Is My Paying Ads a Scam? Let’s Find it Out in My Paying Ads Review

September 6, 2017 10 Comments

Is My Paying Ads a Scam


Product name: My Paying Ads

Program owner: Uday Nara


Price: Free/ Budget required for buying ad packs

Overall rank: 25 out of 100

Verdict: Not recommended


I know you are reading My Paying Ads reviews for several reasons. First, you want to know what My Paying Ads is about? How it works? Second, you want to know if May Paying Ads is a scam or legit opportunity.

Third, you want to know how much money you can make or lose with this opportunity. I

had the same questions when I was planning to join another paid to click ads and revenue sharing company like Traffic Monsoon.

Some reviews were positive while others were negative and I decided to try TM. A friend of mine was a member of TM and he recommended me to try it.

And you know what happened? It was the worst experience in my whole life. I lost my money in TM.

I lost over $500. Since that time I no longer trust revenue sharing sites, such as Click Intensity, My Paying ads or Traffic Monsoon.

They all are unstable and risky in terms of investment. Honestly speaking, there is not much difference among revenue sharing and paid to click ads companies/websites.

They all collapse as fast as they appear first. Most of the time they collapse because reliable payment processing companies like PayPal start to get complaints from users of revenue sharing sites and as a result PayPal freezes accounts that belong to revenue sharing sites.

This is exactly happened to TM and the same thing happened two times to My Paying Ads.

Ok, let’s find out if My Paying Ads is a scam or not. I’m going to reveal some facts within My Paying Ads review.


Pros of My Paying Ads

  • You can advertise your business
  • You can make easy money
  • Support


Cons of My Paying Ads

  • Ad packs are not cheap
  • Worthless traffic for your business
  • Money spent on ad packs are non refundable
  • Your income is not guaranteed
  • My Paying Ads can be shut down at any time
  • The maximum withdrawal per day is $200
  • Complaints




My Paying Ads Review

Revenue sharing sites look very attracting to most people for two simple reasons. First, because people who have websites want to send a ton of traffic to their websites.

They perfectly understand that getting a lot of traffic can improve their business and help them make new sales. That’s why all people struggle online to get more traffic to their websites.

And revenue sharing sites give them this opportunity. But most people don’t realize that traffic that comes from revenue sharing sites/programs is near worthless. It simply doesn’t convert.

Because members of revenue sharing sites are not interested in anything other than clicking ads and making more money from their ad packs.


My Paying Ads benefits


Their goal is to buy more ad packs and hopefully earn some money.

Second, because everyone wants to make easy money. It sounds easy and simple. Just buy ad packs and make money with little effort.

The more packs you buy the more money you can make. This is how this business is explained to people by creators of revenue sharing sites like Uday Nara, Charles Scoville, Michael Deese and others.

Unfortunately, this business looks fantastic only on paper like many other businesses that I’ve seen for the past 5 years.

Your ad packs don’t give you the profit they should give. Very often they give you way less than promised. That’s why many people stop buying ad packs after joining such programs.

Because they simply don’t get the profit they were promised before joining. This fact is common to almost all revenue sharing sites including My Paying Ads.

If buying ad packs can still make you some money for some time, paying for traffic that comes from these sites is a waste of time. Don’t do that. Their traffic doesn’t convert!

You are going to waste your money. People in these networks join these programs because in order to grow their business they need to get a lot of visitors.

But they don’t realize that these visitors are in fact other members of the same system interested in buying ad packs only.

Part of this business is clicking on ads otherwise you can’t make money. So, the owner of revenue sharing site obliges members to click on ads in order to allow them to earn money from ad packs.

That’s why all those clicks are worthless.


My Paying Ads and your investment

My Paying Ads or any other revenue sharing program like Click Intensity or My Advertising Pays or Traffic Monsoon are all about making money through investing your own money.

You can’t make money just by joining any of this program. Of course, you can click on ads and earn some cash.

