Is Total Income Answer a Scam? Total Disappointment

September 22, 2017 6 Comments

Total Income Answer


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Is Total Income Answer a Scam


Product name: Total Income Answer

Product owner: Karen Evans


Price: $97, many upsells

Overall rank: 15 out of 100

Verdict: Not recommended


I came across a Total Income Answer a few days ago and decided to write my review to help some of you make the right decision and also save some of you from wasting your time and money.

I did some research and based on my experience and the facts regarding Total Income Answer it looks like this program is either a borderline scam or low quality program that I can’t and don’t want to recommend to anyone.

They use different misleading strategies and that’s why Total Income Answer goes directly to my not recommended list.

Let’s try to find out: Is Total Income Answer a scam? Can Total Income Answer achieve your income goals? Let’s start the research.


Short review of Total Income Answer

Total Income Answer is the combination of several low quality programs, such as Total Income Answer, Home Payday Vault, Ultimate Income Solution, Secure Online Income, Home Payday Center, Secure Home Profits, Home Wealthy Remedy, Auto Home Profits.

Believe it or not but this is how they are promoting their “awesome” program. Owners are different too. It’s not exactly clear what they promote.

I found 3 different types of ideas promoted on their website: Coaching, CPA marketing and Link posting. They claim you can easily make between $300 – $500 per day.

It’s absolutely clear that it’s far from the truth. In my opinion, it’s a complete waste of time.



Pros of Total Income Answer

  • You can learn a thing or two


Cons of Total Income Answer

  • Too many names used in the promotion
  • Fake news sites
  • No images of real people ( only from stock image sites)
  • Exaggerated claims, such as $500 per day
  • Association with other link posting low quality programs
  • Many upsells


The idea of Total Income Answer is totally misleading. I found 8 different names within one program which is a huge red flag. Their exaggerated claims are annoying. In short, too many red flags! Total Income Answer is not going to be your income solution company. You better try my recommended program which is my favorite program since 2013. It’s FREE to try.




Total Income Answer Review

The first misleading strategy of Total Income Answer starts with their misleading pricing policy. The initial price is $97 but if you click several times you can get it for a lower price, $77.

I don’t like such an approach because if you don’t click it means you will pay $97.

Many other similar programs that I’ve seen online can even reduce the price from $97 to $27. Anyway, I don’t like it.


Red Flag 1

If you choose to pay for the program and start getting access to Total Income Answer you will start to notice some strange things.

You are going to see many other names, different sites with different names and URL within Total Income Answer system. Here is the list programs you will see inside:


  • Home Payday Vault
  • Ultimate Income Solution
  • Secure Online Income
  • Home Payday Center
  • Secure Home Profits
  • Home Wealthy Remedy
  • Auto Home Profits


BTW, Ultimate Income Solution website is no more functioning. After payment you will receive your login details and will be sent to Home Payday Vault website.


domain name expired


I don’t know why they use so many different names and websites but it’s definitely wrong.

I’ve never seen a reliable company over the past 10 years that would be using different names and websites promoting the same product. But I have my explanation of this situation.

In my opinion, they use different names and websites in order to save their business from total disappearance from the market.

If one website gets a ton of negative responses, comments and complaints and it becomes too evident then they shut down site A and start promoting their product using site B.

That’s the only explanation that comes to my mind. Maybe I’m wrong. Who knows? This is just my opinion. BTW, when you get access to Home Payday Vault website you will see this ad.




They suggest that you provide your phone number and their specialist will call you. Of course, it’s up to you to give your phone number to unknown company but I wouldn’t do so.

Because they can give your phone number to other companies and they will start to spam you with phone calls offering other useless business offers. I don’t think it’s a good idea to give your phone number to them.


Red Flag 2

Inside Total Income Answer there is a training related to CPA marketing which means you will be creating free accounts with different CPA networks and then promoting free and paid CPA offers.

Free CPA offers means you will be promoting free services and product trials and if someone signs up for that service you will be paid approx. $1. Sometimes more or less.

Paid offers means you will be promoting actual products and earning a commission if someone buys your promoted product. Both strategies are legit.

BUT the main problem with Total Income Answer is that they promote this idea as an easy way to make money online. They claim you can make $300-$500 per day. Not true.


