Digital Product Machine – Up and Running in less than 7 days

April 17, 2015 4 Comments


Product name: Digital Product Machine

Product owner: Alex Jeffreys


Advertised price: $9.95 + upsells

Verdict: Not recommended


Digital Product Machine is a new program from the desk of Alex Jeffreys who claims to show you a real way to make money online using 100% free traffic. He claims to teach you the method that newbies are using to make $300 per day.

To know if this claim is real or just another empty promise, we should learn some facts about Alex. The fact is that Alex is known for creating some other poor products, such as The Super List Method and Digital Millionaire Mastermind

Both products though are not scams, but don’t offer much value and and if you are a complete newbie, it’s not a good start for building your online business. With all this in mind I don’t really believe that Digital Product Machine is much different from Alex’s other poor products. Anyway, let’s take a closer look at Alex’s product and see if it’s worth your time and money.


The main idea behind Digital Product Machine

Digital Product Machine is a video training course that will teach you how to create a digital product and make tons of money. It’s not the first time when Alex makes unrealistic promises and by doing so he again proves that his products are not as helpful as many people might be expecting. DPM is mainly a product that focuses on pushing many upsells on you instead of helping you build a successful online business.


Pros of Digital Product Machine

  • It contains some useful information


Cons of Digital Product Machine

  • False promises
  • Exaggerated earnings
  • Poor video training
  • Many upsells
  • Fake testimonials and earnings snapshots


Inside the product

1. First off, I would like to point out that this guy is lying to you right from the start and it does really prove that you shouldn’t trust him or I would even say that you MUST NOT trust him if you want to be on the safe side. On his sales page he shows you his fake earnings and it does really look so ridiculous. Just take a look at his fake earnings below.

He claims that he’s made $799.002 in six months! and the most interesting fact is that there is no any real proof which makes his statement absolutely laughable. And another fact is that he claims that his income was generated without promoting affiliate offers, using SEO strategies and paid traffic.






If you are new to internet marketing you might be thinking that making money online is so easy while in fact, it’s not easy at all. Many internet marketers that I know are struggling to make a few thousands of $ per month, not to mention 6 figure income.

Or he claims that he’s generated that income without promoting affiliate offers or using SEO, while most people that I know are making money through affiliate marketing and using SEO. And the fact is that most internet marketers are making money through search engine traffic.

Long story short, in my opinion, and I have some experience in internet marketing, what this guy tells you doesn’t seem to be realistic or true. I don’t trust him!


2. Another major problem with Digital Product Machine is that Alex uses too many fake testimonials on his website. I’m absolutely sure that all these testimonials are fake. Just ask yourself a question: Do you really believe that they are real? I can make tons of such testimonials, but the problem is that they are useless and most people are smart enough to understand it.




3. Or take a look at his another ridiculous claim that you can have your very own digital product machine up and running in less than 7 days and making you thousands of $ every single day! This is really so ridiculous that I don’t even want to comment further.





4. And like with all other poor products, Alex strictly follows the upselling tradition. Once you’ve purchased his product, you will be offered two other upsells, “Marketing with Alex” training ($17) and “Mammoth Bonus” ($27). There is nothing special about these two products and I don’t think they are worth your time and money.


5. The training consists of 6 modules:

Module 1 – The “Bigger Picture” -Quick-start video

Module 2 – Product Idea Lab

Module 3 -Instant Product Creation

Module 4 – The 24 hour product launch

Module 5 – The “traffic flood” method

Module 6 -“One-Click” email profits

The main training contains some useful info about market research and Alex explains some basics, such as doing some research before creating a product. That part of the training is good and you can benefit from it in some sense if you are completely new to internet marketing.


6. One of the major things that I didn’t like is that if you buy his product, he is going to start sending you tons of emails every day. In my opinion, it’s a spamming practice and most people, including me don’t like it. The only way to stop it is unsubscribe from his list.


7. Another major thing that I don’t like about his product is that his training material is extremely boring since there is no over-the-shoulder experience or face to face video. He uses mind mapping which is very hard to watch and follow and I personally don’t like it.


8. Another major thing is that a big part of this information has moved here from his previous products that I’ve mentioned above and another part doesn’t contain any special info and you can easily find it on the internet without spending a penny.


9. He also teaches you that in order to be successful online you need to sell your digital product using aggressive marketing technique without paying attention to a high refund rate because the more aggressively you market it, the more sales you will be able to make.

He explains it in a way that there are always some people who are unhappy with you or your product and it’s not so important. That’s why you need to sell your product aggressively to make as many sales as possible.

In my opinion, it’s absolutely wrong approach because if your product is not good, then over time you are going to have an army of people unhappy with your product and no one will trust you which is bad for your own reputation and your business.


Final word on Digital Product Machine

Taking into account the fact that Alex Jeffreys has created some other products that I can’t recommend due to some flaws in them, I can’t recommend Digital Product Machine as well.

There are two many false promises, fake testimonials and lack of support common to all his products plus a few upsells inside the members area which makes me feel not good at all about his products. Especially, what I don’t like the most is his unrealistic approach to the whole idea of making money online.

If you are looking for a legit program with realistic approach, with all necessary tools, quality training and 24/7 supreme support, then I can recommend you a program I’m a premium member of since 2013. This program has helped many people to build an online business, including me.

You can try it for free within 7–10 days before you make your final decision and if you have any questions you can contact me anytime.

Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Robert says:

    As an internet marketer it makes me upset to see these so-called “big money gurus” making outrageous claims about how much money they have made online. If you really think about it, why would they be advertising their programs online and on social media if they are already so wealthy and making tens of thousands of dollars a month?

    It takes hard work and many hours to make far less than what these “gurus” are claiming and because of their out-of-this-world money claims, they are giving a bad reputation for the honest programs out there. This is one of the reasons I too enjoy exposing these scams and less than honest programs on my website. People like us with honest offers need to expose these poor opportunities to save our website readers from losing their time and money.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Robert for your great input to my post. I absolutely agree with you. I’m really tired of all those self proclaimed gurus that make bold claims and betray people’s hopes that invest their hard earned money in poor products like Digital Product Machine. While Alex’s product is not useless or a scam, but it doesn’t deliver on the promises. Creating digital product is only one side of the coin and selling it and making tons of money from is the other side. While a lot of folks create such products, only few are able to achieve success by making serious money online. In his Digital Product Machine, Alex does make unrealistic promises and it really looks ridiculous. Plus his training doesn’t contain much value and his upsells put an end to making positive decision in favour of his product. When it comes to Alex’s fake testimonials and fake earnings snapshots, it starts to annoy me and anyone who has some experience in internet marketing.

  2. I like how you describe the product (Digital Product Machine) and compare it with Wealthy Affiliate.
    I love how your website design too. It looks very attractive and informative.

    I love to come back again and see what your next article


    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Gebyar for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post. It takes time to write reviews on products like Digital Product Machine and I have to write to help folks make an informed decision before they spend their money. Though Alex Jeffreys’s product is not a scam, but it’s really a poor product and the training is very boring. Like many other poor products, he makes false promises and uses fake testimonials and when compared to quality programs like Wealthy Affiliate, there is no chance at all for products like Digital Product Machine. Plus many upsells and lack of support.

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