But in order to make at least $100 per month you need to click on thousands ads per day. Is it reasonable? I don’t think so.

Plus, those who don’t want to invest in ad packs can’t click on many ads. They will see limited number of ads.

Before buying ad packs you must remember that all money spent on ad packs are non refundable. You invest your money in this pyramid business and it’s considered as an investment.

All these sites have a disclaimer that clearly says that your revenue depends on the revenue of the company. If you buy ad packs it doesn’t necessarily mean you have guaranteed share of profit.


earning disclaimer


It can be $1, it can $10 or more. Sometimes when revenue of the company drops down your revenue drops down too.

That’s why if the company promises that you will earn let’s say $20 a day if you purchase 50 ad packs it doesn’t mean you will be earning exactly $20 a day.

You can earn $20 a day for 7 days and then earn $2 a day for the next 7 days. This is bad of course. Because in this case you can’t buy more ad packs.

In this case you will have to spend your own money instead of spending the money earned from ad packs. Plus, if you plan to buy 10 ad packs and sit back then you better find some other program.

If you don’t buy new packs each week then investing money in this pyramid scheme doesn’t make sense at all. Because your old ad packs will expire soon and you stop earning money.

When it comes to my personal recommendation, I don’t recommend any revenue sharing site including My Paying Ads because I lost my hard earned money in another similar program.


Can you trust My Paying Ads?

It’s really hard to answer this question. At first glance most revenue sharing and advertising companies are friendly and helpful. Uday Nara is helpful guy too.


uday nara


Their support is very responsive and tries to help their members. But it doesn’t mean that you can completely rely on them.

For example, very often revenue sharing sites at some point start to have financial problems and can’t make payouts to their members.

For example, My Paying ads had financial problems and their members couldn’t withdraw their money in 2015. Then it was solved. Then this problem repeated in 2016 and then again in May 2017.


Uday Nara's review


When this happens revenue sharing sites don’t recommend their members to buy ad packs because at this time their income drops down significantly and members can’t earn money from their ad packs as promised.

The same thing happened to me when I was a member of another revenue sharing and advertising site called Traffic Monsoon. Even before that TM removed me from the system without any reason.

I lost my access and all my efforts to get support from TM support team were futile. I lost all my money in this system.

Since that time I no longer trust revenue sharing sites and don’t recommend to anyone.

Because they all have the same problem and trusted sites, such as PayPal freezes accounts that belong to revenue sharing sites. All these sites get shut down sooner or later.


Can you really make money with My Paying Ads and how much?

When you buy ad packs from My Paying Ads you become part of this company.

You get your share of the profit. You can earn revenue from several services that the company provides:

  • Pay-Per-Click Banner Ad
  • Pay-Per-Click Text Ad
  • Login Ad
  • Traffic Packages
  • Traffic Exchange Start Pages
  • Traffic Exchange Credit Purchases

Like with any other revenue sharing and advertising company you first need to create your free account. You can withdraw your profit using Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Perfect Money.


payment methods


Unfortunately, solid and reputable sites, such as PayPal don’t allow revenue sharing sites to use their system because PayPal considers sites like May Paying Ads, Click Intensity, Traffic Monsoon or My Advertising Pays as pyramid schemes.

You can start with $5 but like I said, if you want to make money asap you need to invest way more in order to buy more ad packs.

The more packs you have the higher will be your share of the profit. My Paying Ads offers several ad plans:


  • Plan 1: $1 / Your profit – $1.20 (ROI –120%)
  • Plan 2: $3 / Your profit – $3.60 (ROI –120%)
  • Plan 3: $5 / Your profit – $6.25 (ROI –125%)
  • Plan 4: $7 / Your profit – $8.75 (ROI –125%)
  • Plan 5: $10 / Your profit – $13.00 (ROI –130%)
  • Plan 6: $15 / Your profit – $19.50 (ROI –130%)
  • Plan 7: $20 / Your profit – $27.00 (ROI –135%)
  • Plan 8: $30 / Your profit – $40.50 (ROI –135%)
  • Plan 9: $40 / Your profit – $56.00 (ROI –140%)
  • Plan 10: $50 / Your profit – $75.00 (ROI –150%)


compensation plan


Once you’ve purchased your ad packs it doesn’t mean you can sit back and earn your profit. Each and every day you must click on at least 10 ads inside the system or otherwise you won’t earn anything.

