Is Wealthy Affiliate as Really Great as it Claims to be? Can You Really Become Successful with Wealthy Affiliate?

January 6, 2015 6 Comments


I don’t know your background, level of knowledge or experience in internet marketing but if you’ve been online for some time trying to figure out how internet marketing works, what needs to be done to achieve success then you probably by now realize that there are very few people or sites on the internet you can really trust.

Probably you’ve already been scammed one or two times. If yes, then you will understand what I’m going to discuss further and if not then you need to try things out until you realize that you need to be extremely selective and careful when choosing a work from home program/product online.

I’m going to share with you my thoughts on Wealthy Affiliate – # 1 online business community in the world and would like to stress that all this comes from my own experience and from the experience of people that I know.


Note: Don’t take this video as an advertisement or guarantee of earnings


Support at Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is really a great place to learn, interact with like-minded people, get support and support other people. If you’re starting at WA then you’re very lucky. Because when you’re getting started in internet marketing you’re going to learn a lot of new stuff and it takes time to understand how internet marketing works, how to apply your knowledge to your online business the proper way.

At some point you will definitely get stuck and here WA support comes into play. At WA you literally can’t get stuck because there are many ways you can get support there. The best way to get support is through live chat. If you need help you can get it within seconds because there are always some folks that hang with other people in live chat and among them some are successful and experienced internet marketers.

You can get real and practical advice or if you have any technical issue with your site you can grant access to your site and a fellow member will fix your problem absolutely for free.

There is an active forum where you can post your question and get reply within minutes or even seconds. Sometimes it can take longer, probably 2,3 hours BUT you’ll get it.

You can get support from other successful internet marketers at WA and benefit from their experience by sending PM (private message). I personally got support through PM many times and it saved tons of my time.

You can get support from the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson who are very knowledgeable and helpful. I personally got support from Kyle many times and though he is very busy, he always finds the time to reply to your message.Kyle&Carson

And the best thing is that he never outsources it to someone else. You will get reply and support from Kyle himself. That’s really great. Kyle receives a lot of messages every day and still he finds the time to reply to all those messages.


Training at Wealthy Affiliate

The great thing about WA is that once you create your starter account absolutely for free, you can go through 10 lessons of the certification course. Kyle and Carson give this chance so YOU can see the true value of their program, and then if you want, you can go premium. They even give you a discount for the first month which is only $19 and then $47 each month.

BUT if you choose yearly payment for your membership then you will pay $359 and that way your monthly payment comes to $30. Can you imagine, that you get unlimited number of websites, hosting, the best training in the world, unlimited support, weekly live trainings where you can ask questions, get your own website reviewed by real experts just for $30? Can you imagine this? Can you show me any other program out there on the entire web that could provide you the value WA does offer?

Wealthy Affiliate

There is also Affiliate Bootcamp training that is even better than the WA certification course. The best part of WA training is that Kyle and Carson teach folks only legit methods that go in compliance with Google guidelines. What does that mean to you? That means your business will grow from year to year with no harm to your business and site from any of Google future updates. This is really VERY important.


Who can be successful with WA training?

You may be thinking now, ok, I’m going to join WA right now and start making thousands of dollars. I can tell you YES and NO. Before you join WA you need to UNDERSTAND that Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a get rich quick scheme or any sort of a button to an instant wealth at all. And you need to UNDERSTAND that all those get rich quick schemes and buttons are pure scams. They WON’T make you rich or help you in any way.

Wealthy Affiliate can really help you start making serious money on the internet. If you go through the training course there and apply that knowledge to your site you will see real results of your efforts within a year or two. I’m really honest with you and don’t want to give any false or unrealistic promises in any way.

There are thousands of members at Wealthy Affiliate and only small % of them are successful and making a lot of money each and every month. But those are ones that stick to the training and work hard. That’s why if you’re not willing to learn and work hard then WA ISN’T for you.


Can you really achieve success with Wealthy Affiliate or is it another empty or unrealistic promise?

