Autoresponder Madness Review – the Right Choice

October 22, 2014 4 Comments


Product owner: Andre Chaperon

Autoresponder-Madness-Review post

Price $299

Verdict: Legit

First off, I would like to point out that if you are new to internet marketing, you should know that Autoresponder madness is not a money-making opportunity.

It does make sense to buy it only if you have a website up and running and already making money. With Autoresponder you can seriously upscale your business.

So, Autoresponder madness is the course that teaches you, how to make your email marketing in the best way possible to upscale your online business. Andre Chaperon is the creator of this awesome program which mainly consists of text tutorials and some videos. Once you pay for the program you will start receiving lessons by email during 7 weeks.

The course is focused on building relationships with the visitors of your website thus allowing you to build trust with your audience and seriously increase sales.

The program teaches you how to create an email course professionally that can really convert and turn your visitors into long term customers. It is not a push button or become rich overnight products.


Who is this product for:

The product is really awesome but before you buy it you need to have your own product and a list of subscribers. If you have it and follow the course you can take your business to the next level both in terms of building relationships with your visitors and earning extra income. If you plan to focus on building a list, the program is an excellent choice.

If you prefer video over text guides then be aware that at times it can be annoying because most of the course is based on pure text instructions. But still the product is #1 choice of many successful internet marketers.


The good part of the program

What I like about this product is that the owners of the program don’t give any false promises on their website. There are no snapshots convincing that you can become rich overnight compared to many other products available on the Internet.

The main feature of this product is that it’s been created by real expert and the strategies outlined in the course work fine, provided you follow the course and apply the knowledge you learn from Andre exactly as he teaches you.

But of course, it requires some time and experimenting to know what works best for you. Remember, what works for someone else may not work for you. To take the most of the course you’d better follow it without skipping any lesson.

I’m not going to dwell on each lesson but I would like to mention that list segmentation is in my view very important lesson since it can really add to your experience.

It teaches how using Aweber you can split your email list into different groups and promote a product to those groups exactly knowing which product each of the group needs. There is no more guess with this powerful method.

Once you purchase the product you will be getting all updates or upgrades for life.autoresponder-madness

The idea of Autoresponder madness course is really great because it teaches you how to write an email to be able to turn your visitors into happy customers.

Yes, to write an email is the art Andre can teach you, because he is an expert in that field.

If you don’t know how to write it effectively you can never build good relationships with your subscribers.

There is a big difference between spamming and sending ethical email and offering a good product to your audience.

Do it wrong and you will lose your entire list if you have it or never build yours. Autoresponder will teach you all this stuff.


How to benefit from the program

There’s a lot of material inside the course, and you can easily get confused and overwhelmed, which may result in taking no action at all. That is why don’t try to learn everything in one day or two. Do it slowly, step by step.

Be aware that to have this program work to your success, you need to spend a considerable amount of time trying to understand, how strategies inside it need to be exactly applied.

Inside the program:

you will find many lessons such as:

Creating profile for your customer

Learning how to tell a real story to your customer to intrigue him

Understanding your customers

Examples of Andre’s own successful campaigns

List segmentation

Product launch sequence

Bonus material



What I don’t like

What I don’t like about Autoresponder madness is that it contains a lot of material teaching you how to write a successful email campaign. I have no problem with it but these emails include stories about someone who has made $50,000 in his first week. The problem of such approach is that it doesn’t mean that you can repeat that success.

Some people may think that they will buy the product, follow the course, apply the strategies and money will flow in while they don’t realize that it requires building an email list fist, which can take years. And remember that before you build a list you need to bring traffic to your website.

The quality of videos is not so good and at times it becomes very annoying to watch them. I think for a product valued at $300, it is unforgivable. But I do hope Andre will improve the quality of his videos in the next version of the product.


Final word on Autoresponder Madness

Finally, I can tell that the product is well worth its price and if you are experienced Internet marketer you can easily return your invested money through successful email campaigns.

But you should keep in mind that this product does make a sense only if you have your email list and have already been able to build trust with your customers otherwise you need some time to build a list. To build a list even with such a great product as Autoresponder Madness, is not easy at all.Autoresponder-Madness-Review

If you don’t have a website, a good product or service and daily traffic then you have nothing to offer to the world and start building a list.

If you are a newbie then you’d better focus on creating your website and getting free traffic from search engines and buy this product at a later stage when you decide to focus on list building or taking your business to the next level.

Autoresponder madness is absolutely legit program and is one of the best programs I know, and has been rated high by many successful Internet marketers.

If you are new to internet marketing then you should know that while Autoresponder Madness is legit program it is not the first program you need, to start building your online business.

First off, you need to learn the basics of internet marketing and learn it from a reliable source. Fail to find the right program and you will be wasting your time and money doing wrong things and going in the wrong direction.

The best and legit place I can honestly recommend you is the Wealthy Affiliate. You can join WA for free and try it before you make a decision. Please read my honest review of the Wealthy Affiliate below and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Terry says:

    This looks like the type of product that I should be investing in. This should guide me into the profitable world of email marketing quite easily. Thanks

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, Autoresponder Madness is one of the best programs out there for anyone looking for expand their business through email marketing. Their training is really good and anyone can benefit from it a lot. The most important thing is that you can learn how to communicate with your audience which is an essential part of online business.

  2. Rufat says:

    Glad you like my article

  3. Maryellen says:

    Great article.

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