How to Start a Business Online at Home

July 2, 2020 7 Comments

How to Start a Business Online at Home


Starting a business online at home is a great idea and can be turned into a very successful full time business IF you know how to do things the right way.

You need to pick the right product, choose the right affiliate marketing training and join the right team.

It can be unprofitable too and a complete failure if you do things the wrong way.

But doing things alone is not the key to starting a business online.

Because it looks like everyone wants to start it but most people throw in the towel too soon and don’t see their success moment.

And it happens because of their wrong approach to their business. In my opinion, before starting a business you need to have a goal.

Though starting a business at home may seem very easy and promising to people it’s not as easy as you might be thinking at first.

Yes, to start a business online at home certainly has many advantages over starting a business in real life. First, because you don’t need to rent a commercial space, you don’t need any sort of permit requirements when building a business online.

You don’t need to pay wages, you don’t need to pay taxes. You are your own boss. You are free to do your work when you want.

And finally, the best part of working from home is that you can make some or a lot of money while spending pennies compared to starting a business in real life.

I’m going to look at this home business thing from different perspectives and also I will show you some real options available in online space so you can make your best decision.



Investment in Your Online Business

Like I said above, you don’t actually need to spend a lot of money in order to start an online business at home. But does it really mean you don’t need to invest anything in your online business?

Does it really mean you can make a lot of money online by simply doing nothing?

I’m saying this because we can come across many sites online that promise people quick money without making an effort. Is that all true? Let’s discuss it.

First, making money without making an effort is IMPOSSIBLE. Anyone who claims it’s possible is simply lying to you.

Starting a business online at home requires some investment. First, you need to understand that in order to make money online you need to have a website.

Without a website you will never build any type of serious online business.

Even if you have some sort of “business”,  it won’t last long. Your website is what you have control over and level of your income accordingly.

The harder you work the more income you will earn.

So, website is what you MUST have in order to describe your service or product and promote it AND earn money or affiliate commission.

You need to choose a domain name for your website ( and pay for it. Approx. $8 – $14 per year.

You need a hosting for your site in order to make your site live and accessible. Approx. $80 – $150 per year.

You need a keyword research tool so you can find low competition keywords for your site. When people need something they Google it and find it through various keywords (word combinations).

Your job is to find those keywords and naturally use them within your content when writing your content.

This way you will make your content visible to other people that search for solutions or info on Google. There are free tools and paid ones. I use Jaaxy keyword tool.



You need a step-by-step training that will teach you how to:

  • Make money online based on your passion
  • Make money without having your own product
  • Build a website
  • Choose a domain name
  • Connect your website to your domain name
  • Write quality content for your site
  • Write content that sells
  • Use keyword research tool
  • Find a profitable niche for your site
  • Drive visitors (buyers) to your site using free methods
  • Drive visitors (buyers) to your site using paid methods
  • What else you need to start a business online at home?
  • You need a computer
  • Dedicate some time to your online business ( 7–8 hours per week)
  • Learn some skills
  • Give your business enough time to grow
  • Stay active and ask questions
  • Take action
  • Make a plan and follow it
  • Treat your online business seriously
  • Save your money and invest in your business when it’s needed


Even if you think all this is simple enough and you don’t need to be reminded of all this stuff, believe me, most people fail because of not following these simple rules.

They simply don’t treat their business seriously.

They don’t want to dedicate enough time to their business before they start making serious money.

They think making money online is super easy and doesn’t require any plan, discipline, action, effort, skills etc.

The truth is that those who achieve their financial online goals are those who follow the rules mentioned above.

Don’t underestimate the power of the discipline and commitment.




Achieving Your Business and Financial Goals

Very often I see that people fail to achieve their financial online goals and it happens because they don’t get results they expected when they first started online.

The only reason is because they had wrong expectations in regards to their online business.

They thought they would make millions or thousands of dollars per month and when it didn’t happen they threw the towel.

