Why Do I Not Get Search Engine Traffic?

October 23, 2014 2 Comments

no web traffic

Many website owners who are trying to build their online presence and take their piece of a pie work very hard but don’t get enough traffic. They are still lucky compared to those who don’t get traffic at all.

It is really frustrating when you work hard and see no results that you expect or think deserve.

Before you start to see search engine traffic you need to follow Google guidelines but even if you follow there is no guarantee that your website will be ranked in top 10 of Google search results.

However, if you follow Google guidelines then a good number of your pages will soon get good rankings. Let’s try to figure out what someone can do to get traffic from the search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.


1. There are many reasons for getting no traffic. The first and foremost among reasons is that your website was not indexed. Normally Google spiders index sites automatically but in some cases they don’t index it until you submit your site to Google manually.

You need to create an XML sitemap by installing “Google XML sitemaps” plugin for your WordPress website. Once you have it done submit your website sitemap to Google using Google webmaster tools. But before submitting you need to register your Google account first if you don’t have it.


2. If you don’t get traffic to your website that means you write things that people either don’t search or don’t know about. You can write good articles but what is the use of it if you can’t target your audience.

If you are new to internet marketing then you should know that before writing an article you need to find a keyword (combination of words) that people use to find the topic you are going to write about in search engines.

If you fail to find the right keyword then you will be writing about a topic that no one even searches in search engines. The best keyword tool I can honestly recommend you and I use myself is the Jaaxy.


3. You need to include your main keyword in the title of your post. Remember that once you’ve found the right keyword you need to put that keyword in the title and the description of your post. When Google crawlers come to index new content the first thing they pay attention to is the title of your post.

Besides that you need to repeat that keyword at the beginning of your post and possibly 2/3 times within the body of your post naturally.


4. If you don’t get traffic, your posts are probably not long enough. If you write short posts (500 words per article) for competitive niches such as “making money online”, “computer games” etc. then most probably you will not be able to get your posts appear in Google’s top search results. Your post should contain 1000 words at least.

If you write more that would be perfect. Long posts always rank better vs. short posts but it doesn’t always make a sense to write long post for the keyword that is too competitive because even if you do it you can hardly outrank someone else’s post that was ranked for that keyword long ago.

The fastest way to get your page show up in Google’s top results is find low competition keyword and write around 1000 words per post at least.


5. Or maybe you don’t write enough content. To get serious traffic from search engines you need to create a lot of content for your website and do it continuously. That is the main reason most website owners don’t get enough traffic to their sites. Plain and simple.

It is the content that Google spiders come to index, not images or links that you have on your website.

Content is the foundation of any website and crucial for its success. If you have 5 or 10 pages of content you simply can’t expect any serious traffic. You need to create about 100 pages of content if you want to expect a decent amount of traffic from search engines.


6. Or maybe you’re not using WordPress platform for your website. WordPress is the best platform to build a website fast and user friendly. You need to install All in One SEO pack plugin to have your pages well optimized for search engines.


7. You are not linking to or get back links from other quality websites related to your niche. It is not as important as it used to be in the past, but still if you have 2/3 backlinks from quality, authoritative websites that will definitely make your site look serious in Google’s eyes.

It requires time and patience before you build relationships with other websites. But never think of buying link packages because most of them are fake products and Google can even penalize your website by removing it from its search engines results.


8. If you use keyword stuffing then your website will be penalized. This unethical technique doesn’t work anymore because many website owners used in the past to trick search engines.


9. Don’t put too many affiliate links on every page of your website. Google wants to see fresh content on your site because it is Google who sends visitors to your website. Google wants to be confident that they send searcher to the right place. Your reader doesn’t want to see a lot of affiliate links, i.e. promotional stuff as well. They need quality content.


10.Your website has a high bounce rate 70,80%. If most of your visitors don’t stay long on your site and leave it fast that means they don’t find your site’s content engaging or helpful enough and that is called bounce rate.

The bounce rate is critical for your website rankings and if your site’s bounce rate is going up fast then you need to improve your website. There are many reasons (poor content, ugly design, bad navigation).


Finally, there are certain Google guidelines that you must follow and if you don’t get traffic from search engines that means you are doing something wrong and once you improve it you will start to see steady traffic.

Here is a link to Google guidelines.

And here is the link to a post inside our online business community, WA.

If you want to learn exactly how to rank well on Google and other major search engines, such as Bing and Yahoo, I recommend you to create free starter account at WA and go through 10 lessons. All training materials within WA comply with Google guidelines.

Actually Wealthy Affiliate is the best program I can recommend you if you want to start an online business. Please read my review of the WA and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.




Filed in: SEO

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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  1. Boniface says:

    Hi Rufat,
    Thanks a lot for this article. It is actually to me a check list of what I could be doing wrong and yet expecting traffic. One thing I know I’m still far from accomplishing is getting over 100 pages of content written, but I target to be there by half of year 2016.
    Normally, I do 700 to about 1000 words and my niche has very high competition. Could this number of words be enough?

    • Rufat says:

      I believe you will be there, but you need also to know that money making niche is extremely competitive and in fact I’m struggling for traffic too. As I know for 2016 you need to focus on creating more content and it should be around something 1500 at least because Google is now looking for comprehensive articles that provide searchers all the info they are looking for. I’ve already started writing around 2000 words per article and I fell helps me get higher rankings and drive more traffic accordingly. Generally speaking, there are many factors for not getting traffic at all or not getting enough traffic. Most of the time people get traffic, but they fail to get enough traffic. Sometimes it may be a very simple reason such as not installing sitemap plugin.

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