Jordan Daniels Scam – “My Business is Completely Ethical and Legitimate”

June 11, 2015 20 Comments


Product owner: Jordan Daniels

Verdict: Scam


There are many make money opportunities online both ethical and unethical and your success or failure completely depends on what type of opportunity you will come across.

If you are lucky to find a legit program you will be able to build a successful online business and if not then you will be wasting your time and money.

If you don’t have enough experience in internet marketing it will be extremely difficult to know which program is legit and which one is a waste of time.

It’s really difficult because when it comes to internet marketing there are different types of products, traffic courses, affiliate marketing courses, binary options programs, social media courses, MLM programs etc.

If you have no clue about all this stuff you will easily get confused. Behind all these programs and opportunities are real people, internet marketers both honest and dishonest.



Most of those who are dishonest are themselves making money but since they always put much emphasis on money instead of helping people they create poor products for the sake of quick buck and honest people who don’t have any experience fall victims to their scam programs/products.

One of such dishonest internet marketers is Jordan Daniels and his scam products, such as home business opportunity promoted through and Xtreme Profit Copier – Binary options program.

There are many talks going on the web about this guy and I want to take a closer look at his programs to help you understand what is happening behind the scenes.

If you want to read my full review you are free to do so. If not, then instead of wasting your time on this “ethical” program I suggest that you try my recommended free program. It’s free for the first 7 days.

1. One of his products promoted on the internet is a work from home opportunity that you can find on his website or This is the first fact that his marketing techniques are not ethical.

I know many legit programs online and they all use only one domain name for their websites. I know exactly from my experience that if someone uses two or three different domain names for their website most likely it’s a scam.


2. Jordan Daniels’s “amazing” program promoted through has some distinguishing features: it makes a lot of false promises, there is no money back guarantee, no support, no free trial and there are many upsells inside the members area. This is very normal for programs like and for internet marketers like Jordan Daniels.



3. Once you visit Jordan’s website you will watch a promotional video full of hype and lies. They talk about legitimacy of work from home opportunities, that many people are making a lot of money on the internet etc.


Online-Success- Plan-ABC-news


You will also see that a work from home business has been featured on ABC News which might make you think that it’s associated with Jordan Daniels’s while it’s not. There are no any mentions about him or his website. This is a classic marketing deceptive trick which is very normal for people like Jordan.




4. Another deceptive trick Jordan uses on his website is the logos of reputable companies. You will notice that work from home opportunities have been featured on Fox News, USA Today etc. You might again think that Jordan Daniels is an honest guy and his website has been featured there while it’s not true. So, be careful and don’t get fooled by Jordan Daniels Scam.



5. When you watch the video you will be notified that your $500 payout is guaranteed… You are going to own a system that will make you tons of money every single day like clockwork. You will be told that you have been selected out of thousands of people. None of this is true and I believe you are smart enough to understand that this guy is lying to you.





6. Another ridiculous thing that really annoys me is this: if you exit this page you agree to give up your spot to another person and then Jordan will give your millionaire website and $500 to the next person in line! Can you imagine that? What a lie! Really terrible and very sad.





7. Another red flag is that if you decide for whatever reason to buy his “amazing” product it will cost you $97. There is a little trick. If you refuse to pay $97 they will give a discount price $77. But if you accept it right away you will pay $97! Do you think it is an ethical approach?


Xtreme Profit Copier

1. Another product is Xtreme Profit Copier which is in fact a binary options program. Binary options software is a program that is based on market prediction and your task is to predict whether a currency pair will go up or down.

In most cases this type of software is promoted as completely automated system that can make 100% accurate predictions. This is not true.

There is no software in the world that can predict market because market is unpredictable. Though some people make money trading binary options, most people are losers. It’s a very risky venture because you can make $200 today and lose $1000 tomorrow.






2. In order to make serious money you need to seriously fund your account and there is no money back guarantee in this business though most binary programs are promoted as free programs.

The main problem with almost all binary options programs is that almost in most cases this type of business model is promoted as the only opportunity that can guarantee you income. The truth is that it’s not true because there is no way to guarantee income to anyone.


3. There is another trick common to all binary options programs. Those who promote them always encourage people to invest as more money as possible in order to make more money.

The trick is that they encourage you to do so because each time you invest your money you put them at risk while those promoters make money off you. That’s why I do recommend you to not get fooled by this type of promotions.