That’s why it’s really important to set the right goal before you start building your online home business.

Most of those people who failed were fooled by others who promised them easy and quick money.

Before starting your online home business you need to realize that there are two types of online business goals.

  • You want to make a full time income
  • You want to make serious money though not a full time income

Both these goals are absolutely real and achievable. But your success depends on whether you know your goals or set them exactly according to your expectations.

Most of the time people want to make a full time income and when they fail to achieve that level they quit.

Others don’t want to make a full time income. They make enough money not to quit though they can’t make a full time income. So, know your goal right from the start.

Not everyone can turn their online business into a full time business. This is very normal. I’m personally making between $500 – $700 per month.

Sometimes I make $1.000 or even more per month.

So, I’m doing alright though I expected more when I started. But my income is growing and I believe I will start making a full time income probably this year. Anyway, I’m happy so far and I’m not going to quit.

My recommendation is when you start building your online business from home don’t have full time income expectations. Make it your ultimate goal but not your immediate goal.

This will allow you to be more realistic and accordingly not to quit too soon before achieving your online financial business goals.

Pat Flynn from normally works on a new site for 18 months before he starts to earn an income from it.

So, this is very normal and you should keep it in mind. Remember even if you can’t make a full time income it’s still worth your effort to work on your site 5,6 hours a week and make between $500 – $800 per month. Isn’t it?



What Type of Online Business You Can Start at Home

Starting your online business at home doesn’t require any super qualities or years of experience before you start making your first buck online.

I know may people who made their first buck online after 2,3 months of starting out.

I personally made my first buck after 3 months of starting my website. You can start any type of business online depending on your passion, interest, knowledge and skills.

You can either run your own online business or choose some sort of service based on your experience and skills. For example, you can make money money in many fields:

  • Webdesign
  • Website customization
  • Website feedback and analysis (for better conversions)
  • Graphics & Design
  • Writing content
  • Legal writing
  • Proofreading content
  • Creating ads
  • Running ad campaigns
  • Creating or editing videos
  • Video & Animation
  • Programming & Tech
  • Music & Audio
  • Tutoring
  • Consulting
  • Internet marketing coaching
  • Translation
  • Managing social media accounts
  • SEO services
  • Domain Research
  • Email marketing
  • Virtual assistant
  • Business planning
  • Market research
  • Presentations
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health, Nutrition & Fitness

As you can see from the list above, there are many ways you can monetize your knowledge and experience. You can create your account at sites like and start building your audience.

Over time you will start making steady monthly income. Alternatively, you can choose building your own business and monetizing your website. The sky is the limit.


starting a business


Before You Start Building Your Online Business at Home

Before starting your online business at home you need to organize your working space and make a plan AND then you MUST follow your plan.

Once you’ve made your plan you need to research the market and combine it with your passion.

Remember, passion should be your main focus when choosing your niche. Only people that are passionate about what they do can be successful. If you don’t like what you do you will most likely fail.

In order to be successful online you need to understand how to choose a niche you want to build your business around and how to research the market, you need to get trained in the right program that can provide you with everything you need for achieving your online business goals.

You need:

  • Tools
  • Support
  • Quality step-by-step task-oriented training

You can get all this and more in the program I got my start back in 2013. You don’t need to spend money when you start. Just create your FREE trial account and see how the program works.


create a free account


You will learn a lot of stuff in this program. You will learn how to:

  • Build a website in a few clicks
  • Customize it
  • Install Google Webmaster tools
  • Install Google analytics
  • Install plugins and widgets
  • Analyze your website
  • Drive traffic to your website through SEO and paid advertising
  • Find a niche for your site and profit from it
  • Do video marketing
  • Do social marketing
  • Increase conversions on your site
  • Build an email list
  • lay foundation of online business
  • Create Awesome Ads
  • Promote your content
  • Understand how to make money online
  • Choose affiliate programs
  • Advertise on Facebook
  • Write content that converts
  • SEO optimize your site
  • Starting your online business at home

There are different types of online business you can start at home. The most important thing here is to start with a reliable company that has a good and solid reputation and has been online for at least 5 years.



