Bulletproof Profits Review: 7 Clicks from Being a Millionaire

May 5, 2020 0 Comments

Bulletproof Profits


Quality of the Program









  • The idea is legit
  • Training material
  • Money back guarantee


  • Exaggerated income claims
  • Questionable social proof
  • Fake testimonials
  • Upsells
  • Misleading advertising video




Product Name: Bulletproof Profits

Website: https://yourbulletproofprofits.com/

Founder: Justin Tyler

Price: $9 plus upsells $222

Overall score: 3 out of 10


Justin Tyler has recently launched a program called Bulletproof Profits promoted now on Clickbank, a huge marketplace of digital products.

The name of the program speaks for itself. All you need to become rich with Justin, is a few clicks and you will start generating a massive income starting from the first day.

Is it true or Justin is simply lying to you? Is Bulletproof Profits a real deal or waste of time?

Let’s dive into it and see this program is going to help you solve your financial problems.



Short Review of Bulletproof Profits

Bulletproof Profits is an online course that teaches you how to monetize your efforts through Amazon Associate program.

The idea is absolutely legit and Justin provides some training material.

Whether the course is worth the money is another question that I’m going to answer within this review.


Bulletproof Profits is legit but promoted by Justin using wrong misleading methods. This makes Bulletproof Profits questionable. My recommendation would be to staying away from Bulletproof Profits.


Looking for Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Choose one of these two my top recommended programs:

Program # 1

Program # 2



Create Your Free Starter Account



Pros of Bulletproof Profits

– The idea is legit
– Training material
– Money back guarantee



Cons of Bulletproof Profits

– Upsells
– Fake testimonials
– Exaggerated income claims
– Questionable social proof
– Requires a solid monetary investment
– Misleading advertising video




Bulletproof Profits Review

Bulletproof Profits by Justin claims to show and teach you how to make over $15,000 per month or even over $3,000 in the very first day after joining Bulletproof Profits.

All you need to do to make it happen is 7 clicks and you will become a very rich man.

If you watch an advertising video from Justin you will be amazed by what is promised to you in the program.

Take a look at the screenshot from the video so you can understand what you can expect from Bulletproof Profits.

It clearly says: “Discover how you can start making up to $3,750 today with just 7 simple clicks.”




Bulletproof Profits is a Clickbank product. Once you join Bulletproof Profits you will need to join Amazon Affiliate program.

As a Bulletproof Profits member you will get started with the training course to learn the process of making money through Amazon Associate program.

You will learn


– How to create Amazon account
– How to find popular products on Amazon
– How to create an affiliate website
– How to drive traffic to your business and monetize it


As a member of Bulletproof Profits you will also get a PDF file (Affiliate Profits) that contains some useful info.

You will learn what is Fulfillment By Amazon. The info provided by Justin is outdated.

Right from the start Justin gives you another false promise to help you make $4,500 with one little secret.




I can tell you, I have seen hundreds of those secrets on other sites and they never work.

As a member of Bulletproof Profits you will get access to the following training modules:


Level 1 consists of 12 videos regarding FBA (Fullfilmnet by Amazon) – About private label business

– Video 1 – What is FBA
– Video 2 – How does FBA work?
– Video 3 – Setting up your seller account
– Video 4 – Choosing your FBA account
– Video 5 – Can your team be sold?
– Video 6 – Requiring approval
– Video 7 – Amazon fee example
– Video 8 – Amazon seller tools
– Video 9 – Best practices for listing
– Video 10 – Preparing for shipping
– Video 11 – FBA shipping tips
– Video 12 – Conclusion


Level 2 consists of 5 videos:

– Case Study – 1 Million Success Formula
– Video 1 – Best Keywords and Amazon Listing
– Video 2 – Amazon reviews
– Video 3 – Amazon ads
– Video 4 – $1.000 per day strategies


Plus some bonus methods such as:

– 10k Affiliate Plan
– 5 Passive Income Methods
– Income Maximiser
– Wealth Hypnosis


level 2-course


This part of Bulletproof Profits trainings also includes:

– Sourcing Tips
– Tips & Recommendations
– Local Sources
– Leveraging in Local Actions
– Leveraging on CragList
– Police Auctions
– Online Auctions
– Storage Unit Auctions
– Rebates & Coupons


Affiliate Profits 10K consists of the following training modules:

– Introduction
– Making money
– Why Amazon is your best choice
– How to pick a niche
– Selecting the best products
– Creating your website
– Creating content
– Creating your Amazon associate account
– Linking your Amazon affiliate links
– Promoting your website – part 1
– Promoting your website – part 2
– Scaling to 10K


5 Passive Income Methods consists of:

– Youtube profits
– Instagram profits
– Crypto profits
– Kindle profits


Bonus ways to generate more traffic and sales:

– Keyword research ninja software
– Easy SEO software
– Getting free traffic from Pinterest
– 30 ways to get free traffic





Bulletproof Profits Warning Scam Signals

Exaggerated Income Clams
7 Clicks to Becoming a Millionaire
Fake Video Testimonials
Fake social proof

Like many programs that I’ve seen over the past 5 years, Bulletproof Profits is not very different from them.

Again we see exaggerated income claims, fake testimonials, false promises Justin fails to deliver. He promises you quick and easy money.






