Click Funnels Review: 27 Questions Answered

December 16, 2020 0 Comments

Click Funnels








Overall Quality



  • Quality training
  • Good support


  • Budget required
  • Expensive packages
  • Some complaints




Click Funnels Price: from $97 up to $1.497/month

Founder: Russell Brunson

Type of product: Affiliate Marketing (creating sales funnels)

Rating: 6.5 out of 10



What is Click Funnels?

Click Funnels is a very specific course on internet marketing for experienced affiliate marketers. This product has been online since 2015 and is of the most popular programs in affiliate marketing industry. They have different packages: $97 per month, $297 per month and $1,497 per month. The program is very specific and not suitable for everyone. I will cover more questions further in my review.



Is Click Funnels Different from Other Programs?

I can’t say Click Funnels is super unique for what they do, but their service is pretty useful for specific groups of people. For the most part Russell teaches you how to build funnels and sell your products online through email list building. There are other programs too like Affiliate Income Secrets, Online Marketing Academy, Commission Hero, but Click Funnels does on a whole new level.



Who is Click Funnels for?

Click Funnels is definitely not for everyone.  It’s mainly for those who have a solid budget to invest in their online business. It’s mainly for those who have a product or service to sell and want to build an email list and sell to that list.

It’s for those who want to build good converting sales pages and monetize them. Landing pages created using Click Funnels look very professional. If you are a complete beginner, I think Click Funnels may be not suitable for you. If you don’t plan to do email marketing this product is probably not for you.



How Much Does Click Funnels Cost?

Click Funnels offers different packages for all types of budgets. Before Click Funnels had a cheap package for $37 per month. Now it’s no longer available. Currently Click Funnels packages are listed below:


  • $97 per month
  • $297 per month
  • $1,497 per month






  • You can try Click Funnels for 14 days and then pay $97 (Click Funnels) or $297 (Click Funnels Platinum) per month. If you cancel your account before trial period ends you won’t be charged.
  • First plan ($97/month) is a limited version of Click Funnels. It doesn’t include follow-up funnels, email service and Backpack. Also, you can create up to 20 funnels only.
  • Second plan ($297/month) includes almost everything. Includes unlimited funnels, unlimited pages, 9 domains, 9 payment gateways, live chat, forum, FunnelFlix, Follow-up, Virtual Hackathons.
  • Third plan ($1.497/month) includes everything including live phone support.



Does Click Funnels Provide a Refund?

It looks like Click Funnels doesn’t offer any refund opportunity. You have to either choose one of their plans and pay or cancel before they will charge your card. I don’t see any money refund policy on Click Funnels website.



Are There Any Other Upsells or Costs Associated with Click Funnels?

Yes, there are some front end offers, such as DotCom Secrets ($8.69), Expert Secrets ($8.69), One Funnel Away Challenge ($100). Most programs in affiliate marketing niche come with upsells and Click Funnels is not an exception. I personally don’t like upsells because it always means you pay for incomplete product.



Is Click Funnels for Everyone?

No, Click Funnels is not for everyone. It’s not about niche research or SEO. It’s about creating sales funnels for those who already have products and want to set up landing pages and sell their products.

Most of this stuff is done through email marketing which is also part of Click Funnels training.

Another reason is that most people can’t afford platinum package which is the most popular and effective one. For these two reasons, I believe Click Funnels is not for everyone.





How Does the Click Funnels Work?

Click Funnels is a system created for seasoned affiliate marketers to help them automate their income online. The system offers ready made templates that you can use to build beautiful and high converting landing pages.

The whole idea of Click Funnels is about setting up landing pages using Click Funnels system and collecting emails.

Once you have your list of subscribers you can promote your products among your subscribers and monetize your landing pages (websites).



The Click Funnels Training

Click Funnels training consists of following modules:

  • Optin Lead Capture Funnel
  • Sales Funnel
  • Webinar funnel
  • Auto webinar funnel
  • Membership funnel
  • Product launch funnel
  • Custom funnel
  • Video sales letter funnel
  • 2-step tripwire funnel
  • Cancellation funnel
  • Event funnels




All these funnels though look different, in fact they are almost identical. The idea of this training is to show you how to get subscribers by providing a valuable service.

