FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide – A Good Budget Required

April 13, 2016 0 Comments

FAT-Stacks- Authority-Site- Guide-cover


Product name: FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

Website: http://fatstacksblog.com

Product owner: Jon Dykstra

Price: $57

Overall rank: 70 out of 100

Verdict: Legit


I’ve reviewed over 300 products/programs on my site and to be honest, only 10% of the products have reached a positive score according to my criteria.

I’m very strict when writing my reviews because my main goal is to give my readers a true understanding of what the product is all about so they can avoid wasting their money and time.

When it comes to FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide, in general, I’m positive about this product and the only thing that I don’t like is that Jon shows fat numbers on his website which can be a little misleading.

I really don’t like this type of stuff because most people may think that they will buy FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide and start making lots of money which is not the case here. By this I don’t mean that Jon is lying to you or pushing you some useless stuff.

The product is good and the price is affordable, but I’m going to take a closer look at this product and explain what I think it really is.


The main idea behind FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide is a PDF guide that explains how to make money through Google Adsense program. Also, you get access to video tutorials of high quality.

You will be explained how to set up a wordpress website and drive traffic to it through SEO and paid traffic ( Facebook ads). This is basically the main idea of this product.



Pros of FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

  • Quality training
  • 30 day money back guarantee


Cons of FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

  • Requires a budget for paid traffic
  • Limited opportunity ( Adsense only)
  • Exaggerated earnings


FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

The best part of FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide is that Jon is very transparent in how he makes money. On his website he clearly explains that his main income source is Google Adsense program.

As I said above, the only thing that I don’t like about Jon’s product is that it relies solely on Google Adsense. Why it’s bad. Because a friend of mine was banned for life from Google Adsense without even being explained what rules have been violated.

It’s really frustrating because it happens now and then to some people. Just an example, I had Adsense ads running on my website on the right sidebar and then ads stopped showing. I checked my Google Adsense account and it asked me to enter a PIN to verify my account.

Normally, they send PINs via mail, but still I haven’t received it and can’t verify my account. Really frustrating and annoying.


No upsells

Another positive aspect of FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide is that there is no any upsells once you have paid for the main product. It’s really refreshing because most programs push you different stuff after paying for the main product. Jon is an honest guy and once you’ve paid him you will get access to the whole course.




FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide breakdown

The PDF guide consists of the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Proof
  • Video training& demo site
  • The big picture
  • It only takes one profitable post
  • Choosing a domain name
  • Setting up your website – important
  • Plugins and tools I use
  • Content
  • Display ads: Adsense, media.net&others
  • Buying traffic
  • SEO
  • Leverage your content for more traffic
  • Outsourcing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • YouTube videos – create them in minutes
  • Tips&Tricks
  • Travel for free
  • SSL Certificate
  • Don’t let this guide limit you
  • Coaching
  • Appendix: Quick-start checklist


The best part of this course is that Jon doesn’t leave you in the dark. He explains everything you need to succeed with his course. He explains through a video tutorial how to set up a website, how to set up a hosting and manage your domain name etc. For beginners it’s very important and Jon does a great job.


The training includes the following videos:

  • Domain name registration
  • Creating a wordpress site
  • Installing Genesis Framework and Eleven40 child theme
  • Basic wordpress blog setup
  • 4 Reasons Eleven40 child theme is great for display Ad revenue
  • Niche selection video – a starting process for niche research
  • Important video: Extensive overview of site set up and layout ( with real demo site)
  • Facebook advertising (Facebook ads)
  • How to create videos
  • Keyword research

As you can see, Jon’s training contains a lot of useful stuff and allows you to get a complete understanding of what needs to be accomplished before you start seeing profit in your bank account.

The main idea of his method is about building websites containing a lot of images and then driving traffic to your websites. Fortunately, Jon explains how to drive both free and paid traffic. The main idea of the course is driving paid traffic from Facebook to your image rich websites.

Since you are going to target specific audience that tends to share this type of content, you will get more and more traffic. The more traffic you can get the more people will probably click on your Google Adsense ads for which you will get paid by Google.

If you don’t know what Google Adsense is, take a look at the image below. You’ve probably seen such ads on different websites. When visitors of your website click on Google ads you get paid by Google.