I can honestly tell you that if you set your goal and work hard towards it you will achieve success. But even if you apply the knowledge, there is always a chance that something may go wrong or not as you probably expected. Yes, it can, BUT not at Wealthy Affiliate because there is a way you can achieve your goal if you follow my training

Every week WA releases a new webinar (live training) conducted by Jay (real expert in internet marketing) and if you feel your business doesn’t go as you expect, you can ask Jay to review your site and notify you of any issues you may have with it.

You can also get your site reviewed by other successful members or even you can PM Kyle, the founder of WA. Once you fix the problems you can expect improvements in your business. That’s why I can tell you that if you’re a goal oriented person, you will achieve success with Wealthy Affiliate. I highly recommend you to read my review of WA so you can make an informed decision and if you have any questions feel free to contact me or you can leave your comments below and we will discuss it further.


Filed in: Popular

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. We are Premium members at Wealthy Affiliate University and agree it is the best online training membership website to learn how to finally start making money online. I struggled for many years only making the occasional sale but since joining WA first as a free member then upgrading within 7 days to Premium to take advantage of the discounted first monthly fee of $19, then $47 a month, I am now making money every week.

    We recommend anyone who wants a real living income instead of a minimum waged job to try WA. The membership is very friendly and helpful for those starting out and having problems as are Kyle and Carson who are the founders. The only additional instruction I recommend is that people start by building a mailing list because the money is in the list.

    We have tried several other memberships but this one is by far the best. The free unlimited web hosting for Premium members and additional training plus all the other benefits make joining a no brainer. There is nothing more we can say except join WA or remain a broke wage slave never having more than a poor lifestyle and too much stress. Online marketing is the way to a better life. It has changed our’s.

    Stephen & Jennifer.

    • Rufat says:

      I’m really glad to hear this news that you have found Wealthy Affiliate the best online business community. All I can say is that I agree with most of your sayings here since Wealthy Affiliate is really one of the best make money programs out there. I joined the program i 2013 and since that time I learned a lot in internet marketing and now I have my website up and running and making me money. I’m not making tons of money yet, but I’m on the right track and I believe it will grow over time.

      As for Wealthy Affiliate membership, I agree that it’s very friendly and you have all you need at your hand to be successful online. They provide training, tools and 24/7 support and you even can contact the founders of the program Kyle and Carson which makes this program absolutely different from all other programs out there on the internet. Support is the most important and critical factor of any program. If support is good that means the program is good. Support is the first indicator of the quality of the program.

      I also agree that money is in the list and going to add this technique to my internet marketing efforts soon because it does really help increase conversions of the website. The idea is very simple: it allows you to build relationships with your visitors and then they start to trust you which is really important to be successful online.Thank for you input to my post and I really appreciate it a lot.

  2. Kenneth says:

    Thank you for this review on wealthy affiliate. There are several affiliate programs available on the Internet, and not all of them are a wise choice. I can relate to your story about being scammed. There are some that have never fallen prey to becoming a victim. I only wished I would have seen your review several years ago. You could have saved me a lot of misery and money. Thank you for sharing!

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Kenneth for sharing your thoughts on Wealthy Affiliate. I’m sorry to hear you’ve wasted your money and time. And good to know that you finally found the right program. I couldn’t save you but I do hope I can save other people. Only smart and wise people can benefit from this information

  3. Rufat says:

    Yes, Emilio, We can make it happen if we want it and if we are willing to put in the work. Unfortunately, most people still believe in a pie in the sky and are still looking for a magic button that they could click on and the money would start flowing into their pockets. They don’t understand that it will not happen until they change their minds and start working towards their success. Instead of that they go to other sites that give them false promises only to realise that this is just another dream.

  4. Emilio says:

    Rufat, I really enjoyed your article on Wealthy Affiliate. I agree with what you said that it takes hard work to make it happen but you can make it happen. Thanks for the info.


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