Should I Start a Blog or YouTube Channel?

June 2, 2022 4 Comments


blogging vs youtube


Should I start a blog or YouTube channel? Of course, at the heart of this question is a simple explanation, which is to make more money.

Although there are blogs or channels that have other goals, such as spreading certain views, theories.

But for the most part, the main goal of starting a website or a YouTube channel is precisely to earn more money.

These are the realities of today and probably the foreseeable future.

This question is of interest to a large number of people today and it seems that every second or third wants to start either a blog or a YouTube channel, and I think this trend will continue for quite some time.

As always, each case has its advantages and disadvantages, and I think it will be interesting and useful to discuss in order to draw important conclusions and make the right decision before deciding what to do and which of the areas is more priority.

Some people can find arguments in favor of blogging while others in favor of YouTube channel.

And at the same time, everyone will rely on their experience and success in one direction or another.

Our task today will be to understand this issue properly and look at it objectively.


  • How much money do I need to start a blog?
  • How much money do I need to start a YouTube channel?
  • How much effort is required for a blog to run?
  • How much effort is required for a YouTube channel to run?
  • How much traffic can I expect from a blog?
  • How much traffic can I expect from a YouTube channel?
  • How much money can I earn from a blog?
  • How much money can I earn from a YouTube channel?
  • What is the easiest way to get traffic from a blog or YouTube channel?


These are the questions I’m going to answer today and by answering these questions we can get a full picture and vision of what to do when it comes to our planned online venture.

Let’s start our discussion and try to answer each of the above mentioned questions.


How much money do I need to start a blog?

While many people think that starting a blog requires a substantial investment of money, the reality is that the task requires a minimal investment.

And you can even start with a free blog to start with.

It can be hosted on free servers, such as,,,,, and more other hosting services available today.

But since a blog is not only a place where you publish quality content, but you also need to achieve high positions in search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, then for this you will eventually need to switch to paid hosting, which will cost approximately $50-$100 per year.

And I think this is a very affordable price for most people.

You can also either choose a free wordpress theme or buy a premium one which will cost $50-$100 which is in most cases a one-time fee.

It can take a few hours to customize your wordpress blog to make it user friendly for your audience.


How much money do I need to start a YouTube channel?

You don’t need any financial resources to start a YouTube channel. This platform is known to be owned by Google and all services are provided free of charge.

You can start as many channels as you want under one account.


How much effort is required for a blog to run?

Starting a blog does not require a titanic effort or large financial investments.

But it takes a lot of effort to maintain it, especially at the beginning of its development as a source of quality content.

Many people think that maintaining a blog is as easy as starting it.

However, the truth is that your blog is a source of qualified information that requires a lot of effort and time.

You have to provide quality, engaging and useful content on a consistent basis.

Only by doing so you can earn trust in the eyes of your audience and Google and your success directly depends on this factor.

It can be done in different ways. You can either write content once a week or once a month.

If you write once a week, it could be 2,000-3,000 words. If once a month it is desirable that the volume be 5,000-6,000 words.

In short, writing quality content for your blog is the key for your success. If you don’t do it other blogs will do it and will lose the battle.


How much effort is required for a YouTube channel to run?

Running a YouTube channel may seem easy compared to running a website, but it really isn’t or isn’t always the case.

It’s true that a website requires constant writing quality content, which takes a significant amount of time.

In fact, even for a YouTube channel, you need to prepare high-quality material and record a video, then edit it and only then publish it. This also takes time.

Some videos require a week or even 2.3 weeks of hard work before you publish your video. That’s why it’s not true that a youtube channel requires less effort.

In fact, youtube requires even more effort because when you run a youtube channel you need to publish videos regularly, it requires some equipment, like a good camera, microphone and editing software. 

I can share my experience on youtube. Although it is known that in order to get a lot of traffic, you need to make great efforts and create videos with unique content, practice shows that this is far from always the case. I once recorded a video with rather stupid content, or rather, I made a cut from the videos already on YouTube and as a result received 100,000 views in a month. Surprising but true.


How much traffic can I expect from a blog?

As for the question of what is the amount of traffic you can expect from blogging, it is difficult to give a clear answer to this question.

First of all, it all depends on the amount of effort that you are willing to invest in your online project.

The more effort and time you put into your project the more traffic you can expect.

On average if you can write around 300 posts for your website you can expect something around 500 visits a day to your website.

With 500 posts you can expect over 1000 visits a day or even more.

With such traffic you can earn on average $1.000 – $3.000 per month which is a very good scenario for your blog.