4. I reviewed many binary programs and to be honest none of them is worth your time or money. You can read more of my reviews on binary options here. Also, there is a good article on about binary options.

The main idea is that it’s very similar to gambling and I completely agree with the author. Also, be aware that the majority of binary options are involved in illegal activity. To learn more please read this document.



Final word On Jordan Daniels Scam

I think from all this info above it’s absolutely clear that Jordan Daniels is not someone who is interested in your success because if someone makes so many false promises and uses so many deceptive tricks that means you should stay away from them.

But like I said, there are many other legit programs on the web and you can join any of them if you want to be on the safe side. Among legit programs are Bring the Fresh, Affilorama, Chris Farrell Membership, Site Build it etc. All these programs are absolutely legit and their legitimacy has been proven through years.

But there is a program I’ve tried personally and can vouch for its quality and this program is Wealthy Affiliate and I’ve been a premium member of it for 2 years now. It’s free to join and you can try it within 7–10 days. Let me know if you have any questions and I will respond shortly.


Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (20)

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  1. Paul says:

    Hi Rufat. This is completely new to me and I am confused about what wealthy affiliate is and how you make money with it. Could you please give me a quick no nonsense description of what it is and how it works?

  2. Melissa Reed says:

    Hi my name is Melissa Reed and I am trying to find a money making program that is not a scam. Something that I can make money and after I make real true money they can take the fee out of my account. Thank U 9132402346

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Melissa,

      You can see the comparative chart within my review and create a free trial account. My recommended program is free to try. Let me know if you have other questions.

  3. Nate says:

    It makes me really sad that there are people out there like Jordan Daniels that go to such long lengths to scam people out of money just to benefit themselves. Don’t people understand that in order to be successful as a global population we need to help and trust each other? I love your recommendations for how to really make money online and hope that you continue to expose the scammers who deserve to have their money taken away from them!

    • Rufat says:

      I agree that trust is really important especially when it comes to making money online. It’s very easy to fall for scams like this one. I hope my free recommendation will be a good alternative for my visitors.

  4. Marie says:

    Hi Rufat thanks for the review, I hadn’t heard of Jordan Daniels until this point, but his scheme definitely raises a few red flags even before I got to your final verdict.

    I have noticed a number of products that use the phrase as mentioned on … or as seen on and a list of TV, media or well known sites. It has to be in breach of some customer rights law to deliberately mislead in such as way.

    I think sites such as yours that take the time to review products and provide readers with such a detailed view of what they are really about are invaluable. I also believe that there should be an internet watchdog that monitors these sites and prevents them exploiting any more people. Thanks again.

    • Rufat says:

      I think Jordan Daniels’ program is in itself a big red flag and even without thorough reading it becomes clear that the program is a complete disappointment. Deceptive tactics used in this program such as being featured on TV etc are being used in many other programs known as link posting scams. Their entire approach is built upon lie. I agree, in fact, these programs are in breach of certain laws and sooner or later such websites are being shut down by specific organizations or taken down by the owners of these websites themselves. Regarding sites that review such programs and help people not everything is perfect. Some sites call every program they review a scam which is wrong and misleading too. I never do so. If the program I review is not a complete scam I just say as it is and leave the choice to people themselves, but before that I explain all the cons and pros and let them know my opinion. In most cases I simply don’t recommend a program avoiding such definitions as scam. In this particular case, Jordan’s program is a scam.

  5. Andre Daniel says:

    Thanks for this information Rufat. These types of websites have been around since the dawn of the internet boom. It is these types of programs that give internet marketing a bad name and it really annoys me that the exploitation of ignorant and desperate people is so easy.

    This is not any way to build a business and it certainly isn’t a model of business I’d be proud to mention to people or feel proud about. The fact that this program has no money back guarantee ALONE is a red flag. A program of this type of claim and these huge amounts of transactions should a the very least have degree of guarantee and or support and transparent contact.

    Reading your account of this “opportunity” Rufat alone confuses me and I feel sorry for anyone duped into trying this.

