Home Online Profits Club – Can You Really Profit from this Club?

October 2, 2018 2 Comments

Home Online Profits Club


Service Quality









  • Training


  • Fake testimonials
  • Exaggerated claims
  • Fake social likes
  • Upsells
  • Link posting doesn’t work

home online profits club


Product name: Home Online Profits Club

Product owner: Linda Wilson

Website: homeonlineprofitsclub.com

Price: $97, many upsells

Overall rank: 10 out of 100

Verdict: Not recommended


Home Online Profits Club is the program that talks about working in the privacy of your home and making a lot of money.

The site uses strategies many other sites are using, such as most people have a dream of quitting their 9 to 5 job, making thousands of dollars and living their life on their terms.

If you have a bad experience or failed in the past Home Online Profits Club will be different.

At least Linda Wilson claims that she can help you achieve success if you follow her instructions as explained on Home Online Profits Club website.

Let’s dive into it and see if people like you and me can really profit from Linda Wilson’s Home Online Profits Club.


Short review of Home Online Profits Club

Before I start my detailed review I want you to know one simple fact. The original Home Online Profits Club website is down. The new one look terrible.

Linda Wilson claims that all you need to make a lot of money online is basic typing skills and internet access.

This is hugely exaggerated because if it was that easy then everyone would be learning typing skills and getting internet access and start making a lot of money.

This type of crazy statements make this program a low quality one in my opinion.


Pros of Home Online Profits Club

  • Training is available


Cons of Home Online Profits Club

  • Fake news site
  • Fake testimonials
  • Low quality website
  • Exaggerated claims
  • Fake social likes
  • Upsells
  • Link posting doesn’t work


In short, Home Online Profits Club is not worth your time and money. Claims are big and the quality of the program is not good. I highly recommend to avoid and save your time and money. I believe you are looking for a legit program. See my recommendation below.



Home Online Profits Club Review

The foundation of Home Online Profits Club is talking about affiliate marketing.

I don’t know if you know anything about affiliate marketing or not but it’s all about making money online using legit methods.

In fact, what I’ve been doing for the past 4 years is affiliate marketing too. It works in a completely different way.

Home Online Profits Club explains it as follows:

make money in 5 minutes


  • You don’t need any prior experience or skills
  • You can be your own boss
  • Start earning immediately or within 5 minutes
  • Earn $379 per day
  • Copy and paste links and you are done
  • Earn as much as you want
  • Companies are desperately looking for link specialists
  • Complete link posting course and start earning money
  • Limited number of spots open


This list of claims is almost the same and can be easily applied to all other programs like Home Online Profits Club.

I’ve already written reviews about many other link posting companies that you can find in this article. Some of them are almost copying each other.

Some of them provide some kind of training on affiliate marketing. Others are complete scams and their sites are down.

Some of them are promoting their so called service through different sites with different names but the product is the same.

Many of them have same website layout, use same names, same stories, same testimonials.

To prove my statement I want to show you screenshots of other link posting companies and the screenshot of Home Online Profits Club.



link posting scams


It’s not hard at all to see how they all look like one website but with different names.

When you run these sites in online space and people don’t know about them sites look very solid.

When you start doing some research and put all of them in one place, on your website you start to notice that they are duplicate sites.

It looks very spammy and scammy in my opinion.

As I explained above, Home Online Profits Club teaches you an affiliate marketing in a simplistic way.

You become an affiliate of various programs, get affiliate links and start posting them on your website or some other places on the internet.

People click on your links and earn a commission.

The more links you post the more of them will get clicked and you will earn more money. This is how it’s explained by Home Online Profits Club’s Linda Wilson.

Linda explains that there are hundreds of companies that are looking for people like you to pay for posting links.

You can easily earn $379 per day which means you can earn $11.370 per month. You can start earning within 5 minutes.

When it comes to programs that you can be affiliated with it’s another story. Not all companies have an affiliate program.

Home Online Profits Club advertizes it in a wrong way. They show brands of Netflix, HP, Oakley, GAP and by doing so they mislead you.



The problem is that some of them don’t even have an affiliate program. But Linda gives you incorrect information.

Finally, if you pay $97 they will give you access to their Link Posting Certification Course which is in fact an affiliate marketing.

Legit companies call it affiliate marketing. Scams or low quality programs describe it as link posting certification course. They talk about the same thing.

The difference is that legit companies teach you the right way and explain it that making money online requires time, effort, patience and some monetary investment.

