Niche Site VS Authority Site

October 19, 2019 0 Comments

niche site vs authority site


When you start a new site, a blog you probably think which direction to go, which niche to choose, build a tiny niche site or go after creating an authoritative blog?

These questions are really burning and take a lot of time when building a new website. And these questions need to be answered.


Niche website

When you create a niche site you need to do a lot of research in terms if competition and creating content aimed to help people and answer their questions.

The better research you do the better content you can provide.

Because your success directly depends on your research and content.

This can bring you either a flood of traffic and sales if you have done things correctly or zero traffic and zero sales if you have done it the wrong way.

When you start a new niche website you need to put a ton of effort into your online project.

Because during the first few months you will be creating content that no one will be reading. It’s like doing something in a ghost town.

No one knows about your existence. But over time provided you do things the right way Google will notice your site and start ranking it in top search results.

This will be your time to start seeing results of your continuous efforts.

So, to achieve your goals you need three components:


  • Experience
  • Authority
  • Trust


Like I said, the best way would be doing an in-depth research. Outreach is another way to grow and expand your niche site.

This can be done by contacting other authority sites in your chosen niche and asking them questions with the purpose of creating a blog post on specific topic.

You can tell them that you will mention them in your post and link to their site. Many of them will not answer because they are busy but some will do.

Or you can do it the other way. You can create a post and add quotes from authority sites.

This will increase trust to your site because this means you back up your claims through other reliable and trusted sites.

Trust is an integral part of your business. Without trust it will be hard to achieve your online business goals.

But a lot of your time will be spent for research because it’s the only way to increase your expertise in your niche which will lead to a better authority and trust.

When you research and read other authority blogs you learn from experts. It’s the easiest and fastest way to gain experience and acquire new knowledge.

Another way to become an expert in your niche is to read one or two books about your niche.

There is a ton of literature on Digital books are cheap but will give you a ton of knowledge you need to become an authority in your niche.

Once you’ve done the work as it needs to be done it will make your users/readers happy as well as Google and it will be hard for other blogs to win the competition in your niche.

Most people don’t want to read books or spend their time for research. Because it takes time and effort. If you can accomplish it you will be among winners.

You can also join social groups like Facebook, Reddit or even forums. You can find many experts always hanging out and helping folks.

This is another way to gain experience and expand your knowledge in your niche.

You can also visit online courses for specific topics related to your niche or even subscribe to someone else’s email list who is an authority in your niche. All these are really effective ways to become an expert in a niche and monetize it.

The last and really important aspect of gaining authority and trust is having a nice looking website.

You need simple, clean and nice looking website. You need to properly format your content and split it into short paragraphs and sentences to make your content easily readable.

Use nice images on your site to increase the trust. This component of a niche website is critical in my opinion. Because if your site looks ugly no one will trust you.

Mix up your content. You need to build a website with extensive knowledge about your niche and provide reliable information or evidence.

You can create interview posts by interviewing authority bloggers. This will allow you to get on their radar and some of them will notice you and even thank you for the interview.

At the end of the day they want to reach wider audience and always look for new ways to spread info about themselves.

This will be a good opportunity for you to introduce yourself and reach more people.

This is all that needs to be done for running and growing a niche website. As you can see, it requires a lot of time and effort.

Authority site is no different in terms of tasks but it requires more responsibility. The difference between niche and authority site will be discussed further.

Building and running a niche website will take a lot of your time which is very normal. You have to be ready for that.

You must change your attitude and understand that once you’ve started your niche website it must become a part of your daily life.

Because it’s like any brick and mortar business. Internet lifestyle doesn’t mean you will be doing nothing while making money.





Niche website vs authority website

As bloggers we must keep in mind that promoting or selling an info product from a niche site is much harder than from an authority site.

Because people that come to your niche website take it as promotion. When it comes to an authority site people trust it and take any promotion as recommendation or helpful advice.

With a small niche site you can’t get ranked under competitive keywords that can get you a ton of traffic and possibly sales.

You have to aim after (low hanging fruits) less competitive keywords in order to get some traffic to your niche website.

Multiple such keywords can bring a good amount of traffic as a result.

Niche site mainly depends on Google traffic while authority site doesn’t.

Authority site gets traffic not only from search engines but from Facebook, other social networks, email subscribers, forums etc.

Authority sites are independent from Google in terms of traffic which is a huge advantage compared to a small niche site.

Authority website includes tasks, such as dealing with customers, helping them with technical issues, answering emails.

In short, customer service is a lot of work you need to do to deal with your customers.

Niche website once you have done it properly can make you a passive income over time. The hardest part is only in the beginning stage of it.

Then you only need to maintain it by creating some content while your income will continue to grow.

The same applies to an authority site but authority site requires more effort in terms of customer support and dealing with your audience as was mentioned above.

Authority website’s income is way more stable than with a niche website because niche website is mostly and very often relied on Google traffic while authority site has different sources of traffic and its established audience that is completely independent from Google.

Both, niche and authority websites can make a full time income though authority site can make way more due to its established audience.

Both sites have low start up costs. When it comes to running and maintaining a site, authority site may require a little more operational costs.

With a niche website income is not guaranteed or can be lost completely in case you lose your search engine rankings.

Because niche website is mainly relied on search traffic. With an authority website income can come from different sources and ways.

Because as I said, authority website has its own established audience and can monetize it through many different ways.

Authority websites have a much higher trust rate than niche websites.

This means promoting os selling something through an authority website is much easier than through a small niche website.

As an authority you can sell info product which is great because selling an info product is highly profitable.



Final recap


Pros of a niche website

  • Passive income
  • Full time income
  • Low star up costs
  • Low operating costs
  • Based on your passion
  • Easier to profit from



Cons of a niche website

  • Time and effort required
  • Income is not guaranteed
  • Income is not stable




Pros of an authority site

  • High trust rate
  • You can sell your info product
  • Have way more traffic that small niche sites
  • Income potential is way higher than in niche sites
  • Stable income


Cons of an Authority site

  • Dealing with clients
  • Continuous support required
  • Takes time to profit from



Want to Start a New Niche or Build an Authority Site?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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