All other members of My Paying Ads must do the same. I hope you now understand that this system is useless.

In fact, when you buy traffic for your business you buy useless clicks of other members of My Paying Ads.


My Paying Ads packs


That’s why traffic that comes from revenue sharing and advertising sites, such as May Paying Ads doesn’t convert!

The main problem with programs like My Paying Ads is that people are desperate to make money online and when they join revenue sharing sites they want to buy more packs asap in order to start making more money.

But most of them don’t realize that before they start making let’s say $100 a day they need to invest a good amount of money.

Then they need to reinvest money earned within the system which takes time. At least it takes 5,6 months.

Programs like My Paying Ads are not stable and during this time something happens to the system and people start to complain of not being able to withdraw their money.

Or they start to complain that they earn WAY less than what they have been promised.







In such cases people like Uday Nara or any other owner of revenue sharing site say: We don’t guarantee anything and money are non refundable.

This is what happened to me in Traffic Monsoon and I lost all my money. So, I know what I’m talking about.

You can read my review of TM here. So, if you are a member of My Paying Ads don’t say that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I know exactly what I’m talking about. Believe me.

In My Paying Ads you don’t just buy ad packs. You buy levels where each level has 200 positions. For example, if you start with the first level you will earn $1.20 a day.

You will earn approx. $37 on this level. It will take approx. 3 months before you earn your invested money back. The higher is the level the higher is the profit.

In any case, you will need several months before you can get your initial investment back and only after that you can start earning some profit.

But like I said, before you start earning profit many things can happen and you can lose all your investment.

And this is exactly what happened to me in Traffic Monsoon. By all this I don’t want to say that My Paying Ads is a scam. Not at all.

I just want to share my experience with others and let them know that revenue sharing sites, such as My Paying Ads are not reliable and can collapse at any time.

Before you can withdraw your profit you need to earn at least $5. The maximum withdrawal per day is $200 which is very bad. I can’t agree with such an approach.

And I don’t think others will like it. But like I said, withdrawing money doesn’t make sense in this type of business.

If you don’t reinvest for buying ad packs then joining this business is not worth it at all.


My Paying Ads advertising service

As a member of My Paying Ads you earn credits by clicking on useless ads. At the same time you can advertise your own website/business if you have it.

You can buy PPC clicks, banner ads, text ads etc. But as I already said above, their traffic is absolutely useless and it doesn’t convert.

You will be wasting your money while getting no conversions at all. It would be way better to buy traffic from Bing or Google.

Their traffic is not cheap but it’s high quality, targeted traffic that converts very well provided your advertised product or service is good.


Is My Paying Ads a scam?

If you do some research on the internet in regards to My Paying Ads you will realize that opinions are different, experiences are different. Some people are happy, while others are not.

My experience with TM ( a reliable revenue sharing site at the time) was very bad. Since then I no longer trust these sites and never recommend them. It’s a pyramid scheme that doesn’t hold any value.

It’s just for the sake of buying ad packs. Advertising your business in these systems is a waste of time and money. Your profit is not guaranteed.

Level of your income is not guaranteed as well. The maximum withdrawal per day is $200 which is very bad. PayPal doesn’t accept these sites.

In my opinion, these businesses are not reliable. It’s like gambling. You can’t rely on this type of online income because it’s not in your control.

You can lose your access to the system at any time once their site gets shut down. I think My Paying Ads is not a scam but I can’t recommend it either for reasons explained above. The decision is yours.


