one side of the coin and promoting them successfully is another side.

There are different ways to promote make money programs, free and paid methods. Let’s start with free methods.



The first and most commonly used way is through SEO (search engine optimization).

This method requires you to create a lot of content about make money topics and drive free traffic from search engines to your website where you will be promoting your desired make money program.

Before that you need to write a comprehensive review of your desired make money program and add a link to it within any content that you plan to create.

This way visitors of your website will see your review of your desired program whenever they read any piece of content on your website.

This traffic is totally free and can make you a lot of money by promoting your desired make money affiliate program.

If your desired program has a good trust rating online you will be successfully promoting it and earning a solid amount of money.

This method is free but takes a consistent and continuous effort.



YouTube is a second most widely used method to promote make money affiliate programs.

The best part of using a YouTube is that it’s completely free and much easier than driving traffic from Google.

Google ranking is hard to get and the traffic is not as massive as a YouTube traffic.

One single video from YouTube can get you as much traffic as your whole blog with 100 posts.

Plus, keeping Google rankings and getting traffic becomes more and more difficult while ranking on YouTube is much easier and can send you more steady traffic than Google.

Many bloggers that I know switched their efforts from Google to YouTube.

If you plan to promote make money affiliate programs, this platform is amazing and can make you a good amount of money.

Generally speaking, first two methods, SEO and YouTube are main traffic sources for online businesses.


Social Media

Social media is another good source of traffic for promoting make money affiliate programs.

In terms of traffic the best social media networks are Pinterest, Tik-Tok, Instagram. The amount of traffic you can get from these social networks is mind blowing.

But it is a long process to build an audience that will know and trust you.

If you can achieve it you can easily use these social platforms to successfully promote your make money affiliate programs and make money consistently.


Paid Traffic

Paid traffic is the hardest thing you can take advantage of for your business.

Because paid traffic doesn’t guarantee that you will get sales if you spend money for your paid campaigns.

You can easily spend up $30 a day and get zero sales. Buying traffic does make a sense only if your advertised make money program pays you at least $25 commission per sale.

In this scenario, if you spend $20 a day, you need to get 1-2 sales a day to become profitable.

Paid traffic methods are different, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Ad networks (PPV), PPC traffic.

In my experience, PPC traffic is the best one for promoting make money affiliate programs.

PPV traffic doesn’t convert as well as PPC traffic but still it can convert especially because it’s way cheaper than PPC traffic.



Examples of Some of the Best Make Money Programs to Promote in 2021

Now, let’s talk about some of the best make money affiliate programs that provide high quality affiliate marketing training and high-quality support.

These two factors are critical in order to be profitable promoting make money affiliate programs.

Price factor is also important because most people can’t afford expensive products.

For this reason, I included 4 programs in my list where first two are the best in terms of price policy.

They are more affordable for most people and also are easier to promote and earn a commission for you as an affiliate.

Also, note that there is way more programs than these 3.

If I include all of them my list will be too long. I included only best converting at the moment.




Income School

Income School is one of the best make money affiliate programs available on market currently. The price is affordable.

It is $449 in the first year and then $199 every year after that. I believe it’s affordable for most people.

Income School provides high-quality training on affiliate marketing and teaches you both free and paid methods.

It also provides some tools, including premium wp theme. Support is also good, but not as good as the next program that I’m going to describe further.

Income School by Jim Harmer and Ricky Kesler does really provide an excellent service.

You can choose this make money program and promote it successfully because the trust rating of this program is very high.

Because their team is very helpful and provides a great value. By promoting Income School, you can earn 11.14% per sale from $449 which is equal to $50 per sale.

This is pretty a good commission. In order to be able to earn a commission from Income School as an affiliate you need to be a premium member.

This means Income School’s affiliate program is not free.



wealthy affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is my favorite make money affiliate program that I’ve been promoting since 2016 and already earned close to $50.000 in commissions.

The commission is around 50% from each sale. Sometimes it can be $20 per sale, sometimes $150 per sale depending on the payment plan customers choose, monthly or yearly.

This program provides amazing training on affiliate marketing, weekly live webinars, tools, such as keyword, research tool, website builder, domain platform, hosting, live chat, super helpful support and more.

By promoting this make money program you can earn a significant amount of money. You can even start with a free account.

Wealthy Affiliate an affiliate program is free. As a premium member you can earn 50% commission.

If you decide to stay as a free member you can earn only 25% commission as an affiliate.


authority hacker


Authority Hacker

Authority Hacker or Authority Site System is an impressive affiliate marketing program that teaches beginners how to build authority websites and earn a significant amount of money consistently.

The training is step-by-step and created by respected affiliate marketers, such as Gael Breton and Mark Webster.

Authority Hacker has very high trust rating online thanks to its approach and being totally transparent not only in the teaching process but in the results they get.

The price of Authority Site System is $997 upfront but you can get a discount too.

The only problem with Authority Hacker is that aside from the paying for the program, you also need to pay around $135 per month for some tools to get things going the way Authority Hacker teaches.

This can be very expensive for most people. In terms of a commission rate, you can earn up to $990 per sale if you which is pretty good for affiliate marketers.

Authority Hacker affiliate program is free to join and promote as an affiliate. But if your blog traffic and income are low, your application will be rejected.



Final Words on How to Choose Make Money Affiliate Programs to Promote in 2021

As I said above, there are way more make money affiliate programs to promote like Amazing Selling Machine, Commission Hero, Affiliate Marketing Mastery and many other programs.

In my opinion and experience, the best would be focusing on promotion top 3 or 5 programs in order to earn affiliate commissions consistently.

There is no need to promote 20 or 50 programs because when you give people too many options they get confused and don’t know what to choose.

It’s more reasonable and wiser to give 2,3 options and choose only best converting make money programs that provide quality support and training and have a positive rating online.

Choose only those programs that have been popular at least over the past 5 years.

I have been promoting only one program over the past 5 years and earned $50.000 in affiliate commissions.

Of course, I earned money from other programs too, but my highest income was from one make money program.

Your income doesn’t depend on the number of programs you want to promote. It does depend on the quality of programs you promote and the way you promote.



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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