Instant Payday Network Review – Avoid It!

October 23, 2014 4 Comments

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Product name: Instant Payday Network

Product Owner – Jeff Buchanan


Price –“free”

Verdict: Not recommended


Generally speaking, there is actually no product to be offered in this program. You can be paid to complete some simple tasks such as CPA offers or send people to IPN website that will complete CPA offers and you then will earn some money. The opportunity is being promoted as a free program and it’s really free.

But there is a lot of hype around IPN and many people are talking about making thousands of dollars while in reality they are not making even a penny.

They are just trying to promote IPN to people like you in the hope that you will join, complete CPA offers and the one who referred you to IPN will get paid. But some people are making money with IPN BUT it’s not about thousands of dollars.

The only way you can make money with this program, is just convince other people to join instant payday network. So, I would say that this “program” is very similar to Empower Network which doesn’t offer any product. All these programs are similar in nature, i.e. pyramid scheme. There is not even a sign of a real business or an opportunity to make money.

The program is free to join and it looks as a “good” opportunity to make money without any extra expense. But the problem with this program is that you are not going to get from IPN what you are promised in the advertised video presentation.

BTW, only three countries are accepted into IPN, which are USA, Canada and UK.



Pros of Instant Payday Network

  • Free to join
  • You can make some money but it requires a lot of effort and time



Cons of Instant Payday Network

  • False promises
  • Unrealistic claims about making tons of money
  • Association with Empower Network – the hottest online scam
  • No quality training on how to drive traffic through SEO
  • No live chat
  • No real support
  • You can’t contact Jeff Buchanan
  • Expect email spamming from Jeff
  • You can’t make any money without traffic and Jeff is not going to help you with that



What will you get from IPN?

Upon completing CPA offers you will be able to join IPN and you get a capture page from Jeff, and you will be explained how to promote your capture page across the web in order to get traffic to it. You will also need to join two programs such as Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies.

On these two websites you can find a lot of CPA offers you need to complete. Some offers are free and some are not free. But even those that are free very often require your credit card information which is not good at all. Sometimes programs may charge you without your consent.

Some programs have complaints. So, be careful before you submit your billing info. But the question is how are going to promote your capture page? Do you know how to drive traffic to your page? Without traffic you can’t do anything.

No traffic means no visitors to your capture page which means you can make zero sales. In order to drive traffic you will need to use free methods such as social networks which is not the best option in this particular case because you don’t have any original content on your site.

Jeff doesn’t teach you SEO strategies which is the best free method to drive traffic to your site. The only option you have is solo ads, PPC, CPV etc. All these methods will cost you money. What does it mean?

It means you can’t do anything with your “amazing” capture page because you need steady traffic. Do you know why most of the business online fail? Because they can’t drive enough traffic to their websites.

But one thing you should keep in mind is that if you are offered any product or a program, no matter how great it is and if you’re promised to make a lot of money without having a website which is the case here, you should know that it’s the first sign that you should stay away from it.

If you have a product to promote then you MUST have a website. That is the key element in any online business. If you don’t have a website then you are not going to have a serious business. The same applies to Instant Payday Network program. A website without quality content that can engage your visitors has zero value in search engines. It will never bring you any traffic and the sales accordingly.



Inside Instant Payday Network

Instant Payday Network works as follows: you sign up first to get your own account. After that, you need to qualify your account and to do that you need to complete few trial CPA offers. Once you complete the task your account will be qualified. After all that stuff you can make money by referring other people to IPN and they (people that you referred) are expected to do the same.

You will have 4 options within Instant Payday Network:

  1. To complete CPA offers at Express My Cash Freebies (1 Credit)
  2. To complete Double My Cash Freebies (1 Credit)
  3. To refer other people to IPN and get paid if they complete the same process
  4. To join Empower Network (MLM – scam)  ( requires a lot of investment)

So, there is actually no product or a service. There is no buyer in the process because there is no product to buy. And finally, there are no services to sell or promote. It all depends on you only – you refer other people to the system and earn a commission. Your biggest problem is traffic.

Another thing I would like to mention is that in the advertised video you are not promised to become rich in a few days. Their being honest is appreciated because it doesn’t happen often nowadays. You possibly can make some money with this program but it is not a serious business model.




One of my e-friends, Brok has been a member of IPN and even made $60 for 3 months and then he left IPN for a better program and we both are the members of this program. Read about this program below.




With such program you are never going to build a strong foundation for a serious business or establish good relationships with your visitors. So, no website, no traffic, no steady sales, no good service or a product to promote. Unfortunately, this is not a business.


IPN Spamming

Another negative side of Instant Payday Network is that if you sign up and join their network you are going to receive a lot of emails, asking you to take action. If after my review you still want to try this program you’d better register a new email address.


CPA offers and Instant Payday Network

The program is free as I said above, but after registering you’ll need to complete CPA offers in order to get approved by IPN and if someone joins IPN through your affiliate link  and completes CPA offers you will be paid $20 to $30. Not bad.