Take a look at scam actors from Fiverr.com like this girl that claims Bulletproof Profits to be phenomenal program though she herself hasn’t made a single dollar through this program.

Doesn’t it look and sound ridiculous? And this is what is done by Justin from Bulletproof Profits.

Also, on Bulletproof Profits website you can see a social proof provided by Justin that looks totally ridiculous. Take a look at the screenshot please.




You can see a number of so called proofs without any links to social profiles of those so called millionaires, Jennifer, Pauline, Liz, Scott, Sean.

Real social proofs don’t look like this. I can create a ton of such proofs. Where are those people from? Where are their websites?

We can’t see any proof to their being Bulletproof Profits millionaires.



How Does Bulletproof Profits Work?

In the video Justin says you can make a lot of money and doesn’t reveal how you are going to do it. This is very common for this type of videos.

Justin only talks about 7 simple clicks that will make you a lot of money. He talks about the secret that you will learn from him.

This secret system will bring in huge profits for you. In fact, you are going to join Amazon affiliate program and start selling products.

BTW, if you want to get more info on how to make money with Amazon, check out some of my posts on the topic.





Bulletproof Profits Upsells

If you think you will pay only $9 and start making a lot of money, I have to disappoint you. There are some other upsells in the program.

You will have to spend a few hundred dollars to pay for all upsells and benefit from Bulletproof Profits.

And still I’m very doubt you can achieve your goals.

Because among programs teaching Amazon business, Bulletproof Profits is by far not the best program out there.

– Upsell 1: BulletProof Profits Turbo $197
– Upsell 2: BulletProof Paydays $145

With these two upsells you will learn how to get free traffic and monetize it through Amazon program and also some other monetization methods.

Also, note that those prices are not fixed. You can get a discount and pay $127 instead of $197 and $95 instead of $145.



Bulletproof Profits Support

The support Justin provides is through emails that will take 24-48 hours to respond to your request.

With such a support it will be extremely hard to achieve any level of success, even a decent success.

Once you inside the Bulletproof Profits platform, you contact Bulletproof Profits team directly.

But I’m not sure how good or responsive their support is.



What I don’t like about Bulletproof Profits

Thera are a few things I don’t like about Bulletproof Profits. First of all, Justin makes exaggerated and unrealistic income claims which is completely wrong.

He promises you to make over $3,000 in the very first day, but he doesn’t tell you all the truth about how hard it is to make money online.




He doesn’t explain you the whole process. The truth is that it will take probably 2 years to start making this kind of income.

Another thing that I don’t like about Bulletproof Profits is that in the advertised video you will see fake millionaires that are making thousands and thousands of dollars with Bulletproof Profits.

In fact, these millionaire personalities are all fake. They are from Fiverr.com website that record fake videos for anyone for $20 or so.

And the fact that Justin uses such fake testimonials in his program proves that he doesn’t have real success stories to share with you.

That’s why he tries to get you into his program by using misleading methods.

Justin claims you can start making a lot of money with 7 simple clicks which is another lie from him.

Making money through Amazon like he teaches in his program is absolutely real and legit but it is not as easy and quick process as he claims it to be.

Another thing that I don’t like about Bulletproof Profits is that Justin sends misleading emails to thousands people trying to convince them to join Bulletproof Profits and claim $1,000 and then again claim another $1,000 on the next day.

The video on Bulletproof Profits website is highly misleading, especially for beginners. I totally disagree with Justin’s approach.




Justine even dares to promise you $50,000 per month which is a total BS.

I know affiliate marketers who have been making money online for over 6 years and still can’t reach that level of income.

$10,000 per month is achievable by very few people.

When it comes to $50,000 per month I know very few people like Neil Patel or Patt Flynn or Brain Dean who can earn this kind of income or even more.



What I like about Bulletproof Profits

Bulletproof Profits is a Clickbank product which is in itself a positive fact. Because Clickbank always provides money back guarantee.

But this doesn’t mean the product is good. But you can get your money back from Clickbank if you don’t like Bulletproof Profits.





Can you become successful with Bulletproof Profits?

As I said above, Bulletproof Profits teaches you how to make money through Amazon.com affiliate program. This is absolutely possible.

You can become successful by Joining Amazon affiliate program. But Amazon recently cut affiliate commission and made it as low as 3%.

With this kind of commission many affiliates left Amazon and went to other programs. No one wants to sell $100 product only to earn $3 commission.

You can become successful only if you can get a massive traffic from Google which is not easy and most likely will take years.



Is Bulletproof Profits a Scam?

Theoretically speaking, Bulletproof Profits is not a scam.

But due to making false promises, using misleading methods and promising you to make over $3,000 in the first day, I have to recommend you programs other than Bulletproof Profits.

Technically speaking Bulletproof Profits is not a scam. But I can’t recommend it either.

The program was launched in 2019 and Justin doesn’t have any proof that his program works. No success stories and proven track record.



Final glance at Bulletproof Profits

– The idea is legit
– Training material
– Money back guarantee
– Upsells
– Fake testimonials
– Exaggerated income claims
– Questionable social proof
– Requires a solid monetary investment
– Misleading advertising video

Overall score: 3 out of 10




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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