What do I Need to Know and Do to Start Making Money Online?

October 23, 2014 2 Comments

make money

Making money online is so mystified that most people don’t believe that it’s real.

Some people have serious doubts about it while others after having being scammed many times, don’t trust anyone when talking about making money online.

Anyone want to make money online and my goal is to help you become successful online.

I was scammed many times just like you and I know how hard it is to find the right and legit program that really works and delivers on its promises. You might be asking now: who is this guy? Why should I trust him? I can tell you right now why you can trust me. Please take a look at my website and read some of my stuff before you make your decision. I’m not trying to sell you any product.

I’m trying to educate and show you what you need to know and do to start making money online. Each post on my website contains certain part of my knowledge and experience to help you build your online business and save you from scams.

My main goal is to build trust with my visitors/readers and help them and only then making money.

Making money is the ultimate goal of any internet marketer but this in no way should be your main goal. If your main goal is to build trust with your readers, help them then your business will grow and last for years because trust is the strong foundation of any business, online or offline. And if your first and final goal is making money then your business will never grow.


1. Ok, what do you need to know and do to make money online? First of all, you should be aware of many scams on the Internet. To know if a program or a product is a scam or not is VERY HARD if you are new to online business and very easy if you have some experience.

If a program or a product owner promises to make you rich overnight then be aware that it is a pure scam. No matter how promising the program is or beautifully presented! If a program owner (so called internet guru) tells that you don’t need to work hard, just buy his product and start collecting commissions then you should know that it is a scam. Stay away from that type of products/programs!


2. If a program or a product owner promises you success only if you are prepared and willing to learn some skills and work hard in the first year at least, then you should know that it is not a scam. Join that program and follow what they teach you and you will succeed.


3. Create your own product (write an EBook) or find a product to promote. There a lot of products on the web that you can choose, get your affiliate link to that product and promote it on your website. But before promoting it you need to write content for your product. By content, I mean you have to write articles about your product and show its pros and cons.

If you can’t write content for your product, then you can’t expect any traffic from the search engines. Content is an essential part of online business because it is the content that search engines index and put in front of the searchers. It is the content, i.e. information that people search in Google or other search engines.

So, it is simple: no content = no traffic = no sales =no money. If it is still unclear to you please complete the first level of the certification course at WA. You can find the link to that course at the end of this article.


4. You need to build a website for your product or service. If you have no website for your product or service then you can’t present it to other people and make money accordingly.success


5. Once you’ve built your website, you need to buy a domain for your website, i.e. yourname.com. The best places to buy domain are: Hostgator, Namecheap, Godaddy. All these companies are reliable and have been working online for a long time so far, have a good reputation and cheap prices.


6. You need a webhosting for your website, i.e. a service that allows you to make your website “alive”. A webhosting company provides you with a space on their server where you can store your website files. You can order hosting with any of the companies (websites) mentioned above.


7. You need to get your website ranked on Google, Yahoo and Bing. These are the major search engines that send 80% of the traffic to any website. To get you site ranked, i.e. appear on the first page of search results you need, as mentioned above, to write an original content (same content that other sites have but written in your own words and slightly different) for your website and then update your website, i.e. write fresh content two, three times per week at least.


8. You need to find a good mentor who will guide and help you build your online business. Difference between the right and the wrong mentor, means make or break your entire business. If you choose the wrong one you will be wasting your time.

The right mentor will guide and teach you how to create an original and engaging content for your website, how to structure your site, how to apply legit methods and techniques to your business and many more.

By following him you will not only get your site ranked on Google and bring traffic to your website but you will be able to keep those rankings for years. The right mentors that I can recommend you are: IMPho, Chris Farrell Membership, Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate.

These online business communities were created by their owners, to help people build their online businesses and save them from scams.

All these communities have awesome text and video tutorials, step-by-step guides, great support and literally all someone might need to build a business online. A huge number of successful members (internet marketers) that each of these communities can be proud of serves as the best proof that what they teach people works! You can join any of these communities BUT I highly recommend you to join WA.

No doubts that it is the #1 community in the world. All these communities are great but in regards to legit methods and techniques, timely updated information (in some cases may be critical for your business), awesome tools, second to none in the industry, I highly recommend you to join WA.

Actually, WA helped me to build my business. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I will respond within 24 hours.

There is an online certification course at WA on how to start an online business and the first 10 lessons are free. Wealthy Affiliate is the #1 training center in the world that helped thousands of people build a successful business online.




Filed in: Making Money

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (2)

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  1. Neil says:

    Hello, Rufat

    I just came across your website by doing a Google search and I’m so glad I’m here 🙂 This is such an awesome article on how to start making money online, and I didn’t know what to do first, lol. I’ve heard some ggod and bad things with a couple of the affiliate training platforms you have mentioned, but I’ve read a lot of fantastic reviews on the Wealthy Affiliate community.

    I have just added your website to my bookmarks and I will certainly give Wealthy Affiliate a shot as well, since there is absolutely nothing to lose with becoming a free member.

    Thank You, Neil

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Neil and I’m happy to know that you found my site helpful. In fact, starting making money online is not that hard at all. You just need to know how to separate genuine programs from the time wasters and for that you must know how to spot scams first. If a programs makes bold claims, promise you a quick buck or a done for you system, most probably it’s a scam. Starting a business online starts with a website, buying a domain (your website name) connecting them to each other, finding a niche you have interest in or creating a product, or finding a product, then writing content around it and driving free traffic to your site. This last step is the most time consuming and requires patience and self-motivation for the first few months at least. Once you’ve done it, you are good to go and your earnings will grow over time.

      As for Wealthy Affiliate, it’s one of the best programs on the web if not the best. They have quality training, the tools, active community, 24/7 support, all in one place. The program is legit and has helped many people build a lucrative online business and quit their job. The best thing is that you can try the program for free before you go premium and that’s really cool because few programs allow to try them and Wealthy Affiliate is one of them. If you serious to start making money online, I honestly recommend you the program. But you have to be patient and willing to work hard before you see real results. The truth is that many people quit very fast and that’s the main reason why so many people fail online. Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help.

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