Some bloggers that I know personally have close to 1000 posts and get 2000-3000 visits a day making over 10.000 per month.

Generally speaking, it depends on many factors. Getting traffic to your blog can take from 6 up to 24 months. It’s a slow process because Google ranks sites slowly.


How much traffic can I expect from a YouTube channel?

As for the YouTube channel, everything is a little different here. Videos rank very quickly and a channel can start getting traffic quickly and unexpectedly.

In just 6 months or even earlier, a completely new channel can get into the top, become popular and start receiving hundreds of thousands of views a day.

In this regard, YouTube, of course, is ahead of blogs and makes it possible to achieve success much faster.


How much money can I earn from a blog?

How much can you earn from blogging – let’s try to answer this question.

First of all, making money on the Internet depends directly on the amount of traffic that you can get to your site.

In addition, you need to properly configure your site for monetization. These are two key success factors for your website.

If the traffic is low, then, accordingly, there will be almost no income. On average, if the site receives about one thousand visits per day you can earn $2,000 – $3,000 per month and even more.

Believe it or not, I have been making $1.000 – $2.000 for a long time with my website traffic under 250 visits a day.

Now I’m making less because my traffic dropped due to Google updates. This kind of Google update strikes many sites from time to time.


How much money can I earn from a YouTube channel?

As for making money on a YouTube channel, the situation here is somewhat different than in the case of blogging.

Here, traffic is usually calculated not in hundreds, but in thousands of visits per day, or even hundreds of thousands of views per day, or even millions.

Earnings here are also different from what we see in the case of blogging.

If in the case of blogging you have a traffic of a thousand visits per day and you earn $2,000-$3,000 per month, then in the case of a YouTube channel, a lot depends on what niche your YouTube channel belongs to.

There are niches where YouTube pays much more than other niches.

If your channel is in English, then you will earn many times more than if your channel was in Russian. To make $2,000-$3,000 a month on a YouTube channel, you need to get several thousand views a day.

In addition, on some videos, YouTube itself disables monetization, in some videos it is limited. All of these affect your earnings.

Earnings on Youtube itself depend on many factors: the subject of video clips, the language of the audience for which the video was shot, the number of views, the presence of advertisers in this niche, etc. In different countries, income can vary greatly.

You can also additionally place ads on your channel for which you will set your own prices. But this can only be done if you have a huge audience, for example, hundreds of thousands of subscribers on the channel.


What is the easiest way to get traffic from a blog or YouTube channel?

This is also a difficult question. From my experience, I can say for sure that getting traffic is a difficult and long process.

It happens that you write high-quality material and there is no traffic, although the material on other sites is no better. I myself have been a witness to this for the past 7 years.

Google is almost impossible to understand. No one can say for sure on the basis of which factors Google ranks sites.

There are approximate answers, but no one will give an exact answer. And it happens that traffic starts to flow like a river and does not stop.

Any Google update only increases your traffic. And it happens exactly the opposite. 

To start getting traffic from Google, you will need to wait at best 6-12 months or even more. In the case of the YouTube channel, everything is much faster.

You can start getting thousands of views within a few days or even hours.

But it also happens that your channel cannot get enough views even though you publish pretty high-quality content.

And other channels get views even though their content is no better than yours.

I have also been a witness to all this for the past 7 years. Therefore, getting traffic, both in the case of blogging and in the case of a YouTube channel, is not an easy process.


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Vai says:

    I have often wondered about these very topics, blogging and youtube. First, blogging and how to effectively increase your chances of making money. I think that you have answered that question for me. Secondly, in the case of youtube, I have been thinking about it for a while but don’t quite understand how the process work. Now I have some information to go on, Of course, I would like to take this information and search it a little more. Like this post a lot!

    • Adam says:

      In fact, as I explained in the post, both youtube and blogging work almost the same way with a slight difference. Youtube can grow much faster than a blog but it doesn’t happen very often. Most of the time people are struggling with either of these methods.

  2. Chestoncarvallo says:

    Many people want to start a blog while some want to start a YouTube channel. It’s wonderful how you took the time out to do very careful research to inform people about starting a blog and also starting a YouTube channel. Thank you so very much for this article I really appreciate it. Know others will also. 

    • Adam says:

      I did my best to show all the pros and cons of both directions so people can see how it looks to go with a website or youtube channel. I think it’s clear that any direction you choose has a lot of difficulties but youtube has an evident advantage: you can get traffic very quickly if you are lucky.

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