Once you have subscribers on your list you can start monetizing your list by promoting your product or service.

This is a classic approach with some new strategies like webinars that have been started quite recently.

By following Click Funnels training you will learn how to set up successful landing/squeeze pages, sales funnels and make your campaigns profitable.

Some funnels are simple while other funnels like 2-step tripwire are more advanced. You will learn how to monetize through front-end offers and standard upsells.

Though the program itself is mainly for advanced affiliate marketers, implementing the steps is not difficult. You will choose your funnel type, template, then customize your template, add your product/s, add payment method, and finally start monetizing.

Click Funnels templates include advanced features, such as adding surveys, price tables, Facebook comments, progress bar and more. All these features help increase conversion rate of your landing page and ultimately get more subscribers and sales.



What Kind of Support Can You Expect from Click Funnels?

As a member of Click Funnels you get good support and access to their active Facebook group. But unfortunately, sometimes it takes 1 or 2 hours to get support.

Live phone support is available only for membership package that will cost you $1.497/month.

Compared to this, I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate and pay $49 per month and get everything including tools, websites, keyword research tool, training, live support.




Can I Trust Click Funnels?

I believe Click Funnels is a trusted program but I can’t deny the fact that there are some complaints which is pretty normal. There are no perfect programs.

Out of 1034 complaints, 65 complaints are negative that you can see below. 65 complaints out of 1034 is 6% of the total number which is not so high.

But it’s not always the number of complaints that matters. It’s rather nature of complaints that matters. You can read them below and take your decision.



Are There Any Complaints About Click Funnels?

When you plan to join a program like Click Funnels you probably want to know if there are complaints or not. I did some research and found some complaints on TrustPilot.

You can see some of them below. The main problem is about support quality. Some people don’t like Click Funnels support.

The software is buggy and support is not supportive when it’s needed.  Some people complain of their buggy software, others complain of their weak support, or money snitching.

Some members even complain that the program is not basic at all. It becomes a headache for some members to set up a funnel.

And the most interesting fact is that many complains are from 2020 which shows that Click Funnels still has some serious issues even after 5 years of its activity.








Any Income Proof from Click Funnels?

I don’t know about anyone making money with Click Funnels but I believe some members are probably making it. I think so because I have found many positive complaints about Click Funnels.

I believe an absolute majority of those who are making money are experienced affiliate marketers. From what I see, among their successful members there are different types of people, such creators of info products, e-commerce business owners, coachers, local small business owners, network marketers, freelancers, bloggers.



Is Click Funnels up to date?

Yes, it’s always up to date. It has been updated many times since 2015 and I’m sure they will continue this strategy in the future.

All popular and serious programs Click Funnels always keep their programs updated to stay on the market.





Pros of Click Funnels

As a Click Funnels member you can create high converting multiple funnels and turn it into a high-income business.

For this to happen you need to have or create a product or products.

  • As a member you get a lot of helpful tools to help you grow your business.
  • All training material is of high quality and easy to follow and understand.
  • Click Funnels includes a lot of training material with a lot of value for affiliate marketers.
  • Click Funnels is a great landing page and funnel builder.
  • Click Funnels provides high quality support.
  • Using Click Funnels you can automate the whole process of your online business





Cons of Click Funnels

  • Though there are many positive things in Click Funnels there is too much material and you can easily get lost especially if you are a beginner.
  • There is no focus on SEO aspect of online business which is an evident drawback of the program. You need a solid advertising budget to drive traffic to your landing pages to make Click Funnels work for you.
  • Some packages are very expensive and in my opinion are not affordable for most people.
  • If you don’t have a product to promote Click Funnels doesn’t make much sense to join.
  • There are still some other costs in the program other than membership fees.
  • Standard Click Funnels plan is limited. To achieve better results, you will need to choose Platinum plan which is $297 per month. This plan unfortunately is TOO expensive for most people. This plan can be purchased only by experienced affiliate marketers who know how to monetize funnels.