An eCommerce website that will allow you to sell products directly to your customers. You will have full control over your site and can customize it up to your needs and market it in the way you want.

Shopify is one of the best companies I can recommend. They have been in the business for over 10 years and know how to help people set up their business from scratch. You can start with Shopify for FREE.



Other options are or In this case you don’t need to customize your website or add products or choose a shopping cart software.

You will have a small “shop” within their sites and people will buy from their sites and you will be making a commission. Some people are making good money with this method.

I personally prefer having my own website where I have full control over it because in this case I can scale my business much faster.

The competition on these sites is very high and in fact you will have to compete with many other sellers.

The lack of control over your site and having no your own site are two major downsides of these Ebay and Etsy.

When you have your own site and have your own voice you can make things in an absolutely unique way.


Niche website

Another option is starting your own website and promoting programs, products through affiliate marketing. Like I said, I always choose this method because in this case I have full control over my site.


Starting Your Own Online Business at Home… Two Options

When you start building your online business at home you actually have two options:

  • The hard way
  • The easy way

The hard way doesn’t necessarily mean it’s really hard. It means you have to set up your website, customize it and create some content based on your chosen niche.

Before that you need to research the market to know your competition. Some people prefer to do it by themselves.

Some people are not tech savvy and prefer to hire someone to do it for them. From my experience I know that it’s not easy. But it’s not that hard either.

The problem is that some people don’t have the time to spend on such stuff and I understand them.

Especially, when it comes to customizing a website, doing niche research. I think the best option for you would be doing things by yourself because you need to learn how to do it.

Your experience and knowledge is your best investment in your future.

My recommended program will teach you everything you need and it also provides 24/7 support. I personally got my start in this program a few years ago. So, I highly recommend it. You can get started for FREE.



The easy way is like I said, if you want to get your start quickly and make the process go faster then this second option is for YOU. But it will cost you money.

You can get someone do your niche research, keyword research, content creation ( first 10 articles), website set up and customization, SEO optimization.

You will pay the expert and within 2 weeks you will get your website, SEO optimized, visually customized, with initial content and ready for Google top rankings.



Here is the list of the starter account from HPD:

  • 2,500 Word Homepage
  • 8,000 Words Total
  • Premium Theme
  • Premium Plugins
  • On-Page SEO
  • Domain Name
  • Keyword Research
  • Private FB Group
  • Free Tech Support
  • Email Support
  • Video Training Library

My friend, Dom Wells, from Human Proof Designs has two packages to offer. You can choose any of these two packages that fits your budget.

Remember, this “The easy way” will cost you money, BUT you will save your time and it will allow you to make the process go faster.

After that, you can either continue content creation by yourself or you can outsource content creation to Dom Wells from Human Proof Designs and it will cost you another $100 per month.

You will continue to invest in your online business until your website starts making you money on a regular basis. Normally, it takes 12–18 months to start making money from your website.

Sometimes it can take 5,6 months before you start making money from your website. I can’t give you an exact time frame when you make your first buck but it will happen if you stay patient and work on your website.

Many people whom I know are making money now and all this became possible thanks to their being goal oriented and hard working people.

I’m not a millionaire, but I’m earning a consistent monthly income and I’m doing alright with my business.

I earn WAY more than I spend for my business and I’m doing it from my home. My home is my office and I’m my own boss. Besides my regular online income I have my regular job too, but I plan to quit it soon.


What is the Main Advantage of Having Your Own Online Home Business?

My present boss is a good person but no one is perfect. Before having my own online home business I was completely dependent on my boss. Now I’m free. I work on my terms.

Because my boss knows that I have my own business and can quit my job at any time.

That’s why I feel myself absolutely independent and I believe this is the main advantage of having my home based online business.

