Inner Circle Riches Review – Why We Don’t Love The Inner Circle Riches

May 16, 2015 4 Comments




Product name: Inner Circle Riches

Product owner: Paul Lynch


Price: $49 starter member + many upsells/ $1997 elite member

Verdict: Not recommended


Inner Circle Riches is among programs that must be avoided because of false promises and deceptive methods used to sell their own products. The program claims to show you methods to make your first buck in 14 days.

Their site is full of hype, they show earnings snapshots to make you believe that you can too make over $10.000 and it’s easy. The truth is that it’s not easy at all because I know about making money online from my personal experience.

You really need to work very hard to be able to reach those numbers, most likely 1,2 years. As for Inner Circle Riches it is actually promoting companies like MOBE and Empower Network. Both are scams and not recommended and there are many complaints about them on the internet.


The main idea behind Inner Circle Riches

Inner Circle Riches is a membership site that claims to teach you how to make money with affiliate marketing. They give you a pre-made website and all you have to do is promote their products and make money.

In fact, they don’t teach you internet marketing, they teach you how to promote their product, i.e. bring other people into their system and make money off them. This program is also known as 10k Income Opportunity which is very normal for programs like this one.

MOBE is also promoted under different names, such as Done for You Profit System or MTTB (My Top Tier Business). I don’t recommend any of them because there are tons of complaints about them and their only concern is to sell you high-ticket items and make more money off you.



Pros of Inner Circle Riches

  • Some products contain solid info


Cons of Inner Circle Riches

  • False promises
  • Many upsells
  • MLM
  • No free trial



Inside the program

1. My first impressions of this program are not good at all because of many reasons. First off, Paul’s site doesn’t look trustworthy in my opinion. If you are completely new to internet marketing you can easily get confused because of some deceptive methods he uses to get you into the program.

There is no real training on internet marketing that you can go through to understand how to make money online and that’s really bad because without proper education you can’t build a real online business.

The only thing you can find on Paul’s website is a series of products, such as easy sketch pro ($29), the youtube tsunami ($97), the pay per click tsunami ($17 – $97), the CPA tsunami ($5), the elite program ($1997). Actually, you are going to use these programs to promote programs promoted by Paul and possibly make money.


Easy sketch pro allows you to create animated videos for promoting your products. Not a bad idea, but the problem is that you can’t try the program before you buy it. I can recommend you another similar program called videoscribe ( and you can even try it for free within 7 days. The reason why you have to buy sketch pro is because Paul is going to make money off you and it’s tied to his Inner Circle Riches.


The youtube tsunami software allows you to find youtube videos that have no links, then contact their owners and ask them to add your links to their videos. This is a spammy technique I don’t recommend you to ever try because your account can be banned completely.


Pay Per Click Tsunami is a good product though it’s not perfect.


As for CPA tsunami, CPA actually means that you get paid for action, not actual sale. It means if you bring someone into the system you will be paid. Some networks pay a few cents, some pay $1. My major issue with Paul’s product is that you have to invite people to networks like Empower Network and Pure Leverage that are not good programs. Empower Network is in my scam list and Pure Leverage is in my not recommended list.


The Elite program is not recommended at all because it’s not actually a product. It’s just a sign up for the same products, i.e. opportunity (programs mentioned above). But elite membership means that you don’t need to do anything because it’s a done for you system.


All I can say about it is that it’s just another hype and false promise. Trust me and my experience because I’ve seen many done for you systems like Inner Circle Riches that are nothing more than an empty promise.

If you are completely new to all this, I would like to explain that done for you system means that you don’t need to do anything, just sit back and relax because Paul and his team will do all the work for you and you just grab the money. Do you believe it’s possible? Sure, it won’t happen.

The elite “product” page is full of hype like one you can see on the image below.





Especially, if you watch the video you’re going to like it if you have a sense of humor. Absolutely ridiculous. The main idea of this package is based on selling high-ticket items and making up to $998 per sale.

The main problem here is that it’s extremely difficult to sell online even products that cost $10, not to mention high-ticket items because most people don’t trust sites. But Paul wants you to believe that it’s very easy to sell expensive products and make this type of high commissions. This is not true.

I reviewed a product called Six Figure Mentors which is not a scam but is actually in my not recommended list of products. They focus on selling high-ticket items too and there are some complaints about them on the internet.

If someone tells you that it’s much easier to make money through selling high-ticket items they are lying to you. Finally, elite membership will cost you $1997. Are you ready to pay this amount of money for a program that is not reputable and has some major flaws?