Does Click Funnels Guarantee Any Results?

No, Click Funnels doesn’t guarantee any results because it’s unethical. No company can give guarantees as to when and how much you can earn online. If you come across such as program, it’s most likely a scam.



How Soon Can You Start Making Money with Click Funnels?

It’s hard to say when you can start making money with Click Funnels. First of all, you need to have your own product to sell it. Secondly, you need a solid budget to be able to set up paid campaigns and drive traffic to get subscribers. Only after that you can promote your product and possibly make money.

If you are experienced affiliate marketers you probably can start monetization in a few days. If you are a beginner it can take weeks and months and there is no guarantee that you can make any money at all.



Is Click Funnels training step-by-step?

Yes, Click Funnels is a step-by-step training that explains all you need to know. The only question is: do you really need what Click Funnels teaches you? If you have a product or service and want to promote it, this program can be helpful.



Can I try Legendary Marketer for free?

Yes, you can try Click Funnels for free. You need to provide your payment info and make the payment after 14 days of watching some Click Funnels training videos.



How Much Can You Make with Click Funnels?

This really depends on many things, such as your experience, skills, amount of your budget, time you are willing to invest in your online business. Some affiliate marketers are making 5,6 figures with their campaigns. Some are struggling to make even a few hundred bucks per month. It’s hard to give any predictions.




Does Click Funnels Work?

Yes, it does work. It has been created by one of the top affiliate marketers online, such as Russell Brunson and his program Click Funnels is a very popular program.

But it doesn’t work equally for everyone. If you just want to start making money online and it’s your first experience, you probably should start with another program, such as Income School or Wealthy Affiliate.

You are the wrong person for Click Funnels. If you are an experienced affiliate marketer and understand what funnels mean and how it works and have your product, Click Funnels is probably the right choice for you.

Otherwise it will be a waste of time. Popular program doesn’t mean it will work for everyone.



Is Click Funnels Worth My Money and Time?

It’s another difficult question. If you know and fully understand how it can help you in your online business, I think it’s worth the money.

Otherwise I don’t recommend because it will be absolutely useless for you.




Is Click Funnels a Scam?

No, it is definitely not a scam. Even taking into account all complaints that I’ve come across online, It’s really hard to say that Click Funnels is a scam. I think it’s not.



Click Funnels affiliate program

Almost all programs have an affiliate program including Click Funnels. You can promote Click Funnels if you want and earn fat affiliate commissions. But not all members can promote it.

You need to take Affiliate Bootcamp course and earn at least $1.000 in Click Funnels commissions during one month in order to qualify and get your application accepted by Click Funnels.

I think this is very challenging for most people, even seasoned affiliate marketers which means most people won’t be able to promote the program.

Compared to Click Funnels, I’m a member of other two programs, such as Wealthy Affiliate and Income School and don’t need to do anything to qualify for affiliate commissions because I’m already a paying member of those programs.



Click Funnels VS Wealthy Affiliate

Let’s compare these two programs briefly. Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to build an online affiliate business using different strategies like SEO, email marketing, social and video marketing.

Click Funnels is a very specific program that teaches how to set up funnels and promote products. It’s mainly focused on paid campaigns which means it’s for those who have a solid budget.

  • Wealthy Affiliate cheapest package is $49 per month, while Click Funnels cheapest package is $97 per month.
  • Wealthy Affiliate $49 price includes all the tools and complete training. Click Funnels $97 price is a limited package.



Click Funnels VS Income School

When it comes to Click Funnels and Income School, both trainings are good. Income School will cost $450 per year (first year) and then $199, while Click Funnels cheapest price is $1.164 per year. Income School doesn’t require advertising budget while for Click Funnels to work for you needs a solid advertising budget.



Final Rating of Click Funnels

Rating 6.5 out of 10



My final opinion:

If you plan to join Click Funnels you are free to do so.

I personally recommend Wealthy Affiliate or Income School. Both programs are way less costly and their approach is suitable for most beginners wanting to start their first online affiliate marketing business.


Join Wealthy Affiliate 


Join Income School






Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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