Final review of My Paying Ads

  • You can advertise your business
  • You can make easy money
  • Support
  • Ad packs are not cheap
  • Worthless traffic for your business
  • Money spent on ad packs are non refundable
  • Your income is not guaranteed
  • My Paying Ads can be shut down at any time
  • The maximum withdrawal per day is $200
  • Complaints
  • Overall rank: 25 out of 100
  • Verdict: Not recommended



Here is my #1 recommended program! It’s free to join.


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (10)

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  1. Phil says:

    Hi there,
    Many thanks for this great post, you are doing a great service here by alerting people to what is legit or not.
    Although MPAs is probably legit, it will not make anyone any money in the long run, yet they claim that it can.
    I have been unlucky to have invested in a company called Banners Brokers and it cost me some hard earned money and I now have learned my lesson ( the hard way ) .
    I am fortunate like your self to have found WA and I am concentrating on building an online income for myself, slowly but surely
    Thanks again and best wishes
    Cheers PB

    • Rufat says:

      You’re right Phil. You can make some money with My Paying Ads but you won’t be able to make money in the long run. Simply because this website will be shut down very soon. All revenue sharing sites get shut down within 5,6 years. Some even sooner. These sites are not reliable in my opinion. I learned my lesson when I lost my money in Traffic Monsoon and now I don’t want to lose my money again in My Paying Ads. Regarding Banners Broker, I know about this program. I reviewed this program a few years ago and added it to my scam list.

  2. ariel says:

    Thank you for being so honest about scams. I think we are all at the mercy of not knowing what is real. I really enjoyed your review. And I am grateful for your observational way of showing what is real. Without judgment but rather just the facts. I think you leave it to your reader.
    I appreciate the work you put into this process.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, I always do so. Of course, I do my research and give my final verdict on the program I review but generally speaking I do it in such a way so my reader can make their own decision. I show facts and explain them as I see the situation but I leave the decision to my reader. This is my approach to writing product reviews.

  3. Taylor says:

    this is a really informative post! i have seen this My paying ads before, and i have been doing some research into it my self, im glad that i saw your post as it has really cleared up my decision on whether i invest my money or not! the rating system was also very clear, it allowed me to get an instant answer on whether the system was worth my time or not, and im glad that you mentioned there was no refunds

    • Rufat says:

      I’m glad my review was helpful and you made your decision. Though My Paying Ads is not a scam but I really don’t trust programs like this one because I already lost my money in TM and I don’t want to lose my money again. It’s simply not a reliable program. You just hope for luck. There are so many awesome program that require effort and time but they are reliable and you can build a business that will make you money for years to come. I think it’s way better than putting your money at risk with programs like My Paying Ads.

  4. Dave says:

    Hey there,

    So My paying ads is just like those other systems out there which only bring traffic that is not targeted. I wish I knew.

    I would not have wasted my time with it. I thought it was something that could give me good traffic for my business and was even ready to invest in it.

    Do you know any ads systems that are great and worth the time?

    • Rufat says:

      Exactly said Dave. The traffic is near worthless and it won’t help your business at all. It’s good that you didn’t invest a dime in these useless ads. Regarding other systems, My Advertising Pays is not bad compared to other systems but still it’s not reliable. There is a good number of positive reviews and there are many complaints from unhappy members. So, generally speaking I would recommend to be very careful and think twice before you decide to invest your hard earned money.

  5. JayParker says:

    It’s not comforting to think that you would put your trust in a company that could be gone tomorrow. I think the scariest thing about them is the minimum $200 payout! That strikes me as an unusually large number compared to other companies. Do you think they could be doing this to accrue interest on your money? If so, that’s despicable.

    • Rufat says:

      I think they don’t allow to cash out more because it can create deficit of money and they won’t be able to pay to their members. I think it’s unfair because if something happens like with other revenue sharing sites, you won’t be able to withdraw your money due to this limitation. That’s why I don’t trust these companies. I already lost my money in TM and I wouldn’t want to invest my hard earned money in another similar program. I would better invest in some other programs or buy traffic from quality sources that can help me improve my business.

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