Is Total Income Answer



They promise you can start making money within 5 minutes. It’s not going to be so easy. The process of making money takes time and effort.

It’s not about posting links and then waiting for sales. It’s a long process that can take months in order to make your first buck.

Plus, CPA marketing requires a serious monthly budget for advertising and results are not guaranteed.


Red Flag 3

Another site, Ultimate Income Solution that is no longer functioning was selling an ebook for $97. This ebook was supposed to uncover the secrets to making money online.

Honestly speaking, there is a ton of such ebooks at for a much lower price and with a ton of positive customer feedback.


second site


I see no reason to pay $97 for an ebook promoted by Total Income Answer or Ultimate Income Solution. As I said above, some of their sites mentioned above promote link posting idea.

You can see the screenshot below. As I said, link posting idea is a waste of time.

You can read my article on this subject in which I clearly explain what it means and why you should avoid sites promoting this fake idea.


Red Flag 4

Another problem with Total Income Answer is that they use the picture of Karen Evans but in fact, this image was taken from stock image sites or from other low quality and scam link posting sites.

They always use same images that you can see below. Almost all link posting sites mentioned in this article used that same or similar image.


fake testimonials


I also want you to pay attention to other link posting sites all of which are using almost identical website layout, images, claims, promises, misleading strategies, products and services.

  • Link Posting Site 1 – Work at Home Authority
  • Link Posting Site 2 – Home Internet Cash
  • Link Posting Site 3 – Home Job Placement
  • Link Posting Site 4 – Home Profit System
  • Link Posting Site 5 – at Home Income Package
  • Link Posting Site 6 – 37 Clicks
  • Link Posting Site 7 – Online Profit Stream
  • Link Posting Site 8 – Internet Cash Income
  • Link Posting Site 9 – Excel Cash Flow
  • Link Posting Site 10 – Online Home Careers University
  • Link Posting Site 11 – Work at Home University
  • Link Posting Site 12 – Stay at Home Revenue
  • Link Posting Site 13 – Work at Home Paycheck
  • Link Posting Site 14 – Work at Home EDU
  • Link Posting Site 15 – Web Fortune Master
  • Link Posting Site 16 – Amanda Jones Online Income
  • Link Posting Site 17 – Web Fortune Vault
  • Link Posting Site 18 – Work at Home Institute
  • Link Posting Site 19 – Home Jobs Now
  • Link Posting Site 20 – Mary Stevens
  • Link Posting Site 21 – Home Job Institute

Please do me a favor and open each link given in this article according to the list above and see for yourself that all these sites are duplicates of each other including Total Income Answer.


duplicate websites


And also take a look at the image of other link posting sites and compare it to the image of Total Income Answer and you be the judge.

In fact, all these sites promote the idea of affiliate marketing but they are doing it in the wrong and misleading way.



BTW, you can see the infographic created by FTC that clearly explains how affiliate marketing works and here is the link to that post by FTC.

The problem with Total Income Answer and link posting sites is that they explain affiliate marketing in a misleading way. Be careful about what you read online.


Red Flag 5

People that stand behind Total Income Answer also use some other misleading techniques to promote their program.

For example, one of their sites that looks like website is promoting Total Income Answer program and you can see it on the screenshot below.


fake journal


This is really shameful and ridiculous. All ads and links on that site will lead you to Total Income Answer website. Total Income Answer has never been featured on Forbes.

You can check it for yourself by going to the official Forbes website and make sure that there was no any mention of Total Income Answer there.


Red Flag 6

Another website promoting this program is one you can see below. All ads on that website have the same link that leads you to another site – Home Wealthy Remedy.

When I clicked on that link my Avast antivirus program warned me of the virus. See the screenshot.



And take a look at the URL address that shows traffcenter and totalincomeanswer at the same time. All this doesn’t look trustworthy at all.


Red Flag 7

There is also another fake news site USA Today used by Total Income Answer to promote their “awesome” program. Of course, I don’t mean USA Today official site is fake.

I mean the site that was created by Total Income Answer is the fake one. You can see the screenshot of that page. Can you imagine how spammy it really is.


Total Income Answer fake site


They mentioned Total Income Answer name 8 times!!! on one short page. And they claim that you can make $100.000 with Total Income Answer if you don’t have that amount of money in your bank account.




