Is Email Marketing Important or Can You be Successful Online Without Email Marketing?

July 22, 2015 0 Comments


If you plan to start building an online business you will definitely start thinking of email marketing at some point.

Email marketing has been popular for many years now, it’s still popular and it will probably remain popular even after many years from now.

You’ve probably seen titles like “money is in the list” many times on the internet and all I can say it’s true.

Email marketing allows you to build relationships with your visitors and turn some of them into your loyal readers and possibly customers.

Once you have your own list of subscribers you can reach them whenever you want in order to help them, share your knowledge and experience and possibly promote some good stuff and make money.

The question is: Is email marketing important to be successful online or can you be successful without email marketing? Keep reading and I will share some of my knowledge and experience to shed some light on this question.



SEO method

When you start building your online business you start with a website and then add content to it because content is the key to your online success. Any online business comes down to traffic because traffic is the second key to your success online.

There are different ways to drive traffic to your site and one of the best ways is doing it through SEO (search engine optimization). It’s free and targeted traffic and it’s very important because targeted traffic is the third key to your success online.

The more content you create the more traffic you can drive to your website and if you do it consistently and use only white hat SEO methods within a year you can start getting over 500 visitors a day. This is what I know from my personal experience and it works fine.

Some people claim that search engine traffic is not steady or that search engines can remove your site from their search results at any time. Long story short, they claim that search engines are not reliable and you’d better search for alternative ways. In my opinion, it’s not true.

If you avoid black hat SEO methods search engines will never penalize your site and you can get SEO traffic for years without any fear to lose it. This is what I know from my personal experience and also based on the experience of other internet marketers that I know.

Also, as I know, most internet marketers get the most of their traffic from search engines and this is a fact. Search engines are still the main source of traffic to any website and that’s why if we want to be successful online we must play by their rules.


Is SEO traffic effective?

The question is: Is SEO traffic responsive and can you make enough money to be successful online using this method? If you get targeted traffic using the right keywords and visitors come to the right page and find the info they were looking for your site can be converting very well.

Your landing page must be well structured and content well written in order to convince your visitors to make a sale. But it doesn’t mean you have to deceive them by giving false promises or claiming that your product is perfect.

You have to be honest and realistic and provide a real value because this way you can minimize refunds. What is the sense of making 10 sales a day if 9 of them will be refunded? But the truth is that it’s not easy to sell a product even if it’s really great because according to statistics very few people make a purchase on their first visit to a website.

You really need to bring a lot of traffic in order to make a few sales a day. I know from my personal experience that even if your product is not expensive and ranges between $10 -$20 it’s still not easy to make a sale. You can make a few things to increase your website trust factor and improve conversions but it’s a different topic. The bottom line is you need a lot of traffic and you can be successful online without email marketing.



PPC method

You can drive traffic using PPC method. PPC (pay per click) traffic can be a good solution but it can be a total failure as well. First off, it’s not free and each click will cost you money. If you can’t achieve a high CTR within your ppc campaign you will have to pay a lot for each click and your campaign won’t be profitable.

Relevance between your ppc ad and your landing page (where you send your visitors) is extremely important. The higher your CTR the lower is the cost of your click. Since each click will cost you money it’s not easy to make your ppc campaign profitable because you must earn more than you actually spend.

I have some good experience in PPC marketing but I can’t say that it’s my favourite traffic method. Very few PPC experts can achieve real success using this method because like I said you have to earn more than you spend.

Finally, it comes down to traffic, i.e. visitors that don’t know you and it’s very hard to convert a visitor into a customer on their first visit.


social media

Social media method

Social media is another proven method and if you are willing to spend some time by participating in discussions in different Facebook and Google Plus communities you can build relationships with real people and turn them into your customers.

This method can be very effective if you do things right and are patient. If you don’t want to hang on social media you can just share your content and get some visitors and it’s still effective.



YouTube method

You can use a Youtube method by creating videos and driving people to your site. It can be effective if you do it right. Remember that people who visit youtube are those that don’t like reading articles. Your videos must be short, under 5 minutes and from the video you must send them to your site to take action, not to read tons of content.



Email marketing method

Email marketing is the best and the most proven method to build a successful online business. As I said above, it allows you to build trust and relationships with your audience which is very important. People who know you are more likely to take action than those who don’t know you and this is a fact.

If you plan to start an online business you must at some point start email marketing because it will allow you to grow your business and increase conversions of your site. It’s always more reasonable to increase conversions with your existing traffic instead of driving more traffic.

You can start email marketing from the first day or you can wait until the time when you start getting a few hundred visitors a day. So, it’s up to you.

If you see that an internet marketer shows you their earnings snapshot like this one


It’s not an advertisement

and you wonder how they can make so much money every single day, it’s most probably because of using email marketing. And I’m sure that this kind of earnings is the result of using email marketing the proper way.

Like I said, when people know you and trust you they are more likely to take action. In order to be successful with email marketing you must first build your list of subscribers which takes time and effort but it’s very rewarding in terms of making steady and considerable income.

To build a list of subscribers you need a massive traffic, i.e. methods that I’ve mentioned above. If you want to learn email marketing I can recommend you one of the best email marketing courses that I know.

If you want to learn internet marketing and make money online using such methods as SEO, PPC, social media and YouTube I can recommend you one of the best programs that I know and I’ve been a member of this program for 2 years now and can vouch for the quality of this program.

I recommend you to start first with my recommended program below to learn how to build a website, write content for your website and drive traffic to it. You can create a free account and try it within 7 days. Once you’ve learned all this stuff you can move on to email marketing to take your business to another level.



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About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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