Online Success Plan Review – Well-Planned Scam Program

June 9, 2015 12 Comments

Online-Success Plan-review


Product name: Online Success Plan

Product owner: Jordan Daniels


Price: $77

Verdict: Scam


Online Success Plan is a program from the desk of Daniels Jordan promising you wealth and happiness and designed specifically for people like you who lost their jobs and now are looking for a legit opportunity to make truckloads of cash every single day with minimum efforts.

If you are feeling insecure due to being unable to provide your family and feel useless then you shouldn’t worry because Jordan’s program Online Success Plan is going to solve all your financial problems. It allows you to work at home, make enough money and doesn’t require any previous skills.

The question is: Is all this really true? Let’s take a closer look at Jordan’s program and see if it’s worth our time and attention.


The main idea behind Online Success Plan

Many scam programs including this one are promoted under different domain names. This one can be found at,

This is very normal keeping in mind that people who stand behind them are not interested in your success and their main concern is to make money off people like you using all possible means.


Pros of Online Success Plan

  • There is nothing to like about this program


Cons of Online Success Plan

  • False promises
  • No money back guarantee
  • No support
  • No free trial
  • Many upsells


Inside the program

1. All I can say is that Online Success Plan has all clear signs that it’s a pure scam. I’m sure it is, because I have enough experience in internet marketing and know how to spot them.

If you visit Online Success Plan website and watch their promotional video you will notice that ABC News talks about work from home opportunities which might make an impression that Jordan’s program is the same program featured on ABC and it’s legit.

The truth is that though ABC News talks about home business opportunities it has nothing to do with Jordan’s program.

Yes, it’s true that there are many legit work from home opportunities out there and it’s true that you can make money from the comfort of your home. But you can do it only if you can find the right program. That’s why be careful and don’t be fooled by this deceptive trick.

Online-Success- Plan-ABC-news


2. Another red flag is that Daniels uses CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC logos on his website and by doing so he wants to prove that his program is legit and you should feel secure.

If you take a closer look at the image you will notice that it says: Work from Home Opportunities Have Been Featured On… Yes, it’s true. But does it mean it’s in any way associated with Daniels’s Online Success Plan? This fact proves again that this guy uses deceptive tricks in order to rip you off.



3. Another red flag is regarding Jordan’s guarantees. This guy guarantees that you can make thousands of dollars with his program if you follow his instructions. He even guarantees that you can make $500 per day. Yes, you heard that right. $500 per day! Do you really believe this guy?

I can guarantee that you won’t make even $100 per day simply because no one can guarantee you any profit and if they do they are lying to you. Trust me and my experience.

I’ve seen many programs like this one and none of them have ever delivered on their promises. But if you don’t trust me you are free to try his program and I do ask you to inform me first when you make your first $500.




4. I have a few articles about online scams in which I clearly explained how to easily spot online scams. All this info comes from my experience and I highly recommend you to benefit from it. You can read scam review or how to avoid scams online.

I reviewed many similar programs and they all have one thing in common: they are lying to you by making bold claims, they all use deceptive tricks, they all have terrible support and they never refund your money. I want to name only few of them:

My Income at Home System

At Home Income Package

Excel Cash Flow

Online Income Solution

Especially I want to mention Excel Cash Flow because they use the same deceptive technique such as being featured on CNN, Fox News, ABC.


5. On their website they also encourage you to give them your email address and phone number. I’m sure they are going to send you tons of spam with different make money opportunities in order to make more money off you.

As for the phone number, most probably they will offer you a private coaching that will cost you a few thousands of dollars. I know all this because I’ve already reviewed 200 products and know what I’m talking about.


6.They also claim that access to their amazing system normally costs over $15,000 but they have a few limited spots and you can get access for $77. This is just another deceptive technique. Do you really believe they give access to their system for $77 while its actual cost is over $15,000?


7. Another red flag is that once you get access to their members area you will face many upsells at different prices and each of them is designed to “help” you make more money.

The truth is most of those upsells are poor products and the main idea is actually to make more money off you. I’ve seen tons of such programs like Online Success Plan and can tell you with full confidence that it’s just a time waster.


