Is Content Important to Make Money Online?

December 22, 2013 0 Comments

write content

As you probably guess I’m going to discuss the issue of content and its importance for your online success. We need to understand if content is really important to make money online or not.

As you probably know, the reason that we Google something is simple – we want to find information on particular subject. Information is the value and it is what we call content, when talking about websites.

Success of your website depends on the content that you can offer to your visitors and if they find it helpful and engaging then success is yours.

If you want to be successful online, you should focus on your readers/visitors because you create your content for them.

Before creating content you need to choose a niche you feel you are passionate about and make deep research until you understand that you have enough knowledge to write about it. Before creating content you should know what type of information related to your niche people search on the internet and try to “answer” their questions.

Here is a link to alphabet search lesson that can help you understand what I’m talking about. The more questions of your visitors you answer and the more of their problems you solve, the more trust and credibility you will gain.

Once you have achieved this, people will stay longer on your website and a good number of them will turn into your return visitors. Google and other major search engines such as Yahoo and Bing will love your site and give it higher rankings in their search results.


Content leads to traffic

“Content leads to traffic” is the most guarded secret on the internet and misused by many self-proclaimed gurus. If someone promises you to reveal the secrets to making money online for a bunch of bucks, run away from him.

There are no secrets to making money online. The secret is simple  –  create original engaging content for your website and then apply the right techniques to bring traffic to your website.

If you have an interesting engaging content you will be able to drive traffic and convert some of your visitors into your customers. If you want more traffic you need to create more content for your website. Before writing content you need to do keyword research to find the best keywords (with highest traffic and lowest competition) and then write your content with main focus on your readers.

Remember that a single article on your website can bring you traffic from a few to hundreds or even thousands of visitors per month.

That is why creating more engaging and helpful content should be your main and long term concern if you want to be successful online and make serious money.

But creating content requires time and work and a lot of research on the internet. I know many online marketers who have been working online for a number of years and still fail at bringing steady and massive traffic to their websites. The reason for that is their unwillingness to work hard. Believe me or not but it is true.

You probably have doubt about my statement or might be asking that how it can be if someone knows that his success depends on his willingness to work hard and still he does little work if at all. Yes, it is true.

I know many internet marketers who have been online for a year and half or so and still they have 50/60 pages of content while if you want to be successful you need to create 100 pages a year at least.

That is not much at all. Just write two articles per week and you will have 100 pages of content by the end of every year. You need to be consistent in regards to updating your website.


How much content is enough?

Finally, I would like to point out, that number of pages is not an exact recipe for your success as well. It all depends on many factors. In some cases you can have two websites in the same niche with the same number of pages but with different traffic and conversion rate.

It depends on the content that you have. One website may have an interesting and engaging content that converts like crazy while the other one has useless content and no conversions at all.

Or you can have two websites in different niches, where one website has at least 50 pages of content generating 1000 unique visitors a day and the other website with 200 pages of content generating 200/300 visitors.

It all depends on a niche you choose, competition in that niche AND how good you are at writing content, choosing the right keywords and your willingness to work hard.

But anyway, remember that content is the king because it is the content that leads to traffic and if you want to be successful and make money online you need to be willing to work hard and if not then you shouldn’t expect serious growth of your business.

That is why before you choose a niche you’d better do some research to see if you can write a lot about your niche. Writing content isn’t difficult at all. I’m writing content for my site every week and I’m not a professional writer.

Don’t think that a niche you choose is too competitive. If you have interest in a niche that you choose and feel you can write a lot about it then don’t hesitate to start creating content for your website.

There is always room for you in any niche and the only key to success is your willingness to work and be patient until you achieve your ultimate goal, i.e. make money online.

Please watch this video by Matt Cutts from Google about content and keyword research



Finally, if you want to learn how to write content for your site, how to optimize it for search engines, get it ranked in top search results, drive traffic, the best place I can honestly recommend you is Wealthy Affiliate. At WA you will learn the basics of internet marketing, how to build a website, how to start making money on the internet etc.

This is absolutely legitimate program and the best program that I know helped thousands of people to build their online businesses. And it helped me to build my business. You can read my review of Wealthy Affiliate below and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or leave your comments or questions below and we will discuss it further.



Filed in: SEO

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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