Scams describe it as link posting opportunity that is easy to do and you can earn hundreds of dollars per day by copying and pasting links.

This is an incorrect and misleading info.


What I don’t like about Home Online Profits Club

They use names of popular institutions or sites, such as Fox News, CNN, USA Today, Abc.

They are trying to convince you that Home Online Profits Club has been featured in the news but in fact it has never been featured there.

The news was talking about legit work from home opportunities, jobs, but never about Home Online Profits Club.

Home Online Profits Club’s main site has a very strange domain name. Instead of having a solid name with com extension they have this one homeonlineprofits.club/ls01/info.php. This site is down.

The new one is this homeonlineprofitsclub.com or http://homeonlineprofitsclub.net/ or http://homeonlineprofitsclub.org but even these new sites have a very ugly design. They are duplicate sites. It looks really bad and spammy and scammy.

Then you click on their images to signup for the program it takes you to a completely new site called trial order.org/homeonlineprofitsclub.php which talks about bitcoin opportunity.

This is not affiliate marketing at all. And another interesting fact is that they have only one single page on their website.



They have fake social statistics. When you click on one of the logos it takes you nowhere. It’s a pure sign of being a scam.



fake social



They show you the status of accepting new members but in fact it doesn’t mean anything real. It’s just an image that again takes you to the same bitcoin opportunity.



On the sidebar they put a youtube video from WCPO TV channel that is an ABC affiliated television station that talks about totally different things.

It talks about work from home jobs, not make money opportunities like affiliate marketing. The didn’t say a single word about Home Online Profits Club.




Linda Wilson is just a fake person that doesn’t exist at all. You can see similar names in other link posting scams such as Mary Stevens, Kelly Scott, Kelly Simmons, Amanda Jones, Michelle Withrow.

They also use fake images of Linda Wilson. You can see the same face in many other programs. It does look very ridiculous and totally scammy.


linda wilson


They use the same low quality fake news that have been used in many other link posting scams. You can easily find the list in the link above and make sure that it’s the same video from youtube.

Once you paid for the course ($97) you will shown many other upsells for which you need to pay to “increase your chances for success”.

It’s the same strategy used in all other low quality programs and long posting scams.

They use same faces, testimonials of their “happy” customers that have never been happy at all. You can see same faces in other programs.


Can you become successful with Home Online Profits Club?

If we look at Home Online Profits Club program as a company that teaches you affiliate marketing then theoretically there is some chance that you can become successful.

I mean theoretically because affiliate marketing does work very well for hard workers and action takers.

When it comes to practice Home Online Profits Club by Linda Wilson is a very mediocre training.

Taking into account their weak support and bad reputation your chances for success are very slim.


Final word on Home Online Profits Club

After learning all cons of Home Online Profits Club I believe any reasonable person will decide to avoid this program.

There are too many risks associated with this type of program. Especially I believe you will have serious problem with a refund if you decide to leave the program.

Though they promise 60 day money back guarantee I believe it’s not going to be easy to get your money back.

Their money back guarantee says: “If you are not satisfied the money you are making online simply give us a call within 60 days and we will refund 100% of your money.”

This means they will ask you for a proof that you have been taking action based on their teaching material.

“The guarantee doesn’t say: If you don’t like our program.” That’s why be careful before you invest your hard earned money.

If reputation is not good I never invest. I believe profiting from Home Online Profits Club will be very difficult.


Final review of Home Online Profits Club

  • Training is available
  • Fake news site
  • Fake testimonials
  • Low quality website
  • Exaggerated claims
  • Fake social likes
  • Upsells
  • Link posting doesn’t work
  • Overall rank: 10 out of 100
  • Verdict: Not recommended


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (2)

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  1. Jag says:

    I notice a lot quick money making websites buy fake reviews. I remember back in the day when this scheme worked really well. As not many of us were versed in internet research. But now it’s great to read reviews such as you have written because it displays the other side of what those fake reviews talk about. I can’t believe in this day and age that that is still happening. Thanks for a great article as this would make me think twice before I were to invest any money in this type of thing.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, that’s true. Very often they buy fake likes or pay for fake views on youtube or fake reviews. They think by doing so they can grow their business. In fact, it’s a wrong way and their business will never grow. Unfortunately, these low quality websites are still around to this day and continue scamming people. Some internet marketers don’t like our reviews because we expose them and their unethical businesses. It’s good to know that we can save people like you from these times wasters.

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