Another fake page shows that Total Income Answer became a new economic weapon of Trump and Elon. This is absolutely ridiculous, insane and shameful.


Red Flag 8

Another misleading technique is about using logos of well-known news sites, such as CNN, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC.

In fact, Total Income Answer has never been featured on any of these official news site.


Total Income Answer site


If you don’t believe me, go to any of those sites and do some search in their search box and see for yourself. You won’t find any mention of Total Income Answer on any of those sites.


Red Flag 9

And of course, they didn’t forget to use their favorite tool, such as profit calculator that shows you exactly how much money you can make if you follow 3 easy steps explained by Total Income Answer.

calculate your income





You can make $300 per day or $6000 per month. They promise you 🙂 And BTW, look at the screenshot taken from Total Income Answer.

They try to persuade you that you can easily post the number of links you want and make as much money as you want. Total BS!

It’s not going to work that way. Or look at another screenshot. It’s even worse than the previous one. I really don’t want to comment on this statement.




Final word on Total Income Answer

After reading my review it becomes totally clear that Total Income Answer is a total disappointment in my opinion.

I can’t say it’s a complete scam because it provides some sort of training with some sort of information and in some way you can learn a few new things related to making money online.

Generally speaking it’s a low quality program due to several ref flags I’ve spotted in Total Income Answer. They use different names, too many names to promote their program.

They use fake images instead of real images of real people that stand behind Total Income Answer. They make exaggerated claims, such as making $300- $500 per day.

They promote link posting idea promoted by other link posting low quality programs many of which are scams. They use fake news sites to promote their program.

As you can see for yourself, there are TOO MANY red flags for one single program. This is far from being normal in my opinion. If you still think Total Income Answer is legit, you are free to try it.

When it comes to the question: Is Total Income Answer a scam? I think it’s not a complete scam, BUT it’s a borderline scam and you better stay away from it.


Final review of Total Income Answer

  • You can learn a thing or two
  • Too many names used in the promotion
  • Fake news site
  • No images of real people ( only from stock image sites)
  • Exaggerated claims, such as $500 per day
  • Association with other link posting low quality programs
  • Many upsells
  • Overall rank: 15 out of 100
  • Verdict: Not recommended


My favorite program since 2013. Try it for FREE!


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Dave says:

    Hey there,

    I had a friend push this program on me telling me that it would really help me make money, and he is, or I think was, a really good friend.

    Seeing that they give fake news to try to gain false trust from people is not something that shows no honesty. And this is not a program I want to work with.

    Neither do I want false friends wanting to use me to make money. So I’m dropping both the program and the false friend.

    • Rufat says:

      That’s really bad that he was pushing this program without checking it first. This one is definitely not in my recommended list. So many red flags in one single program. They promise easy money which must be the first major warning for anyone.

  2. JohnnyGMyers says:

    I am so thankful to people like you who are exposing these fraudulent, greedy, good for nothing web scams. I am usually not to passionate about businesses doing business unless it involves trickery. When a business claims to hand out hope and in turn only steals your money that is really bad business. I will be on the lookout for these businesses.

    Home Payday Vault
    Ultimate Income Solution
    Secure Online Income
    Home Payday Center
    Secure Home Profits
    Home Wealthy Remedy
    Auto Home Profits

    Everyone deserves a chance to do better in life and have the truth in front of them. Scammers beware!

    Thank you,

    • Rufat says:

      Unfortunately, there are too many programs in online space like Total Income Answer, with big claims and promises but they can hardly fulfill even a small part of it. And it really surprizes me how many young people still fall for such low quality program. I think the only way is through self-education in this sphere and staying away from such programs. Because when you have a proper education and experience you become knowledgeable and can detect lier right away.

  3. Gary says:

    Wow! That’s way too many red flags for me too. I don’t believe anyone who says you can make money right away. There is no way to get rich quick and I don’t know how people get away with this stuff. They should be locked up. I have never heard of them, and I will definitely stay away from this. I wouldn’t try it even if it was free.

    • Rufat says:

      Of course, there is no way for quick money with little effort. But many people with zero experience online still believe in this idea and that’s why fall victims to many online scams. I think the best way to avoid them for people with zero experience is reading a lot and doing deep research before making a decision. It can take hours of reading but then you can save your hard earned money.

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