BUT, Jeff’s promotional methods that they teach you how to promote the system aren’t effective. You will have to struggle to get someone to sign up through your link. Instant Payday Network is not for everyone, especially those who are willing to build a real business online.

There is a much better way to make money through CPA offers. You can simply register your free account at different CPA networks, choose CPA offers, write good, honest promotional stuff about each CPA offer and drive traffic to your website and FINALLY make serious money.

You don’t need to join Instant Payday Network in order to make money with CPA networks. If you want to learn how to make money through this model I recommend you to create your FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate and follow their recommendations. I’m actually making money thanks to my recommended program and you can find me inside once you create your free account.


Are there any complaints about Instant Payday Network?

There are many reviews on the Internet, on YouTube about IPN. Some of them are positive and some are not. However, they all have one thing in common – they don’t explain what you are going to promote. And it is obvious, because as I said above, there is no real product to sell or promote. Positive reviewers are the affiliates of that product, i.e. people who are promoting this program in order to earn affiliate commissions.

Some internet reviews are stating that Instant Payday Network is not a scam, because there are no complaints submitted to the BBB (Better Business Bureau). In my opinion, it doesn’t prove anything at all. Yes, it’s true that Instant Payday Network is not a scam, but there are quite a few complaints about IPN. Take a look at the image below. It’s just one complaint, but there are many of them on the internet.




Instant Payday Network and Empower Network

The last option to make money with IPN is the last red flag that clearly proves that Jeff is not much interested in helping you succeed online. Empower Network is one of the hottest scams out there and there are tons of complaints about EN on the internet. What would you think of a person that recommends you to join such an “amazing” program? Of course, joining EN within IPN is optional, but anyway, it’s not a good sign that IPN is associated with Empower Network.




Final word on Instant Payday Network

So, my final recommendation in regards to this program is to stay away from it. Trust me, I was in your shoes trying to find my way to make money online and I finally found it. Don’t waste your time on IPN. With Instant Payday Network you will never build a real business though you probably can make some money.

If you want to build a real business online that will work for years then I highly recommend you to join online business community that helped thousands of people like you. With the help of this community you can become a successful Internet marketer.

Anyway, it is up to you. Both these programs are free to join. You can join Instant Payday Network for free if you want and try it and join Wealthy Affiliate for free and see the potential of these two programs.

Once you realize the difference, I’m sure you will make the right choice because once you compare them there is no place for Instant Payday Network. Read about my recommended program below and don’t hesitate to ask questions. I’m always here to help you out.




Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Nick Stango says:

    Just a reply to this article even though IPN is no longer available. I used IPN back in 2013 and after trying many other systems that didn’t work for me, IPN was the first one that actually did work, not only did it work, but I actually made exactly $4,406. in one year. IPN was a great starter funnel into Empower Network which I work in for a while but didn’t make money but I did break even. The best thing about both of these systems was that I really learned a lot about internet marketing, referral marketing, blogging, video marketing, SEO and many other digital marketing techniques. I’m back in the game again after a couple of years off but I still have a lot of great skills that still hold value. I actually sell local SEO and website design along with Social Media marketing to local businesses. The value and education that I received from a free system is incredible and priceless! So when I read this I had to reply.

    • Rufat says:

      What you say about IPN is not the same what many others say though. In my review I clearly said that making money with IPN is absolutely possible. It’s not a scam. Reading carefully my review will reveal all these facts. If you had a positive experience with IPN it doesn’t mean other people had the same experience. There are many negative reviews though. Regarding Empower Network, it’s one of the hottest scams in online space and and there is a ton of complaints about this program. BTW, you said that IPN was no longer available. It means the program is not as good as you try to explain here. If it was good and successful then why would they close it down? Anyway, if you’re happy with either of these two, IPN or Empower Network I wish you even more success.

  2. Virgie says:

    I have not tried IPN however I have tried many of the same kind and they all ended up being useless. I think most people are like me, I hate to try to get people to sign up to something so it would never work for me.

    As far as most of the good reviews, I am sure they have people post them or it is people who have signed up and not knowing if it is good or not but trying to get people to sign up under them.

    I always appreciate people who write these reviews because they are the only way we have to learn about programs. Thanks.

    • Rufat says:

      I totally agree with you Virgie. Programs like Instant Payday Network are nothing more than a time wasters. When I first came across this program on the internet I was trying to figure out how the program actually worked and finally realized that it was’t worth my time. The worst thing about IPN is that it’s not clear what you need to do to make money. All they explain is that you will make money, but they don’t explain what you require to do. It’s the first red flag to stay away from it. And you say exactly that programs like IPN never work because their approach is not realistic. And I agree that good reviews of IPN come from people who try to get others to sign up for the sake of making commissions for themselves. Though IPN is being advertised as a free program, it’s not actually free and you need to pay between $8-$20 to be able to make money and there is no money back guarantee. Also, after creating account you will be bombarded with emails trying to convince you to take action which is another red flag. And finally, you need to bring traffic to your site because without traffic you can’t do anything. What I know exactly is that Instant Payday Network is not going to teach you traffic strategies which makes IPN absolutely useless.

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