2. At the bottom of his amazing site Paul suggests that if you want to make huge amount of money you need to sign up for another program called MOBE that I reviewed a few months ago. MOBE and Done For You Profit System are the same programs and must be avoided if you want to be on the safe side.





Once you click the link that says “Find out more about these opportunities” you will be taken to MOBE site ( – 21 steps My Top Tier Business. The program is a scam and there are many complaints about them on the internet.

If you read my review of MOBE and Done For You Profit System you will learn some amazing facts and I’m sure once you learn them you will run away both from Paul and MOBE.

Keep in mind that MOBE starter package is just $49, but they have tons of upsells and if you follow their recommendations you are going to spend up to $25.000 plus $299 per month. The idea of promoting these scams is very understandable – Paul wants to make more money off you.


3. On his site Paul claims that we love Inner Circle Riches. Now that you know this guy and poor products that he is promoting to you, such as MOBE do you really love Inner Circle?

And remember that MOBE and Empower Network are MLMs and all MLMs have a bad reputation and there are always tons of complaints about them. If making money with Paul and MOBE is as easy as they both claim, why then there are so many complaints about MOBE on the internet?


4. All I want to say is that I don’t mean that their system doesn’t work or that they are not making money. Their system works and they are making money, that’s right. But their money mostly come thanks to using a lot of hype on their site and making false promises and many people buy into their offers.

If you plan to join their team you are free to do so, but keep in mind that you won’t be making as much money as they promise you. I’m saying you that making money online is not easy at all, but it’s possible and Inner Circle Riches or MOBE are not the best options out there. I personally don’t recommend them.

And I forgot to mention that MOBE team guarantees that you will make a commission within 30 days or they’ll pay you $500 in cash! 🙂



Final word on Inner Circle Riches

Based on my experience and knowledge, I don’t recommend you to do any business with Paul or MOBE. If you want to build your own business online and start making money with minimum spending I recommend you to try for free my top rated program called Wealthy Affiliate.

Yes, you heard that right. You can try it for free within the first 7 days, go through 10 video lessons and ask as many questions as you want before you upgrade your free starter account to a premium account. The program is absolutely legit and reputable and there are no any complaints about them on the internet.

I’ve been a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2013 and I have no plans to ever leave it. They never make any false promises and you won’t find any done for you systems inside the program. If you still have any questions feel free to contact me.

Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Gebyar Andyono says:

    Your review is very clear and through. I like how you compose the article and give picture to clarify it.
    Reading this, I personally choose Wealthy Affiliate.

    Keep the good work,

    Gebyar Andyono

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Gebyar for your comment on my post. I’m glad to know that you like my review and the way I compose it. I understand you choice regarding Wealthy Affiliate because when you compare it with a program like Inner Circle Riches the choice is obvious. Wealthy Affiliate never makes false promises to anyone while Paul Lynch claims that making $10.000 is very easy. When I compose my review I always try to show the most obvious reasons why I don’t like or recommend the program. Speaking about Inner Circle Riches, I can say that though the program has some good aspects, it doesn’t meet the criteria of a good, reputable program. The criteria is very simple: it should provide quality training, supreme support and avoid bold claims and false promises. Paul Lynch’s program doesn’t meet these criteria and that’s why I can’t recommend it while Wealthy Affiliate absolutely does meet these criteria and even more.

  2. Sarah says:

    Sounds like a multilevel marketing scheme to me if you have to bring people in underneath you too. Been there, done that, no thanks. Thanks for the heads up with this one!

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Sarah for your comment. Inner Circle Riches is not exactly a MLM program, but it’s tied to such like MOBE and Empower Network and that’s why I don’t like it or recommend. My main issue with Paul’s program is that he is actively promoting MOBE program which is a classic MLM scheme. The initial package in MOBE is $49, but it’s only a beginning of the story. After that they start to throw tons of upsells on you and most of them are high-ticket items. That’s the main idea of MOBE, i.e. they sell you high-tickets items and then you need to invite other people so you can make money off them. MOBE wants you to believe that making money online is very easy while it’s not true. That’s why, I don’t like Paul’s Inner Circle Riches. In fact, Paul’s program doesn’t provide any real training on internet marketing, it provides you only with tools you can use to promote his own products. That’s why if you want to learn all the ins and outs of IM you should look for some other programs. If you look at my comparison table you will notice that WA is the absolute winner and I recommend it because you can try it for free.

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