You actually get paid because Google pays you for advertising Google ads on your website. Google Ads have a very high CTR (people tend to click on them) because they are highly relevant to any audience.


Can you really make lots of money with FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide?

Though Jon’s training course is of high quality, there are certain difficulties you may encounter when applying techniques Jon teaches you. The main problem is that you need a LOT of traffic in order to make a solid income using this system.

Though Jon explains where to place Google ads for maximum clicks, which is great, you still need to drive TONS of traffic to your website. Why? Because Google pays 2,3 cents per click which means you need to drive thousands of people to your site every day in order to get a good number of clicks.

From my experience I can tell that very few people tend to click on your ads. Just imagine how many visitors you need to bring to your website in order to make at least $100 a day? A LOT of visitors.

Since Jon teaches you building websites filled with images which means you don’t have to write content like I do on my site, you can hardly get enough free traffic from search engines.

But there are two other methods Jon teaches you: Social media and paid traffic through Facebook ads. Both methods are great, but applying knowledge to practice is NOT going to be easy at all.
The good part of FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide is that Jon even teaches you how to outsource certain things, but it won’t be free. It requires a budget.

With Jon’s training you don’t need to write content which is great. But doing what John teaches you is not easy either. Just an example, I have some experience with CPA marketing which basically means promoting free CPA offers through Facebook paid traffic.

Trust me, it’s not easy at all to get people to click on what you want them to click even IF your offer is FREE. You need to make a lot of changes to your Facebook ads until you get them to work for you in the best way possible and make money for you.

This process is very annoying and time consuming. Some people spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars and still fail to get the results they expect. By this I mean that being free from writing content doesn’t mean you are going to make money the easy way. Nothing is easy in life.

If you get banned from Google Adsense it means you will lose all your business which means reliance on Google Adsense alone is not the best option out there.

As I said above, in order to be successful with FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide you need a budget. Fortunately, Facebook allows you to start advertising campaign even with $50.

But the main problem with Facebook or any other paid traffic source like Bing ads or Google adwords (PPC) is that your ads should be extremely appealing to get a lot of clicks vs impressions.

A Good number of clicks leads to a high CTR and the lowest CPC (cost per click) which is your main goal as an advertiser.

If you can’t get the lowest CPC then one click may cost you over $0.50 which is not cheap at all. You can easily burn your budget. For example, you can get 2000 impressions from Facebook for one day and get only 15 clicks which is awful. Why?

Because getting 15 visits a day is not going to make you a lot of money. As I said above, you need a LOT of traffic. By this I don’t mean that Jons’ FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide is bad or useless, BUT you really need to do a lot of work before you start to see $500 in profit.

If you don’t have a budget for Facebook advertising then I don’t recommend to buy this course at all.

In my opinion, since I already have some experience with Facebook ads and know that getting results with Facebook is not easy at all, I think you need to invest a few hundred dollars in another course that will teach you all the secrets of Facebook advertising.

I don’t think Jon is going to teach you all of his Facebook techniques in his course. Believe me, I’ve seen many courses for $50. They simply don’t teach advanced stuff. For advanced Facebook stuff you need to buy an advanced Facebook course.


1-on 1 Coaching

John also offers 1-on–1 support which is not going to be cheap at all taking into consideration that he is making thousands of dollars per month and is very busy. It can be very effective, but it requires a budget. From my experience I know that private coaching normally costs a few hundred dollars per month.


Final word on FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

The training is good and I can recommend it only IF you have a budget for paid traffic. If not, then I don’t recommend it. Earnings screenshots can be a little misleading and I don’t recommend to look at them at all.

I use such screenshots of my earnings too on my site, but they contain realistic numbers. John’s numbers are not realistic for an ordinary person.




If you are looking for a quality program to make money online with full support and tools, I can honestly recommend you a much better program and I’m actually a member of my recommended program. You can read about my program below.


Final glance at FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide

  • Quality training
  • 30 day money back guarantee
  • Requires a budget for paid traffic
  • Limited opportunity ( Adsense only)
  • Exaggerated earnings
  • Overall rank 70 out of 100
  • Verdict: Legit


Want a better alternative to FAT Stacks Authority Site Guide? Here is my top recommended program to make money online!


Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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