Organic Traffic: Free or Paid? My Practical Guide

September 19, 2024 2 Comments


organic and paid traffic


If you want to promote your website and increase traffic, a critical question arises: What is the best way to attract traffic to your website — using free or paid methods? 

Attracting non-targeted or cheap traffic can be extremely dangerous for a website’s reputation, especially if methods that violate Google’s guidelines are used.

This type of approach can result in penalties from search engines like Google, a drop in search rankings, or even a complete ban on the site and of course this means you will lose all your traffic and online business.

Utilizing “white-hat” marketing strategies, such as creating high-quality content and building organic, natural links with reputable websites would be your best method as an affiliate marketer.

Any successful website needs organic traffic, which comes from social media and search engines without requiring any financial input from you. 

Because you can’t spend money consistently. This makes sense only if you know how to monetize your traffic.

In this practical guide, I will discuss the pros and cons of each approach to help you understand when it makes sense to use free methods and when it’s better to use paid methods.


What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic refers to users who visit your website through free channels. For example, they might come to your site via a search engine if it deems your content relevant to the query. It’s free in the sense that you don’t have to pay for each click or impression.

Instead, you invest in content quality, SEO, and possibly social media. On the other hand, there’s paid traffic — the traffic you get through advertising, be it Google Ads, social media ads, or banners on other platforms such as Yahoo (Bing Ads), Google adwords.




Pros of organic traffic

Long-term results. One of the biggest advantages of organic traffic is that it can bring you visitors over a long period. If your content is high-quality and SEO-optimized, it will remain relevant and visible in search engines for months or even years. As a result, you will be getting tons of free, highly targeted free traffic.

Increased credibility. Users tend to trust organic search results more than paid advertisements. If your site appears on the first page of Google, it signals that it is worth paying attention to. It will turn into a lot of money for you.

Unlimited clicks. You don’t pay for each click, as you would with paid advertising. Even if your site receives hundreds of thousands of visits, you won’t have to pay for them directly. This is a big advantage for you in terms of income.

Fewer risks of ad blockers. Paid ads can be blocked by browser extensions like AdBlock which many users add to their browsers. Organic traffic doesn’t face these barriers.

Building reputation. Good content that consistently generates free organic traffic for your website also helps build your reputation in the eyes of users and search engines.


Cons of organic traffic

Takes time. Building organic traffic is a long process. It may take several months or longer before your site starts to receive a stable flow of visitors. This is a huge problem because many people quit in the first 5,6 months and don’t even see any traffic.

High competition. If you are in a niche with high competition, it will be challenging to rank at the top of search engine results. This will require significant efforts in SEO and creating unique content and of course, it takes time.

Not instant results. Paid ads can lead to a sudden spike in visits in a short time, but organic traffic develops much more slowly. If you expect fast results, organic methods might disappoint you which in fact happens to most people.

SEO constantly changes. Search engine algorithms are updated every few months, and what worked a year ago might not be effective for you today. This requires constant monitoring of changes and adjusting your strategy. SEO changes very often affect many website owners and as a result people lose traffic and businesses.




What is paid traffic?

Paid traffic refers to visitors who come to your site through advertisements.

This means ads in search engines, ads on social platforms, banners on other websites, PPC ads like Google adwords or Bing ads(Yahoo) advertising. 

One of the main advantages of this method is the ability to get quick results. You pay for clicks or impressions and immediately start seeing an influx of traffic to your site.

But the truth is that this method works well for very few people who know how to monetize paid traffic.




Pros of paid traffic

Instant results. Perhaps the most significant advantage of paid traffic is speed. You launch an ad campaign, and on the same day, you see an increase in visits and possibly income.

Audience control. With paid ads, you can precisely target your audience. This is especially useful if you know who your target users are — based on age, interests, location, and other parameters.

Flexibility. Paid advertising allows you to test different approaches, quickly change your strategy if something isn’t working, and track effectiveness in real time.

Scalability. Once you find a successful ad formula, it’s easy to scale — simply increase your budget, and you’ll get more traffic. This is ideal for businesses experiencing rapid growth.

Great for short-term goals. Paid traffic is an excellent choice if you have short-term goals, such as launching a new product or running a sale.


Cons of paid traffic

Expensive. If you have a limited budget, paid advertising might be too costly. Popular platforms like Google Ads or Facebook or Bing ads can require significant investments to achieve noticeable results.

Short-term effect. As soon as you stop paying for ads, traffic decreases immediately. Unlike organic traffic, paid advertising doesn’t leave a “long-lasting trail” after the campaign ends.

Dependent on budget. Paid traffic requires constant financial input. If you don’t have the means to continue ad campaigns, your website’s traffic can sharply decline and your business will stop.

Competition in ads. Like with organic traffic, there is competition in paid advertising. The more popular your niche, the more money you’ll need to spend on clicks and impressions to outdo competitors. Because in competitive niches clicks are costly.

Quality of traffic. Not all paid traffic is equally valuable. Sometimes, despite high expenses, ad campaigns might attract visitors who show no interest in your product or content.




When to choose organic traffic?

Organic traffic is the best method to attract traffic for those aiming for long-term results because of lack of money. If you want your website to get a lot of  free and organic traffic without spending money I would recommend investing time and effort in creating high quality content.

This will allow you to drive tons of traffic with zero investment. It’s true that this may take time, but in the end, you’ll get a lot of highly targeted flow of visitors. Organic traffic is also ideal for those who don’t have a large advertising budget but are willing to invest their time and effort into their online business.


When to choose paid traffic?

If you need to quickly attract attention to a product or service, paid traffic is your best and quick method. This is particularly useful for startups looking to rapidly build an audience or for seasonal businesses that need to attract customers during specific periods. 

Paid advertising is also a good choice if you have a clear understanding of who your target audience is and can tailor your ads to effectively reach them. Otherwise you will be wasting your budget and getting no results.




Organic or paid traffic: what to choose?

Ideally, it’s best to combine both approaches. Organic traffic provides long-term stability and user trust, while paid traffic helps quickly boost your visibility when needed. For instance, you can use paid ads to promote new content or products and then allow organic traffic to continue working and attracting visitors after the ad campaign ends.



Both types of traffic — organic and paid — play an important role in promoting your website. Organic traffic takes time and effort but can be more beneficial and sustainable in the long run. Paid traffic, on the other hand, delivers immediate results but requires constant financial investment and may not be as sustainable without proper management.

Ultimately, the choice between organic and paid traffic depends on your goals, budget, and time frame. If you want stability and are willing to work for future results — choose organic. If you need attention right now — invest in paid advertising. But ideally, combining both approaches creates a harmonious and effective promotional strategy.


My Top Recommended Program to Learn How to Get Traffic

    Program # 1 – Wealthy Affiliate




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About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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  1. Godwin says:

    Hi there –
    I am also an affiliate marketer and agree that it does take time to build organic traffic. However, I have a long-term view of my project. I have noticed that posting a blog that solves consumers’ pain points tends to generate interest (e.g., views, clicks, engagement, etc.).

    Combining paid advertising will certainly boost traffic. However, doing some analysis to determine the cost-effectiveness is important as well.

    • Adam says:


      Thank you for the comment. Of course when you create content you must first of of all keep your reader in mind because your content does focus on their pain points and interests. Paid advertising is a powerful thing but if you don’t know what to do before buying traffic your budget will be wasted quickly.

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