How to Make Money Online by Helping Other People

August 23, 2022 0 Comments


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You can make money on the Internet both by helping other people and not by helping. It all depends on your intention, desire and the type of business you are doing.

There are many types of business, such as affiliate marketing, dropshipping, online tutoring, consultation, providing various services etc.

There are so many that it’s hard to list them all. I decided to share my experience on how you can make money online while helping other people make money too.

In the end, everyone helps each other in some way. 

I will try to be as helpful as possible while using as few words as possible to make it easier for you to absorb the material and quickly move on to practice.

Sharing my experience, I can say that making money on the Internet is not easy and if someone has ever told you otherwise, know that this is a lie out of ignorance or an intentional lie in order to mislead you and quickly make money off you.



Teaching-other- people


Teaching other people

One of the most popular types of income while helping others is teaching. In this case, in fact, no costs are required or they are the most minimal.

If you have knowledge, for example, you know any language and have experience in teaching, then you can easily give online lessons and earn money by helping others.

You can teach using various modern means, platforms, such as zoom, whatsapp or any other program.

It can be either the English language or any other type of knowledge/experience. Some people use Instagram for this purpose, doing it very well.

It depends on what type of platform you prefer. The main thing here is the knowledge you have and ability to teach others.




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Sharing your experience/consultation

Sharing your experience and giving advice or it is also called online consultation. This is also a fairly broad area of ​​earnings and includes a variety of areas of expertise.

This can be consultations in the field of psychology, finance, legal services, raising children, establishing / correcting family relationships.

If you are a good specialist, then you can earn very well and at the same time help others.

It is desirable to have appropriate certificates so that people have no doubts about your qualifications and it is especially desirable to have positive reviews.

This will help you build trust with your clients/patients from the very beginning.

Again you can give consultation using Youtube stream service, Instagram, zoom or whatsapp app.





Recommend quality programs/products

If you have experience in affiliate marketing, then you can help other people make money too. This can be done in various ways.

For example, I will share my personal experience so that it is clear and understandable.

This site that you are currently reading belongs to the field of affiliate marketing and I write articles on this topic and share my experience in helping others.

I also make a review of quality programs that teach people how to make money on the Internet, that is, affiliate marketing.

I review both good and bad programs that deceive others and recommend good programs that have a positive rating.

I also recommend those programs that I have already tried myself. This is how I make money and help others.

I also have another site where I recommend binoculars. Periodically I buy them and write my reviews.

In the same way, you can choose any other area and review programs or products both on your website and on your YouTube channel.

This is what many people on the Internet do today and earn good money.

When doing this, you need to remain objective and not mislead people by recommending what you know for sure is a low-quality product or program.



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Help people build their own business

You can also help others start their own business on the Internet if you have enough experience and you yourself are already making good money on the Internet.

You can help other people through your site with advice or really help launch a site, help choose a business area, for example, help build a site and sell goods through Amazon or their own site.

You can create your own online course and help others while making good money.

This is also called private coaching. This is quite a profitable business because it is carried out through intensive private training and support.

Many private coaches charge several hundred dollars for a couple of hours of training.

You can charge, for example, one hundred dollars per week, which is equal to $400 per month from just one client.

Imagine if you have 10 clients which means you will be making $4,000 per month.

You can charge even more if you are sure that your course and support is super effective and then you can earn twice as much.



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List of ways to earn money and help others


Creating online courses

You can create online courses on any topic you know and monetize it successfully. This is a very popular method of monetization. You can create your course and make it available using YouTube by giving private access. This method is free and effective. 


Providing services

You can also provide services in any field of knowledge via the Internet. The service sector can be very different and examples will be given below.


Creating applications

You can create various applications if you have the appropriate knowledge and experience. This may be a website or some other mobile application or an educational or educational program for children. This area is quite profitable and you can earn good money here while helping other people.


Writing articles for websites

You can make good money and write articles for other websites. For example, reviews or any other articles on general topics in any area. This range of services is also very profitable. For one good article of 3000/4000 words, you can get from $50 to $100.


Website competition research

If you have knowledge and experience, you can do a market analysis and study how the competition is in a particular niche. Many sites need this information so they can plan their activities. Here you can get several hundred dollars for one project.


Proofreading texts

You can proofread texts which is also a very popular way of making money and helping others. You can’t charge too much for this type of activity but still it is a good source of side income.


Social Media Manager

The SMM sphere is also very popular and profitable. Many companies are looking for good professionals who can promote their companies in the social networking market. Here it is necessary to have not only theoretical knowledge, but also experience, and if you can do it, you can help others and earn good money.


Psychological assistance in raising children

You can also help in the field of psychology by helping other parents in raising children. Many young parents face big problems in raising their children and they need professional psychological help. If you have experience and knowledge, you can give paid consultations or organize online lessons for parents.


Website optimization

Website optimization is another super popular method of making money online. Many website owners have no knowledge how to optimize their website for Google and this is where you can make good money. You can review sites and offer your plan of optimization and charge respectively. This is very important especially today when Google pays much attention to this aspect of websites.


Website review (feedback)

This is another type of website optimization such as paying more attention to the material, i.e. content of a website. You can review a site and give your recommendations on how the owner can improve his writing to get winning positions in Google search. 


Writing eBooks

You can write an ebook on any topic for someone which is also a popular way of earning money online. It can be on any topic you have knowledge of.  


Giving consultations

You can give consultations in various fields of knowledge, such as finance, law, psychology, career, commerce, immigration and more. 


Weight loss coaching

Weight loss is also a super popular way of monetization which can be done in many different ways. It can be done using Instagram, Youtube or an eBook.


Teaching classes

You can organize online classes on any topic you have knowledge of using zoom, youtube private access and many other platforms.


Translation services

The field of translation is a very profitable activity. For a good quality translation of information, you can charge a very high price. To do this, you can use your website or platforms such as,


Video editing/animation

Video editing and animation are also profitable and popular especially today. For this activity you can charge a very high price and use platforms mentioned above, such as, 


SEO services

SEO service is highly popular and monetizable. Many websites try to win top positions on Google and if you can help others you can make a big buck here.


Finance Management

Finance Management is a very profitable area and requires the highest qualifications and experience.



P.S. Activities such as proofreading, translation, SEO, video animation, writing ebooks, website optimization and many other services can be done through freelance websites, such as,, 



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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