8. One of the major red flags is that they don’t explain on their website how exactly you will be making money. There is no free trial so you can try the product before you buy, there is no clear explanation what their program consists of, nothing…

I know from my experience and I recommend you to take my advice: programs like this one are nothing more than a complete disappointment and wasting your time and money.


Final word on Online Success Plan

You can say now, ok, Online Success Plan is a scam. What now then? My suggestion is since you don’t know me and probably tend to not trust me, I recommend you to try a program that has helped me build my site and start making money on the internet.

The program is free to try within 7–10 days and you are free to ask as many questions as you want to make sure that the program I’m talking about is not a scam. It’s legit and highly reputable on the internet.

Thousands of people including me have tried it before you and they are happy with it. Let me know if you have any questions and I will respond shortly.

Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (12)

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  1. Ilias says:

    Thanks for the warning Rufat,

    I have suspected that is a scam because of the poor home page and you just confirmed that.

    It is like they do not care to hide it.

    It is disappointing so many bad programs while there are many legit ways to make money online.

    • Rufat says:

      We can’t stop bad programs or people behind them. The only we can do is to help people by recommending them legit programs and share our experiences with bad ones.

  2. JP says:

    Yo, thanks for the heads up. It’s sometimes very difficult to navigate in the online world and really know what is legit and who is just out there to swindle. I agree with your WA recommendation and know from first hand experience that it’s legit community of entrepreneurs who are trying to achieve success. Thanks for the post.

    • Rufat says:

      You are welcome. It’s really confusing to find something legit and thanks to programs like WA we can feel safe from online scams.

  3. Adam says:

    Rufat. Thanks for the heads up. The information you were able to provide us all is really helpful from others getting scammed. What a great article. I also found navigating your site easy and clear to understand. Ill be sure to let my friends know to check it out. Thanks Adam

    • Rufat says:

      Glad you found my article helpful and I’m happy to know I could save you from this online failure plan.

  4. Jim says:

    Thanks for this review. I looked into Online Success Plan a while back, but didn’t believe it either. I kept watching for new reviews on it that weren’t trying to sell the program. Well, you gave me the honest one I was looking for. Very few reviewers do this anymore.

    • Rufat says:

      It’s not surprising that you didn’t believe it because Jordan’s claims are so unrealistic that I don’t really believe someone can believe him. How can he guarantee $500 a day? Is it possible? From my experience I can say, yes, it’s possible. But it will take years before you can start seeing this kind of income. There is no way to guarantee such income. You can maybe guarantee $5 a day by completing online surveys, but there is no way to guarantee a few hundred bucks a day. I think the title of my article describes perfectly what the program is all about and the best and the safest way is stay away from Online Success Plan.

  5. Marcus says:

    Ooh, here’s one I’ve not seen before! I am glad you have been totally honest with your review here and faced up to the fact that this is a total scam. Many online reviewers say that everything is great just so they can get their commission from making referrals. It’s good to see that you are above all that. It shows integrity, which is very rare in the “make money online” niche.

    It looks like Online Success Plan is full of scammy tactics. I’m really glad I found out about this, so I can avoid falling into this trap. Keep up the great work!

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Marcus and thank you for being loyal to my blog. You are right. This one is a total scam because of many reasons. There is really and honestly nothing to like about Online Success Plan while there are tons of reasons to dislike it. When I review products and see that it’s a scam I never add my affiliate link. I only add it in very rare cases when I feel that the program provides some value and is not a total BS. This one is a complete disappointment and I’m really surprised how many people still for this type of scams.

  6. Shawn Cushen says:

    I have never heard of online success plan. The name sounds catchy enough, even hopeful for someone wanting to harness the power of the internet to earn money. I thought it was especially deceptive of OSP to use major media outlets like CNN, ABC, etc. to boost their credibility. Thanks, Rufat, for bringing this one to my attention. I’ll be on the lookout.

    • Rufat says:

      If you haven’t heard of Online Success Plan I think you’re successful because you avoided this scam. And the program is really a scam. There are many other programs under the umbrella of online link posting scams that promise people instant wealth. This guy is really awesome. Just imagine, he guarantees that you will make $500 a day and normally access to his program will cost you only $15.000 and HE gives access for for $77. This guy is really awesome and his program is simply amazing. I would rather call his program Online Failure Plan.

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