If you want to quit your job some day, if you don’t like your current job, if you want to become financially independent, if you don’t want to quit your job but want to work on YOUR terms you need to be financially independent.

You need to have your own source of monthly income. If so, then you need to start your online business at home TODAY!

The sooner you start the sooner you will become financially independent.

If you don’t want to work for yourself you will be working for others all your life making others rich instead of making rich yourself. Get started today! I gave you three major options. All these options are LEGIT! No scamming, no false promises.


Option 1. Wealthy Affiliate ( You will get everything in one place, Tools, Support, Training). You can start for FREE!



Option 2. Shopify ( You will get Tools, Support and training) You can also start for FREE!



Option 3. Human Proof Designs ( You will get READY MADE website, support and training. This will cost you money but it’s the easiest way to make things go faster.



Let me know if you still have any questions and I will be happy to help you out. Stay positive, active and take action and success will come!



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (7)

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  1. Hamzionline24 says:

    Thank You! For making such a great article on how to create online business. Thank You.

  2. Jenny says:

    Hi Rufat,
    There is a lot of great information here. I’ve been using Wealthy Affiliate for nearly 2 years now and its been pretty slow going for me. I’ve really taken my time building something that will provide a sustained income long term. I’m pleased to report that it’s growing. It was the best option for me at the time as I had no start up capital and was able to get started absolutely free. Learning, building and earning bit by bit as I went until I was able to invest financially and then grow some more.

    It’s great to find out about the other options too, I have thought of shopify, but I’m having so much fun doing what I do now that I don’t want any other distractions.

    I look forward to reading more.

    • Adam says:

      Building a business online takes time especially if you’re looking to build something that you expect to provide you a sustained income long term. For a business that you expect to provide you such an income investing 2 years is nothing. I’m glad to hear your business is growing and I’m even more glad to tell you that my business is growing too. It’s slow, but it’s growing. I think the best thing about starting an online business at home is that you can start for free with WA. Plus, you don’t need a huge capital to start a business. Shopify is a good option too, but since you are with WA, I don’t think you need it at this point.

  3. Riaz Shah says:

    Hello Rufat,
    Golly, I’ve always wanted to build a business online and after reading this I definitely know I can! I’ve heard many things about niche website as my freinds tell me to start a gaming channel.

    I have it all planned – Youtube gaming channel, gaming reviews, alrticle on new upcoming games. Is this a niche or do I have to go even deeper and find something else that sets my website apart?

    • Rufat says:

      Niche website is one of the best opportunities to start a profitable online business. The best option would be finding a niche that has a good traffic potential and limited competition. But finding such a niche is not easy. In fact, whatever you choose everything was already taken as an idea. That’s why you have to compete with other websites. That’s why I think it would be great starting a niche website with a limited competition and start working on your site by adding a lot of quality content. This will naturally lead to rankings of some of your content and you will start making money from your website. I think gaming niche is ok. You can create your youtube channel, write a lot of content and over time you will take your place in search engine rankings. I don’t think it’s too broad. Like I said, whatever you choose it was already taken. You will have to compete with other sites in any case.

  4. M says:

    You have a very detailed page guiding someone in the first steps of making money online and obviously directing them to this great source we know! I have learnt so much from this training so i am sure anyone you manage to help will learn a lot to better their lives in the long run. Your post gives a very clear idea of what one can expect from their online business.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, exactly, M. I wrote this post with main focus on beginners. Because I wanted them to know exactly what they should expect from online business, what they required from them as online business owners. That’s why I gave them many options and tried to be very transparent so they can make their decision where to go and how to start. Their success depends on this. I’m glad you went through the same training that I got my start from a few years ago. It’s very powerful though results are not guaranteed. And no one can guarantee anything when it comes to starting a business online and making it profitable. But if you things the right way most likely you will start making a consistent monthly income over time. How much I don’t know and no one will tell you this. But it will happen.

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