Internet Marketing Advisor

March 11, 2015 4 Comments

Your Income Advisor – Your Trusted Advisor to Internet Marketing World


My website has been created to save people from numerous scams on the internet and I hope I’ll be able to help as many folks as I can in the long run. To achieve my goal I set my daily work schedule in several directions that will serve my goal in the best way. To accomplish my goal and become a trusted internet marketing advisor I have to put in the hard work on a daily basis.

First off, I review numerous products related to internet marketing, write some material related to starting an online business, try to destroy a misconception about making money online, write some material related to SEO (search engine optimization) which is an essential part of internet marketing and also write some material based on my experience to help folks improve performance of their websites.

Also, I recommend some top rated programs that are highly reputable and proven through years. My approach is different from many other sites out there and below I’m going to explain in details why my approach is different.


1. First off, as I told, there are numerous scams on the internet and I try to do my best to save people from them and show real and legit opportunities. When I review products, I always try to be objective and show both positive and negative sides of any program. Many websites in my niche when writing reviews try to prove that everything is a scam only to promote their desired product. I never do that.

When I review a product, I show all positive and negative sides and then give my verdict. If a program is a complete scam, i.e. no money back guarantee, no support, outdated wrong strategies, a complete lie, then I say that it’s a scam. If it’s not, i.e. offers some helpful training material, provides poor support and makes some false promises, then I simply don’t recommend it. The opposite of what I’m saying here is legit and I recommend it.


2. Also, I write some material related to starting an online business. In most of my articles I focus on beginners, who are new to internet marketing. I explain how to start an online business on the right foot, explain what internet marketing is all about, show some proven methods based on both my own experience and the experience of other successful internet marketers.


3. I write a lot of stuff related to making money online and I try to destroy a misconception around it. Many people are struggling online, they are desperate to start making money online and in most cases they fall into the hands of scammers. To save them I write about some important topics in the hope to shed some light on this issue and help people understand how they can start making money online through legit opportunities.

I write about topics such as, “Is there an easy way to stat making money online?”, “The honest way to make money online”, “How much money can you make online”, “How long does it take to start making money online”, “Do you need a website to start making money online?”.

In all these articles I approach the issue from different perspectives and explain to people that making money online can’t be done at the push of a magic button. It requires time, some work to put in and some patience and just give it a time until you see real results.


4. Also, I write some material related to SEO (search engine optimization) because it’s an essential part of any online business. Traffic is the key to online success. Of course, traffic is not the only key, you need also to have an original and helpful content and bring targeted traffic instead of bringing useless traffic from exchange networks. You need to learn how to increase your website conversion rate.

But anyway, traffic is the key and in my articles I show only legit methods that can help you get high rankings in search engines. As opposed to that (white hat SEO), there are many poor products online that teach people black hat SEO which can completely destroy your entire online business.

The most important thing about SEO is that if you do it the right and proper way you can get a massive and free traffic to your site which will allow you to grow your business over time.


5. I also write some material related to improving your site performance because it’s extremely important to leverage your traffic in a way that will allow you to upscale your business exponentially. Because what is the use of the traffic if you get tons of traffic and fail to convert your visitors into buyers?

You simply lose your traffic. That’s why it’s extremely important to focus not only on getting traffic but on how to make a good number of sales to make your site profitable. Of course, our first concern is to focus on people and help them, but making money is important too.

Since my main goal is to become a trusted internet marketing advisor I always try to recommend, whenever I find it appropriate, my top rated program that can help anyone build a successful online business. First off, I’m a premium member of it and know what I’m talking about.

The program is absolutely different from many other programs out there simply because it has helped many people quit their daily job and it never makes any promises it fails to deliver, compared to thousands of other programs that make bold claims and promises and never deliver even a fraction of it.

My # 1 program teaches you internet marketing, SEO, provides you all necessary tools and the most important thing is that it provides 24/7 supreme support. You can get support from successful internet marketers, from thousands of other experienced and knowledgeable members and even from the founders of the program.

I owe to this program for having my website (YourIncomeAdvisor) up and running and I finally started making money. If you want to quit your job some day, I recommend you to read about my top rated program below and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will reply shortly or leave your comments below.



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Anthony says:

    Hello Rufat! You certainly have an informative article here. I can see you know what you are doing and I will be back to check out other articles as well. The internet is a scary place and it is nice to have some help along the way. Take care!


    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Anthony for stopping by and commenting on my post. Glad to know you like my article. My intention was to show folks what I do and how I can help them. You are right, internet is a scary place and that’s the main reason for creating this site because before making money I want to help folks and build longterm relationships with them and gain their trust.

  2. Marlon says:

    Hi Rufat, I love how Your website is set up. I came to read your latest review and spent some time exploring, good job. I love your introduction and your mission statement, everyone could learn a lot from your website. And I definitely agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go for learning how to make money online.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you for commenting on my post. Glad to know you like the introduction. I hope I will be able to help folks and save them from numerous scams and also I’m glad to know that you have already joined Wealthy Affiliate and found your way. I hope I’ll be able to bring more people to WA through my internet marketing advisor mission. Thank you for stopping by.

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