    • Rufat says:

      I can only agree with you that programs like this one give internet marketing a bad name and that’s why it’s generally accepted and believed that internet marketing sites are scams or get rich quick schemes while in reality not all sites are bad. It’s extremely difficult to convince someone that your site is not a scam after all these dishonest programs. There are too many read flags in this program and I really can’t imagine how still some people fall for this one. Both opportunities are so shady that only completely ignorant or desperate people may fall for Jordan’s scam. His promise to give $500 is a total BS, a complete waste of time.

  6. Greg Robson says:

    Hey Rufat, thanks for this very informative review. I have been marketing online for a while now and have been scammed to pieces before I finally started to see results. I hadn’t come across Jordan Daniels before and I’m glad I read your review of his stuff.
    I always find it a shame that there are unscrupulous people always ready to scam you out of your hard earned money, especially as it happened to me at a time when I really couldn’t afford to waste money, hell, I was trying to make some extra cash, not give what I had to some greedy scam merchant, but at least I learned a valuable lesson…ALWAYS due your due diligence, thoroughly check a persons credentials before you hand over your valuable money!

    • Rufat says:

      I’ve been marketing online for many years and I was scammed a few times just like you. So I understand you very well. This guy doesn’t seem to want to help people solve their problems. Both programs he tries to sell are really poor ones. The first one is a complete scam and the second one is regarding trading binary options. Unfortunately, most people fall to scams when they can’t afford wasting their hard earned money and it’s a shame that people like Jordan take advantage of this situation. All this means that before paying someone one must do a proper research on a particular program to avoid falling for scams.

  7. Sam says:

    Thanks for this your enlightening post as you try to expose one of the dishonest guys who parades himself as Internet marketer.
    Truly there are several money making opportunities online that are genuine and ethical. Similarly there are several others that are scams and unethical. But it appears that unethical have outnumbered the ethical; thereby making people to be wary of online business opportunities.
    By people like you coming out to expose the fraudsters, some level of sanity will begin to take place and people’s confidence will be restored.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Sam for your comment and I really appreciate your valuable thoughts. I have to agree and admit that unethical opportunities easily outnumber ethical ones and we can’t do a lot to change the situation. The only thing we can do is write our reviews and expose these scams or poor products such as created by Jordan Daniels. To be honest, I rarely call a product scam and do so only when the product owner makes too many false promises and fails to deliver quality products as it’s in the case of Jordan. Though this guy claims that his business is completely ethical and legitimate it appears that it’s not true which is clear from my review.

  8. Mark says:

    Hi Rufat – Thanks for exposing yet another online scam. These people really are the scum of he Internet world and get all the legitimate business opportunities, like Wealthy Affiliate a bad name.
    I never cease to amaze me the depth people will go to to obtain your money.
    As you so rightly say by offering it as a reduced price when you try to leave rings alarm bells.
    Great work keep it up

    • Rufat says:

      I agree with you Mark and it always surprises me too how far people go to scam you out of your money and the bad thing is that it shows the whole internet marketing industry in unfavourable light. Instead of creating good product, helping folks and making money in the long run they prefer making a quick buck without thinking of the consequences of what they do.

  9. kitty clark says:

    Great information. I love your reviews. I too, was taken in by the binary companies a few years ago. I bought an autobot that was supposed to tell me which stock to go with. All it did was take my money. I am pleased to say that I am also a member of WA. I have been very happy here and I have learned a lot. Being a Newbie, I knew nothing. Now I have a functioning successful website. Keep telling people the right way to be successful. And, no, it does not happen overnight. Everything that’s worth it takes time and effort. The rewards are so worth it. Awesome website.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Kitty for your comment. The fact that you have some bad experience with binary programs is in fact a good thing because it does add value to your comment so other people can learn from your experience. Unfortunately this guy, Daniels is really “awesome” guy because he doesn’t seem to offer any real value to people while he claims that his business is completely honest and ethical. Just look at this ridiculous claims and this alone will be enough to understand that this guy is the next in the line to scam you out of your money. Like you say, it takes time before you build something real.

  10. Demetrius says:

    I’ve been scammed so much I can’t count anymore. Can you please provide me with some serious legit programs that will help me earn an income. I’m retired military and I’m trying to supplement my income. Thank you for your time.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Demetrius, I can recommend you this program. I’ve been a member of it for almost 2 years now and I’m making money. So, I recommend you a program that I’ve tried myself and can vouch for its quality. You can create your free account and then upgrade to premium if you decide so. Let me know if you have any questions.

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